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Teksttypene i Engelsk 5 Textbook varierer fra dialoger til dikt, og fra faktatekster til fortellinger. Her er både autentiske tekster og utdrag fra engelskspråklig barnelitteratur, samt nye tekster skrevet til Engelsk 5 fra Cappelen Damm. Tekstene er delt inn i tre nivåer (levels). Alle tekster har glosestøtte i margen, og en utfyllende ordliste med fonetisk skrift bak i boka. Tekstene er etterfulgt av egne samtalespørsmål, Talk and tell, som både omhandler tekstforståelse og ut-av-teksten oppgaver. Read and enjoy er rene lesetekster. Temaene er valgt for å møte de tverrfaglige temaene i fagfornyelsen, kjerneelementene for engelskfaget, de grunnleggende ferdighetene for faget og de nye kompetansemålene etter 7. trinn. Textbook har kun fire hovedkapitler, kommunikasjon (Good talking to you), interesser (Take an interest), kultur og språk (Travel through old and new), og natur og vitenskap (Respect our Earth). Få temaer med ulike undertemaer gir elevene rike muligheter for dybdelæring.
Filled with stunning images and in-depth information on both common and rare ophthalmic diseases and disorders, Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach, 10th Edition, is both a foundational knowledge source for trainees and a valuable reference for experienced practitioners. Dr. John Salmon, from the University of Oxford, has meticulously revised this classic text, retaining Dr. Kanski’s highly effective format of succinct text and visually dynamic presentation. Extremely well organized and comprehensive in scope, it provides authoritative, focused guidance on diagnosis and management, facilitating quick comprehension to enhance learning, aid exam preparation, and guide clinical practice.Uses targeted text, bulleted lists, tables and visual aids to highlight salient points across all ophthalmology subspecialties.Features more than 2,800 high-quality illustrations, including over 2,000 images depicting both common and rare conditions, with arrows to show the exact pathology.Includes the latest developments in cataract and refractive surgery, glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration, retinal vascular disease, pachychoroid disease, posterior uveitis, inflammatory eye disease, multiple sclerosis, thyroid eye disease, tumors, immunotherapy and genetics.Contains new, detailed illustrations of eye anatomy; improved case examples; and expanded sections on headache, seventh nerve palsy, cerebral visual impairment and Parkinson disease.Uses state-of-the-art imaging modalities such as OCT, OCT-A, fundus autofluorescence and ICG angiography to demonstrate subtle choroidal and retinal pathology.Offers detailed coverage of rare conditions: monkey pox infection, COVID conjunctivitis, silent sinus syndrome, torpedo maculopathy, CRB-1 associated retinal dystrophy, sagging eye syndrome and SLE scleritis.An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
Jørgine gir deg en økt, hver dag, hele året! Sliter du med å lage en plan for treningen din? Er du i tvil om hva, hvordan og hvor mye trening som egentlig må til? Trenger du en challenge for å komme i ditt livs form? Vær så god, denne boka er til deg!I Råsterk på et år har Norges største treningsprofil, Jørgine Massa Vasstrand, aka Funkygine, håndplukket enkle, effektive økter som gjør deg sterkere, raskere, mykere og sprekere – dag for dag – gjennom et helt år.Dette er ikke en «vanlig treningsbok» med forslag til økter du kan teste. Dette er et komplett treningsopplegg med «kom i form-garanti»! Du kan begynne når som helst, og trene hvor som helst. Hver uke får du en nøye gjennomtenkt og variert treningsplan bestående av ulike kroppsvektøkter, tøy og bøy og viktige pustepauser. Noen økter gjør du unna på få minutter uten å svette, andre på rundt en halvtime med høy puls og maks innsats.Alle øktene er enkle, krever null fancy-pancy utstyr og er 100 prosent gjennomførbare i en travel hverdag. Det eneste du må gjøre er å følge Jørgines metode. Til punkt og prikke.Råsterk på et år har både praktiske øvelsesbilder og QR-koder med enkle og tydelige øvelsesdemonstrasjoner slik at du aldri er i tvil om hvordan en øvelse skal utføres. Du kan notere resultatene dine gjennom ukene, og enkelt følge med på egen fremgang og konkurrere mot deg selv. Gjennom boka får du selvfølgelig også mengder av motiverende tekster, tips og treningsinspirasjon fra Jørgine.Har du noen gang lurt på hvor sprek du kunne blitt på et år? Nå har du sjansen til å finne det ut!]]>
This new state of the art text by a leading authority provides a broad-ranging and truly international introduction to public leadership of all types and at all levels.
This book is a fully focused, structured book providing guidance on developing practical penetration testing skills by demonstrating cutting-edge hacker tools and techniques. It offers you all of the essential lab preparation and testing procedures that reflect real-world attack scenarios from a business perspective, in today's digital age.
