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  • - The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life
    av Emily Nagoski

  • av Julie Menanno

    'A must-read for every couple, at any stage of their relationship' Lori Gottlieb, bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk To Someone'Incredibly wise . . . No romantic partnership should be without it' Jen Sincero, bestselling author of You Are a BadassIn Secure Love, Julie Menanno wants you to focus on a different, deeper question than the commonly asked 'What does a healthy relationship look like?' An expert therapist and founder of the popular Instagram account @TheSecureRelationship, Julie invites us all to consider, what does a securely attached relationship feel like?Moving from the way things look to others to the way they feel, this is a ground-breaking guide to secure attachment in adult relationships. Full of expert advice, Secure Love helps you explore how to increase your capacity for true intimacy. Designed to help you find and sustain love, this book will teach you how to dig into your childhood attachments, label your needs, stay connected during conflict and communicate from a place of vulnerability to build a relationship that lasts a lifetime.'With Secure Love, you'll be armed with eternal wisdom for strengthening your relationship. A must-read for any couple' Dr Sue Johnson, founder of Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT) and bestselling author of Hold Me Tight'Compassionate, humane and extremely helpful . . . Becoming a better partner is a lifelong journey, and Menanno's book is a vital part of that path' Kati Morton, bestselling author of Are u ok?

  • - enkle leker og aktiviteter for barn 0-3 år
    av Karoline Mundal

    Gjør leketiden med de minste barna til en koselig, kreativ og morsom stund. Her får du mange tips til enkle aktiviteter. Med utgangspunkt i den populære instagramkontoen Lek Med Mini deler småbarnsmødrene Karoline Mundal og Camilla Næsmo gode ideer til lek og aktiviteter for de aller minste barna. De fleste ingrediensene du trenger for å kunne leke, har du i kjøkkenskapet allerede. Lag sanseleker med farger og lyd, eller hjemmelaget og spiselig slim for småbarn som er glade i å grise. Karoline og Camilla deler også en rekke tips til uteaktiviteter for de ulike årstidene, som det fine løvebildet barna selv klarer å lage av løvetannblomster. Lekene gjør det lett og gøy for de minste barna å konsentrere seg en liten stund på egenhånd - slik at du som forelder kan nyte en kopp kaffe i fred. Bruk fantasien, sett deg på gulvet og bli med i leken med mini!

  • av Mo Gawdat

  • av Melody Beattie

    Codependent No More is a riveting book by the acclaimed author, Melody Beattie. This enlightening piece of literature, published in 2023, delves into the complexities of relationships and personal growth. The genre of the book blurs the lines between self-help and psychology, providing readers with a unique perspective on codependency. Beattie's insightful writing style and profound understanding of the subject matter make this book a must-read. Published by Pan Macmillan, Codependent No More promises to be a valuable addition to your collection, offering a new understanding of codependency and the path to overcoming it.

  • - Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness
    av Morgan Housel

    The Psychology of Money, penned by Morgan Housel, is a remarkable book that delves into the complex world of finance and personal wealth. Published in 2020 by Harriman House Publishing, the book stands out in the genre of financial literature. The Psychology of Money is not just a book about money; it's a book about human behavior and our relationship with money. Housel brings a fresh perspective to the world of personal finance by exploring the psychological aspects of money and how emotions influence our financial decisions. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the often irrational world of personal finance and wealth accumulation. Harriman House Publishing is proud to have this gem in their collection.

  • av Jonathan Haidt
    147 - 323,-

  • av Dr Georgia Ede

    We are in the midst of a global mental health crisis:·One in eight adults in the UK receive mental health treatment·The prevalence of Alzheimer's disease is expected to triple by 2050.·Depression is now the number one cause of disability in the world.·The COVID-19 pandemic has quadrupled reports of anxiety and depression.Medications may ease suffering for some, but in Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind , Dr. Georgie Ede argues that the most powerful way to change brain chemistry is with food, because what we eat is where our brain's chemicals come from. For years, we've been told the way to protect our brains is through superfoods and supplements - we top our oatmeal with blueberries, choose plant-based patties over hamburgers, and wash down handfuls of supplements with green smoothies. But the science says: not only do these strategies failpeople, but they can also work against them. The truth about brain food is that meat is not dangerous, vegan diets are not healthier, and antioxidants will not help you.In this provocative, ground-breaking book, Dr. Ede explains why everything we think we know about eating for neurological psychological well-being is wrong. Most of the food we're told is "healthy" is based in studies that take an "outside-in" approach, making associations between healthy people and what they eat. In her book, Dr. Ede takes an inside-out stance, drawing on a range of disciplines from biochemistry, neuroscience, and botany to explain why a ketogenic diet combined with "kinder, gentler plant foods" is the best way tonourish, protect, and energize the brain.

  • av Anthony William

    Discover why millions rely on the #1 New York Times best-selling Medical Medium for health answers they canâEUR(TM)t find anywhere else. The second of two essential books on the brain offers customizable protocols, new recipes, heavy metal detox guidelines, cleanses, and cutting-edge information to protect yourself from 300+ symptoms and disorders.

