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Bøker utgitt av Christopher Thomas

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  • av Kennith Donovan

    Because God isn't considered, in my opinion, one of the primary causes of the rising number of unsuccessful marriages. Many individuals think that God shouldn't be considered since marriage is more physical than spiritual. We overlook the fact that marriage is primarily a divine institution.Meditation & Its Practices is a comprehensive guidebook for exploring Hinduism's two most time-honored traditions of meditation. It illuminates the principles of Yoga and Vedanta meditation traditions, the meaning of meditation, its goal of Self-Knowledge, the methods by which concentration is developed, and the ways of achieving self-control. It covers every aspect of this ancient spiritual practice, including the goal of Self-Knowledge.You will discover the several advantages of meditation in this book. Additionally, you will discover a variety of meditation methods that might aid at the beginning of your practice. Additionally, you will discover practical methods that will enable you to get the most out of your meditation. The moment is here to begin practicing meditation and improve your life!

  • av Hilton Durham

    There's actually a lot to look forward to in your life right now, despite the fact that it appears like your universe has fragmented into glass shards that can never be put together to make a beautiful product. Yes, what appears to be a roadblock in your way can be transformed into a building block for whatever you choose.You're inconsolable now that he's gone! All those enjoyable times came to an end, and your future aspirations as a pair were destroyed. The man of your dreams has left you, doesn't want to see you again, and walked out. Or again he might have said, "Let's be friends," as an option. Even worse is the person who says, "Let's take a break," when what he really means to convey is that he is taking a break, leaving you wondering what in the world to do!You'll be drooling to start using my advice on how to win your former boyfriend back because I have so many. You'll actually feel your heart flutter and your pain ease the moment you start reading this book because you'll have HOPE!

  • av Francisco Schwartz

    Learn how to get your ex back with this groundbreaking book that outlines tried-and-true methods for enhancing your life to the point where your ex will apologize profusely and come running back to you, even if it was your fault she left. You will discover how to enhance your thinking, speaking, and behavior in this article. With the help of this book, you'll discover practical advice on how to convince your ex-girlfriend that you were and always will be the right man for her.You have a lot of options at your disposal that you can utilize to get past the familiar sense of emptiness during the first few days or even months. Answer the following questions honestly to begin with: How much time did you truly invest in your personal growth when you were a partner? Was it always about making the other person happy or about you? Did you continue to partake in activities that brought you joy and enriched your life?The good news is that there is a 90% likelihood of rekindling communication in split-up relationships. You will converse at some point in the near future and might even reunite.There is still hope, even though your situation appears hopeless, both parties still need time to calm off after being highly upset, and he claims to have moved on to be with someone else.

  • av Jordan Cameron

    Enter a universe where the keys to cosmological harmony are waiting for you and where the very fabric of existence moves to the beat of your aspirations. The ancient knowledge of balance, the mysterious workings of the alluring law of attraction, and the energizing power of chakra-based meditation are unlocked as you travel through the limitless realms of knowledge.Past emotional traumas and the excruciating stress of daily living can weigh a person down. However, by spending just a few minutes each day working with your heart chakra, you may let go of your problems and prepare yourself to receive a flood of fresh, uplifting feelings.This book was inspired by the public's growing fascination for the prehistoric idea of chakras. The word chakra is resurfacing in popular culture rekindling interest in this very old but extremely true idea. This book should help you quench your hunger for knowledge.

  • av Ezekiel Garrison

    As the curtain of everyday living opens to expose the tremendous potential that is within your reach, get ready to be amazed. A potent guide is waiting within these enchanting pages, ready to illuminate the way to a rich life brimming with success and fulfillment.The second section, which adopts an approach that is simple to understand and offers comprehensive instructions, is your go-to resource for all the information you require regarding the sacral chakra. Whatever your objectives and level of experience, you'll find the methods and strategies you need to lead a more woke life.Each of the seven chakras has a chapter with seven sections that go into great detail into the meanings of its symbols, seed mantras, and other elements. Additionally, there are chapters devoted to a thorough 6-day chakra activation challenge that you may begin right away.

