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  • av Enix Square

    "The third volume of the official Final Fantasy XIV lore books, written and compiled by the Final Fantasy XIV development team. Includes an exclusive bonus code for an in-game minion! Offering a staggering amount of information on the Shadowbringers and Endwalker expansions, Encyclopaedia Eorzea III brings readers further into the realms of the global hit video game. Covering everything from key character profiles, enemies and deities to weapons, area maps and bestiaries, this full-color, deluxe hardcover will be a source of delight and inspiration for players on their unending journeys"--

  • av Josh Brolin

    Explore the creation of Denis Villeneuve's Dune through this evocative fusion of star Josh Brolin's sublime writing and cinematographer Greig Fraser's candid set photography.

  • av Archive For Research in Archetypal Symbolism (aras)

    This encyclopedia explores the hidden meanings of visual symbols across time and geography, from the sun to whales and the human hand. Spanning different eras and cultures, over 800 beautiful images combine with expert illuminations of symbol history, meanings, and psychic associations, offering readers a precious and fascinating resource for...

  • av Allison Bornstein

    Celebrity fashion stylist Allison Bornstein's Wear It Well is a guide to using fashion as a tool for self-discovery and getting dressed as an act of ultimate self-care, taking the anxiety out of finding your personal style, showing you how to make your closet a sanctuary, and bringing back the joy of getting dressed. Fashion is wellness in this guide to making dressing a ritual designed to experience more self-love, joy, and calm. Wear It Well teaches us to love our wardrobes again, break free of the wardrobe struggles that keep us from enjoying getting dressed, and how fashion can be a tool for self-discovery and self-care. Allison Bornstein is a professional stylist who made a name for herself styling celebrities like Katie Holmes, Violette, and pioneering director Cathy Yan. Now, introducing her proven method she has used with hundreds of women, she will show you how to find your personal style, curate your closet, and overcome some of these common wardrobe struggles: - "I don't have time" - "I hate all of my clothes" - "Nothing fits right" - "It's too old/too young looking" - "I don't have a personal style" Bornstein shares her AB Closet Editing System that will help you detox both your thoughts and clothes by getting rid of items that don't fit or that you never wear, and learning to fill your closet with ONLY clothes that bring you more joy, confidence, and empowerment. Like vision-boarding for your wardrobe and life, you will use her Three Word Method to choose words that you most want to identify with (ex: "Artsy," "Minimal," "Romantic"), so that you can better understand your desires and how you want to look and feel. Wear It Well will inspire you to make getting dressed a sacred time for personal reflection and self-exploration and to create a closet that is a safe and inspiring space - so you can bring the joy backing into dressing.

  • - The Complete Haute Couture Collections 1962-2002

    The first comprehensive overview of Yves Saint Laurent's haute couture collections, presented through original catwalk photography.

  • - How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them
    av John Yorke

    'The best book on the subject I've read. Quite brilliant' Tony Jordan, creator/writer, Life on Mars, HustleWe all love stories. But why do we tell them? And why do all stories function in an eerily similar way? John Yorke, creator of the BBC Writers' Academy, has brought a vast array of drama to British screens. Here he takes us on a journey to the heart of storytelling, revealing that there truly is a unifying shape to narrative forms - one that echoes the fairytale journey into the woods and, like any great art, comes from deep within. From ancient myths to big-budget blockbusters, he gets to the root of the stories that are all around us, every day.'Marvellous' Julian Fellowes 'Terrifyingly clever ... Packed with intelligent argument' Evening Standard 'The most important book about scriptwriting since William Goldman's Adventures in the Screen Trade' Peter Bowker, writer, Blackpool, Occupation, Eric and Ernie

  • av Cecilia Blomdahl

    Join Cecilia Blomdahl in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, the world's northernmost town.Located in the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole, Svalbard is a unique archipelago that boasts stunning wintry landscapes, endangered arctic animals, and awe-inspiring natural phenomena. Since 2016, Cecilia has called this beautiful and remote location home. Along with her partner Christoffer and her dog Grim, she has adjusted to life at the top of the world-where polar bears roam free and the northern lights shine. With evocative text and spectacular photography, Cecilia shares the joys and challenges of adapting to an inhospitable climate along with advice and insight for anyone seeking to thrive in unusual living conditions.Whatever your location, Life on Svalbard will give you a deeper understanding of why people choose to live in extreme environments, and perhaps help you find the hidden magic of where you live, too.