Boka har praktiske råd om oppgavens disposisjon med beskrivelse av de ulike delene fra forside til oppgavens ulike deler og med avslutning og utforming av litteraturliste. Metode og oppgaveskriving er revidert for å følge opp den utvikling som har vært innen oppgaveskriving i høyere utdanning. Boka er tilpasset de kravene som stilles til bacheloroppgaven i høyere utdanning. Det er lagt vekt på forskningsbasert kunnskap, kildesøk og kildekritikk, og betydningen av informasjonskompetanse. Selve skriveprosessen utgjør en rød tråd i fremstillingen. Boka tar opp spørsmålet om hvordan kunnskap blir til, og gir en innføring i samfunnsvitenskapelige metoder. Metodene intervju, observasjon og spørreskjema beskrives med sikte på anvendelse i studentoppgaver. Bacheloroppgavens muligheter er et nytt kapittel som viser ulike former en bacheloroppgave kan ha, og hva de ulike formene innebærer. Med eksempler fra studentoppgaver blir kravene som stilles til oppgaven gjennomgått. De etiske utfordringene som anonymitet og taushetsplikt samt betydningen av informert, frivillig samtykke, blir belyst. Boka har med praktiske råd om oppgavens disposisjon med beskrivelse av de ulike delene fra forside til oppgavens ulike deler og med avslutning og utforming av litteraturliste. Oppgavens design er et siste kapittel som tar opp skrivestil og språkvett samt desimalsystemet for inndeling i kapitler.
Bridging the gap between dentistry and medical radiology, Diagnostic Imaging: Oral and Maxillofacial, third edition, is an invaluable resource for new and seasoned radiologists as well as dental specialists and general practitioners currently using CT and/or cone beam CT (CBCT)-anyone who requires an easily accessible, highly visual reference in this complex area of imaging. Drs. Lisa J. Koenig, Dania Tamimi, Susanne E. Perschbacher, Husniye Demirturk, and their diverse team of oral and maxillofacial radiologists provide up-to-date information on the oral and maxillofacial complex from a dentist's perspective to help you make informed decisions at the point of care. The text is lavishly illustrated, delineated, and referenced, making it a useful learning tool for readers at all levels of experience as well as a handy reference for daily practice.Covers the anatomic zones, imaging modalities, patient conditions, and presenting clinical signs and symptoms shared by dentistry and medicineIncorporates complete and accurate dental anatomy and nomenclature throughout as well as findings that affect the many aspects of dental treatmentIncludes sweeping updates throughout, such as a new chapter on the expanded use of artificial intelligence (AI) in oral radiology, a new chapter on ultrasound use for maxillofacial lesions, and new chapters on CBCT applications in implant planning, endodontics, orthodontics, and analysis of sleep-disordered breathing risksFeatures more than 4,750 print and online images, including CT and CBCT images, radiographs, ultrasound images, full-color illustrations, MR images, 3D reconstruction images, videos and clinical photographsIncludes 200+ diagnoses in chapters organized by anatomic section, with extensive coverage of TMJ disordersFeatures more than 35 differential diagnosis chapters that provide a unique and intuitive method for interpreting pathology according to radiographic appearanceContains comprehensive details on the anatomy of oral and maxillofacial areas, including embryology of the teeth to carotid arteriesServes as an excellent review for the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology examIncludes an enhanced eBook version with extended chapters featuring sonography images, anatomy, and deep dives into each topic or diagnosis; the eBook enables you to access all text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date
Redningsfartøy og utrykningsbiler er fascinerende og spennende med sirener og blålys. Bli med på redningsoppdrag, følg politiet på nattlig tokt og gi plass til ambulansen. Vrooom – trykk på knappene for å se lyset og høre lydene i denne spennende boka for de minste.]]>
The fifth edition of Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour continues to build on its strong biopsychosocial approach and balancing of classical and contemporary theory. The celebrated pedagogical design has been reinforced with additional pedagogical features and real world issues to offer an exciting and engaging introduction to the study of psychology.The fifth edition has been fully updated to reflect new developments in the field and the scientific approach brings together international research and practical application to encourage critical thinking about psychology and its impact on our societies and daily lives. Key features:.Brand New! The Bigger Picture takes a step back and reflects on how a subject can be interpreted from different angles. Replacing the Levels of Analysis feature, the Bigger Picture explores not only the biological, psychological and environmental levels, but also cultural and developmental aspects as well. .Brand New! Learning Goals and Review Questions encourage students to consider the core learnings of each chapter and critically assess their real world implications. .New and Updated! Psychology at Work interviews from Psychologists in the field are now included in every chapter. They provide a glimpse into their day-to-day work and the career