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  • - Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness
    av Morgan Housel

    The Psychology of Money, penned by Morgan Housel, is a remarkable book that delves into the complex world of finance and personal wealth. Published in 2020 by Harriman House Publishing, the book stands out in the genre of financial literature. The Psychology of Money is not just a book about money; it's a book about human behavior and our relationship with money. Housel brings a fresh perspective to the world of personal finance by exploring the psychological aspects of money and how emotions influence our financial decisions. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the often irrational world of personal finance and wealth accumulation. Harriman House Publishing is proud to have this gem in their collection.

  • - The shadows of success
    av Jonathan (National University of Singapore) Rigg
    767 - 2 607,-

  • av Jonathan Haidt
    147 - 323,-

  • av Dag Ingvar Jacobsen

    Hvordan gjennomføre undersøkelser? er en grundig og systematisk innføring i samfunnsvitenskapelige forskningsmetoder. Dag Ingvar Jacobsen går først gjennom forskningens forberedende fase hvor utvikling av problemstilling, valg av forskningsdesign, valg av data samt praktiske og etiske avveininger står sentralt. Deretter ledes leseren pedagogisk gjennom fasene i både kvalitative og kvantitative forskningsopplegg. Boka egner seg dermed godt til bachelorstudenter som skal lære om samfunnsvitenskapelig metode for første gang.Hvordan gjennomføre undersøkelser? har siden utgivelsen av førsteutgaven i 2000 blitt en av de mest brukte innføringsbøkene i samfunnsvitenskapelig metode i Norge. Fjerde utgave er en grundig revisjon av den populære boka, og er blant annet oppdatert på følgende områder: Forskningsetiske retningslinjer er oppdatert og drøfter nå alle sider ved personvern og EUs personvernforordning (GDPR) Gjennomføring av litteraturstudier, både systematiske og usystematiske, er viet mye mer oppmerksomhet i forbindelse med utvikling av problemstilling En grundigere gjennomgang av kriterier for valg av caser Sekundærdata (aviser og massemedier, internett, offentlig tilgjengelige dataregistre) og bruk av disse som grunnlag for bachelor- og masteroppgaver er drøftet i mer detalj Utvalgsstørrelse er drøftet mer i detalj, både i kvalitative og kvantitative forskningsdesign Gjennomgangen av kvalitativ analyse beskriver mer utfyllende forskjellen mellom induktive og deduktive tilnærminger, samt abduksjon som analysetilnærming. Bruk av digitale plattformer for innsamling av data er viet enda mer oppmerksomhetBoken er ellers fullstendig oppdatert og inkluderer en rekke nye referanser til pågående metodiske diskurser. Boken kan dermed også fungere som et oppslagsverk for den som søker etter mer spesialiserte tilnærminger til forskningsdesign, datainnsamling, og analyse.

    1 367,-

    Reflecting on research carried out in a range of disciplines and contexts, the contributors offer a critical starting point for discussions on how to research the far right ethically, a topic that raises a number of urgent issues. Rejecting the idea of neutrality in research, the collection makes it explicit that this research is always political. Lived experience and reflexivity are key to this book, whether it is the many years spent grappling with the ethical dilemmas posed by researching and engaging with and against the far right, how to simply start in light of the practical and psychological barriers imposed by various actors and ourselves, or how to remain in service to and solidarity with the communities at the sharp end of such politics. Beyond explicitly ethical questions, this book also offers a critical intervention into the field of research on the far right to address issues such as racism, sexism, white supremacy, colonialism and positionality, which must be core to any ethical approach to social research. This collection aims to be a practical contribution to researching the far right and the range of contributors, issues, and approaches provide a broad applicability for researchers broadly understood. As such, it will be valuable to anyone interested in researching, understanding and combating the far right.

  • av Gaile S. Cannella
    1 659,-

    This new edition of the SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research represents the sixth generation of the ongoing conversation about the discipline, practice, and conduct of qualitative inquiry. As with earlier editions, the Sixth Edition is virtually a new volume, with 27 of the 34 chapters representing new topics or approaches not seen in the previous edition. To mark the Handbook's 30-year history, we are pleased to offer a bonus PART VI in the eBook versions of the Sixth Edition: this additional section brings together and reprints ten of the most famous or game-changing contributions from the previous five editions.

  • av Bjørn Ivar Kruke, Preben Hempel Lindøe, Kjell Harald Olsen, m.fl.

    Det norske samfunnet står overfor trusler fra nye og uventede hold. Truslene gjør det nødvendig for aktører på ulike nivåer å planlegge og iverksette tiltak og økt beredskap. Perspektiver på samfunnssikkerhet gir et godt grunnlag for å forstå og reflektere over hendelser og handlinger som kan true infrastruktur og sentrale funksjoner i samfunnet.Boken dekker blant annet følgende temaer: Risiko og sikkerhet i samfunnsvitenskapelig teori Risiko og politiske beslutningsprosesser Sikkerhetsstyring og kontroll Sårbarhet, teknologi og organisasjon Beredskap, kriser og krisehåndtering Ledelsesverktøy i risikostyring Paradokser og dilemmaer i samfunnssikkerhetPerspektiver på samfunnssikkerhet er et læreverk for bachelor- og masterstudenter. Den retter seg også mot ledere og ansatte innen privat og offentlig sektor og andre som ønsker å bli oppdatert innenfor et spennende teori- og praksisfelt i hurtig utvikling.


