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Bøker av James Edwards

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  • - A Concise Guide for Getting Over Anger, Jealousy, Fear, Anxiety and Depression
    av James Edwards

    This book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS FOR MANAGING NEGATIVE EMOTIONS: A Concise Guide for Getting Over Anger, Jealousy, Fear, Anxiety and Depression' is a short and thorough description of how every man and woman can become an expert in the art of managing negative emotions, thereby getting over anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety and depression. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that every individual can adopt to master the art of managing negative emotions for a more blissful life. The entire book was written in ten chapters and forty-two pages, revealing major secrets for getting over negative emotions including anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety, and depression. The first chapter revealed in three pages the secret of acknowledging and embracing your emotions for managing negative emotions, including six popular types of negative emotions, and five major importance of acknowledging your emotions. The second chapter revealed in three pages the secret of recognizing the foundational sources of negative emotions, including the underlying reasons for five typical negative emotions made up of anger, jealousy, depression, fear, and anxiety. The third chapter revealed in four pages the secret of developing self-compassion and adopting forgiveness for managing negative emotions, including the three crucial components of self-compassion, the restorative potential of self-compassion, and the six practical steps to promote the process of getting over grudges and resentment. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of developing mindfulness and awareness for managing negative emotions, including four methods for practicing mindfulness every day, and four techniques for using awareness to control your emotions. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of generating robust coping mechanisms for managing negative emotions, including five effective techniques for handling anger and frustration, and five strategies for developing resilience in the face of misfortune. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of strengthening emotional intelligence for managing negative emotions, including the four main parts of emotional intelligence, and eight useful suggestions to raise emotional intelligence. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the secret of cultivating constructive relationships for managing negative emotions, including the benefits of constructive relationships on mental health, creating supportive associates, and setting healthy limits. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of adopting self-care routines for managing negative emotions, including comprehending self-care, and five easy steps to make your own self-care schedule. The ninth chapter revealed in four pages the secret of disputing negative thoughts for managing negative emotions, including five common patterns that give rise to negative thoughts, six frequently used cognitive behavioral techniques, and five typical methods for changing attitudes and fostering optimism. And, finally, the tenth chapter reveals in five pages the secret of seeking expert assistance when necessary, including six signs that you should seek counseling or treatment, four strategies for de-stigmatizing treatment for mental health, and six useful ideas for taking proactive steps towards seeking expert assistance. If you are determined to enjoy the virtue of managing negative emotions successfully, getting over anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety, and depression, this book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS FOR MANAGING NEGATIVE EMOTIONS: A Concise Guide for Getting Over Anger, Jealousy, Fear, Anxiety and Depression' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - Understanding Advanced Negotiation Techniques That Really Work
    av James Edwards

    This book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS FOR MASTERING THE ART OF NEGOTIATION: Understanding Advanced Negotiation Techniques That Really Work' is a short and thorough description of how every man and woman can become an expert in the art of negotiation through understanding advanced negotiation techniques that really work. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that every individual can adopt to master the art of negotiation for success in everyday living, both in personal and business life. The entire book was written in ten chapters and forty-seven pages, revealing advanced negotiation techniques that really work for mastering the art of negotiation. The first chapter revealed in four pages the secret of preparation, including investigating your counterparty, clearly defining your objectives and goals, and formulating an approach. The second chapter revealed in four pages the secret of mastering communication skills, including four useful active listening techniques, four relevant aspects of potent verbal and nonverbal communication, and four strategies for developing a good connection during negotiation. The third chapter revealed in four pages the secret of developing emotional intelligence, including the three relevant steps to acknowledging and controlling your emotions, the three relevant steps to developing empathy, and the three relevant steps to identifying and controlling emotional triggers. The fourth chapter revealed in four pages the secret of understanding and utilizing power dynamics, including the four different types of power in negotiation, the four guidelines for utilizing power ethically in negotiation, and the six potent strategies for balancing power in negotiations. The fifth chapter revealed in four pages the secret of generating win-win solutions, including the three techniques for developing cooperative problem-solving in negotiations, and the three ways for discovering an area of agreement in negotiations. The sixth chapter revealed in four pages the secret of negotiating with confidence, including the six techniques for getting rid of fear and anxiety during negotiations, and the six ways of managing high-stress situations in negotiations. The seventh chapter revealed in four pages the secret of mastering the art of persuasion, including the five elements of influence tactics, the five techniques for using words that persuade, and the five strategies for initiating a strong argument. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of handling stalemate in negotiations, including the five typical difficulties in the negotiation process, the five strategies for overcoming stalemates in negotiations, and the five strategies to keep the motion of negotiation ongoing. The ninth chapter revealed in four pages the secret of negotiating in cross-cultural circumstances, including the four major ways that cultural differences affect negotiations, the four major ways of adopting communication styles to different cultures for effective negotiation, and the four major ways of developing cultural intelligence for effective negotiation. And, finally, the tenth chapter reveals in four pages the secret of acquiring knowledge from every negotiation, including how to contemplate your negotiation skills continually for improvement, five ways of absorbing wisdom from every negotiation, and the four strategies for applying the knowledge you acquired from negotiations to future negotiations. If you are determined to enjoy the personal and business success that comes from mastering the art of negotiation through understanding advanced negotiation techniques that really work, this book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS FOR MASTERING THE ART OF NEGOTIATION: Understanding Advanced Negotiation Techniques That Really Work' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - Effective Parenting Techniques For Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children
    av James Edwards

