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  • av L S Watson

    L.S. Watson has written 50 poems about holding on to hope and faith, overcoming fears, and overcoming internal conflict. Her mature words promise a reflection of the power within all of us to admit, change, and forgive.

  • av Makinde Adebayo Adeniyi

    Echoes from the Savannah is a beautiful crossbreed of Afrocentrism and Westcentrism with a tint of Cosmocentrism. The work represents a perfect prism of life and nature in simplicities and complexities, universalities and particularities, through deliberate choice of words that help accentuate the beauty of the work beyond literalism. Of particular attraction is the effective painting of pictures of deep images with simplicity and brevity of words.

  • av Terapia Lirica Editora

    Em meio objetivo e subjetivo dos componentes inspiradores, é deste modo que o POETA manifesta audaciosamente a poeticidade divinal, que circula em suas veias artísticas, dando vida e sentido aos 30 POEMAS, direcionadamente à 30 MUSAS.De um jeito meticuloso e sagaz, esboça em versos, parte dos eventos vividos enquanto prestava cultos destemidos de encantos no reinado de cada MUSA.

  • av Rose Ayotlan

    In the evening when your mind is sane but loud, quiet relating words can be a fix. These are poems for the ones that have too much to say but the courage still needs to be found to speak it.

  • av Mark Bowers

    This poetry book contains lyrical poetry that expresses the energy of the inner cities of America combined with history and modern events.

  • av David Thornburgh

    A collection of poems, both rhyming and prose, covering personal, work, and social aspects of life. David's work in a nutshell is empathetic. He is the most human of poets. His work pleads with us to understand one another, to feel for all of God's creations and strive to make this a better world, and not one iota of this work strikes the listener as false or petty.With all that being said, I also have to say that my personal favorites of David's poetry are those which come from his recollection of family. It isn't easy to show the world your deepest affections for loved ones without being thought, overly sentimental or mushy. No, the mixture of emotion and adoration and reality has to be just right. David finds a way to blend these things as they should be.Ron WallaceAuthor of Life Is a Disappearing Act

  • av Stewart Daniels

    He's just making a cup of coffee, so what could possibly go wrong? Well, for someone living off-grid on a floating home in the middle of a frozen lake in Canada's far north, there are all sorts of challenges! This charming illustrated poem, in the style of Robert Service, brings readers through a day in the life, with many of its charms and challenges. This story will leave you with a newfound respect for folks living off-grid and, perhaps, a desire for a cup of hot coffee surrounded by a lovely northern winterscape.

  • av Flavio Metaldog Noviello

    La ricerca della propria identità, l'affermarsi nella società, droga, religione, politica, esoterismo e il controllo mentale dei mass-media, sono solo alcuni dei temi trattati nelle liriche presentate nella seconda opera dell'autore. Dopo "Liriche Solitarie" si focalizza, questa volta, sulle liriche a tema. "Liriche Tematiche" è quindi, composto da sessantotto liriche sviluppate in sei album diversi. Gli ultimi tre album raccontano storie di amicizie, amori, tradimenti e vendetta, tutto in stile dark e gotico con venature fantasy. Ai testi sono alternate anche tante immagini create con l'intelligenza artificiale a rappresentare i concetti delle liriche.

  • av Mina McGuire

    A collection of poems I've written over the past few years centered around my experience with suicide, dissociation, PTSD, loneliness, depression, and my more recent struggles with anxiety, and the way I coped with all of them. The collection sets poems of dreams beside poems of everyday life, and walks with you until the moment I stopped writing them.

  • - የግጥም መድበል
    av Shiferaw Desta

    በዚህ "ደቋና እና ቀለም" የግጥም መድበል ስብስብ ውስጥ፤ ከመቶ አሥር ግጥሞች በላይና በርካታ ሃሳቦች ተካተውበታል።ግጥሞችን ጊዜ ወስደው ካነበቡና ካሳለሰሏቸው፤ፍቅርን፣ ሰላምን፣ ትዕግስትን፣ ቸርነትን፣ ርሕራሔን፣ ማግኘትና ማጣትን፣ ጽናትን፣ ማስተዋልን፣ እውነትን፣ ሕይወትን፣ ሃገርን፣ አብርሖትን እናአነቃቂ ሃሳቦችን፣ እንዲሁም ፈገግ እያሉ የሚዝናኑባቸው "የአንሶላ ዜማዎችን" እና ሽሙጦችን ያገኙበታል። መልካም ንባብ!