  • av Lauren Andrade

    If you've been searching for a useful guide that will help you realize your full potential, look no further. This remarkable book is a doorway to transcendence, inviting you to go off on a mystical adventure that will fundamentally alter the course of your life. Your change starts right here!Numerous mental, emotional, and physical problems may be caused by a blocked or imbalanced root chakra. This book will show you how to take care of your root chakra so that it can always provide you an abundance of good energy and remove any bad energy from your body.This article aims to aid in your understanding and appreciation of the chakra concept and other ideas that are associated with it. It doesn't matter if you are simply interested in chakra or if you want to discover how to use the ideas in your daily life. You will benefit much from this compilation in either situation. You can use it as a very useful tool to comprehend the ideas behind chakra.

  • av Raymundo Johnson

    You're about to learn how to use magical persuasion abilities to get your ex to apologize and ask for forgiveness. I understand how you're feeling; the heartbreak of the breakup has you down, and you can't help but wonder if there was something you could have done to prevent it. No, it wasn't; simply put, men are from Mars and women are from Venus. We contrast like night and day. Accepting these differences, let's move forward with our plans right away.You have a lot of options at your disposal that you can utilize to get past the familiar sense of emptiness during the first few days or even months. Answer the following questions honestly to begin with: How much time did you truly invest in your personal growth when you were a partner? Was it always about making the other person happy or about you? Did you continue to partake in activities that brought you joy and enriched your life?Whatever their shape, breakups are terrible. Couples who were once romantically involved exhibit their worst traits, bringing up past grudges and unfulfilled expectations, all of which serve to further alienate your guy. Whether the breakup came entirely out of the blue or you had sensed him drifting away over a period of weeks or even months, you are still reeling in shock right now!Eighty percent of marriages that end in divorce are the result of poor communication and outside intervention.

  • av Eusebio Ballesteros

    Es posible que su médico le haya diagnosticado recientemente hipertensión y le haya aconsejado que comience una dieta baja en sodio. ¿Busca recetas saludables pero deliciosas para perder peso sin alterar su estilo de vida?¿Está agotado por los regímenes que lo dejan sintiéndose insatisfecho o privado? La dieta DASH es un plan de alimentación flexible y bien equilibrado que ha demostrado aumentar la sensibilidad a la insulina y prevenir la hipertensión.La dieta DASH brinda libertad de elección para comer alimentos saludables, lo que permite a las personas tomar el control de su vida y hacerla lo más larga y saludable posible.

  • av Raimundo de La Rosa

    Puede ser exasperante leer artículos en línea donde cada nuevo tema parece contradecir al anterior. ¿Debería realizar un seguimiento de sus calorías y macronutrientes? ¿Se debe pesar la comida? ¿Qué platos están permitidos y cuáles deben evitarse? ¿Cómo interactúan los nutrientes específicos con otros grupos de alimentos?El plan de comidas de 30 días que se incluye en este libro de cocina lo ayudará a iniciar su camino hacia la salud y controlar la hipertensión. Apreciará comidas sabrosas, saciantes y nutritivas sin necesidad de controlar las porciones o contar calorías. Además, el énfasis en los ingredientes de alta calidad te hará sentir bien con lo que estás poniendo en tu cuerpo.

  • av Rodrigo Clemente

    Prepárese para encender la parrilla y deleitar sus sentidos del gusto con estas recetas de barbacoa. Desde suculenta carne de res hasta pollo tierno, este libro de cocina contiene todas las recetas necesarias para convertirse en un maestro de la parrilla al aire libre.Gracias por comprar mi libro de recetas de barbacoa; Espero que agregue al menos algunos de ellos a su lista de platos de barbacoa favoritos. Una barbacoa en el patio trasero es una tradición consagrada que disfrutan personas de todos los orígenes. Esta colección de recetas de barbacoa fáciles de preparar se compiló con la intención de ayudarlo a preparar algunos platos deliciosos para su próxima barbacoa en el jardín.La barbacoa es una actividad social que realza el sabor de los alimentos y deja un agradable aroma en el aire. Es una actividad divertida y relajante que nos recuerda tiempos más simples cuando las cenas comunitarias eran la norma.

  • av Pedro-Pablo Fuertes

    La dieta cetogénica es una pérdida de peso efectiva y otros beneficios, pero el desafío es aprender a preparar comidas bajas en carbohidratos y altas en grasas.Si no está completamente familiarizado con la dieta cetogénica, es posible que desee saber dónde y cómo comenzar. Si intentó la dieta cetogénica por un tiempo pero luego la dejó, es posible que desee aprender a reanudarla y ser más constante esta vez.La dieta cetogénica requiere que intentes algo nuevo y diferente que quizás nunca hayas probado antes. Posiblemente, ha intentado contar calorías o incluso leer algunas de las etiquetas de los alimentos en los artículos que compró, pero sin éxito.