path they have taken since completing a psychology degree. .Research Close Ups reflect new research and literature as well as updated critical thinking questions to encourage analysis and evaluation of the findings. .Current issues and hot topics such as, Covid-19, fake news, workplace psychology, social media, prosociality and critical perspectives of positive psychology prompt debates on the questions facing psychologists today.Nigel Holt is Head of Department of Psychology at Aberystwyth University, WalesAndy Bremner is Professor of Developmental Psychology and Head of Education at the University of Birmingham, UKMichael Vliek is an affiliate of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and lectures at the University of Leiden, GermanyEd Sutherland is an Associate Professor in Psychology and Director of Learning and Teaching at the University of Leeds, UKMichael W. Passer is an Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Washington, USARonald E. Smith is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Washington, USA
"The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves at odds with those who don't. As the kingdoms of Erilea fracture around her, enemies must become allies if Aelin is to keep those she loves from falling to the dark forces poised to claim her world"--
Læreboken legger vekt på å beskrive symptomer og sykdommer som er relevante for allmennleger, og å vise hvordan allmennmedisinsk arbeid utføres i praksis.Allmennmedisin er fjerde utgave av den norske læreboken i klinisk allmennmedisin som er skrevet for legenes grunnutdanning og for allmennleger i klinisk praksis. Den nye utgaven er oppdatert og revidert med nye kapitler. Forfatterne legger vekt på å beskrive symptomer og sykdommer som er relevante for allmennleger, og å vise hvordan allmennmedisinsk arbeid utføres i praksis med tanke på utredning og behandling av de vanligste tilstandene og sykdommene. I tillegg tas det opp generelle allmennmedisinske temaer, spesielle alders- og pasientgrupper, samt allmennmedisinens og fastlegenes oppgaver i helsetjenesten.Boken egner seg også godt for sykepleiere, fysioterapeuter, kiropraktorer, helsesekretærer og andre helsearbeidere som samarbeider med allmennleger. Tannleger, ansatte ved legevakter, trygdeforvaltningen, ambulansetjenesten, bedriftshelsetjenesten og mange andre vil også ha nytte av den.]]>
She's a good girl, but she's falling for the wrong man.Broken down by her emotionally neglectful ex, all Charlie Underwood wants is someone to tell her she's good enough. Then she stumbles into a new job with a boss who brings her to her knees-literally.As an owner of the Salacious Players' Club, Emerson Grant knows exactly what he wants and isn't shy about his particular tastes. But when he mistakes Charlie for a candidate to be his new submissive instead of his son's ex-girlfriend, he immediately tries to correct the situation. He offers Charlie a job as his secretary and nothing more...Yet now that Charlie has seen a glimpse of what can happen when she's honest about what she wants, she makes it clear that all she wants is Emerson. He might be twice her age and her ex-boyfriend's dad, but he's also the only man who can give her everything she desires.How far will she go to hear his approval?
Boken gir en grunnleggende forståelse av kroppens oppbygning, fysiologiske prinsipper og organenes virkemåter. Den er beregnet på studenter i helsefaghøyskolene. Med spørsmål sist i hvert kapittel og stikkordregister.
At the elite Catenan Academy, where students are prepared as the future leaders of the Hierarchy empire, the curriculum reveals a layered set of mysteries which turn murderous in this new fantasy by bestselling author of The Licanius Trilogy, James Islington
Immerse yourself in the epic saga of 'Lightlark', the first book of The Lightlark Saga series, penned by the talented Alex Aster. Published in 2023, this mesmerizing tale takes you on a journey through a world of fantasy, intricately crafted by the author's vivid imagination. The genre of the book is a blend of fantasy and adventure, which will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last. Alex Aster's storytelling prowess is on full display, as she weaves a tale that is as captivating as it is thrilling. The book was brought to life by Abrams & Chronicle Books, a publisher known for its commitment to bringing quality literature to readers around the world. If you're a fan of fantasy and adventure, 'Lightlark' is a must-read. Experience the magic, the mystery, and the wonder of The Lightlark Saga today.
This work provides a user-friendly, species level taxonomic key based on morphology, current nomenclature, and modern taxonomy using molecular tools which fulfill the most pressing needs of both researchers and environmental managers.
Fall in love with this set of three unforgettable romantic comedies, set in the small town of Knockemout.*New York Times bestsellers**Sunday Times bestsellers**TikTok sensations*This collection includes all three of Lucy Score's bestselling Knockemout novels: Things We Never Got Over, Things We Hide From the Light and Things We Left Behind. Get ready to meet:Knox and Naomi.Nash and Lina.Lucian and Sloane.Lucy Score's international bestselling Knockemout trilogy has sold more than 2 million copies globally. Discover the love stories that everyone is talking about.