    This book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS OF GOOD ENOUGH PARENTING: Effective Parenting Techniques For Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children' is a short and thorough description of how parents can succeed with the innate desire to raise emotionally intelligent children who can navigate the intricacies of the ever-changing world. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that every parent can utilize to succeed with the goal of good enough parenting and raising emotionally intelligent kids. The entire book was written in ten chapters and thirty-six pages, revealing effective parenting techniques for raising emotionally intelligent children. The first chapter revealed in two pages the secret of accepting imperfection, including the importance of avoiding the need to achieve perfection, the necessity of acquiring knowledge from mistakes, and the necessity of developing forgiveness and acceptance. The second chapter revealed in three pages the secret of developing empathy, including the five practical ways for parents to cultivate empathy, and the five effective ways to educate children on empathy. The third chapter revealed in three pages the secret of focusing on self-care, including the four main benefits of parental general health, and the five effective parenting self-care strategies. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of establishing healthy boundaries, including the five techniques for lovingly setting explicit boundaries, and the five potent ways of regulating freedom and discipline as children grow. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of promoting independence, including the four strategies for helping children attain freedom and self-reliance, and the four potent ways of encouraging children's development through freedom. The sixth chapter revealed in two pages the secret of effective communication, including the seven tenets of effective communication in parenting. The seventh chapter revealed in two pages the secret of adjusting to circumstances, including the importance of developing flexibility. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of consistency, including the four primary kinds of routine you can create as a parent, and the five techniques of maintaining a consistent method of discipline. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of celebrating improvement rather than perfection, including adopting development and progress, appreciating children's effort and flexibility, and the necessity of celebrating improvement. And, finally, the tenth chapter reveals in three pages the secret of enjoying the process of parenting, including the seven tenets of finding joy in the process of parenting. If you are determined to witness the joy of raising emotionally intelligent children using effective parenting techniques for raising emotionally intelligent kids, this book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS OF GOOD ENOUGH PARENTING: Effective Parenting Techniques For Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - You Can Beat Prostate Cancer with the Ultimate Guide to Prostate Health
    av James Edwards

    This book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS FOR PREVENTING PROSTATE CANCER: You Can Beat Prostate Cancer with the Ultimate Guide to Prostate Health' is a short and thorough description of how every man can be able to beat prostate cancer with a thorough knowledge of the ultimate guide to prostate health. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that every adult man can adopt to achieve a proactive health status of preventing prostate cancer. The entire book was written in ten chapters and thirty-nine pages, revealing the basic things that every adult man needs to know and practice to beat prostate cancer and enjoy a life that is free from the danger of getting prostate cancer. The first chapter revealed in four pages the secret of upholding a healthy diet for prostate cancer, including the function of diet in prostate health, five whole foods that are good for preventing prostate cancer, and five types of food that you should avoid to beat prostate cancer. The second chapter revealed in three pages the secret of consistent exercise and physical activity for preventing prostate cancer, including the effect of exercise on the danger of getting prostate cancer, and the five adult exercise guidelines that are recommended by the American Cancer Society. The third chapter revealed in three pages the secret of controlling stress for preventing prostate cancer, including recognizing the relationship between prostate health and stress, and the seven effective methods to lower stress. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of consistent check-ups and screening for preventing prostate cancer, including the basis for frequent medical examination, the relevance of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests, and the direction for screening and frequency. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of avoiding harmful substances for preventing prostate cancer, including avoiding the lethal addiction of tobacco smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, understanding the relationship between alcohol consumption and the danger of getting prostate cancer, and avoiding the hidden risks of toxins in the environment. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of retaining a healthy weight for preventing prostate cancer, including comprehending obesity and its effect on health, the relationship between obesity and prostate cancer, and the seven techniques for weight control and cancer prevention. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the secret of improving hormonal balance for preventing prostate cancer, including basic knowledge of hormonal balance, testosterone's function in prostate health, and seven simple ways to balance hormones. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of boosting immune function for preventing prostate cancer, including recognizing the functions of the immune system in fighting cancer, and five lifestyle changes that can boost immunity. The ninth chapter revealed in four pages the secret of herbal supplements for prostate health, including basic knowledge of herbal and natural remedies, and seven tips for integrating natural remedies into daily routine. And, finally, the tenth chapter reveals in four pages the secret of creating a supportive network for preventing prostate cancer, including four main reasons social networks are important for health, how to create a supportive network, and six strategies to seek assistance in preventing prostate cancer. If you are determined to enjoy a healthy life that is free from the fear of getting prostate cancer by mastering the ultimate guide to prostate health, this book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS FOR PREVENTING PROSTATE CANCER: You Can Beat Prostate Cancer with the Ultimate Guide to Prostate Health' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - Productivity Hacks, including Overcoming Procrastination and Laziness, Developing Mental Toughness, Mastering Your Focus...
    av James Edwards

    This book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS FOR MASTERING SELF DISCIPLINE' is a short and thorough description of how every man and woman can be able to master the virtue of self-discipline to radically increase his productivity in his personal and business life. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that individuals can adopt to master self-discipline. The entire book was written in ten chapters and thirty-seven pages, revealing the basic things that every man and woman needs to know and practice to overcome procrastination and laziness, master their focus, and observe other productivity hacks for mastering self-discipline. The first chapter revealed in three pages the secret of clearly defining your goals and purpose, including recognizing the influence of goals and purpose, understanding the SMART acronym for setting clear goals, and five techniques for establishing and achieving your goals. The second chapter revealed in three pages the secret of developing a growth mindset, including the ten key tactics for developing a growth mindset. The third chapter revealed in three pages the secret of establishing successful daily routines, including the ten main ideas and techniques for creating routines that increase productivity and promote self-discipline. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of conquering laziness and procrastination, including the ten potent strategies that can assist every right-thinking person to get over the impediment of laziness and procrastination. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of perfecting in time management, including the ten powerful time management techniques that work well. The sixth chapter revealed in four pages the secret of cultivating mental toughness, including basic knowledge of mental toughness, four principal elements of mental toughness, and seven methods for building mental toughness. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the secret of utilizing the power of habits, including basic knowledge of habits, and how to use habits to boost self-discipline. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of intensifying willpower and resilience, including basic knowledge of willpower, and three major ways of cultivating resilience. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of retaining focus, including the ten effective techniques for becoming an expert at sustaining focus. And, finally, the tenth chapter reveals in three pages the secret of overcoming the fear of failure and learning from mistakes, including the unbiased identity of failure, the concept of accepting failure, the concept of retrieving wisdom, the necessity of developing resilience, and the concept of accepting risk. If you are determined to enjoy a radical boost in productivity either in your personal or business life, this book 'TEN CARDINAL SECRETS FOR MASTERING SELF DISCIPLINE: Productivity Hacks, including Overcoming Procrastination and Laziness, Developing Mental Toughness, Mastering Your Focus, Utilizing the Power of Daily Habits, Learning from Your Mistakes, and More' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - Master Career Planning, Budgeting, Saving and Investing to Enjoy A Life of Financial Freedom
    av James Edwards

