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    There are so many good textbooks in the field of this sense the book is more comparable to modern human psychology that anyone producing a new one textbooks of 'harder' sciences such as physics and must have a good excuse, ready to explain his physiology.

  • av D.F. Horrobin

    The two subjects which have been previously widely covered, the roles of prolactin in lactation and in rat mammary cancer, are presented relatively briefly though with a full list of references.

  • av Brian Cowan
    1 200,-

    At the present time, even though superseded on the very small scale by quantum theory and on the very large scale by the theory of relativity, the mechanics of Newton is perfectly adequate for treating a wide spectrum of problems from the * '"etic theory of gases to the motion of space vehicles.

  • - An introduction to Archaean geology
    av Euan G. Nisbet

    Archaean geology, which is the study of the Earth's history in the period from after 9 the end of planetary accretion (4.5-4.4 x 10 years ago) up to the beginning 9 of the Proterozoic (2.5 x 10 years ago) is much the same - a parcel of old stones seemingly impossible to understand.

  • av Alan Wiseman

    The first edition of this book appeared in 1983, and provided the first easily-accessible account of the state of biotechnology at a level suitable for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates.

  • - A Study in policy formation and policy
    av Richard T. Griffiths

    On 26 September 1936, deep in the night, the Dutch cabinet took the decision to cut the guilder's link with gold and to devalue its currency.

  • - Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Rezeptionsasthetischen Positionen in der Literaturwissenschaft
    av Jos. Hoogeveen


    I: Introduction.- I. Expansion and Reaction: Some Reflections on a Symposium and a Theme.- II: Prologue.- 2. The Expansion of Europe and the ¿Longue Dur?e¿.- III: Expansion and Reaction in Asia.- 3. Was there an Indian Reaction? Western Expansion in Indian Perspective.- 4. ¿Western Expansion and Chinese Reaction¿ ¿ A Theme Reconsidered.- 5. Dutch ¿Expansion¿ and Indonesian Reactions: Some Dilemmas of Modern Colonial Rule (1900¿1942).- IV: Expansion and Reaction in Africa.- 6. French Action and Indigenous Reactions in the Maghrib, 1880¿1914.- 7. French Expansion and Local Reactions in Black Africa in the Time of Imperialism (1880¿1914).- 8. European Imperialism and Indigenous Reactions in British West Africa, 1880¿1914.- V: Epilogue.- 9. European Expansion and the Civilization of Modernity.- Notes on the contributors.

  • - Untersuchungen zu Gestaltung und Funktion des Geistlichen im Erzahlwerk Theodor Fontanes
    av Hans. Ester

    1m zehnten Buch des zweiten Teils von 'Dichtung und Wahrheit' berichtet Goethe, wie Herder wahrend ihres Aufenthaltes im ElsaB den 'Landpriester von Wakefield'! vorgelesen habe. Die Bekanntschaft mit dem Werk Gold­ smiths veranlaBt Goethe zu folgender Betrachtung: Ein protestantischer Landgeistlicher ist vielleicht der schonste Gegenstand einer modernen IdyIle; er erscheint, wie Melchisedek, als Priester und Konig in einer Person. An den unschuldigsten Zustand, der sich auf Erden denken liiBt, an den des Ackermanns, ist er meistens durch gleiche Beschiiftigung sowie durch gleiche Familienverhiiltnisse gekniipft; er ist Vater, Hausherr, Landmann und so voll­ kommen ein GIied der Gemeine. Auf diesem reinen, schonen, irdischen Grunde rubt sein hoherer Beruf; ihm ist iibergeben, die Menschen ins Leben zu fUhren, fUr ihre geistige Erziehung zu sorgen, sie bei allen Hauptepochen ihres Daseins zu segnen, sie zu belehren, zu kriiftigen, Zll trosten, und wenn der Trost fUr die Gegenwart nicht ausreicht, die Hoffnung einer gliicklicheren Zukunft heranzurufen und Zll verbiirgen. Denke man sich einen solchen Mann, met rein menschIichen Gesinnungen, stark genug, urn unter keinen Umstiinden davon zu weichen, und schon dadurch iiber die Menge erhaben, von der man Reinheit und Festigkeit nicht erwarten kann; gebe man ihm die zu seinem Amte notigen Kenntnisse sowie eine heitere gleiche Tiitigkeit, welche sogar leidenschaftIich ist, indem sie keinen Augen­ bIick versiiumt das Gute zu wirken - und man wird ihn wohl ausgestattet haben.

  • av G. van Randwijk & A.P.G. Kieboom

    Numerous examples are known of the application of catalyzed hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis reactions in synthetic organic chemistry.

  • av P. G. Lowe

    My interest in plate theory extends back many years to the energetic and stimulating discussions with my supervisor, Professor R.

  • av Fergus M. Clydesdale & Frederick J. Francis

    Dramatic cultural changes have occurred in the areas of food, nutri tion, and health in the United States. The "me generation" has turned into a robust health seeking "we generation," with emphasis on group participation in an ever-increasing array of health clubs.

  • av Norman W. Desrosier

    The remarkable growth of food technology in industry has been matched by an equal development of related educational programs in food science in colleges and universities in many countries.


