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Bøker utgitt av Westwood Books Publishing

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  • av Cyril C Echebiri

    A powerful prince in danger of losing his inheritance for marrying a caucasian woman. His only son, a prince, stubborn and very disobedient to his father, chose ordinary life to royalty. The life of unhindered freedom led him to depths of despair, haunted by a strange ghost in dark and gloomy places that threatened to destroy his life.

  • - A Novel of Reconstruction Book Four of the Renegade Series
    av J D R Hawkins

    A B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree The Civil War has ended. Confederate cavalryman, David Summers, returns home to Alabama, taking his new wife, Anna, with him. Upon arrival, he understands how much the war has changed him and has scarred his homeland. Faced with challenges of transition, he learns how to navigate his new world, along with the pain and trauma of his past. He is also forced to confront his foes, including Stephen Montgomery. Their hatred for one another inevitably boils over into a fierce confrontation, whereby David is arrested. Will the jury believe his side of the story, even though he is an ex-Confederate? Or will he be hung for his crime?

  • av Otto Acron

    A true adventure StoryA friendly boxing match which damaged a young man's brain and took years to heal. The challenge he set himself is to recover mentally as well as physically, to build his body to perform extraordinary feats as a wrestler and then a champion strongman able to stand the weight of a car running over him, lift a 3,000 lb car completely off the ground, carry a 1,000 lb horse up a ladder, and wrestle a Siberian brown bear.His adventure starts after seeing a wrestling match in Leichhardt stadium is Sydney as a boy. Five years later, he wrestled at the same stadium. Then he joined the circus as a strongman, receiving contracts to work in South Africa, England, Norway and the Netherlands.This true story is fast-moving, intriguing, funny, and will appeal to a broad audience.

  • av Annette Baccari

    "Great tasting food and good company makes for a great love affair," said Vincenzina Ruggiero Buono DiStasio, author Annette Baccari's mother. She had the God-given talent of making a gourmet meal out of nothing. Baccari learned to cook from her and she in turn, passed on the recipes to her children. She invites readers and food enthusiasts to take a tour in Nonna's Kitchen.From meat, pasta, salad, finger foods, and even punch recipes, Nonna's Kitchen is filled with an assortment of yummy dishes that will delight anyone's taste buds. Baccari shares foods that can be served on any occasion, special or not. With easy-to-follow instructions, the recipes are simple yet yield sumptuous results. Readers will enjoy the variety of mouth watering desserts available including the no-bake recipes. Aside from the regular meals, they will also learn to make their own preserves.Whether one has a party or just enjoying a simple dinner at home, Nonna's Kitchen makes each meal an affair to remember. This cookbook will make an excellent gift for friends and a great asset for the home.

  • av M R Ocha
    255 - 359,-

  • av Francisco Soto Cruz
    121 - 199,-

    A lo largo de mi vida, la tradición de la celebración de los REYES MAGOS ha sido bien importante en mi familia por razones que verán a través de la lectura del libro. Tanto religiosa como culturalmente, en mi casa siempre se ha celebrado el día de la EPIFANÍA. Somos devotos de los Tres SANTOS REYES. Tradición que se ha llevado de generación en generación por toda la familia Soto y Cruz. Este relato es mágico y especial, refleja la historia de los REYES MAGOS, mis anécdotas, cuentos y costumbres que me contó mi abuelo. Encontrarás la historia de los REYES MAGOS y la forma tan maravillosa de como los REYES han dejado huellas en mi familia. Un relato para contar a cualquier edad, en cualquier hogar donde se celebre la EPIFANÍA.Throughout my life, the tradition of the celebration of the Magi has been very important in my family for reasons that you will see through reading the book. Both religious and culturally, in my house, the day of the EPIPHANY was always held. We are devotees of The Magi. Tradition that has been taken from generation to generation throughout the Soto and Cruz family. This story is magical and special it reflects the history of THE MAGI, my anecdotes, stories and traditions that my grandfather told me. You will find the history of THE MAGI and the wonderful way of how the KINGS have left traces in my family. A story to tell at any age, in any home where EPIPHANY is celebrated.2023 GOLD MEDAL RECOGNITION -