  • - How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents
    av Lindsay C. Gibson

    What happens when children are more mature than their parents? Growing up with an emotionally unavailable, immature, or selfish parent is painful, but rarely discussed. In this breakthrough book, clinical psychologist Lindsay C. Gibson exposes an often overlooked, yet extremely common syndrome that shapes the lives of so many people.

  • av Berit Nordstrand

  • - What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
    av Robert T. Kiyosaki
    114 - 174,-

    Taking to heart the message that the poor and middle class work for money, but the rich have money work for them, the author lays out a financial philosophy based on the principle that income-generating assets always provide healthier bottom-line results.

  • - Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures
    av Erin Meyer

    The Culture Map is a riveting book penned by Erin Meyer in 2016. This fascinating read, published by PublicAffairs, U.S., delves into the complexities of global communication in an increasingly interconnected world. Meyer, a renowned expert in her field, explores the invisible boundaries that define our thinking and perceptions. With a keen focus on how the simplest of cultural differences can impact global business, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the nuances of cross-cultural communication. A masterstroke in the genre of intercultural studies, The Culture Map transcends the conventional boundaries of academic literature, offering insightful, practical advice for professionals navigating the global business landscape. This publication from PublicAffairs, U.S., is a testament to Meyer's profound understanding of cultural diversity and its implications in the world of business.

  • av Dr. Mindy Pelz

  • av Vigdis Hjorth

    Gjentakelsen er en rå og heftig framstilling av ungt liv. En voksen kvinne ser tilbake på seg selv som 16 år gammel jente, hun gransker en sentral hendelse fra oppveksten.Gjentakelsen handler om å kysse for første gang, å skulle gjøre det for første gang, å drikke og kjenne rus i kroppen, på fest hos noen gutter i et rekkehus i Oslo. Å løpe til Ullevålseter for å forberede seg til maraton, å kjenne en enorm sult og tørst. Hele tida vokter mor over jenta som en hauk. Far holder seg i bakgrunnen. Fars avstand er påtakelig, mors kontroll er uhørt. Det fins en stor og farlig hemmelighet i familiens hus.

  • av Torkil Færø

    Vil du vite hvordan du kan få mer viljestyrke, overskudd og energi? Hvor mye akkurat du tåler eller trenger å trene, sove og spise, og hvordan du kan forebygge alvorlig sykdom? Med Pulskuren og en pulsklokke eller mobil som guide kan du oppnå alt dette!Pulskuren er både for deg som er småsyk og sliten og vil ha energien tilbake, og for deg som har det bra, men vil kjenne mer vitalitet og forbedre evnen til viljestyrke, utholdenhet, nærvær og hverdagsglede. Nøkkelen er pulsvariasjon eller HRV (heart rate variability). Lærer du nervesystemet og pulsen din å kjenne, vil du forstå hva som tapper deg for krefter og gjør deg syk, og hva som gir energi, viljestyrke og overskudd. Du kommer til å sove bedre, føle deg mer opplagt og glad og være mer til stede her og nå. Og du har langt større sjanse for å kunne leve et friskt og vitalt liv til du når høy alder. I boka guider forfatteren deg på en livsviktig reise gjennom nervesystemet ditt, der du garantert vil få deg noen overraskelser underveis!Du lærer blant annet:hvor mye belastning akkurat din kropp tåler når du bør roe ned hvor mye viljestyrke du har tilgjengelig, og hvordan den kan bedres gode grep for bedre og dypere søvn trinn for trinn-veiledning for å justere eller endre livsstil brukererfaringer og forfatterens egen helsereiseFra å være overvektig, røykende og inaktiv har jeg nå et balansert stressnivå, god pulsvariasjon og overskudd til å leve fullt ut. Det har tatt tid, og jeg jobber med det hver dag. Men jeg kan med hånden på hjertet si at livet mitt er et helt annet enn for bare noen få år siden.Dr. Torkil Færø

  • av Jeffrey Mason

  • - Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma
    av Bessel Van der Kolk

    The effects of trauma can be devastating for sufferers, their families and future generations. Here one of the world's experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and drug therapies and towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body.'Van der Kolk draws on thirty years of experience to argue powerfully that trauma is one of the West's most urgent public health issues ... Packed with science and human stories' New Scientist'Breathtaking in its scope and breadth, a seminal work by one of the preeminent pioneers in trauma research and treatment' Peter A. Levine, author of In An Unspoken Voice 'Dr. van der Kolk's masterpiece combines the boundless curiosity of the scientist, the erudition of the scholar, and the passion of the truth teller' Judith Herman, author of Trauma and Recovery

