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Bøker av Joshua King

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  • - Creative Writing
    av Joshua King

    As I continue my quest from San Diego to Pensacola, I can't help but think about my writing career.I love writing and sharing my passion for creating revenue streams. These passive income streams will help me retire comfortably at age 42.Writing is one of my favorite ways to generate income; however, it's not a lucrative stream now.That's okay; I became a writer for long-term prospects and to add value to people's lives.We all have creative abilities we suppress in favor of sending emails and building spreadsheets. We just need help discovering our true selves. Good Luck!

  • - Rental Income
    av Joshua King

    Rental income is a vital part of our passive income portfolio. Rents tend to go up faster than inflation, and hard assets are great to own in this inflationary environment.But, most people cannot afford to own a home, let alone owning two. So, how do we earn rental income without owning rental properties?There are tons of ways to create rental income. Afterall, we are living in the sharing economy.The main problem is people's unwillingness to share their homes, yards, cars, or land. If you can overcome this mindset, the world will become your oyster. Good Luck!

  • - Options Trading
    av Joshua King

    On my way to Tucson, Arizona, all I could think about was trading options. Options trading can be quite lucrative-if you can control yourself.I trade options at the lowest level on my brokerage's platform. I aim to keep it as simple as I can.However, you can get in over your head quite quickly. You must exercise restraint and discipline when trading options.My goal is to generate 10% returns on my invested capital per month; having $20,000 invested should generate $2,000.That's not a bad haul for clicking a couple of buttons. There is much to learn with trading options, but it is well worth the process. Good Luck!

  • - Welcome to Passive Income
    av Joshua King

    Most people dream of a life of freedom and passion; however, they will never achieve this status.Working a job and drawing a paycheck is much easier than building passive income streams.If you want different results, you will have to travel the road less traveled. My wife and I started our journey towards passive income, and it has been worth the learning curve.Now we can spend our time together while our rents, royalties, and dividends accumulate in the background. That is the dream of passive income. Good Luck!

  • - Dividends
    av Joshua King

    This road trip will be my final as a US Marine. The last 24 years flew by in a blur of desert and humidity.Now it's time to live on the passive income I discussed for the last three years. Our first step is to use dividends to supplement my retirement income.Dividends are the most passive type of passive income. However, they require a massive cash outlay to produce a significant paycheck.Therefore we must start early and often to build an extensive enough portfolio to replace our earned income. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. Good Luck!

  • - Reducing Emotions
    av Joshua King

    The homebuying process is challenging, even for seasoned veterans. It will drain you of resources, time, and emotions.However, keeping your emotions in check is the most difficult part of buying a house. We want to pour so much of ourselves into our future home.Yet, we need to stay as logical and grounded as possible. Yes, we can use our emotions to make the best choice for our families and futures.We just cannot let them overtake our wits and mask any red flags. Owning a home is expensive, and getting into a bidding war worsens the situation.We know our budgets and how much house we can afford. Our emotions will allow us to fight tooth and nail for what we want without getting ourselves into a financial mess. Good Luck!

  • - The Best Place to Start Your Journey
    av Joshua King

    Most people will never attempt to understand the financial markets-to their downfall. These markets control everything you do and see.The bond market is the granddaddy of them all. Interest rates shape everything; US Treasuries are the heart of every other investment vehicle.The stock market gets all of the attention. You can follow employment and business cycles through the stock market.The options market pushes serious money toward speculation. If you want to find the next great thing, follow the options market.Together, you can use your knowledge to leverage each of these markets in your favor. They all carry some risk, but you control your own destiny.If you can keep your emotions and greed under wraps, you can make a decent return using these markets in tandem. Good Luck!

  • - Without Owning Rental Properties
    av Joshua King

    The real estate market is tougher than ever; most of us will never own a rental property. But, we still must strive to earn rental income.There are many ways to make rental income outside of owning a rental property.The four major sources of passive income are dividends, rents, royalties, and residual business income.We must earn a little income from each to protect ourselves from recessions and market downturns.Establishing our income streams during good times is best, so let's get started. Good Luck!

  • - The More You Know, The More You Grow, The More You Cash Flow
    av Joshua King

    What is your dream retirement? Do you even have a dream? Well, it's time you seriously consider what your retirement looks like.Once you have a dream, understand that it will cost lots of money. Hopefully, you have a primary source of income for your plans.However, you can continue to add passive income streams to supplement your fabulous lifestyle.You can add dividends, options trading, royalties, and business income to ensure you can achieve your desired life.Building a Happy Cash Flow Retirement will take lots of planning and hard work, but in the end, you will have no regrets. Good Luck!

  • - Individual Treasury Bonds vs. Treasury Bond Funds
    av Joshua King

    Investing in bonds from 2008-2022 was difficult because yields were low. However, we are back to having an option for safe returns.But which is better, individual Treasury Bonds or Treasury Bond Funds? That depends on what you are trying to achieve.Individual Bonds have some tax advantages, and you can create bond ladders to protect you from interest rate risk.Treasury Bond funds typically pay monthly, which is excellent when paying bills. You can also easily see how much your bonds are worth.I use both types of securities to ensure I have a healthy emergency fund and consistent income. Good Luck!