    Algeria.- Bahrain.- Egypt.- Iraq.- Jordan.- Kuwait.- Lebanon.- Libya.- Mauritania.- Morocco.- Oman.- Qatar.- Saudi Arabia.- Somalia.- Sudan.- Syria.- Tunisia.- United Arab Emirates.- Abu Dhabi.- Ajman.- Dubai.- Fujairah.- Ras al Khaimah.- Sharjah.- Umm al Quwain.- Yemen (Arab Republic).- Yemen (People¿s Democratic Republic).- Indexes.- Alphabetical index.- Alphabetical index by country.


    Algeria.- Bahrain.- Egypt.- Iraq.- Jordan.- Kuwait.- Lebanon.- Libya.- Morocco.- Oman.- Qatar.- Saudi Arabia.- Somalia.- Sudan.- Syria.- Tunisia.- UAE.- Yemen AR.- Yemen PDR.

  • - A Guide for Family Practitioners and Students
    av I.L. Felstein

  • av John Fry

    John Lawson RCGP, 1983 President of the Royal College of General Practitioners vi Preface The Present State and Future Needs series had its roots in the dark days of the early 1960s when morale in general practice was low and when numbers of new entrants were actually going down.


    Backing up the pioneering medical researchers and experi menters are the phalanxes and cohorts of practising clinicians in district general hospitals and in general practice who may have to implement and apply any breakthroughs and advances in practical and realistic terms.

  • av R.B. Burns & C.B. Dobson

    The last few years have seen a growth in the number of psychology courses which are being offered as single subject or combined studies options in universities, polytechnics and colleges of higher education.


    Psychiatry is a discipline that crosses many frontiers, involving a know ledge of the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the nervous system, of general medicine, of sociology, of psychology, of the law and of all those subjects which comprise the behavioural sciences.


    Definitions in alphabetical order.- Appendix A. International statistical classification of mental disorders.- Appendix B. List of abbreviations.- Appendix C. A guide to prefixes and suffixes.- Appendix D. Common phobias.- Appendix E. Normal values in the body.- Appendix F. Essential statistical formulae.- Appendix H. Essentials of the Mental Health Act, 1959.

  • av A.S. Wisbey

    1 Music and Sound and the Young Baby.- 2 The First Step to Musical Learning.- 3 The Second Step.- 4 The Third Step.- 5 The Fourth Step.- 6 The Fifth Step.- 7 And so to Literacy.

  • - A guide to important principles for nurses and laboratory technicians
    av John Sheahan

    1.0 Introduction 1.1 Philosophy 1.2 Ethics 1.3 Ethical aspects of nursing 1.4 Code of ethics 1.5 Personal aspects of illness 1.6 Social aspects of illness 1.7 Economic aspects of illness 1.8 Summary 1.0 Introduction As a nurse you are going to be caring for other people, many of whom may be very ill and distressed.

  • - Proceedings of the CAD ED '84 Conference

    1:Technology for CADCAM.- The present state of computer-aided engineering industry and education.- CADCAM technology ¿ five years ahead.- CAE ¿ a longer view.- 2:Education for CADCAM.- A computer-aided engineering strategy for a university department of engineering.- Computer-aided design (CAD) in an electrical and electronic engineering degree course.- 3:Training for CADCAM.- Education and training initiatives.- Impact of new technology in the role of the engineering designer.- 4A: Experience in Education.- CAM-CAD education ¿ the Paisley experience.- CAD in the context of engineering business ¿ a necessary educational perspective.- Software engineering in mechanical and production engineering degree courses.- 4B: Experience in Training.- User training for CAE/CAD/CAM ¿ a vendor view.- The management of system change.- 5: Workshop Reviews.- Approaches to teaching CADCAM: Chairman¿s summary.- The integration of CAD and CAM ¿ the educational implications: Chairman¿s summary.- Integration of CAD and CAM (training implications): Chairman¿s summary.- Systems requirement for education: Chairman¿s summary.- Retraining of industrial personnel in CAD/CAM ¿ users¿ experiences: Chairman¿s summary.- Management implications of CADCAM implementation: Chairman¿s summary.- CAM and the education of production engineers: Chairman¿s summary.

  • av D. R. Bland

    THIS book is an introduction both to Laplace's equation and its solutions and to a general method of treating partial differential equations.

  • - A practical guide to cost-effective straw utilization and disposal

    Thanks for assistance are also given to leI Plant Protection Division and to John Deere who, through their annual Award to agricultural writers, sparked this project off by giving the award to the author in 1982.

  • av A. H. Hoskyns

    The basic idea behind this dual presentation is that the student can embark on each circuit following only the briefest possible instructions and that an open-ended approach is thereby not prejudiced by an initial lengthy encounter with the theory behind the project;

  • - A Biochemical Approach
    av W. Montague

    This book attempts to explore the contribution that biochemistry has made, thus far, to our understanding of the endocrine pancreas and its relationship to diabetes mellitus. It may be therefore that this book will provide some physicians with the information they require to help them gain a deeper understanding of the disease.

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