    This book 'MONEY MINDSET FOR TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS: Master Career Planning, Budgeting, Saving and Investing to Enjoy A Life of Financial Freedom' is a short and thorough description of how every teenager and young adult can enjoy a life of financial freedom through adopting a proper money mindset, mastering career planning, budgeting, saving, and investing. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that teenagers and young adults can adopt to master career planning, budgeting, saving, and investing to gain financial freedom. The entire book was written in ten chapters and thirty-eight pages, revealing the basic things that every teenager and young adult needs to know to adopt a proper money mindset and master career planning, budgeting, saving, and investing to enjoy a life of financial freedom. The first chapter revealed in three pages the necessity for teens and young adults to understand money mindset and the value of financial literacy, including the three aspects of money mindset, the four essential values of financial literacy, and the three ways of integrating financial literacy into education. The second chapter revealed in three pages the need for teens and young adults to relate to money correctly, including the three strategies to strengthen your connection with money and the three kinds of goals you can set. The third chapter revealed in three pages the basis of mastering career planning for teens and young adults. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the fundamentals of budgeting for teens and young adults, including how to establish your own budget, how to keep records and control your expenditures, and how to make wise financial decisions. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the necessity for teens and young adults to master the skill of saving money, including the three major importance of saving money, the three crucial points to consider when creating an emergency fund, and the five clever saving practices for young adults and teenagers. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the need for teens and young adults to master the basis of investing money, including the five major ways of investing money and the importance of building a portfolio of diversified investments. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the essence of planning to achieve early financial freedom with investing, including the three methods for building long-term wealth, the three ways young people can plan to retire with financial freedom, and how to take advantage of compound interest to achieve financial freedom. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the three major financial difficulties teenagers and young adults can witness, and how to overcome them. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the three aspects of cultivating a positive attitude towards money, including developing a positive relationship with money, developing an abundance-oriented attitude with gratitude, and using the power of positive auto-suggestion. And, finally, the tenth chapter reveals in four pages the need for teenagers and young adults to adopt an enduring attitude toward money for financial freedom, including examining the past, adopting a growth perspective, developing money management knowledge, creating pragmatic and flexible goals, and erecting an encouraging financial community. If you are determined to enjoy a life of financial freedom by adopting a proper money mindset and mastering career planning, budgeting, saving, and investing, this book 'MONEY MINDSET FOR TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS: Master Career Planning, Budgeting, Saving and Investing to Enjoy A Life of Financial Freedom' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - A Book on Mastering the Art of Persuasion through Story Selling Method
    av James Edwards

    This book 'MASTER THE ART OF STORYTELLING TO SELL LIKE CRAZY: A Book on Mastering the Art of Persuasion through Story Selling Method' is a short and thorough description of how you can be able to enjoy a more buoyant life by mastering the art of persuasion through story selling method. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to master the art of storytelling to sell like crazy. The entire book was written in ten chapters and thirty-nine pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to master the art of storytelling to become an ingenious salesman who is able to sell like crazy. The first chapter revealed in three pages the influence of storytelling on sales including overcoming objections to storytelling, creating emotional coherence, and case studies as influential narratives. The second chapter revealed in four pages the bedrock of a persuasive story including recognizing your target audience, setting your brand's story, and developing a unique selling proposition. The third chapter revealed in two pages the essence of writing a compelling story including character formation, storyline and organization, creating the scene, and including conflict to encourage engagement. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the relevance of cultivating emotional connection in the story-selling method including three aspects of human nature for cultivating emotional connections, three methods to craft engaging experiences to promote emotional bonds, and three emotional resonance factors to consider when creating emotional bonds. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the four basic techniques to master the art of storytelling to sell like crazy. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the four major ways that you can utilize the art of storytelling to sell like crazy. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the three common challenges that you can witness on your path to mastering the art of storytelling to sell like crazy and how to overcome them. The eighth chapter revealed in five pages the criteria that you can use to measure the performance of your story-selling method to master the art of storytelling to sell like crazy. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the power of storytelling on sales with practical examples and the lessons they provided. And, finally, the tenth chapter reveals in three pages the eight ways that storytelling can be relevant in the future. If you are determined to enjoy a more financially successful life by selling more products or services, this book 'MASTER THE ART OF STORYTELLING TO SELL LIKE CRAZY: A Book on Mastering the Art of Persuasion through Story Selling Method' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - Make Peace with Painful Memories and Create A Life that Matters
    av James Edwards

