Om Secret to Ageless Beauty!
The Secret To Ageless Beauty! Living Graciously and Positively is a 21st Century sophisticated, yet simplistic masterpiece of a unique and powerfully driven TESTIMONIAL in practical living at this dimension as to the SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH OF JESUS THE CHRIST! Jennifer Dale Cotten-Rashwan, J.D. is a talented and gifted Author in that her passion for Christ Jesus and sharing one of many TESTIMONIALS to strengthen Souls in Christ Jesus as well as encouraging Souls to open their heart to receiving Christ Jesus is genuine and authentic! Moreover, such WISDOM crafted by good judgment during harsh conditions at every level of life and living. Hence, that is birthing through great and deep pains of labor at various living patterns; mirroring unthinkable adversities at every level of the life daily experiences; to inspire beloved readers to embrace this Jesus and come to know him as your Lord and Savior!
While Jennifer Dale Cotten-Rashwan, J.D. was rearing her daughter with a unique creation; through THE HEART OF GOD; The Lord was empowering clarity grooming her for His Service; which far outweighs the disappointments; loss; and brokenness that literally TRANSFORM the Soul of ones being and purifies and sanctifies the readiness vessel for Kingdom literacy! The reading of such masterpiece is profound in that its transformative power speaks through powerful clarity, brevity in its writing to so many people; irrespective of background, orientations, upbringing and/or even religious affiliations!
Accordingly, the ultimate beauty of such a masterpiece is that it is an experience that shall bless all whom reads it!
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