  • - drakter og skjorter til voksen og barn
    av Lisbeth Bjørndal

    Festdrakter du syr selv gir deg oppskriften på feiende flotte damedrakter og festfine barneklær inspirert av fire teamer: rocka, barokk, budsjett og tradisjon. Drakt, skjorte, veske, belte og hodepynt - Festdrakter du syr selv inneholder alt du trenger for å sy ditt eget unike festplagg!Enkle grunnmodeller. Klare arbeidsbeskrivelser. Mønsterark i flere størrelser. Grundig om stoffer og søm, tilpassing, kroppsmål og beregning, klipping og ferdiggjøring. Se hva du kan lage av duker, klokkestrenger og gardiner og gamle blonder. Og se hva du kan finne av pynt blant gamle smykker, i roteskufen og verktøykassa!

  • av Norm Architects

    Die Räume von Norm Architects aus Dänemark fühlen sich so gut an, wie sie aussehen. Von den Machern von The Touch.Norm Architects aus Dänemark lassen sich vom menschlichen Wohlbefinden leiten. Ihr Stil ist ausgeglichen: schlicht und doch warm, komplex und dennoch geordnet, reichhaltig und trotzdem zurückhaltend. Jedes Element ist durchdacht. Mit ihrem einzigartigen sanften Minimalismus schaffen Norm Architects Räume, Interior und Möbel für Körper und Geist. Soft Minimal ist Norm Architects' erstes Buch. Es stellt die Arbeiten vor, die sie zu Schlüsselfiguren des Nordischen Designs gemacht haben. Anhand von Wohn- und Gewerbebauten in Skandinavien, Italien und Japan legen Norm Architects ihren Ansatz offen, der nordische Tradition, Prinzipien der Moderne und natürliche Baustoffe vereint. Ihr Buch ist gleichermaßen informativ wie poetisch - in einer visuellen Sprache, die alle Sinne anspricht.

  • av Teresa Torres

  • av Luis-Martin Lozano
    1 939,-

    Among the few women artists who have transcended art history, none had a meteoric rise quite like Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. One of the key figures in Mexican revolutionary modern art, she was also a pioneer of the politics of gender, sexuality, and feminism. This XXL monograph combines all of Kahlo's 152 paintings with rarely seen...


    As Dali's muse, Hitchcock's nightmare, and humble ingredient, the eternal egg weaves a fascinating tale back to antiquity. The first volume in TASCHEN's series with The Gourmand, sumptuously illustrated with exclusive photography and historic artworks, celebrates the link between food and art through original recipes and stories.


    Lisa Aisatos samlede verker.Ingen illustrerer menneskenes frykt, håp og drømmer som Lisa Aisato. Her har hun samlet alle sine beste bilder, både klassikere og helt nye tegninger, og skrevet en livsbejaende tekst om dette livet vi alle må mestre. Alle livets faser, kjærlighet, sorg, tvil og stor glede blir skildret og illustrert i Aisatos særegne stil som rører oss i vårt innerste.TERNINGKAST 5: «Den passer til alle aldre, slik bokens røde tråd favner livet fra barndom til alderdom (...)«Viser frem bredden i et kunstnerskap som i ordets beste forstand må kunne kalles folkelig.» VG

  • av Patricia Buckley (University of Washington) Ebrey
    461 - 1 319,-

    In this sumptuously illustrated history, now in its second edition, Patricia Buckley Ebrey traces the origins of Chinese culture from prehistoric times to the present.

  • av Jim Stone, Barbara London & John Upton
    2 033,-

    For introductory and advanced courses in Photography. Why is this the #1 photography text year after year? Because no other source teaches students the skills they need to use the medium confidently and effectively, emphasizing both technique and visual awareness.

  • - Aesthetics of the Dangerous and Endangered
    1 297,-

    In this interdisciplinary work, philosophers from different specialisms connect with the notion of the wild today and interrogate how it is mediated through the culture of the Anthropocene. They make use of empirical material like specific artworks, films and other cultural works related to the term 'wild' to consider the aesthetic experience of nature, focusing on the untamed, the boundless, the unwieldy, or the unpredictable; in other words, aspects of nature that are mediated by culture. This book maps out the wide range of ways in which we experience the wildness of nature aesthetically, relating both to immediate experience as well as to experience mediated through cultural expression. A variety of subjects are relevant in this context, including aesthetics, art history, theology, human geography, film studies, and architecture. A theme that is pursued throughout the book is the wild in connection with ecology and its experience of nature as both a constructive and destructive force.

  • av Ragnhild Toft Brochmann

  • av Ralph Lauren

    Home Design Inspiration. A stunning celebration of Ralph Laurens signature home collections-including the designers own homes-which have inspired American home design for nearly half a century, presented by Lauren himself.

  • - A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
    av Julia Cameron
    291 - 344,-

  • - Thirty Years of Photographs by Alex Webb
    av Alex Webb

    Gathering some of Alex Webbs most iconic images, many of which were taken in the far corners of the earth, this title brings a fresh perspective to his extensive catalogue. It provides the examination to date of this modern masters prolific, thirty-year career.