  • - The Military Can Give You an Advantage
    av Joshua King

    Too many people rule out the military as an option for creating a beautiful life. I joined the Marines in 1999 with $10 in my pocket.Twenty-four years later, I am retiring and will never have to work again. That is pretty good for a poor kid from San Diego.I know the media promotes careers in the medical and engineering fields. However, a military career can be more attainable and sustainable for the average person.There are too many benefits inside the military to list, but here are some: healthcare, college, and housing down payments.If you don't have a nest egg, job, or real estate for your kids, consider looking in the military with them. It can change their fortunes forever. It did for me. Good Luck!

  • - Use Dividends to Pay for the Rest of Your Vacations
    av Joshua King

    What if someone paid for all your vacations for the rest of your life? How cool would it be to have an account just for holidays?You can build such an account; however, it will take time and effort. I estimate it will take five years to build a portfolio that suits your needs.It took my wife and me three years to earn $1,000/month in dividends. Now, at age 41, we are set for life.We have $12,000 per year towards our vacation if we so choose. Are you willing to slow your life down for five years? That will be the actual test. Good Luck!

  • - Here's How You Can Help
    av Joshua King

    If your child wants to become a doctor, it is your job to learn more about the process than them.We took an oath as parents to become greater than ourselves. When did we start giving our kids over to the world so easily?Do we want big corporations, big education, and big pharma to mentor our kids? If not, we must help them navigate romance, work, career, and finances.I know high-skill jobs intimidate you, but it's okay. You have a growth mindset which allows you to learn anything you want.Put your time and effort to good use, and become your child's best cheerleader and coach. Get involved and "do better." Good Luck!

  • - As A Family of Four
    av Joshua King

    Why do we need so much space? It starts with each of us getting our own rooms as kids; then it grows from there.However, if we can learn how to share space, we can be highly successful in this life.Better yet, we can be happy and financially free. It just takes a change in mindset.By living with parents or sharing a house with your sibling, both families can flourish.Corporations love when we dividend ourselves from one another; it makes them big bucks. Let's fight back as a team! Good Luck!

  • - Can You Afford to Tap into Your Home?
    av Joshua King

    Home equity loans have been the saving grace for many Americans over the past 20 years. You could withdraw cash and have your home equity grow back.It didn't take much work to grow our home equity. Are our home equity loans a viable option with rising interest rates?We don't know where interest rates will settle, but it looks like they will remain higher for longer.Can you afford to tap a home equity loan over 12%? Is it worth it to put your home in jeopardy? These are just some of the questions we must ask ourselves. Good Luck!

  • - Enjoy Payments from Creativity
    av Joshua King

    Isn't having extra money coming in nice? I love receiving my royalties throughout the month.Royalties are payments from when people consume our creative work. To earn royalties, you must have creative pieces available to consume.Royalty income is very sporadic, so it's best to keep it for extra fun money throughout the month. I use mine for movies and restaurants.If you want to start enjoying your life, passive income from royalties is the way. You must put yourself into the public eye but don't worry; it's not that bad. Good Luck!

  • - How to Thrive in a Long-Distance Relationship
    av Joshua King

    Are long-distance relationships as bad as everyone implies? Yes, they are tough on you and your partner.However, they can bring you closer together while building a better relationship overall. But, this requires planning and hard work.The goal of your time apart needs to improve yourself while building the standing of the relationship.Create specific individual, relationship, and financial goals for your time apart, and work hard to achieve them. Avoid negative people around you, keep conversations positive, and you will be well on your way. Good Luck!

  • - A Tight Budget to Continue Growing Wealth
    av Joshua King

    I am here in San Diego against my will; however, that doesn't mean I can't continue to save and invest.It's tough to budget for success here in California. Living in a high-cost-of-living area requires a mindset that most people cannot fathom.First, I rent a room and drive a $17,000. Those two items are how I keep my expenses low from the start.Next, I give myself $50/day for food, gas, and miscellaneous items. I can stay under budget reasonably easily.This gives me a total of $3,000/month to live while I make $170,000 in earned income. I can now save and invest the difference. Good Luck!

  • - And You Should Be Too
    av Joshua King

    The world tells you that making money is evil. You can have it all without working hard or selling your soul.But becoming rich, retiring early, and spending time with loved ones takes a passion most do not possess.Once I became obsessed with improving my skill with money, I became rich. I counted all my dividends and lived on a budget.Living below your means is the best way to start getting ahead financially. From there, you can begin to save and invest.I'm sorry the world lied to you, but how will you handle the truth? You can disregard the information and live for today. Or you can have fun today by living an intentional life and becoming obsessed with getting results. Good Luck!

  • - Start Building Your Income Today
    av Joshua King

    We begin our careers with a love of paychecks, not a love of income. Rich people focus on building income streams without going to work.Our love of paychecks starts to subside as we get into debt. The joy of getting a paycheck and giving it to a bank is no longer thrilling.However, we can fight back. It starts by using our minds to think critically. How much money do we need every month?Once we have our minimal monthly number, we can find multiple streams of income to satisfy that number without receiving our work paycheck.Once we have enough passive income from dividends, royalties, business, pensions, and rents, we can safely retire and continue to grow our income.How we got it so wrong, we will never know. But we have the information and must take extreme measures to escape the rat race. Good Luck!