    Klinisk sykepleie 1 og 2 beskriver teoretisk kunnskap, praktiske ferdigheter og generell kompetanse som dekker sentrale læringsutbytter i sykepleierens sluttkompetanse.Læreverket vektlegger og tydeliggjør det sykepleiefaglige perspektivet ved å framheve hvilke konsekvenser ulike sykdommer og skader har for pasienten. Hvordan opplever pasienten å være syk, hvordan påvirkes de grunnleggende behovene, og hvilke mestringsutfordringer og behov for helsekompetanse fører sykdommen/ skaden med seg?Læreverket gir systematisk kunnskap om datasamling, kliniske vurderinger og overvåkning av pasientens tilstand ved ulike sykdommer og skader. Hvilke intervensjoner sykepleieren må iverksette for å gjennomføre den medisinske behandlingen og ivareta pasientens grunnleggende behov, utdypes.Sykepleieprosessen er brukt som struktur i oppbygningen av kapitlene, noe som gjenspeiler sykepleiernes arbeidsmetodikk i praksis. De faglige utfordringene som sykepleieren møter i arbeidet med ulike pasientgrupper, og sykepleierens ansvar og funksjoner i profesjonsutøvelsen er også framhevet for ytterligere å tydeliggjøre det sykepleiefaglige perspektivet.I 6. utgave av Klinisk sykepleie er det gjort flere tilpasninger for å imøtekomme endringer i helsetjenestene. Et nytt kapittel om Kartlegging og overvåkning av pasientens tilstand kan bidra til å styrke sykepleieres kompetanse i å oppdage akutt forverring av pasientens tilstand, som er et av innsatsområdene i det nasjonale pasientsikkerhetsprogrammet I trygge hender 24-7. Det er også nye kapitler om sykepleie i kommunal akutt døgnenhet (KAD) og i hjertesviktpoliklinikk, enheter som i økende grad benyttes i studentenes praksisstudier. Sykepleierens funksjon og ansvar i poliklinikk er også framhevet i flere andre kapitler.Se også: Klinisk sykepleie 2

  • - your journey to mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition
    av David Thomas

    The Pragmatic Programmer is a remarkable book penned by David Thomas. Published in 2019, this book falls under the genre of computer programming and software development. The book is a gem for those who seek to enhance their programming skills. It provides practical advice on a wide range of topics, including personal responsibility, career development, and creating flexible, robust code. The Pragmatic Programmer is not about a particular language or development environment; it's about approaching programming in a pragmatic and thoughtful way. The book is published by Pearson Education (US), a well-known name in the field of educational and professional publishing. It's an essential read for programmers who are serious about honing their craft.

  • - The Voice in Our Head and How to Harness It
    av Ethan Kross

    Turn your inner voice from critic to coachTell a stranger that you talk to yourself, and you're likely to get written off as eccentric.

  • - The New Millennium Edition
    av Matthew Sands
    2 182,-

    Eagerly awaited by scientists and academics worldwide, the complete series of Feynmans landmark Lectures on Physics

  • av Steinar Kvale

    Boken gir en grundig gjennomgang av hva det vil si å utføre kvalitative intervjuundersøkelser. Leseren blir veiledet gjennom syv stadier: valg av tema, planlegging, intervjuet, transkribering, analyse, verifisering og sluttrapportering. Har litteraturliste og stikkord- og personregister.

  • av Chris van Tulleken
    174 - 284,-

  • - A Practical Guide
    av Virginia Braun & Victoria Clarke
    474 - 1 789,-

    This book is the definitive approach to thematic analysis, offering a highly accessible and practical discussion of doing TA.

  • av Paul W. Cooper
    2 521,-

    This graduate text, and Cooper's companion introductory text ('Introduction to the Technology of Explosives'), serve the same markets as the explosives reference by Meyer, now in its 4th edition.

  • - A Textbook for the Health Sciences
    av Stephen J. (University of Sheffield Walters

    The 5th edition of this popular introduction to statistics for the medical and health sciences has undergone a significant revision, with several new chapters added and examples refreshed throughout the book. Yet it retains its central philosophy to explain medical statistics with as little technical detail as possible, making it accessible to a wide audience.Helpful multi-choice exercises are included at the end of each chapter, with answers provided at the end of the book. Each analysis technique is carefully explained and the mathematics kept to minimum. Written in a style suitable for statisticians and clinicians alike, this edition features many real and original examples, taken from the authors' combined many years' experience of designing and analysing clinical trials and teaching statistics.Students of the health sciences, such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and radiography should find the book useful, with examples relevant to their disciplines. The aim of training courses in medical statistics pertinent to these areas is not to turn the students into medical statisticians but rather to help them interpret the published scientific literature and appreciate how to design studies and analyse data arising from their own projects. However, the reader who is about to design their own study and collect, analyse and report on their own data will benefit from a clearly written book on the subject which provides practical guidance to such issues.The practical guidance provided by this book will be of use to professionals working in and/or managing clinical trials, in academic, public health, government and industry settings, particularly medical statisticians, clinicians, trial co-ordinators. Its practical approach will appeal to applied statisticians and biomedical researchers, in particular those in the biopharmaceutical industry, medical and public health organisations.