  • av Bonifacio Andreu

    Si escribe "dieta para bajar de peso" en la barra de búsqueda de Google, aparecerán millones de resultados, todos los cuales tratan sobre la pérdida de peso de alguna manera. Entonces, ¿cuál de estos planes de dieta es efectivo? ¿Y hay algún respaldo científico para los numerosos regímenes disponibles?Si es un veterano de la dieta cetogénica, sin duda sabe que el viaje está lleno de lecciones y oportunidades de aprendizaje. En consecuencia, es posible que le interese realizar modificaciones menores en su sistema cetogénico actual.Muchas personas encuentran que la pérdida de peso es un esfuerzo frustrante. Hay mucha discusión sobre la posibilidad de perder peso, pero muchos de los programas de pérdida de peso disponibles son simplemente demasiado difíciles de seguir para la persona promedio con sobrepeso u obesa.

  • av Anselmo-Rio Huertas

    Numerous people suffer from GERD or Acid reflux, a chronic disease characterized by the backward flow of stomach contents, including stomach acid, into the esophagus. It is essential to manage and treat acid reflux, whether you do so through lifestyle changes or medication.You also have a relaxing afternoon at the office and were still able to enjoy your reunion with your long-lost friend. No indigestion. No fatty foods allowed. A very effective acid reflux diet!There is, however, in this book. This book contains numerous acid-reflux-friendly recipes that will guide you through the cooking process and teach you how to prepare tasty meals without aggravating your condition. You can eat fun, tasty, and flavorful foods again without worrying about paying for it later, even if you have acid reflux.This book contains essential information about acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion, as well as the necessary procedures to eliminate them. If you are one of the numerous individuals who suffer from acid reflux, you may be wondering what it will take to alleviate the pain.

  • av Abdelkader Bolaños

    This Acid Reflux book will educate you on the causes of this condition, the risks associated with ignoring it, and the symptoms that may interfere with your daily activities.Reflux is a medical condition in which the muscle at the top of the stomach is unable to control the amount of stomach acid rising up the esophagus, resulting in vomiting.As they age, thousands of people all over the world struggle with acid reflux. Many must alter their diet or stop eating their favorite foods to avoid experiencing pain. But what if there was a way to enjoy your favorite foods without suffering from the excruciating pain of indigestion?You are now aware that some fruits may be harmful to your health, but since you have already indulged in real natural things such as coffee, soda, and carbonated drinks, you can probably indulge a little. You feel very pleased with yourself after consuming a piece of meringue with strawberries and low-fat yogurt.

  • av Alasdair Harrington

    With lists of good and bad carbohydrates, easy-to-follow food blocks, and scrumptious recipes, The Zone contains everything you need to start your journey toward permanent fat loss, great health, and overall peak performance.This cookbook provides a variety of scrumptious, wholesome, and simple-to-follow plant-based recipes for anyone interested in adopting a vegan diet. Our recipes are designed with whole foods, no processed ingredients, and an abundance of vegetables, grains, and legumes that promote health.Improved Health: Plant-based diets are typically abundant in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant compounds, which can improve overall health and reduce the risk of numerous chronic diseases.

  • av Triantafyllos Argyrou

    The Atkins Diet is an exhaustive guide to healthy eating for both vegetarians and omnivores. It offers a systematic approach to nutrition, weight loss, and general health. The focus of the diet is to replace refined carbohydrates with healthy fats and proteins.In order to induce a metabolic state known as ketosis, the Atkins diet drastically restricts the consumption of carbohydrates, particularly refined carbohydrates. During ketosis, the body uses fat as fuel rather than glucose, resulting in weight loss and other possible health benefits. This book will help you determine whether or not the Atkins diet is appropriate for you.Understanding carbohydrates and why limiting them is essential to the Atkins diet is crucial. Tips for meal planning and preparation that make it easy to follow the diet, strategies for staying motivated and overcoming common obstacles, and a long-term maintenance plan to help you keep the weight off permanently.