  • av Dr Gabor Mate & Daniel Maté
    152 - 344,-

  • - helsebringende vekster i naturen
    av Rolv Hjelmstad

    Lær deg å bruke de medisinsk virksomme plantene i norsk natur!Medisinplanter i Norge beskriver hvordan planter har vært brukt og fremdeles kan brukes som medisin mot små og store plager og sykdommer. Boken tar for seg den tradisjonelle anvendelsen av plantene, men omtaler også forskning som har dokumentert urtenes medisinske virkning.Hoveddelen presenterer rundt 200 viltvoksende medisinplanter i Norge, der hver plante presenteres med bilde, en beskrivelse av utseende, informasjon om utbredelse, samt en omfattende omtale av bruk.Du finner ellers informasjon om hvorfor du bør bruke urter som medisin, ulike anvendelsesmåter for medisinplanter og hvilke forsiktighetsregler du bør kjenne til. Boken inneholder også beskrivelse av hvordan noen av plantene brukes i homeopatien og i Bachs blomstermedisin.Du kan ellers lære hvordan du høster og tørker urter til eget bruk. Doseringsanvisninger ved bruk av urtene er gitt, og advarsler, mulige bivirkninger og kontraindikasjoner er tydelig markert. For de plantene som er spiselige eller har plantedeler som kan brukes som mat eller krydder, er slik anvendelse også omtalt. En ordliste forklarer faguttrykk som brukes i urtemedisinen.Dette er det mest omfattende verket om norske medisinplanter som noen gang er utgitt!

  • - Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential
    av Carol Dweck

    World-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has discovered a truly groundbreaking idea-the power of our mindset.Dweck explains why it's not just our abilities and talent that bring us success-but whether we approach them with a fixed or growth mindset. She makes clear why praising intelligence and ability doesn't foster self-esteem and lead to accomplishment, but may actually jeopardize success. With the right mindset, we can motivate our kids and help them to raise their grades, as well as reach our own goals-personal and professional. Dweck reveals what all great parents, teachers, CEOs, and athletes already know: how a simple idea about the brain can create a love of learning and a resilience that is the basis of great accomplishment in every area.

  • av Dr Gabor Mate

  • av Chris van Tulleken
    174 - 284,-

  • - How to free yourself, change your life and achieve real happiness
    av Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga

    The Japanese phenomenon that teaches us the simple yet profound lessons required to liberate our real selves and find lasting happiness.

  • av Robert Greene

    The Art Of Seduction, a captivating book penned by the renowned author Robert Greene, is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of power and influence in relationships. Published in 2004 by Profile Books Ltd, this book takes you on a journey through the intriguing world of seduction, highlighting its role in human interactions. The book falls under the genre of self-help and psychology, offering a deep dive into the strategies and tactics of seduction. Greene's insightful writing and the engaging narrative make it an engrossing read. The Art Of Seduction is a testament to Greene's mastery in dissecting human nature and relationships. Published by Profile Books Ltd, this book is a valuable addition to your collection. Uncover the art of seduction with Robert Greene's masterpiece.

  • av Line Marie Warholm
    229 - 351,-

  • av Alan Gordon

    Brought to you by Penguin. Rewire your brain, end your pain. From back pain to migraines, arthritis and sciatica, over 1.2 billion people worldwide suffer from regular or chronic pain, 28 million in the UK alone. It's a global epidemic that regularly resists treatment and can totally derail people's lives. But it doesn't have to be this way. This is the revolutionary message from psychotherapist Alan Gordon who, frustrated by the lack of effective treatment for his own debilitating pain, developed a highly successful approach to eliminating symptoms without surgery or medication, offering a viable and drug-free alternative to existing - and often addictive - methods. Based on the premise that pain starts in the brain not the body, Gordon's Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) enables you to rewire your neural circuits and turn off 'stuck' pain signals. In a ground-breaking study, PRT helped 98% of patients reduce their pain levels and 66% were completely cured. What's more, these dramatic changes held up over time. In The Way Out, Gordon provides an easy-to-follow guide to ending your pain with PRT. Drawing on cutting-edge research along with his own experiences as a chronic pain sufferer, he will help you:- Understand how the brain can unintentionally 'learn' chronic pain- Turn off pain signals that have become 'stuck' - these are false alarms- Use revolutionary techniques to break the cycle of fear that causes chronic pain- Develop long-term strategies for living pain-freeGame-changing, practical and full of real-life stories from Gordon's clinical practice, this book will change the way you think about pain forever - and give you a way out of your pain today. (c) Alan Gordan, Alon Ziv 2021 (P) Penguin Audio 2021

  • - The Classic Text on Value Investing
    av Benjamin Graham
    224 - 344,-

    Offers the investing principles as the author originally laid them out - principles that continue to stand more than half a century since the book was first published. This book tells about making the right decisions to protect your investments and make them a success.

  • - Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime
    av MJ DeMarco

    The international best-seller by MJ DeMarco has sold over 350,000 copies worldwide and has been translated in over 15 languages -- the entrepreneurial bible that is revolutionizing business, personal finance, lifestyle, and success!

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