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  • av Bjørn Ivar Kruke, Preben Hempel Lindøe, Kjell Harald Olsen, m.fl.

    Det norske samfunnet står overfor trusler fra nye og uventede hold. Truslene gjør det nødvendig for aktører på ulike nivåer å planlegge og iverksette tiltak og økt beredskap. Perspektiver på samfunnssikkerhet gir et godt grunnlag for å forstå og reflektere over hendelser og handlinger som kan true infrastruktur og sentrale funksjoner i samfunnet.Boken dekker blant annet følgende temaer: Risiko og sikkerhet i samfunnsvitenskapelig teori Risiko og politiske beslutningsprosesser Sikkerhetsstyring og kontroll Sårbarhet, teknologi og organisasjon Beredskap, kriser og krisehåndtering Ledelsesverktøy i risikostyring Paradokser og dilemmaer i samfunnssikkerhetPerspektiver på samfunnssikkerhet er et læreverk for bachelor- og masterstudenter. Den retter seg også mot ledere og ansatte innen privat og offentlig sektor og andre som ønsker å bli oppdatert innenfor et spennende teori- og praksisfelt i hurtig utvikling.

  • av Ashley Herring Blake

    Everyone around Iris Kelly is in love. And she's happy for all of them, truly. Iris doesn't want any of that - dating, love, romance. Everyone wants to see her settled down, but she's perfectly happy with her commitment-free hook-ups. There's only one problem - Iris is a romance author facing an imminent deadline and she's completely out of ideas. Perfectly happy to ignore her problems as per usual, Iris goes to a bar in Portland and meets a sexy stranger - and a night of dancing and making out turns into the worst one-night stand Iris has had in her life. To get her mind off everything, Iris auditions for a local play only to come face-to-face with Stevie, her disastrous hook-up. When Stevie desperately asks Iris to play along as her girlfriend, Iris is shocked but goes along with it in a bid to get her creative juices flowing. As the two women play the part of a happy couple, they turn into a constant state of hot-and-bothered and soon it just comes down to who will make the real first move . . . Praise for Ashley Herring Blake . . . 'A hot, frothy romcom with a relatable heart beating at its centre' Talia Hibbert 'A truly exquisite romance' Rachel Lynn Solomon

  • av The Rebel Accountant
    130 - 261,-

  • av Mike Bannister

  • av Kristine M. Madsen, Bente Holmvang, Jenny Sveen Hovda, m.fl.

    Immaterialrett i et nøtteskall gir en elementær oversikt over de rettsfelter som inngår i den såkalte immaterialretten. Immaterialrett er en samlebetegnelse på opphavsrett, retten til varemerker og andre kjennetegn, patentrett og designrett. I tillegg behandles markedsrettens knowhow- og produktetterligningsregler.Formålet med boken er å gi studenter og andre en forståelig innføring i et komplekst rettsområde.Boken er særlig nyttig for de som arbeider innenfor kulturfeltet, industri- og handel eller tjenesteytende næring, og som trenger kunnskap om hvordan man kan beskytte resultater av skapende innsats.

  • av David Robson

    The Expectation Effect is a captivating book penned by the gifted writer, David Robson. Published in the twilight of 2022 by Canongate Books Ltd., this masterpiece belongs to a genre that stimulates thought and sparks curiosity. The Expectation Effect is not just a title, but a journey into the realm of the mind, exploring the power of our expectations and their impact on our lives. Robson's eloquent writing style coupled with his profound understanding of the subject matter makes this book a must-read. Canongate Books Ltd., renowned for bringing quality literature to readers, once again delivers with this publication. So, prepare to delve into the intriguing world of The Expectation Effect, and allow David Robson to guide you through this enlightening journey.

  • av Ole Gjems-Onstad
    1 598,-

    Bokas formål er å dekke norsk bedriftsbeskatning for praktikere og videregående undervisning i skatterett. Boka er ajourført med ny lovgivning, forskrifter og retts- og lingningspraksis fram til juni 2001. Har litteraturliste, doms- og stikkordregister.

  • av Gerd Engelsrud

    Styring og vern gir en oversikt over de fleste emner innenfor arbeidsretten - både på individuelt og kollektivt nivå.Boken skiller seg fra andre arbeidsrettslige framstillinger ved at det offentlige som arbeidsgiver står i fokus. Generelle emneområder som ansettelse, lønn, arbeidstid, ferie, arbeidsmiljø, oppsigelse, avskjed, virksomhetsoverdragelse, vern mot diskriminering, styringsrett, håndheving og tilsyn, tillitsvalgte, fagforeninger, tariffavtaler og arbeidskonflikter behandles i lys av aktuelle offentligrettslige regler og tariffavtaler i offentlig sektor. Det praktiske perspektivet vektlegges gjennom konkrete problemstillinger, henvisninger til Kommunenes personalhåndbok, Statens personalhåndbok, uttalelser fra Sivilombudet og avgjørelser truffet av diskrimineringsnemnda, tvisteløsningsnemnda og domstolene.Boken er oppdatert per 1. september 2021.