  • - The Only Way to Reach Happiness is through Tough Decisions
    av Joshua King

    Do you want amazing things in life? How does traveling the world with money coming into your accounts passively sound?These are remarkable feats; anyone can accomplish these with hard work, discipline, and meticulous goal setting.But hard work doesn't sound fun against going to the movies, drinking alcohol, and watching Netflix series.The difficult path always surrounds us. It's going back to college, working two jobs, and following a budget religiously.But only a select few choose the hard way; they also tend to get what they want from life. So which path do you want to choose-the easy way (watching Netflix) or the hard way (building a new job skill)? Good Luck!

  • - Keep Your Job, Change Your Mindset
    av Joshua King

    There is a new movement happened called quiet quitting. Essentially, you come to terms with the fact that your job is in second place in your life.This sounds great, but we all need to pay the bills. If you spend eight hours away from home, you may as well make the most money you can.Quiet quitting is about keeping your sanity as an employee. Your job will drain you of everything if you let it.However, once you learn about passive income, you'll truly understand that your job is solely to pay the bills. Work hard and mentor others, but also perform self-care at all time. Good Luck!

  • - Moving Forward is More Effective than Look Back
    av Joshua King

    Will focusing on the past fix your future? That's a tough question. I know that focusing on the future will help you overcome your past.We all have trauma, but it cannot stop our future. To be successful in this life, we must have a plan.More importantly, we must move along our plan until we reach our destination. At that point, we create another goal to keep us moving forward.At no point should we stay still and rehash the past over and over. It leads to depression or worse. The true path to happiness is through building an extraordinary future. Good Luck!

  • - The True Power Couple
    av Joshua King

    Do you believe two people in a marriage can also climb the corporate ladder? While it's possible, it won't yield the best results.One person should stay home; however, that doesn't mean they can't build something unique.Passive income is the key to living the life of your dreams. The stay-at-home parent can start building passive income while raising kids and managing the home.After 17 years of marriage, I wish I had this information. Although my wife and I are late to the party, we are accumulating passive income every day.We will free ourselves from the workforce before I turn fifty with enough passive income to do what we like. Now that's how a marriage should function. Good Luck!

  • - Is Time More Important than Money?
    av Joshua King

    Given the option between working for $100,000 or making $50,000 in passive income, which would you choose?I sincerely hope you will choose $50,000 in passive income. This choice means that you value your time more than money.Plus, $50,000 is only the start. Now that you have your time back, you can focus on things you love and will earn you income.We should make a positive contribution to the Earth and its citizens. We have a better chance of being productive on our terms (not our company's). Good Luck!

  • - Write a Book in One Week
    av Joshua King

    Ready to write your masterpiece? It doesn't have to be a 100,000-word, 1,000-page monstrosity.It can be a 10,000-word, 50-page short book covering all the topics you want.If you want to cover more topics, write and release more books. It truly is that simple. Inside, I review my book writing technique called topic expansion.I believe that short books are the wave of the future, so you may as well go with the trend. Once you release one book, you'll have the urge to publish many more. Good Luck!

  • - The Independent Person Experiment Failed
    av Joshua King

    We went through a grand experiment in America called "The Independent Person." We took a young adult and kicked them out of the house at age 18.We said, "sink or swim." Most people sank under the financial and emotional burden of trying to survive alone.However, with inflation and recession on the horizon, things are starting to shift back to family values. We can now let our kids build upon the things we started.We don't need to kick our kids out to "prove" themselves to the world. The world doesn't care. Do you know who cares? We do. Good Luck!

  • - For Couples
    av Joshua King

    In a perfect world, two people would work together in unison-freeing themselves from the tyranny of the workforce.In reality, most couples rarely get on the same page long enough to make a serious run at freedom.The main problem comes from our money habits and beliefs. To free ourselves as a couple, we must move toward a shared vision for retirement.It may take a few years to understand each others' thoughts and fears, but if you can prevail, you'll have the support you need to escape. Good Luck!

  • - They Want You to Fail
    av Joshua King

    The world wants you to be mediocre, average, and content with your station in life. How else can they sell you products to improve yourself?Do you want to be average? Do you love eating alone and playing video games with random strangers?If you want more, it starts with your daily routine. If you do not push yourself to your limits, no one else can.Waking up early and being creative are two ways to improve your life. If you want to meet an above-average person, you'll need to become above-average. That's how life works. Good Luck!

  • - Convert Opportunities into Success
    av Joshua King

    Have you fumbled the bag in your life? Have you had an excellent opportunity to change the trajectory of your relationship or finances?Chances are, you didn't understand how powerful this opportunity was in your life. Society doesn't want you to actually change.You must read books and take massive action to exploit these wonderful opportunities. That is the formula for getting "lucky."Once an opportunity comes to the forefront, take an educated attempt to leverage it. This is how we keep from fumbling the bag.

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