  • - Prose For Prose
    av Dariax Escort

    I am an ex-escort. I worked In the UK and finally in Rome where I eventually hung up my high heeled boots. During the time I waited for phone calls and clients calling I would write poems about my experiences. And here they are. I wrote them sitting down not lying down.

  • av Alex Abreham

    አሌክስ አብርሃም "እናት - ፍቅር - ሀገር" በሚል ርዕስ ባሳተመው የግጥም መጽሐፍ ውስጥ 36 ያህል ረጃጅም ግጥሞች አሉ፡፡ መጽሐፉ ከሽፋኑ ጀምሮ ትርጉም አለው፤ ጣዕም አለው፡፡ ... ቃላቱ ሸጋ፣ ሙዚቃውም ቆንጆ የሚባል ነው፡፡ የሀሳቦቹም ክንፎች ነጠላ አይደሉም፣ የሚመስጡ ቁምነገሮች፣ የሚያስደምሙ እይታዎች አሉባቸው፡፡ ከሁሉ ይልቅ አይጐረብጡም፡፡ ቀላል ይመስላሉ፣ ግን ውብ ናቸው፡፡ በተለይ በሳሳው ጐናችን በኩል ጠቃሚ ነገር አላቸው፡፡የቋንቋው ውበት ድንቅ ነው፡፡ ደረጀ በላይነህበአዲስ አድማስ ጋዜጣ

  • - Overcoming Trauma with Nature's Energy
    av Marilyn P Cornelius

    We often equate power with politics, possessions or predatory behavior. True power comes from overcoming traumatic patterns to embrace our authentic selves with love. Nature's majestic beauty and presence allows us to realize who we really are, and to heal so we can flourish. These verses traverse the landscape of trauma healing from the perspectives of sisterhood, Nature, and divine masculine energy. Immerse yourself in the energy of these poems to access what needs to be released so you can simply be.

  • av Steve Wheeler

    Shadows into Light is the fifth collection by American poet David Catterton Grantz and the first to be published by Wheelsong Books. It contains an eclectic brew of observations and introspections, sometimes flavoured with wry and humorous insights into the human condition and our interactions with our natural world, but always seasoned with authenticity and profundity. It is quite simply a collection that is filled with hauntingly beautiful poetry. Here's what the writing community has said about the poetry of David Catterton Grantz: Dave Grantz is an expected surprise, a familiar novelty, dependably unpredictable in form and content, style and mood - ever shifting his ideas and yours. Strap in and ride shotgun in whatever vehicle he's driving, to wherever it goes. He knows the way. - Ellis Ralph, wordsmith, singer-songwriter David Grantz writes with remarkable passion and scope. Of his own poetry, he relates, "Imagining myself in another's shoes is an essential aspect of what I do." Accordingly, Grantz's work allows him a radical fluidity of identity, a distilling of his sentient, compassionate sensibility. - Geoffrey Oelsner, Author of Attunements for the Earth. David Grantz's poetry appeals to my appetite for contemporary voices that resonate enlightenment in a world gone wrong. His wisdom bites with satire and irony, pulling no punches, taking no prisoners: His "... cyclones ever forming" are his way of saying, "I love you, but you have been warned." - Ken Haley, Poet, Artist With Shadows into Light, David Grantz has yet again produced remarkable and engaging collection, employing varying forms to entertain and challenge both the mind and soul. Complex, nuanced assessments from the torn heart society. - Gavin Prinsloo, Poet (The Soul Whisperer) Telescoping in on reality with vivid focus, David Grantz demonstrates his prowess as a seasoned, modern poet. - Matt Elmore, Author of Constellation Road, Admin of Invisible Poets When I go to my peaceful spots, I almost always take one of David's books with me. I never tire of his poems. - Steve Coger, Educator, Journalist

  • - Para tocar as estrelas é preciso sair do chão
    av Osvaldo Vagner

    Poemas e poesias, talvez de todos os livros, o que escrevi com menos pretensão, foi o que deu mais certo, mas olha que ironia, gostaram das minhas rimas, esse livro é a segunda parte de um conjunto de sentimentos, palavras e argumentos, que esse ser, então intitulado poeta escreve, sentimentos, sentidos, a vida em movimento, enfim, vos apresento com muito orgulho a parte dois dessa história, na ânsia que ela te toque tanto quanto o primeiro livro tocou, esse que vos escreve e te deseja paz, luz, e todo amor que houver nessa vida.