    This book 'FORGIVING YOURSELF AND OTHERS FOR SUCCESS' is a short and thorough description of how to make peace with painful memories and create a life that matters. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to live a lifestyle of forgiving yourself and forgiving others so you can constantly make peace with painful memories and be able to create a life that matters. The entire book was written in ten chapters and thirty-seven pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to make peace with painful memories through forgiving yourself and others so you can have the mental freedom to create a life that matters. The first chapter revealed in three pages the infallible connection between forgiving yourself and forgiving others for achieving unimaginable success. The second chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of forgiveness to rectify the wrong notion of most people on forgiveness. The third chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of forgiving yourself and six ways that you can adopt to master forgiving yourself. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the healing power of forgiving others and five processes that you can follow to master forgiving others. The fifth chapter revealed in four pages the ten step-by-step healing processes of the virtue of forgiving yourself and forgiving others. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the life-changing power of forgiveness, including the five processes of developing forgiveness for individual development. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the five major obstacles in your pursuit of a lifestyle of forgiving yourself and others and practical ways for you to surmount all the obstacles. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the mighty influence that forgiving yourself and others could have on your mental health, including stress reduction and happiness. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the six familiar potent forgiveness practices including, mindful reflection, ho'oponopono, metta meditation, restorative circles, writing letters, and compassion-focused therapy. And, finally, the tenth chapter reveals in three pages the inimitable effect of forgiveness on achieving your goals in life, so you can be able to create a life that matters. If you are determined to create a life that matters by mastering how to make peace with painful memories to free your mind for utmost productivity, this book, 'FORGIVING YOURSELF AND OTHERS FOR SUCCESS: Make Peace with Painful Memories and Create A Life that Matters' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - How to Stop Overthinking Habits with Mindfulness Strategy and Cognitive Restructuring
    av James Edwards

    This book 'OVERCOMING OVERTHINKING TO LIVE IN THE MOMENT' is a short and thorough description of how to stop overthinking and begin to enjoy a highly blissful life as you live in the moment. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to free yourself from the menace of overthinking and begin to enjoy the rewards that accompany the virtue of living in the moment. The entire book was written in ten chapters and thirty-nine pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to overcome overthinking. The first chapter revealed in three pages the four possible causes of overthinking and the five ways that it can be conquered. The second chapter revealed in three pages the secret of identifying overthinking patterns in order to escape overthinking habits, including the catastrophizing loop, paralysis by perfectionism, the game of comparisons, mentally reliving the past, worrying about the future, and dealing with "what if" spiral. The third chapter revealed in three pages the dangerous negative effects that overthinking could have on the two most relevant essences of your life, which are health and happiness. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the power of mindfulness strategy and an attempt to live in the present to overcome overthinking. The fifth chapter revealed in four pages the understanding and practice of cognitive restructuring to overcome overthinking and enjoy the blissful life of living in the moment. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the necessity of appreciating the uncertainty of life outcomes to live in the moment and stop overthinking habits. The seventh chapter revealed in four pages the understanding and practice of self-compassion to stop overthinking habits. The eighth chapter revealed in four pages the necessity of mastering and developing resilience to stop overthinking. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the power of developing a mindfulness strategy to stop overthinking habits. And, finally, the tenth chapter reveals in three pages the secret of turning the good behaviors that lead to overcoming overthinking into a habit for a long-lasting result of enjoying the awesome rewards of living in the moment. If you are determined to enjoy the highly blissful life that living in the moment without the habit of overthinking could make possible, this book 'OVERCOMING OVERTHINKING TO LIVE IN THE MOMENT: How to Stop Overthinking Habits with Mindfulness Strategy and Cognitive Restructuring' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - Discover the Power of Gratitude, Fix Your Craving Mindset, and Overcome Scarcity Mindset
    av James Edwards

    The first thing to grasp from the book 'FINDING CONTENTMENT IN A THIRSTY WORLD' is that the phrase 'a thirsty world' refers to an obnoxiously craving universe, where the majority of people are living in a cycle of an ever ending desires. It's like a disease that predisposes people to continue seeking without ever relishing the joy of satisfaction. The book 'FINDING CONTENTMENT IN A THIRSTY WORLD' will enable you to cure this disease, so you can relish the joy of living instead of craving in the relatively short life-span that we have on earth. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to free yourself from the disturbing influence of a scarcity mindset and fix your craving mindset. The entire book was written in fifteen chapters and fifty-two pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to find contentment in a thirsty or obnoxiously craving world. The first chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of a craving world including the reasons behind craving, the illusion of satisfaction, the link between mindfulness and craving, developing contentment, and ending the craving cycle. The second chapter revealed in three pages the six basic knowledge that is required for obtaining lasting happiness in a thirsty world. The third chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of the reason behind the craving nature of humans. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the three basic ways that cravings could negatively affect the mental health of an individual and four practical ways to solve the problem. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the understanding of the cycle of craving in humans and how to fix your craving mindset. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the illusion of getting truly satisfied by the things that are happening in the outside world. True satisfaction must be sourced within ourselves. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the power of the understanding and practice of mindfulness in attempting to overcome a scarcity mindset. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of scarcity mindset and five practical ways to overcome scarcity mindset. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the power of gratitude for finding contentment in a thirsty world. The tenth chapter revealed in three pages the power of introspection and self-discovery for finding contentment in a thirsty world. The eleventh chapter revealed in three pages the five basic understandings that are required to balance ambition and contentment in a thirsty world to fix your craving mindset. The twelfth chapter revealed in three pages the power of building genuine relationships for finding contentment in a thirsty world. The thirteenth chapter revealed in three pages the three basic ways that you can make your life simpler to fix your craving mindset in a thirsty world. The fourteenth chapter revealed in three pages the two ways that you can develop flexibility and four ways that you can develop survival strategies for finding contentment in a thirsty world. And, finally, the fifteenth chapter reveals in three pages the spiritual aspect of finding contentment in a thirsty world. If you are determined to enjoy the immensely satisfying life of living with contentment in an obnoxiously craving world, this book 'FINDING CONTENTMENT IN A THIRSTY WORLD: Discover the Power of Gratitude, Fix Your Craving Mindset, and Overcome Scarcity Mindset' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - How to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally And Use Eye Exercises to Improve Vision
    av James Edwards