  • av Candise John
    136 - 230,-

  • av José Ramón Sancuer

    Se narra aquí la historia de Mohamed Saleem, que comienza en un lugar de un país del antiguo imperio otomano, cuando el hombre llega a su mayoría de edad, a esos ansiados 18 años, siendo este hombre el menor de 4 hermanos de una familia desestructurada en donde el resto de sus hermanos mayores que él se dedicaban a la venta y consumo de estupefacientes un trabajo que ejercían todos sus hermanos, si es que quería sobrevivir, porque sus padres de origen humilde, apenas podían conseguir algunas monedas con las que comprar los pocos alimentos de sus hijos y la manutención de estos que en total eran (4) y poder llegar así hasta final de mes, no le fue nada fácil decidirse a dar ese paso para alejarse de su familia, ya que sus hermanos nunca llegaron a decir a sus padres en que trabajaban a pesar de estar mucho más tiempo en la casa de sus padres viviendo con muchas carencias y con muchos sufrimientos, porque la vida en un país musulmán no les fue nada fácil, ni siquiera para los más afortunados que ya hubiesen nacido dentro de alguna familia adinerada e influyente de ese país, y solo los más afortunados de la clase e política, tenían cabida en la sociedad turca de la época.

  • av Muriel Cooper

    This book tells the story of a botched, innocent, love affair, intertwined with a strong environmental message - Save Our Planet.

  • av Etime - Chartered Fcipd

    This work, entitled 'HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT INTELLIGENCE AND STRATEGY SUCCESS' is research conducted on strategy planning and execution within the private and public sectors with Cameroon as a case study. The aim is to verify if the use of human resources intelligence in the process of strategic decision-making has any impact on the outcome of those strategic plans. The scope involved the private and public sectors as key stakeholders in a successful economy. The research focused on the subjects of business administration, strategic planning, elements of strategic human resources, an introduction to human resources management, and strategic planning as the key variables of concern. A sample of 120 well-experienced leaders who are involved in strategic decision-making from all domains participated in the primary data collection through interviews and questionnaires. From the findings, the research makes best practice proposals based on quality human resources management information and intelligence, which will lead to better decision-making and the best strategic plan realization. You will also find important conclusions and recommendations for the best strategy and outcome.

  • av Muriel Cooper

    Three sisters live on a country estate with acres of woodland, a walled garden and an orchard. There is a pretty glade in the middle of the forest with a waterfall and pool where the girls learn to swim on warm days. Their father works on the estate as groundsman and the girls have this massive wilderness all to themselves: or so they thought! It's hard to imagine who or what is behind the waterfall? The sisters are super excited on the day their mother goes into hospital to have a baby, and, the girls are left to their own devices. You will meet the three otters and learn their crucial role in the story. Let me introduce you to the three girls. Bunty, age nine, has glorious, red curls and the loudest voice. Marjory is ten years and loves reading and learning. Susy is twelve and, being the oldest, is smart and full of fun.The story was inspired by my magical childhood, growing up with my two sisters on a country estate in Scotland. We shared wonderful adventures and I had the best time of my life!

  • av Laura B. de Caraza Campos
    215 - 328,-

  • av Muriel Cooper

    The Kurion captain appears on the platform before a large map of Scotland. "Welcome home. We will soon disembark." He points to the map, north of Cape Wrath. "Here is relatively inaccessible. Remember this. We are the hunted! We must be quick and alert. Prepare to exit."__________________________________________________________________The story was inspired by my magical childhood, growing up with my two sisters on a country estate in Scotland. We shared wonderful adventures and I had the best time of my life!

  • av Muriel Cooper

    This new story is the sequel to, 'Otters, Girls, and Witches.'The story is set in a beautiful Scottish glen, where the unimaginable happens.

