Om One Game at a Time...
Ice hockey is the one of the greatest sports on earth. It has something for everyone, whether you are overjoyed to see a team work together towards success, or your eyes light up when you see that big hit or the always loved, hockey fight! But it can be a hard game to understand for new fans trying to learn the game. This book will walk you through the process of becoming a fan and learning the important parts of the game, one game at a time. Each chapter is one game that you watch whether it be on TV or in person. Read the chapter ahead of time and then focus on just those things while watching the game. Don't try to understand it all at once, you will be overwhelmed. Each chapter explains another part of the game, and finally, it ends with a detailed glossary of hockey jargon that often leaves new fans shaking their heads. So, what are you waiting for! Grab the book and get started before you get checked into the boards!
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