    This book 'EXERCISES AND HABITS TO IMPROVE YOUR EYESIGHT' is a short and thorough description of how you can be able to improve your eyesight by following simple exercise routines and habits. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to free yourself from the health hazards of poor eyesight in a high-risk digital age and sedentary lifestyle that we live in. The entire book was written in eleven chapters and forty-one pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to improve your eyesight naturally. The first chapter revealed in three pages the essence of lifestyle to improve vision. The second chapter revealed in four pages the basic structures of the eyes, and how blood flow, exercise, and lifestyle could improve eyesight. The third chapter revealed in three pages the necessity of a balanced diet to improve eyesight naturally. The fourth chapter revealed in two pages the secret of drinking plenty of water to improve your eyesight naturally. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the secret of sleeping well to improve your eyesight naturally. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the six basic eye exercises to improve vision. The seventh chapter revealed in four pages the negative impact of the digital age on eyesight and how to avoid it. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the necessity of outdoor activities to improve eyesight. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages various nutrients and supplements that are good for improving eyesight naturally. The tenth chapter revealed in three pages the dangers of stress to eyesight and how to avoid them. And, finally, the eleventh chapter revealed in three pages ten ways that you can build necessary habits into your daily life in order to improve your eyesight naturally. If you are determined to enjoy the buoyant health of living with good eyesight in the high-risk digital age and sedentary lifestyle that we live in, this book 'EXERCISES AND HABITS TO IMPROVE YOUR EYESIGHT: How to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally And Use Eye Exercises to Improve Vision' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - The Ugly Fact About Chronic Constipation and How to Kick It Off Naturally
    av James Edwards

    This book 'CONSTIPATION CURES: The Ugly Fact About Chronic Constipation and How to Kick It Off Naturally' is a short and thorough description of how you can be able to get rid of the menace of chronic constipation by following simple and natural strategies. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to free yourself from the health hazards of chronic constipation. The entire book was written in thirteen chapters and forty-seven pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to kick off chronic constipation naturally. The first chapter revealed in three pages the six basic causes of chronic constipation. The second chapter revealed in three pages the benefits of using natural remedies to general well-being for relieving chronic constipation, including increasing vitality, emotional and mental health, and changes in life quality. The third chapter revealed in three pages the necessity of using natural remedies for constipation relief. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of the digestive system for mastering holistic constipation relief. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the relevance of the health of the digestive tracts for constipation remedies, including the gut microbiome, inflammation and motility of the gut, and probiotics. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of the microbiome in the gut and the impact it has on chronic constipation. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of fiber nutrients for kicking off chronic constipation. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of drinking water for kicking off chronic constipation. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the nine necessary lifestyles for holistic constipation relief. The tenth chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of probiotics for kicking off chronic constipation. The eleventh chapter revealed in four pages the five well-known natural herbs that have the potential to kick off chronic constipation and how to utilize them. The twelfth chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of the joint relation of the mind and the body for holistic constipation relief. And, finally, the thirteenth chapter revealed in four pages a good example of a meal plan and recipes for constipation remedies. If you are determined to enjoy the buoyant health of living without the problem of chronic constipation, this book 'CONSTIPATION CURES: The Ugly Fact About Chronic Constipation and How to Kick It Off Naturally' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - How to Lose Belly Fat Fast to Get A Flat Stomach For Both Men And Women
    av James Edwards

    This book 'BURN BELLY FAT: How to Lose Belly Fat Fast to Get A Flat Stomach For Both Men And Women' is a short and thorough description of how you can be able to burn belly fat and get a flat stomach. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to free yourself from the challenges of a fat tummy and enjoy the beauty and health of getting a flat stomach. The entire book was written in fifteen chapters and fifty-four pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to be inspired and strive towards burning belly fat to get a flat stomach. The first chapter revealed in three pages the six basic reasons why losing belly fat is important for every adult man and woman. The second chapter revealed in three pages the five dangerous health implications of belly fat in every adult man and woman. The third chapter revealed in three pages the secret wisdom of setting relevant goals to achieve the aim of burning belly fat to get a flat stomach in both men and women. The fourth chapter revealed in four pages the basic understanding of belly fat including the causes of the accumulation of belly fat, the connection between hormones and belly fat, and the general method of getting rid of belly fat. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the necessity of mastering the ratio of the amount of calories consumed to the calories used for losing belly fat quickly. The sixth chapter revealed in four pages the importance of understanding the relationship between metabolism and losing belly fat, including ways to increase basal metabolic rate, enhance the thermic effect of food, stimulate lipolysis, and enhance oxidation to lose belly fat. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the importance of a balanced diet for losing belly fat The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the necessity of choosing the right kind of foods that could facilitate the loss of belly fat for both men and women. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the essence of mastering portion size control of your foods, and following the right techniques to control the portion size of your foods to achieve the ultimate aim of burning belly fat. The tenth chapter revealed in four pages the necessity of eating your foods at the right time to lose belly fat fast. The eleventh chapter revealed in three pages the different kinds of exercise that will be necessary to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach for both men and women. The twelfth chapter revealed in three pages the essential lifestyles that you may need to adopt and the ones that you may need to give up in order to achieve the aim of losing belly fat. The thirteenth chapter revealed in three pages the different kinds of supplements that could assist you in losing belly fat fast. The fourteenth chapter revealed in three pages the need and methods of monitoring your progress to achieve the aim of losing belly fat. And, finally, the fifteenth chapter reveals in three pages the five different kinds of obstacles that you could experience on your quest to lose belly fat and how to overcome them. If you are determined to enjoy the beauty and good health that a flat stomach can provide for you, this book 'BURN BELLY FAT: How to Lose Belly Fat Fast to Get A Flat Stomach For Both Men And Women' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - The Money Mindset for Teens and Young Adults to Attain Financial Well-being
    av James Edwards