  • av Mo Y Ma

  • av Miriam Artiles-Posada
    121 - 230,-

  • av Fey Rabindron

    In the first volume of this memoir, I narrated my childhood and my studies in England, ending with our return home in June 1978. I was with my wife and our 18-month-old daughter. In that volume, I did not use real names for the characters, but "he" and "she". Now I realize that they have been with me for a long time. Therefore, I use their actual names, but modified to protect their privacy. I have also changed the names to English names.This volume focuses mainly on my relations with my wife and our family. It discloses our separation and reconcillation, my children's education and marriages. Describes liitle on honors I obtained during fifty years of academic work and research. It discloses some of my free time entertainments in detail.

  • av Shree Satyanand Agnihotri

    It is beyond the pen of man to describe the intensity of the suffering of devatma to portray is whether real or imaginative sympathy, the spirit that we want to represent. But the uniqueness of the devatma separated him from all human minds, and therefore the human mind is unable to reach this state of sympathy, even in imagination.The great renowned evolutionist, Herbert Spencer writes:"If by any system of culture an ideal human being could be produced, is it not doubtful whether he would be fit for the world as it now is? May we not on the contrary, suspect that his too keen sense of rectitude and too elevated standard of conduct, would make life intolerable or even impossible?"In the evolutionary process of humanity, Devatma was endowed with something that humankind has never known before, because of the unique sublime compulsive love of comprehensive and all-round goodness and truth on the one hand, and the unique sublime hatred of comprehensive and all-round falsehood and evil on the other. As a consequence, Devatma attained unique sublime life. Devatma felt a unique higher relationship with all different kinds of entities in nature. He yearned for harmony among them and made any necessary sacrifice for them.As a natural consequence, he was very deeply hurt and tormented whenever and wherever he saw or learned of any cruelty, injustice and disharmony, such as an inappropriate or painful action or harm done to any living or non-living being in nature by anyone.He was also greatly agonized when he saw disorder or ugliness anywhere or when he found disrespect, undue or unfair behaviour on the part of someone, for example, someone who did not keep his fair promise or an act of ingratitude, someone who did not fulfil his duty, someone who was not punctual, an act of cruelty, etc.

  • av Angerona

    The decision to publish this book was dictated the author's heavy experience with Internet fraudsters. When she finally realized that she was deceived, she found over the Internet a lot of similar victims. She familiarized herself with their different distress so she could attempt to combat against Internet impostors and raise awareness in others so they wouldn't fall for scams. Also, she wishes to offer some entertainment for readers. The book contains the online diary that reveals a great love between the author and a general in the US Army in Iraq and her selfless assistance in resolving different complications of his shipment. The diary also reveals conditions of her life in the former communist country where as a widow she struggled for survival and in raising two children. She unveils her experience of severe loss at the death of her son, and when she was still struggling with the loss, she encountered with general who helped her to overcome mental crisis and restore her Christian faith, which was cultivated in her by her grandparents but abandoned by parents because of the situation in the communist regime. She lost all property and much more to rescue a consignment accompanied by a diplomatic courier of the United Nations. Time events: the year of 2011.

  • av Yuiko Hammer

  • av Blanche Clipper Hudson
    168 - 255,-

  • av Maureen Shay

    Somewhere between heaven and earth,the mystical rise of dreams are born,quiet and unassuming, in their uncertain beginnings,allured by love, refined by hardships and commitmentspark some of the greatest wonders.In an ironic encounter with the mysterious J T Stryde, life is forever altered for Meri. Both are transformed in their acceptance and commitment to each other. Encouraging one another's personal and professional aspirations, they ultimately learn - Dreams can Happen

  • av Bill Pearson

    Two Hundred years in the future, after a desperate expedition to reach a habitable planet 63 trillion miles from the rapidly deteriorating Earth, a small company of humans find a solar system ruled by giant roaches and powerful wolfdragons. The odds seem insurmountable, but the humans have miraculous powers too.

  • av Israfil Sahibdeen

  • av Jeffrey D Guy

    Throwaway Child is an erotic thriller about Splendora Reilly, a young woman from Beverly Hills, California, whose father, Gary, a successful voiceover Hollywood actor, is a child molester. Splendora ended up as a runaway or throwaway child, living on the mean streets o of Hollywood in the 1990s.