  • av Edmond Dimopoulou

    In this comprehensive guide, you will learn the fundamentals of the Atkins diet and how limiting carbohydrates can assist you in reaching your weight loss objectives. You will learn about the four phases of the Atkins diet, including Induction, Balancing, Fine-Tuning, and Maintenance, as well as how to progress through each phase to achieve your ideal weight.Atkins is more than just a diet plan. It is a healthy lifestyle that begins with weight control and ensures that you will maintain your weight loss. The incredible recipes in this book include a range of carbohydrate counts, making it the ideal resource for a lifetime of healthy eating. Since many meals can be prepared within 30 to 35 minutes, it is much easier to incorporate them into your busy schedule and adhere to your long-term diabetes treatment plan.For energy, the human body burns calories and carbohydrates. By decreasing carbohydrate consumption, the body begins to reduce existing fat deposits. Those who adhere to the Atkins diet derive their energy from carbon fragments created by the breakdown of fat deposits. During this time, individuals will feel less hungry, preventing them from overeating.

  • av Tatiana Magalhes

    This book contains all the information you need to better comprehend the principle underlying this very popular diet for improved health and wellness. This book will explain which foods provide the most nutritional value. You will soon realise that many foods you believed to be healthy are actually disease-causing agents.I bet you could not read all of these recipes without becoming thirsty! Not only are these smoothies incredibly tasty, but each one has been meticulously designed to contain the optimal nutrient combinations.I bet you could not read all of these recipes without becoming hungry! Not only are these recipes incredibly delicious, but they also include helpful information such as preparation time, number of servings, etc. to make cooking as simple as possible!

  • av Francesco Oppermann

    If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, you have likely heard of the low-FODMAP diet. But how does the diet work, and can it really help you manage IBS symptoms such as gas, bloating, and diarrhoea?This diet will help you maintain a healthy gut and find a solution for IBS. This cookbook provides the necessary information for the FODMAP diet and introduces the reader to its primary advantages. Ensure that the digestive disorder can be managed by simply following the book's recommendations and recipes.Managing your digestive disorder can be difficult, especially if you are unaware of your illness. This is a common illness, and yet so many people do not know how to cope with it, despite the fact that millions of people with IBS struggle with day-to-day activities, typically when their IBS flares up.

  • av Hans-Günther Liedtke

    How often do you feel an unexpected issue, such as pain in your stomach, and disregard it? How frequently do you find yourself in a state of disarray due to your constant need to use the restroom? Do you experience constant swelling?Want to prepare meals without the risk of consuming something that could harm your digestive system? Looking for a way to regulate your digestive system so you can enjoy all the delicious foods in your refrigerator once more? These recipes are precisely what you require!Diet low in FODMAPs is the long-awaited solution. In clinical trials, more than three-quarters of people with chronic digestive symptoms obtain significant relief by reducing their consumption of FODMAPs-difficult-to-digest carbohydrates found in foods like wheat, milk, beans, soy, and particular fruits, vegetables, nuts, and sweeteners.Thousands of IBS patients are unaware of the importance of their diet, despite the fact that small changes can have a significant impact. If you are eating the wrong foods, your condition will worsen; however, you can easily learn to manage your IBS by implementing simple changes and slight modifications to your diet.

  • av Joaquim Medeiros

    You may be familiar with Bulletproof Coffee, but the Bulletproof Diet is also growing in popularity. The Bulletproof Diet claims that it can help you lose up to one pound (0.45 kg) per day while increasing your energy and focus to extraordinary levels. It emphasises high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carbohydrate foods and incorporates intermittent fasting.I bet you could not read all of these recipes without becoming hungry! Not only are these recipes incredibly delicious, but they also include helpful information such as preparation time, number of servings, etc. to make cooking as simple as possible!Nonetheless, there is one diet that provides a rational approach to consuming nutrient-dense proteins, fats, and other food categories that increase your body's natural fat-burning process without requiring you to worry about sabotaging your diet, experiencing cravings, or other issues typical of conventional dieting. It is called the bulletproof diet.