  • av Gerd Engelsrud

    Boken er inndelt etter de samme temaene som boken Styring og vern av samme forfatter. Første del gir generelle råd om oppgaveskriving, annen del inneholder praktiske oppgaver knyttet til deltemaer som ansettelse, diskriminering, lønn, ferie, oppsigelse og avskjed, og del tre inneholder eksamensoppgaver og et eksempel på en god besvarelse.

  • av Kaija Bjelland

    Denne boka gir en eksamensrettet innføring i forvaltningsrett.Boka er både en innføringsbok og en oppgavesamling. Estetikken er hentet fra grunnskolen, men oppgavene er på universitetsnivå. Bokas fargerike eksempler og oppgaver gir en verdifull praktisk innsikt i forvaltningsretts - faget. Alle oppgavene har løsningsforslag.

  • av Peter Lødrup & John Asland

  • av Geir Woxholth

    Denne boken er en elementærfremstilling av avtaleretten. Formålet er å gi studenter og andre en forståelig innføring i faget, og boken vil fungere utmerket som repetisjon og innstudering før eksamen så vel som å gi en enkel og oppdatert introduksjon.

  • av Kjetil Mujezinović Larsen & Vibeke Blaker Strand

    Boken retter seg mot studenter og andre som ønsker en god oversikt over menneskerettighetene. Menneskerettigheter i et nøtteskall gir en innføring i hvordan menneskerettigheter er beskyttet i internasjonale og regionale konvensjoner, Grunnloven og andre nasjonale lover. Et viktig tema er hvilken betydning konvensjoner om menneskerettigheter har når vi tolker norsk rett. Boken redegjør for innholdet i et vidt spekter av menneskerettigheter, og både økonomiske, sosiale, kulturelle, sivile og politiske rettigheter inkluderes. Boken retter seg mot studenter og andre som ønsker en god oversikt over menneskerettighetene.

  • av Yukio Mishima

  • av Gladys McGarey

    DISCOVER THE SIX SECRETS TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS AT ANY AGE FROM THE 102-YEAR-OLD WOMAN WHO KNOWS BETTER THAN ANYONE 'Astonishing. Truly one of the most inspirational women you'll ever meet' ELIZABETH DAY, How To Fail podcast 'You will love the stories, you will learn how to honour your health and your body, and in the end, you'll love life that much more' Dr Edith Eger, New York Times bestselling Author of The Choice and The Gift----Others talk about longevity.Dr Gladys is living it . . .Dr. Gladys McGarey - the mother of holistic medicine and a practicing doctor aged 102 - reveals the secrets of how to live to a great age filled with vitality, purpose and joy.In The Well-Lived Life, Dr Gladys shares the lessons she has learned in her hundred plus years of life, as well as the six secrets of true health and happiness. This counterintuitive approach is nothing to do with conserving energy - rather it's all about spending it, wildly.Sharing life-changing stories of miraculous healing from patients of all ages, Dr. Gladys will not only fundamentally change the way you think about a well-lived life - but also show you how to embrace it.---- 'I want everyone to pick up this book and read it' Deepak Chopra 'Incredibly insightful. Very special. Full of wisdom. I can't think of a single person that this book won't help' Dr Rangan Chatterjee 'If you want to know the secret to living a truly good life then I don't imagine there's anyone you'd be better off hearing from' Jane Garvey, Times Radio 'Amazing. This book is moving as well as being filled with practical wisdom. Beautifully written' Nadiya Hussain 'Dr. Gladys' extraordinary book will offer millions of readers the simple yet revolutionary secrets to discover true health and happiness at any age' Mark Hyman, New York Times bestselling author of Young Forever and The Pegan Diet 'Gladys McGarey inhabits the real world where body, brain, and spirit are inseparable, and her century of wisdom is infused with science, medicine and soul' Dr. Robert Waldinger, Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development and New York Times bestselling author of The Good Life 'Dr. Gladys is as illuminating as she is engaging. Her combination of medical knowledge and lived experience will be an empowering guide for legions' Sara Gottfried MD, New York Times bestselling author of Women, Food, and Hormones

  • av Dolly Alderton

    Living out of a suitcase, waiting for his career as a stand-up comedian to finally take off, Andy struggles to process the life-ruining end of his relationship with the only woman he's ever truly loved. Trying to solve the unsolvable mystery of his broken relationship, he has a lot to learn - not least his ex-girlfriend's side of the story.

  • av David J. P. Phillips

    ''A hands-on manual for influencing human happiness through your own biology... It doesn''t get any better than this!'' - Thomas Erikson, author of Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behaviour__________OPTIMIZE YOUR BRAIN AND BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELFNeurochemicals affect just about everything in our bodies, including how we think and feel.David JP Phillips, an internationally acclaimed Swedish public speaker and coach, guides you through ways to harness the immense power of your mind and optimize your body''s chemical factory by diving deep into six neurochemicals and how they can transform your life from within.High on Life is a mood manual that will guide you through how to use these six key substances naturally produced by your body to create a unique recipe to transform your life.If you''re struggling to feel motivated or finding it hard to enjoy the small things in life, learning how to balance DOPAMINE will help you feel more motivated. DiaLling up your OXYTOCIN will fill your cup up with compassion, generosity and a sense of connectedness with the world and people around you. If the mood rollercoaster is something you desperately want to get off, focus on SEROTONIN, the hormone that serves as a foundation of long-lasting happiness and harmony.Feeling good but missing that extra nudge to challenge yourself a bit more? CORTISOL produced in small doses can help you break out of your comfort zone - and get excited about it. When nothing really happens, anyone can get a little bit bored. Have a laugh, smile more, or sweat it out and get those ENDORPHINS flowing. Or if you want to walk into an important meeting oozing confidence, TESTOSTERONE is your ally. Just be careful not to boost it when making important life decisions.This book is for everyone who longs to feel high on life - naturally.__________