  • av John Neville
    215 - 420,-

  • av Lothar F. Neumann

    Es gilt, Hans Alberts "kritische Vernunft" nicht zu verteidigen, sondern weiterzureichen und zu verbreiten - als Sozialökonom bin ich sogar versucht zu sagen, "zu verkaufen". Dazu gehört trotz aller Kritik im Einzelnen weiterhin Karl Popper. Den Klassiker Popper kann man auch nicht totschweigen. Wir bewegen uns mit Hans Albert auf dem Felde der wissenschaftlichen Philosophie. Es mag daher gestattet sein, eine irreale Konditionalaussage (counterfactual) einzubringen: Wenn Karl Popper heute lebte, würde er einen dritten Band seines Buches "Die Offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde" verfassen. Ideen hierzu finden sich in "After the Open Society: Selected Social and Political Writings" (2008) und in den Gesammelten Werken "Freiheit und intellektuelle Verantwortung. Im ersten Band von "Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde" setzt sich Popper mit dem Paradox der Demokratie und dem Paradox der Toleranz auseinander. Diese frühe Diskussion ist wieder aufzunehmen. Sokrates, Platon, Hegel, Marx sind ausgewertet, Essentialismus, Holismus, Historizismus sind zurückgewiesen worden. Heute gibt es neue Szenarien und Herausforderungen. Es gibt neue Feinde der Offenen Gesellschaft, die mit kritischer Vernunft zu bekämpfen sind.Hans Albert ist ein moderner Sokrates. Wie der Grieche liebt er Diskussionen. Aber in einem unterscheidet er sich von ihm: Er hat mehr publiziert als Sokrates und braucht deshalb keinen Platon zur Weitergabe.

  • av Iris Nasreen
    136 - 219,-

    This book delivers powerful messages from God through dreams and visions. The prophetic message is to help, prepare, encourage, and exhort people in perilous times. The author claims that every prophecy given by God has come true, and the next revelations will, too.The world is facing challenges, and the earth is expected to be shaken with birth pangs beginning in 2023, with global disorientation and economic distress. The accelerations will steadily continue its course, to scales that will stretch our endurance.We are all deeply concerned about uncertainties in every area of our lives, our future, and our world. We are hearing all kinds of information from all facets of life, but what is God saying about it?"Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains." Matthew 24:7-8.As we draw near the End of Times, birth pains of natural disasters, plagues, wars, famines, earthquakes, evil, and darkness will increase in intensity, and in frequency on earth.To save the world, a change in mindset is needed, and this book brings revelations from God to help bring that change. The author emphasizes the importance of God's intervention and highlights His plans for this generation. The promise of God is that 'everyone who calls on His name will be saved'.When we cannot deny the tough reality of an End - GOD has a survival plan.Don't ignore God's message. You are important to Him!

  • av Henry Walosik
    136 - 215,-

  • av Lothar F. Neumann

    Der Verfasser li:ist sich von konkurrierenden erkenntniskritischen Ansatzen (Popper: Falsifikationismus, Hans Albert: Kritische PrUfung) und diskutiert eine Logik der Orientierungen. Er beachtet besonders die zahlreichen Korrelationen und WahrscheinlichkeitsschlUsse, die of zu Arbeitshypothesen und Heuristiken fUhren. Ineinem ausfUhrlichen Anhang werden Korrelationen in der Bi:irseni:ikonomie vorgestellt. Konkret geht es um die Schaffung eines soziali:ikonomischen Vorverstandnisses auf verschiedenen Ebenen.Orientierungen stoBen auf Knappheit. Wie Knappheit Uberwunden werden kann, wird marktwirtschaftlich versucht. Orientierungen stoBen aber zugleich auf Regulierungen in mannigfacher Weise, die Dressuren des Verha I tensoktroyieren.Genannt werden die institutionellen Taktgeber auf den verschiedenen Politikfeldern mit paternalistischen und forensischen Strukturen (Generalverdacht: Geldwasche Steuerhinterziehung, Verlust der VerhaltnismaBigkeit). Die liberalen westlichen Demokratien bewegen sich auf einer StraBe in eine Dressurgesellschaft.Logik der OrientierungenLothar F. Neumann

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