  • av Dr Anna Lembke


    Se innholdsfortegnelse: ]]>

  • av Paul W. Cooper
    2 103,-

    'Introduction to the Technology of Explosives' is a clear and concise survey of the technologies and physical processes involved in explosive phenomena.

  • - Identification, Assessment and Control of Dust Hazards
    av Rolf K. (Professor Emeritus of Process Safety Technology Eckhoff
    2 722,-

    Dust explosions are common and costly in a wide array of industries. It is imperative that knowledge of the origin, development, prevention and mitigation of dust explosions is imparted to the responsible safety manager. This book offers an evaluation of prevalent activities, testing methods, design measures and safe operating techniques.

  • av Reinert A. Rinvold, Kristin Ran Choi Hinna & Trond Stølen Gustavsen
    1 189 - 1 359,-

    Boka dekker de første 30 av 60 studiepoeng i matematikk rettet mot undervisning på 5.-10. trinn. Boka har en matematikkfaglig del, og en matematikkdidaktisk del. Både fag og didaktikk er knyttet opp mot LK06. Har litteraturliste og register.

  • av René Redzepi

  • av Finn Gunnar (Universitetet i Bergen Nielsen

    This comprehensive text discusses the opportunities and challenges posed by offshore wind farms, focusing on the offshore environment and the technical aspects of their design and operation. With examples and exercises demonstrating practical applications, this is an indispensable resource for students, researchers and energy professionals.

  • - The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
    av Robert M. Sapolsky

    Why do we do what we do? This book is at once a tour and a majestic synthesis of the whole science of human behaviour. Brought to life through engaging stories, it offers the fullest picture yet of the origins of tribalism and xenophobia, hierarchy and competition, morality and free will, war and peace.

  • - 10,000 flavour matches that will transform the way you eat
    av Peter Coucquyt

    The ultimate reference for creative cooks

  • - Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered
    1 297,-

    In this interdisciplinary work, philosophers from different specialisms connect with the notion of the wild today and interrogate how it is mediated through the culture of the Anthropocene. They make use of empirical material like specific artworks, films and other cultural works related to the term 'wild' to consider the aesthetic experience of nature, focusing on the untamed, the boundless, the unwieldy, or the unpredictable; in other words, aspects of nature that are mediated by culture. This book maps out the wide range of ways in which we experience the wildness of nature aesthetically, relating both to immediate experience as well as to experience mediated through cultural expression. A variety of subjects are relevant in this context, including aesthetics, art history, theology, human geography, film studies, and architecture. A theme that is pursued throughout the book is the wild in connection with ecology and its experience of nature as both a constructive and destructive force.

  • av Clyde Coombs
    3 081,-

    The world's leading guide to printed circuits-completely updated to include the latest tools, technology, and techniques

    2 039,-

    The book discovers the critical mineral requirements of the energy transition, forward-looking into three decades and matches that with the available budget. It takes a multi-perspective approach and gives insights from an industrial ecology, environmental engineering and sustainable management of natural resources perspective.

  • - Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data
    av Hadley Wickham & Garrett Grolemund

    Learn how to use R to turn raw data into insight, knowledge, and understanding. This book introduces you to R, RStudio, and the tidyverse, a collection of R packages designed to work together to make data science fast, fluent, and fun. Suitable for readers with no previous programming experience, R for Data Science is designed to get you doing data science as quickly as possible.Authors Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund guide you through the steps of importing, wrangling, exploring, and modeling your data and communicating the results. Youll get a complete, big-picture understanding of the data science cycle, along with basic tools you need to manage the details. Each section of the book is paired with exercises to help you practice what youve learned along the way.Youll learn how to:Wrangletransform your datasets into a form convenient for analysisProgramlearn powerful R tools for solving data problems with greater clarity and easeExploreexamine your data, generate hypotheses, and quickly test themModelprovide a low-dimensional summary that captures true "e;signals"e; in your datasetCommunicatelearn R Markdown for integrating prose, code, and results

  • - A Practical Guide to E&P Investment Decision-Making
    av Mark (TRACS International Cook
    1 749,-

    Petroleum Economics and Risk Analysis: A Practical Guide to E&P Investment Decision-Making, Volume 69, is a practical guide to the economic evaluation, risk evaluation and decision analysis of oil and gas projects through all stages of the asset lifecycle, from exploration to late life opportunities. This book will help readers understand and make decisions with regard to petroleum investment, portfolio analysis, discounting, profitability indicators, decision tree analysis, reserves accounting, exploration and production (E&P) project evaluation, and E&P asset evaluation.

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