    This book 'FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS: The Money Mindset for Teens and Young Adults to Attain Financial Well-being' is a short and thorough description of how teenagers and young adults will acquire smart money habits, and be able to achieve financial independence as quickly as possible. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that teens and young adults can adopt to free themselves from the discomfort of lack and enjoy the peace and comfort that come from mastering personal finance. The entire book was written in eleven chapters and forty-nine pages, revealing the basic things that teens and young adults need to enjoy financial well-being. The first chapter revealed in four pages the eight basic reasons that financial literacy is relevant for teens and young adults. The second chapter revealed in four pages the basic understanding of money, including what money is, the evolution of money, the function of money, and why money is important. The third chapter revealed in five pages the basic concepts of achieving financial goals, the power of financial goals, different types of financial goals, the smart objectives for understanding goal-setting, setting financial priorities, formulating a financial plan, and the necessity of patience. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the basic idea of budgeting to achieve financial well-being, including understanding the concept of budget, the necessity of budget, how to make a budget and budgeting tips. The fifth chapter revealed in four pages the fundamental knowledge of banks and savings, as well as the proper way to approach it for financial well-being. The sixth chapter revealed in four pages the power of earning and investing money for financial well-being, including the different types of income, options for a career, the connection between expenses and budgeting, the value of financial investing, vehicles for investment, and investing techniques. The seventh chapter revealed in five pages the need to perfect in the management of credit and debt to attain financial well-being including understanding the different types of debt, managing debts with wisdom, prudent use of credit cards, and establishing and preserving good credit. The eighth chapter revealed in four pages the necessity of making wise decisions in the management of money for financial well-being, including setting financial goals, recognizing opportunity costs, and learning to spend money wisely to achieve financial well-being. The ninth chapter revealed in four pages the five dangerous practices that could stop you from attaining financial success and how you can avoid them. The tenth chapter revealed in three pages the basic knowledge of creating wealth to attain financial well-being, including the capability of compound interest for creating wealth, investing to increase wealth, managing risk and diversifying, and ongoing education and a long-term view. And, finally, the eleventh chapter reveals in three pages the eight basic ways teenagers and young adults can take charge of their financial future to enjoy financial well-being. If you are determined to enjoy the virtues of financial freedom, this book 'FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS: The Money Mindset for Teens and Young Adults to Attain Financial Well-being' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - A Guide to Successful Aging with Wisdom and Grace
    av James Edwards

    This book 'AGING GRACEFULLY: A Guide to Successful Aging with Wisdom and Grace' is a short and thorough description of how you can be able to age powerfully with wisdom and grace. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to free yourself from the challenges of old age and enjoy the virtues of aging with wisdom and grace. The entire book was written in nine chapters and thirty-eight pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to cope with the difficulties that old age could elicit. The first chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of aging, including biological aging, psychological aging, and social aging. The second chapter revealed in five pages the methods that you can use to maintain your physical health to grow old with grace, including the necessity to keep operating, eat healthfully, enjoy better sleep, practice preventative healthcare, control stress, continue mental activity, establish a robust social network, and minimize dangerous behaviour. The third chapter revealed in four pages the methods that you can use to maintain your emotional and mental health to enjoy the virtues of aging, including the necessity of accepting change, becoming more inquisitive, building relationships, developing the habit of mindfulness, making self-care a priority, establishing goals, looking for expert assistance, maintaining a fit lifestyle, practicing gratitude, and accepting your age. The fourth chapter revealed in three pages the methods of adapting to beauty and self-care to age powerfully with grace, including the necessity to understand the changing definition of beauty, accepting aging with elegance, sustaining physical health, beauty and skin care regimens, fashion and make up, emotional and mental health, creating and maintaining relationships, and the value of loving oneself. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the necessity of planning for finances and retirement in order to achieve the aim of aging powerfully, including the eight components of planning for finances and retirement. The sixth chapter revealed in five pages a thorough understanding of mastering the connection between aging and relationships, including the shifting terrain of relationship as one ages, creating lifelong connections, managing loss, accepting new connections, interaction and resolution of conflicts, and intimacy and romantic relationships. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the value of hobbies and recreation for aging gracefully, including the necessity to choose the right interests and recreational activities. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of handling end-of-life issues, including the value of prior informed consent, and spiritual and emotional groundwork. And, finally, the ninth chapter reveals in three pages the necessity of aging well, including an alternative view of aging, accepting the changes in life, self-sufficiency and welfare, developing an upbeat attitude, being appreciative and mindful, and a positive aging legacy. If you are determined to enjoy the virtues of aging powerfully with wisdom and grace, this book 'AGING GRACEFULLY: A Guide to Successful Aging with Wisdom and Grace' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - Building Emotional Intimacy As Mindful Partners with Mindful Relationship Habits For Lasting Love
    av James Edwards