  • - 52 Poems into a Magical Year
    av Joanna Brook

    With a poem for each week of the changing year, Between Two Pines invites you into the magical life. Created in a spirit of collaboration, Joanna Brook's richly descriptive poems lead you through garden and forest to creek, stone circle, and the cosmos of relationship. "These poems invite you, Reader, to create and write poetry, too. They act as path, portal, mirror. There are poets inside each of us, and Joanna shapes (and then shares via the poem's speaker) a life through this impulse . . . Joanna returns repeatedly to the altar of the creative process and, therefore, builds an altar of the poems themselves."From the Introduction by Kate Belew

  • av Michael McFarland

    Poetic Maze is a collection of 31 poems that I'm sure you will enjoy.Each poem speaks for itself and holds its own amongst the collection.Travel down the Poetic path, before experiencing The Maze unlike any other!

  • av Jérémy Ibraimovski

    Dans son premier ouvrage, l'auteur nous livre ici un recueil de poésie construit sur plusieurs années au fil des aventures et des drames. Dans une forme totalement libre aux influences diverses et aux aspects ésotériques, les pensées et histoires se croisent, recroisent, évoluent et se contredisent dans une oeuvre complète et variée.

  • - and other musings from simpler and not-so-simple times
    av Craig E Kilpatrick

    One man's reflections through poems, prose, stories and songs, about a bygone way of life and the people he's loved and lost through his time in the mountains of North Carolina.Come sit a spell and remember with him.

  • - A Poetry Collection
    av Hermione Lee

    Split into five parts-Of Life, Loss, and Love, Nature and the World, Writerly Reflections, People, Strangers, and Society, and Just a Word of Motivation...You Might Need It, Hermione Lee's debut poem anthology overflows with simple verses born from her sometimes solemn, sometimes lively mind. Ranging from bright, humorous poems to deep, thought-provoking ones, a certain slant of light permeates the verses, creating a glimmer of hope that flows through the pages

  • - A Life in Poetry
    av Wendy Rollin

    White Lining in a Dark Cloud is a memoir of poems that helped Wendy create personal transformation and self-growth. The collection of poems Wendy shares has an impactful message that contributes to her healing from life's battles, such as assault, anxiety, depression, and loss. In White Lining in a Dark Cloud, Wendy also shares her journey to finding her self-worth and her relationship with Jesus, along with fun poems about her family, tributes to loved ones, and having strength as a parent. Beautifully shared life can be like a dark cloud, but there's always a white lining.

  • av Sonnie Kariuki

    Around January 2023 my then partner started a campaign of abuse triggered by the affair he had just started. I felt I was falling, I expected to hit the ground with a thud but I never did. My mind was in a constant state of confusion.Did he love?Did he hate me?Did he ever love me?Had he always resented me?Why couldn't he just leave if he was unhappy. A man who claimed to love me watched me break down over his affair and abuse towards me but showed me no empathy. In fact, the abuse escalated... I was drowning while he watched, his eyes dead. I was in such a fog mentally, I couldn't see my way out. So I wrote poetry to express what I was going through.

  • av Peter Victor

    "Poetry and Prose" holds work that spans almost 50-years. Not surprisingly, the thoughts and words evolved. The first poem "Evolution" speaks to this reality. The thoughts and words within are colored and shaped in great part by years deep sea shipping. These years left their mark. "Poetry and Prose" also speaks to all the mystery and unknowns in life. The poems in sum make the point that the road to wisdom begins with acknowledging all we do not know.

  • av Claire Wang-Lee

    Modern English-Chinese Poetry by Claire Wang-Lee Everyday and every night there was communication. How lonely nights turned into day breaks. What was a temporary separation turned into a long absence. Longing made one old and sad. It couldn't be helpless. The returning date would come. Two happy souls

  • av Samantha Manhart

    A college girl's story, written in poems, of chronic pain inside and out, of love and loss, of emptiness and isolation, and, of evolution. Read to see how she pursues healing by uncovering the meaning of life and defining her own "religion."

  • av N Kumaran Asan

    Chandaalabhikshuki is a Malaylam language poetry book by Mahakavi Kumaran Asan. It was first published in 1922.

  • av N Kumaran Asan

    Chinthavishtayaaya Sita is a Malaylam language poetry book by Mahakavi Kumaran Asan. It was first published in 1919.

  • av Changampuzha Krishna Pillai

    Devageetha is a Malaylam language poetry book by Changampuzha Krishna Pillai. It was first published in 1945.

  • av Changampuzha Krishna Pillai

    Divyageetham is a Malaylam language poetry book by Changampuzha Krishna Pillai. It was first published in 1945.

  • av N Kumaran Asan

    Duravastha is a Malaylam language poetry book by Mahakavi Kumaran Asan. It was first published in 1922.

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