Om Porlock: the Mystery of the Thirteen Steps
It is 1904, and every day the coaches plyingbetween Lynmouth and Minehead scramble theirway up and slither their way down the 1 in 4gradient of Porlock Hill, the most feared hill in allof England. It takes six sturdy horses to drag aladen carriage to the top. There, the leading pairare detached and led back down into the village bya boy, a boy who knows how lucky he is to havebeen given such a responsible job at such a youngage. But on this day in May, on his return journeywith the tired horses Pug and Delia, he spots whatlooks like a sheep sheltering on the hillside. But ashe gets closer his heart races as he becomesaware... it is not a sheep... it is a white dress...
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