    This book 'EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR COUPLES: Building Emotional Intimacy As Mindful Partners with Mindful Relationship Habits For Lasting Love' is a short and thorough description of how you can be able to enjoy a lasting loving relationship with your partner by acquiring emotional intelligence. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to relate with your spouse in a more emotionally intelligent manner so you can have greater emotional intimacy with your partner. The entire book was written in eleven chapters and fifty-one pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to relate with your spouse in a more emotionally intelligent manner. The first chapter revealed in four pages the things that emotional intelligence is all about, including the relevance of emotional intelligence in couples and growing emotional intelligence in couples The second chapter revealed in four pages the basic art of emotions, including the responsibility of the brain and neurotransmitters for emotions, how emotions function in general, and the reason emotions are important in a relationship. The third chapter revealed in four pages the reason emotional intelligence testing is important for couples, including the four spheres of emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence assessment for couples. The fourth chapter revealed in four pages the relevance of the habit of self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-control for the practice of emotional intelligence, including techniques for self-control and the relationship between self-awareness and self-control. The fifth chapter revealed in four pages the relevance of the habit of self-compassion and empathy for the practice of emotional intelligence. The sixth chapter revealed in four pages the influence of communication in the practice of emotional intelligence among couples, including the barriers to successful communication, the elements of successful communication, and the effects of good communication on a couple's relationship. The seventh chapter revealed in four pages the value of trust and security in a couple's relationship, including tips for creating and sustaining trust and security in a relationship. The eighth chapter revealed in four pages the necessity of playing the game of vulnerability to establish emotional intimacy among couples, without going above limit in the game. The ninth chapter revealed in three pages the common obstacles that couples can witness in a relationship, and how they can work together to overcome them. The tenth chapter revealed in four pages the need for couples to become emotionally healthy, including the understanding of emotional well-being and techniques for sustaining mental well-being. And, finally, the eleventh chapter reveals in four pages the necessity of developing emotional intelligence at this present time of the high-tech information age. If you are determined to enjoy emotional intimacy and lasting love with your partner, this book 'EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR COUPLES: Building Emotional Intimacy As Mindful Partners with Mindful Relationship Habits For Lasting Love' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • - A Guide to Healing After Miscarriage and Stillbirth
    av James Edwards

    This book 'COPING WITH PREGNANCY LOSS: A Guide to Healing After Miscarriage and Stillbirth' is a short and thorough description of how you can be able to overcome the agonizing pain of miscarriage or stillbirth. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to free yourself from the immense emotional pain and depression that losing a pregnancy of any kind (whether miscarriage or stillbirth) could elicit. The entire book was written in nine chapters and thirty-six pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to cope with the loss of pregnancy. The first chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of pregnancy loss, including a range of pregnancy loss, coping with the loss of a pregnancy, emotions, and grief, expressing your anger, and seeking professional assistance. The second chapter revealed in three pages the basic understanding of navigating through the path of healing from the pain of pregnancy loss, including recognizing the pain, obtaining assistance, self-compassion, memorials, and rituals, looking for meaning and purpose, and the path to hope. The third chapter revealed in three pages the understanding of coping with the loss of pregnancy and ten techniques that you can use to cope with the loss. The fourth chapter revealed in four pages the nine reasons for losing a pregnancy and five different types of pregnancy loss. The fifth chapter revealed in three pages the understanding and management of recurrent pregnancy loss. The sixth chapter revealed in four pages the relevance of self-care after pregnancy loss, including the seven cornerstones of self-care practice, six strategies for nurturing a sense of growth and healing, and the necessity to maintain close relationships with proper communication. The seventh chapter revealed in three pages the important things to consider for trying to conceive again. The eighth chapter revealed in three pages the need to cherish the memory of your unborn child. And, finally, the ninth chapter reveals in three pages how you can adapt to the future of your life after miscarriage or stillbirth. If you are determined to get over the pain of either miscarriage or stillbirth, this book 'COPING WITH PREGNANCY LOSS: A Guide to Healing After Miscarriage and Stillbirth' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • av James Edwards

    Cette étude explore la manière dont les clients perçoivent l'introduction de la technologie dans un restaurant à service rapide. L'accent est mis sur la question de savoir si les avantages découlant de l'utilisation de la technologie, tels que la commodité et la rapidité du service, se traduisent par une satisfaction globale de la clientèle. La technologie du libre-service étant adoptée par un nombre croissant de consommateurs, le processus de vente a inévitablement évolué. Qu'il s'agisse de commander son repas préféré dans les restaurants à service rapide ou d'acheter des billets d'avion en ligne, les clients sont de plus en plus habiles à personnaliser leur expérience de consommation et d'achat. On estime que l'utilisation de produits intelligents et connectés aura des avantages considérables pour les entreprises qui les fournissent et pour l'économie en général, car les entreprises et les clients tireront profit d'une productivité accrue (Porter et Heppelmann, 2014).

  • - How to Reduce High Cholesterol with Natural Remedies
    av James Edwards

    This book 'LOWER CHOLESTEROL NATURALLY: How to Reduce High Cholesterol with Natural Remedies' is a short and thorough description of how you can be able to avoid the menace of high cholesterol by following simple and natural strategies. It is not cluttered with unnecessary theories but delves straight into practical procedures that you can adopt to free yourself from the health hazards of high cholesterol. The entire book was written in seven chapters and thirty-three pages, revealing the basic things that you need to know to lower bad LDL cholesterol naturally. The first chapter revealed in three pages the difference between bad and good cholesterol, the problem of atherosclerosis, and the key points of cholesterol control. The second chapter revealed in three pages the awesome benefits of following a natural procedure to control cholesterol rather than relying merely on prescription medicine. The third chapter revealed in four pages the type of diet that is good for cholesterol control, as well as, a meal plan example that can be followed for the purpose of lowering cholesterol. The fourth chapter revealed in four pages an understanding of the connection between lifestyle and cholesterol, the need to quit smoking, the necessity of controlling stress, adopting a habit of consistent exercise, and maintaining optimum body weight. The fifth chapter revealed in four pages the various natural cholesterol-lowering supplements that are available for controlling cholesterol. The sixth chapter revealed in three pages the essence of meditation and relaxation for managing cholesterol. And, finally, the seventh chapter revealed in five pages the need to monitor your cholesterol levels often and remain focused on the natural remedies to control your cholesterol. If you are determined to enjoy the buoyant health of living without the problem of high cholesterol, this book 'LOWER CHOLESTEROL NATURALLY: How to Reduce High Cholesterol with Natural Remedies' will prove to be an invaluable guide for you.