  • av Carballo

    La guía completa para hacer salsas barbacoa, aliños secos y húmedos, condimentos, glaseados y adobos. Es importante planificar las salsas como lo es para las carnes. Una buena salsa puede crear una caramelización y un sabor complejo para sus comidas a la parrilla. Con unos pocos ingredientes simples, mezclados entre sí, puede crear sabores variados que son disfrutados por todo tipo de papilas gustativas.No hay nada mejor, en una tarde cálida y soleada, que la carne cocinada lentamente en una barbacoa. Reunir a familiares y amigos para compartir un festín magistralmente preparado es uno de los grandes placeres del verano.Este libro le proporciona estas respuestas y más. Sabrá todo lo que hace una buena barbacoa: incluso cómo crear un sabor ahumado, cómo saber qué madera usar correctamente, cuál es la mejor manera de encender un fuego. ¡Y lo que es más! Hay mucha información sobre cómo marinar y rociar sus carnes y comidas favoritas.

  • av Arno-Eric Krause

    This book will assist you in perfecting the art of small talk until it is second nature. This is the final piece of the puzzle for many communication students to become master conversationalists. Developing confidence in your ability to engage in small talk will, at the very least, make conversation more enjoyable and increase your social satisfaction.Because you and your child lack a connection, you may be experiencing misunderstandings and feeling frustrated. Or do you find it difficult to express yourself or communicate effectively with your children? Perhaps you have no idea how to handle conflict or disagreement, resulting in endless arguments with your children. You are not alone!Relationships can be tricky and difficult to manage if you are uninformed, but the information in this book makes everything clear and understandable on how to create a successful and happy relationship.

  • av Winston-Francois Fleury

    Unlock the benefits of intermittent fasting with this thorough guide. This book will be your go-to resource for mastering the art of intermittent fasting, from understanding the science behind it to creating individualised plans for various age groups.In addition to helping you lose weight, this book will also improve your overall health and increase your energy levels. With chapters covering everything from the theory behind Intermittent Fasting to the precise meal plans and recipes, this book has everything you need to begin your journey toward a better you.Intermittent Fasting provides a comprehensive overview of the trend of intermittent fasting. This book will demonstrate how to safely and effectively incorporate intermittent fasting into your lifestyle. It was written with consideration for men, women, children, and the elderly. You will learn about the various types of fasts, the science behind them, and the possible benefits of this practise.

  • av Rod-Andre Gravel

    "The Ultimate Power of Intermittent Fasting: For Health and Wellness" is an exhaustive introduction to intermittent fasting. This book discusses the fundamentals of intermittent fasting, as well as the science behind its many health benefits, and offers strategies for incorporating it into your lifestyle.This book is a comprehensive guide to intermittent fasting, a popular strategy for weight loss and health improvement. This book discusses all of the major intermittent fasting techniques, including 16/8, 5:2, and OMAD. In addition, case studies and sample meal plans are provided to assist readers in implementing intermittent fasting in their own lives.You're considering using intermittent fasting to lose weight quickly and effectively, boost your metabolism, reduce your risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases, and more, but you're hesitant because you believe your advanced age will work against you.

  • av Tino-Erik Conrad

    How would you like to be able to manage any conversation effectively, regardless of who is involved or the circumstances?To assist your conversational partner in expressing their emotions, needs, and thoughts?Many individuals never even consider improving their "small talk" skills. This can be a significant error, especially if you want to maximise your interactions with others in your daily life. The truth is that the vast majority of conversation consists of small talk and pleasantries. Consider it the necessary framework for all meaningful interactions.Mastering the Art of Communication: How to Talk and Listen to Your Children is an indispensable resource for understanding and communicating effectively with children. The reader will gain an understanding of the characteristics of a good parent, the power of words, the significance of active listening, and how to create a positive and productive environment for their children through the use of real-life scenarios and examples. Learn how to use the proper language to achieve the best results and foster a stronger relationship with your children.

  • av Claus-Dieter Stenzel

    Do you need to feel healthier and more energized? Would you like to rapidly transform your body and your life? This Diet Guide and Cookbook is intended to assist you!The Alkaline Diet promotes the creation of more alkaline environments in the body, which can help prevent diet-related diseases. The Alkaline Diet improves bone health, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and cardiovascular health, among many other benefits.Altering one's diet can be intimidating. This book explains how pH works in the body, the pH values of specific foods, and how consuming alkaline foods can be both delicious and nutritious. Beginning something for the first time can be intimidating. This cookbook contains Alkaline diet recipes featuring fresh, alkaline, and healthy ingredients.You can "alkalize" your body and improve your health by consuming more alkaline foods. Acidic food components include protein, phosphate, and sulphur, while alkaline food components include calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

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