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Bøker av Jack Cottrell

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  • av Jack Cottrell

    A Systematic Theology from Dr. Jack Cottrell.At its most basic, the word "theology" means "God talk," the Greek theos originally meaning "God" and logos meaning "word, statement, speech, discourse." God, then, is the ultimate subject and source of theology. Included in theology is the study of the nature of God himself, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. But theology also includes the scope of the Bible itself: the study of the Word of God subject-by-subject. Cottrell has carefully and thoroughly set forth and examination of the Bible's teaching concerning every major subject.The Faith Once for All is a powerful and dynamic view of biblical doctrine. Doctrine is nothing less than food for the soul, nourishing and strengthening us within. This book is a valuable asset that will serve as the cornerstone of your biblical reference library."Contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God's holy people." (Jude 3, NIV)Dr. Jack Cottrell (4/30/1938 - 9/16/2022). With a lifetime of integrity, faithfulness, and scholarship, he gave us decades of teaching, twenty-eight books, an eighteen volume collected writings set, and numerous magazine articles and individual chapters in books, with twelve of his books translated into thirteen different languages. This legacy will continue to serve believers seeking to follow Christ every day.

  • av Jack Cottrell

    A STUDY OF THE BIBLICAL TEXTS ON BAPTISMThe water of baptism which God meant to unite us has become the waterthat divides us. But the topic of baptism does not have to divide us-it canbe one of the Bible doctrines that submerges us in a common relationshipwith our Lord Jesus.Scripture is far from silent on the subject of baptism, yet history is strewnwith such a variety of perspectives that it becomes difficult to gain a clearview of what the Bible itself actually has to say.In thirteen chapters, Dr. Cottrell discusses twelve major texts on baptismin the New Testament by examining the meaning of the original words, thehistorical background, and the comparative references.The texts covered: - Matthew 28:18-20- Mark 16:15-16- John 3:3-5- Acts 2:38-39- Acts 22:16- Romans 6:3-4- 1 Corinthians 12:13- Galatians 3:26-27- Ephesians 5:25-27- Colossians 2:11-13- Titus 3:5- 1 Peter 3:21A thorough and landmark study, this book should be in the library ofevery serious Bible student.

  • - 28 Lessons for Personal or Group Study
    av Jack Cottrell

    "My purpose for writing and publishing this material in book form is the same as for producing my two previous books of this nature, Studies in First Peter and Studies in Ephesians (both by The CRA, 2017 & 2020). As the subtitle for each of them says, "Lessons for Personal and Group Study"; and that is my intention for this volume. You can use it to deepen your own understanding of this section of the Bible, or you can use it to teach a group larger than just yourself. I am hoping you will start with the former, and then proceed to the latter. This book is especially designed as a teaching guide, in that I decided to maintain the outline form of the contents (which seems to lend itself more to the purpose of teaching).For those who will be using this book to lead a group study, I will offer these suggestions. I recommend first that as you prepare to teach a lesson, you should first try to read the material on that section of Scripture that is given in my College Press commentary on Romans. Second, do not think that you have to cover a whole lesson in just one teaching session. Take your time as you teach and lead a discussion on the material. It usually took me two or three sessions (or more) to cover one lesson. Three, consider recommending that each student in your group acquire a copy of the book so that he or she can follow along as you explain and apply the outlines point by point. (This is one reason why I left these lessons in their original outline form.)"

  • av Jack Cottrell

    The person and work of the Holy Spirit is a neglected study in many churches. Some Christians think that the subject is so deep and mysterious that it is futile to study it. Others hesitate to emphasize the study of the Holy Spirit since some religious groups hold such extreme views regarding Him. Still, it is encouraging to see many Christians making a serious study of the Bible's teaching on the Holy Spirit.Dr. Jack Cottrell, with his "leave no stone unturned" approach to studying Scripture has completed the research for us tas he examines the many concepts and characteristics of the Holy Spirit.Power From On High: What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit has 11 chapters and 503 pages.Jack Cottrell was long-time Professor of Theology at Cincinnati Christian University. He received his BA, ThB, Cincinnati Bible College and Seminary; BA, University of Cincinnati; MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary; PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary.