  • av James Edwards

    Este trabalho é uma exploração da forma como os clientes percepcionam a introdução da tecnologia num restaurante de serviço rápido. O objetivo é determinar se os benefícios decorrentes da utilização da tecnologia, como a conveniência e a rapidez do serviço, se traduzem na satisfação geral do cliente. À medida que a tecnologia self-service (SST) é adoptada por um número cada vez maior de consumidores, o processo de venda evoluiu inevitavelmente. Desde encomendar a sua refeição favorita no SST em restaurantes de serviço rápido até à compra de bilhetes de avião em linha, os clientes estão a tornar-se muito mais aptos a personalizar as suas experiências de consumo e de compra. Estima-se que a utilização de produtos inteligentes e conectados trará benefícios de longo alcance para as empresas que os fornecem e para a economia em geral, uma vez que as empresas e os clientes ganham vantagens com o aumento da produtividade (Porter e Heppelmann, 2014).

  • av James Edwards

    Questo lavoro è un'esplorazione di come i clienti percepiscono l'introduzione della tecnologia in un ristorante a servizio rapido. L'obiettivo è capire se i vantaggi derivanti dall'uso della tecnologia, come la comodità e la velocità del servizio, si traducono in una soddisfazione complessiva del cliente. Con l'adozione della tecnologia self-service (SST) da parte di un numero sempre maggiore di consumatori, il processo di vendita si è inevitabilmente evoluto. Dall'ordinazione del pasto preferito tramite SST nei ristoranti a servizio rapido all'acquisto di biglietti aerei online, i clienti stanno diventando molto più abili nel personalizzare le loro esperienze di consumo e di acquisto. Si stima che l'utilizzo di prodotti intelligenti e connessi avrà benefici di vasta portata per le aziende che li forniscono e per l'economia in generale, poiché le imprese e i clienti trarranno vantaggio da una maggiore produttività (Porter e Heppelmann, 2014).

  • av James Edwards

    In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wie Kunden die Einführung von Technologie in einem Schnellrestaurant wahrnehmen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Frage, ob die Vorteile, die sich aus dem Einsatz von Technologie ergeben, wie z. B. Bequemlichkeit und Schnelligkeit der Bedienung, sich in der allgemeinen Kundenzufriedenheit niederschlagen. Da die Selbstbedienungstechnologie (SST) von immer mehr Verbrauchern angenommen wird, hat sich der Verkaufsprozess unweigerlich weiterentwickelt. Von der Bestellung des Lieblingsgerichts in Schnellrestaurants bis hin zum Online-Kauf von Flugtickets - die Kunden werden immer geschickter darin, ihre Konsum- und Kauferfahrungen individuell zu gestalten und zu personalisieren. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Nutzung intelligenter, vernetzter Produkte weitreichende Vorteile für die Unternehmen, die diese Produkte anbieten, und für die Wirtschaft insgesamt haben wird, da Unternehmen und Kunden von der verbesserten Produktivität profitieren (Porter und Heppelmann, 2014).

  • - 30 Day Devotional
    av James Edwards

    Do you long for a deeper, more substantial relationship with Jesus?Do you want to follow a daily, intentional study of the finished work of the Cross? Do you desire a fresh and clear revelation of your identity in Christ? Then this book is for you! Each devotional will refresh you and help you focus on the pure simplicity of the Gospel. Dive deeper into the rivers of living water in The Song of You, and drink deep from the well that never runs dry. The Song of You was birthed in the presence of God and resulted in the author receiving fresh insight into God's passion for him-and for all of us. God gave James thirty scriptures and tied them into his personal experiences and the insight that he received, and crafted these devotionals to draw you into a closer relationship with Jesus and experience the same.

  • av James Edwards

  • av James Edwards

  • av James Edwards

  • - Berufsorientierungen Junger Gefluchteter. Eine Qualitative Sinus-Studie
    av James Edwards & Marc Calmbach

    Dieses Buch ist eine Open-Access-Publikation unter einer CC BY 4.0 Lizenz.Wie leben und erleben junge Geflüchtete ihren Alltag in Deutschland? Wie stehen sie zur Aufnahmegesellschaft und welche Zukunft sehen sie für sich, insbesondere mit Blick auf den Arbeitsmarkt? Diesen und weiteren Fragen geht die SINUS-Studie qualitativ-empirisch nach. Dabei lässt sie die Jugendlichen in Form von zahlreichen Zitaten zu Wort kommen.Der InhaltUntersuchungsanlage und Auswertungsmethodik ¿ SINUS-Mindsets von jugendlichen Geflüchteten im Alter von 14 bis 17 Jahren ¿ Berufsorientierung jugendlicher Geflüchteter ¿ Bedeutung des Themas Berufsorientierung ¿ Berufswünsche ¿ Motive der Berufswahl ¿ Kenntnisse über das (Aus-)Bildungssystem ¿ Ansprechpartner und Informationsquellen ¿ Informationsbedarfe ¿ Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen ¿ Bewertung des Schulsystems und Unterstützung durch die SchuleDie AutorenDr. Marc Calmbach, Director Research & Consulting, SINUS Markt- und Sozialforschung GmbH.Dr. James Rhys Edwards, Research & Consulting, SINUS Markt- und Sozialforschung GmbH.

  • - A Beginner's Guide
    av James Edwards & Matthew S Jensen

    This guide is both an introduction to Nortel Networks as well as a study tool for Nortel Networks certification. It should be essential to every network professional because it offers hands-on implementation techniques and real world case studies.

  • - A Modern Day Sequel
    av James Edwards

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