Cold cases get hot in this unputdownable mystery from Jennifer Lynn Barnes, no.1 New York Times bestselling author of The Inheritance Games series. Perfect for fans of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Cassie Hobbes has a gift for profiling people. Her talent has landed her a spot in an elite FBI programme. After barely escaping a confrontation with an unbalanced killer obsessed with her mother's murder, Cassie hopes she and the rest of the team can stick to solving cold cases from a distance.But when victims of a brutal new serial killer start turning up, the Naturals are pulled into an active case that strikes too close to home: the killer is a perfect copycat of one of their incarcerated fathers - a man he'd do anything to forget. Forced deeper into a murderer's psyche than ever before, will the Naturals be able to outsmart his brutal mind games before he twists them into his web for good?Born smart. Born tough. Born FBI.'The Naturals is Criminal Minds for the YA world, and I loved every page' - Ally Carter, New York Times bestselling author
An all-new dark standalone romance from the USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Shantel Tessier.COLTONRaylee Lexington Adams is my stepsister and the one woman in the world who can make my blood boil.She's vindictive, a lot of crazy, and absolutely stunning.I hate everything about her except for when she's on her knees begging me to use her as my own personal toy.We've been playing a game of cat and mouse for far too long. We have used each other for our own sick pleasure.I've ruined every relationship my little princess has ever had. A sure way that she'll come crawling back to me, begging me for what only I can give her when another man fails her.But I'm tired of watching others get a piece of what is mine. So, I did what any rational man would do-I staked my claim, showed the world that she belonged to me, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make her believe it too.RAYLEEColton Remington Knox is a man I despise but can't say no to.He's what any girl would call a walking red flag. But I've never claimed to be a smart woman when it comes to men. Why should he be any different?I've always managed to hold my own against him. But this time, he's gone too far. Posting a video of me on my knees for him, for what? To brag? Embarrass me? He's acting like he doesn't know me very well.Colt wants to play a game? I'll do whatever it takes to make sure I win. No matter what it costs me.People already think I have no dignity, so why let them down now?Things to know about SabotageA dark college/stepbrother romanceTW (Please see author's note at the beginning of the book. If you have no triggers and want to go in blind, please skip to the prologue.)J/P (jealous/possessive) HOTT (over the top) HTold in multiple POVs
Kniven i ilden er en fengslende historisk roman om arbeid og kjærlighet, sterkt samhold og fri erotikk, enkeltmennesket og øvrigheten.Året er 1859. Brita Caisa Seipajærvi spenner på seg skiene og går den lange veien fra Finland til Norge med de to sønnene sine. Brita Caisa har stått i kirketukt for omgang med en gift mann. Hun kan helbrede dyr og mennesker. Målet for reisen er Bugøynes, der det sies at havet koker av torsk.Kniven i ilden er første bok i serien Ruijan rannalla/Sanger fra ishavet, om kvener og landskapet de lever i. Brita Caisa var Ingeborg Arvolas tipp-tipp-tipp-oldemor. Arvola skriver så en kan lukte blodet etter reinslakten, kjenne smaken av multene, føle kulda fra snøen og varmen fra bålet.
She's about to make a deal with the college bad boy . . .Hannah Wells has finally found someone who turns her on. But while she might be confident in every other area of her life, she's carting around a full set of baggage when it comes to sex and seduction. If she wants to get her crush's attention, she'll have to step out of her comfort zone and make him take notice . . . even if it means tutoring the annoying, childish, cocky captain of the hockey team in exchange for a pretend date . . . and it's going to be oh so goodAll Garrett Graham has ever wanted is to play professional hockey after graduation, but his plummeting GPA is threatening everything he's worked so hard for. If helping a sarcastic brunette make another guy jealous will help him secure his position on the team, he's all for it. But when one unexpected kiss leads to the wildest sex of both their lives, it doesn't take long for Garrett to realize that pretend isn't going to cut it.Now he just has to convince Hannah that the man she wants looks a lot like him.
Stolen History, a captivating novel penned by Sathnam Sanghera, is a must-read for all book enthusiasts. Published in 2023 by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), this book is an intriguing exploration of the genre it represents. The narrative is woven with such precision and depth that it captivates the reader's attention from the first page to the last. The author's unique storytelling style and the gripping plot make this book an unforgettable read. Sanghera's ability to create a vivid and immersive world is truly commendable. The publication of Stolen History in 2023 marked a significant milestone in Sanghera's writing career, reinforcing his status as a notable author in the literary world. Published by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), a renowned publishing house known for its quality publications, this book guarantees a satisfying and enriching reading experience. The book is available in English. Don't miss out on this riveting read. Grab your copy today!
Sunburn is an astute and tender portrayal of first love, adolescent anxiety and the realities of growing up in a small town where tradition holds people tightly in its grasp....
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