  • - 25 Lessons for Group or Personal Study
    av Jack Cottrell

    ". . . the content of almost all of my teaching, preaching, and writing has been presented via the method known as TOPICAL, i.e., subject by subject. I do not apologize for this, and I have no regrets for teaching Biblical and theological content in this manner. I will continue to do so as the occasion calls for it. It seems to have worked quite well so far.In the last decade or so, however, my style of teaching on the local church level has changed somewhat. Beginning with my part-time ministry at the Bright Christian Church (2007-2010), I became more interested in teaching the Bible book by book. I do not mean simply hitting the high points and devoting just one lesson to each chapter. This, I fear, does not do justice to the richness of the content of most Bible books. I usually get three or four lessons out of each chapter....Along with teaching First Peter, in the past few years I have also taught from the Gospels, the Book of Revelation, the Book of Romans, and the Book of Ephesians. This present book originates from the last of these teaching series. Here I have only 25 lessons covering six chapters, but most of these lessons are longer than the ones on First Peter.For those who decide to teach Ephesians using this book, I give you this advice: do not think that you have to cover each chapter in just one single teaching session! Take your time (as I do), use your own illustrations, and make your own applications. I sometimes spent three or four sessions on just one lesson." Jack Cottrell

  • av Jack Cottrell

    La Bible est loin du silence sur le sujet du baptême. Beaucoup de déclarations claires et simples apparaissent dans des sections didactiqueset narratives. Elles sont étendues sur tout le champ du Nouveau Testament, depuis les Évangiles aux Actes, aux épitres de Paulet les épitres générales. Le problème principal qui sous-entend la confusion moderne sur le baptême n'est pas le manque de matériel biblique, mais plutôt un engagement à priori de certaines présuppositions théologiques. C'est extrêmement difficile - certains diront impossible même - d'être objectif quand on interprète la Bible. On lit, particulièrement les références au baptême, avec des idées préconçues de ce que cela veut vraiment dire ou encore ce qu'il ne veut pas dire sûrement .Avec toute connaissance de la difficulté impliquée, notre but dans cette étude est d'examiner les passages principaux du Nouveau Testament sur la signification du baptême comme si nous le voyons et l'entendons pour la première fois. Comment les auditeurs originaux ont-ils compris certaines déclarations clés ? Comment Nicodème aurait-il compris Jean 3.5 ? Comment la foule de Pierre aurait -elle interprété Actes 2.38 ? Comment Paul a-t-il compris l'impératif d'Ananias dans Actes 22.16 ? Également, comment les lecteurs originaux d'Actes, de Romains et de Colossiens ont-ils interprété l'enseignement qui y est contenu sur le baptême ? Comment auraient-ils fait pour établir un lien entre cet enseignement et leur propre expérience personnelle ? Pour quelqu'un qui lit le Nouveau Testament aujourd'hui, quel serait la signification naturelle et littérale des passages sur le baptême ? Comment pourrait-il comprendre la référence sur le baptême s'il n'a pas de connaissance préalable ni d'engagement théologique sur un point de vue particulier, par exemple, Réformé, Catholique, Luthérien, ou Campbellite ?

  • av Jack Cottrell

    A primeira referência no Novo Testamento ao batismo cristão está na Grande Comissão, conforme registrado em Mateus 28:19-20. Isto sugere, é claro, que o batismo cristão é distinto de todos os batismos que o precederam na Bíblia, incluindo a ocasião em que Jesus foi batizado por João, o batismo de João em geral e o batismo que era realizado pelos discípulos de Jesus. Esta distinção ficará mais clara abaixo. De qualquer maneira, as instruções finais de Cristo para os seus seguidores estão bem expressadas nesta tradução de Frederico Lourenço e incluíam estas palavras: "Indo (ir), pois, tornai (tornar) discípulos todos os povos, batizando-os (batizar) em nome do Pai, do Filho e do Espírito Santo, ensinando-os (ensinar) a cumprir todas as coisas que vos mandei" (Mateus 28:19-20a). O termo principal nesta comissão é "tornar", ou seja, "fazer discípulos", no versículo. 19 (traduzido como "ensinar" na Almeida Revista e Corrigida). Em grego, este é o único verbo no imperativo nesses dois versículos; os outros três elementos da Grande Comissão são particípios. Assim, "ir" é o pré-requisito para fazer discípulos - e "batizar" e "ensinar" são os meios de torná-los discípulos.

  • av Jack Cottrell

  • av Jack Cottrell

  • - 26 Lessons for Personal or Group Study
    av Jack Cottrell

  • - The Essence of Christianity
    av Jack Cottrell

  • - 35 Lessons for Personal or Group Study
    av Jack Cottrell

  • av Jack Cottrell

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