  • - 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy and Human Nature
    av Robert Greene
    157 - 224,-

  • av Peter Attia

    Outlive is a riveting work of literature penned by the talented Bill Gifford. Published in 2023 by Random House UK Ltd, this book has already made a substantial impact in the literary world. The genre of the book is not easily defined, as it beautifully intertwines various elements to create a unique reading experience. The author's masterful storytelling and richly detailed narrative are sure to captivate readers from the first page to the last. Outlive is more than just a book; it's a journey that explores the human condition in a way that is both insightful and thought-provoking. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deep and engaging reading experience. Published by Random House UK Ltd, it is a testament to their commitment to bringing quality literature to readers around the world.

  • av J. R. R. Tolkien
    113 - 1 019,-

  • av John Green

  • - Gift Edition
    av Sarah Knight
    137 - 244,-

    The word-of-mouth international bestseller about giving less f**ks and living your best life in the process

  • av The Institution of Engineering and Technology
    1 089 - 1 183,-

    This Code of Practice provides a clear overview of EV charging equipment, as well as setting out the considerations needed prior to installation and the necessary physical and electrical installation requirements.

  • av Ali Abdaal

    THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'A much-needed antidote to hustle culture' Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ckA happier way to get things done - without the stress, boredom or burnout.Do you ever feel like your productivity is coming at the expense of your mental health? That the more you accomplish, the worse you feel about it?If so, you're not alone. For generations, we've been told that the route to productivity is through harder work. The trouble is, endless hard work doesn't just make us miserable - it makes us less productive too.Dr Ali Abdaal has found a healthier, happier approach to productivity. He knows that the secret to productivity and success isn't endless grind - it's feeling good. If you can make your work feel good, then productivity takes care of itself.In this revolutionary book, Ali reveals how the science of feel-good productivity can transform your life. Drawing on cutting-edge science and vivid real-life stories, he introduces the simple steps anyone can take to feel better - and, along the way, achieve more of the things that matter to you.You won't just get more done. You'll feel happier and more fulfilled as you go.'Will guide you to accomplish more than you ever dreamed of.' Jay Shetty, author of Think Like a Monk 'Ali is the master of productivity.' Steven Bartlett, creator of Diary of a CEO'An eye-opening and important new book' Cal Newport, author of Deep Work 'The book we've all been waiting for.' Dr Julie Smith, author of Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

  • av Nicole LePera

    Improve all of your relationships, starting with your relationship with yourself. Nicole LePera says the question she is asked most often is: how do I get someone else to do the work? And the answer is you can't. The only way you can change your relationships is to change yourself: becoming the love you seek from others.

  • av Julie Menanno

    'A must-read for every couple, at any stage of their relationship' Lori Gottlieb, bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk To Someone'Incredibly wise . . . No romantic partnership should be without it' Jen Sincero, bestselling author of You Are a BadassIn Secure Love, Julie Menanno wants you to focus on a different, deeper question than the commonly asked 'What does a healthy relationship look like?' An expert therapist and founder of the popular Instagram account @TheSecureRelationship, Julie invites us all to consider, what does a securely attached relationship feel like?Moving from the way things look to others to the way they feel, this is a ground-breaking guide to secure attachment in adult relationships. Full of expert advice, Secure Love helps you explore how to increase your capacity for true intimacy. Designed to help you find and sustain love, this book will teach you how to dig into your childhood attachments, label your needs, stay connected during conflict and communicate from a place of vulnerability to build a relationship that lasts a lifetime.'With Secure Love, you'll be armed with eternal wisdom for strengthening your relationship. A must-read for any couple' Dr Sue Johnson, founder of Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT) and bestselling author of Hold Me Tight'Compassionate, humane and extremely helpful . . . Becoming a better partner is a lifelong journey, and Menanno's book is a vital part of that path' Kati Morton, bestselling author of Are u ok?

  • av Yung Pueblo

  • av Bradley Nelson

    Step into the enlightening world of 'The Body Code' by Bradley Nelson. Published recently in 2023 by Random House UK Ltd, this book is a fascinating journey into the realm of self-discovery. As a pioneer in the genre of self-help and personal growth, Nelson has once again proven his mastery in understanding the human psyche. 'The Body Code' is not just a book; it's a guide to unlocking your potential, a key to understanding your own body and mind. The author's insightful narrative and thought-provoking ideas will captivate you from the first page to the last. Don't miss out on this masterpiece from one of the most respected authors in the field.

  • av Cheryl (Author) Strayed

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