  • - The Catalogue Raisonn
    4 318,-

    A four-volume definitive resource on the career and unique works of the postwar American artist Richard Diebenkorn

  • av Isabel Raad

    Jeg har egentlig aldri villet fortelle denne historien. Jeg vil ikke at noen skal synes synd på meg. Men nå som jeg har fått opplevelsene på avstand føles det riktig å dele mer av hvem jeg er og hva jeg kommer fra.Hvis jeg kunne velge, ville jeg blitt plassert i fosterhjem den dagen jeg ble født. Det høres kanskje helt sjukt ut, men oppveksten min unner jeg virkelig ingen. Det var et helvete. Da jeg var 11 år, var begeret så til de grader overfylt at jeg satte meg på trappa utenfor hos barnevernet, for å be om et nytt sted å bo. Siden ble det for vanskelig i fosterhjemmet, og jeg fikk flytte for meg selv som 17-åring. Diagnose på den tiden: anoreksi.Fram til da hadde livet vært en lang rekke av vold, frykt, bekymringsmeldinger, narkotikasalg, barnevernsmøter, mishandling, krisehjem, blåveiser, selvmordstanker, indre drama og voksne mennesker som sviktet - igjen og igjen. Heldigvis mikset med noen gode personer og perioder underveis.I denne boken forteller jeg om menneskene, hendelsene og tankene som jeg ikke har klart å fortrenge opp i gjennom. Dette er grunnen til at jeg er meg. Uten Shirog, ingen Isabel. Shit, jeg får fremdeles frysninger av å høre det navnet.

  • av Halvor Bakke

    Skap drømmehytta med EVENTYRLIG OPPUSSING gir deg konkrete ideer, inspirasjon, tips og råd til ditt eget hytteprosjekt. Her får du besøke 13 unike hytter fra de to siste tv-sesongene, sesong 8 og 9, i tillegg til forfatterens egen private hyttedrøm.Bokas hytter, som samtlige ligger innhyllet i vill og vakker norsk natur, hadde alle sitt særpreg, men skrek etter en hjelpende hånd, et løft og litt omsorg. Halvor og teamet hans tok utfordringen med å definere hyttenes stilretning, samtidig som de ivaretok eiernes ønsker og personlige smak. Så begynte forvandlingen - og de fantastiske resultatene presenteres i denne eventyrlige boka som vil vekke en brusende oppussingslyst i deg.Gjennom bildene i boka kan du nesten kjenne lukten av ferskt treverk, føle den forfriskende brisen fra havet og la deg fortrylle av åser og fjell. Du kan høre bølgeskvulpet, fuglekvitteret og bruset fra bekken som om du var der selv.Enten du allerede er stolt eier av en hytte eller bærer på en drøm om å få det en dag: Denne boka har noe for alle, uavhengig av hvilken type hytte eller stil du har eller drømmer om. Her er det inspirasjon på hver eneste side!Halvor Bakke er Norges mest populære interiør- og møbeldesigner, og en inspirasjonskilde for hundretusenvis av nordmenn. Som programleder for tv-suksessene Eventyrlig oppussing og hans nyeste serie Halvors verden på Viaplay, har han fengslet seere over hele landet med sin kreativitet og ekspertise. Som forfatter har han tidligere utgitt fem bøker, inkludert sin personlige historie Mitt rom(2022).

    1 859,-

    This volume explores how the Cultural Cold War played out in Africa and Asia in the context of decolonization. Both the USA and the Soviet Union as well as East European states undertook significant efforts to influence cultural life in the newly independent, postcolonial world.

  • av Edward M. (Associate Professor Robinson
    1 095,-

  • - A Book of Lenses, Third Edition
    av Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, USA) Schell & m.fl.
    829 - 1 649,-

  • av Dan Franklin
    149 - 366,-

  • - Every Room Should Sing
    av Beata Heuman

    The highly anticipated debut monograph from one of today s leading designers championing playful, original interiors infused with Scandinavian flair.

  • av Architectural Digest
    1 097,-

    Architectural Digest at 100: A Century of Style is an incredible book written by none other than Architectural Digest. This book, published in 2019, is a true testament to the enduring style and substance of Architectural Digest. It is a comprehensive and deeply researched book that takes you through a century of style and design. The book is a compilation of the most beautiful homes in the world, all beautifully photographed and presented. The genre of this book is Architecture and Design. Published by Abrams, this book is a must-have for anyone interested in design, architecture, or simply beautiful homes. It's a book that will inspire you and make you appreciate the beauty of design even more. In this book, you'll find a century's worth of innovative and inspiring designs, all brought to you by the trusted experts at Architectural Digest. This book is a testament to their expertise and dedication to the world of design. So, if you're looking for a book that will inspire, educate, and entertain, Architectural Digest at 100: A Century of Style is the book for you.

  • av Jessica Gee

    "This indispensable guide reveals expert tips for traveling with kids"--]cProvided by publisher.

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