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Bøker av Destiny S Harris

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  • av Destiny S Harris

    Ladies, Get Your Financial Sh*t Together If you're clueless about money, struggling with money, don't know the first place to start regarding money, weren't taught ever about money, and living paycheck to paycheck with debt, this book is for you. The last thing you should do is leave financial decisions up to your partner, family, friends, or others. Learn how to effectively manage your money with this uncomplicated book. You don't need someone to save you. Save yourself.

  • - Master The Basics
    av Destiny S Harris

    Women & Money: Master The Basics Women historically fall behind men on the economic ladder. The way to change this dynamic is through financial education. Are you confused about money? Were you not taught about money during childhood or your academic years like most? Are you tired of struggling when it comes to personal finance? Are you constantly worried and stressed about money? This book discusses the financial basics that, if mastered, will help you reach financial independence, shift your financial story, and elevate your disposable income. Learn how to create wealth for your future and right now. Because it's important to have resources now, too!

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Basic Living For Success There are no secrets to living a higher lifestyle.All you need to do is apply the basics for living a good life.Find them in this short read.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Free Yourself Of Anxiety Address your fear, anxiety, and negative emotions with the affirming words in this read.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    5 Life Lessons Simple strategies to help you navigate life in an efficient manner. Success isn't rocket science. Success is all about mastering the basics of living, and this book will give them to you.

  • - Affirmations
    av Destiny S Harris

    Courage Like A Lion: Affirmations Breakthrough fear and brainwash yourself into being a more confident, courageous, and powerful human being.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Fear-Based Affirmations If you feel you've been walking through life with the burden of fear, this short read of powerful affirmations is for you. Fear will keep you held back in every of life, preventing you from experiencing your ideal and best life. Change the narrative today.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Be Bold (Affirmations) Are you struggling with fear?Are you struggling with insecurity?Are you struggling with self-doubt?Are you struggling with low self-esteem?Are you struggling with feelings of inadequacy? Dive into these affirmations to help you break through unproductive feelings and states of being. Repeat these affirmations to yourself with strong feelings and beliefs behind your words, and observe your life change positively. It's time to unlock your potential.

  • - Mindset
    av Destiny S Harris

    Think & Grow Rich For Black Women: Mindset The first step in acquiring wealth and success requires an outlier-type mindset. The mindset that the average has is broke and founded in feelings and thoughts surrounding lack and limitation. To shift your financial and life outcomes, you will not be able to maintain your previous thought patterns and belief systems. Transforming and elevating your mindset is step one to creating your ideal financial trajectory. Focus on transforming and cultivating the right mindset to facilitate wealth and success.

  • - Be A Bad*ss Financially Independent B*tch
    av Destiny S Harris

    Stop Looking For Your Sugar Daddy: Be A Bad*ss Financially Independent B*tch If any of you aren't familiar with the story, Drake slept with a woman, and the woman tried to get pregnant by Drake by placing semen from the condom in her vagina. But that whole plan failed since Drake put "hot sauce" or something in the condom to make the sperm unviable. Talk about desperate. She ended up burning her vagina, having to go to the hospital, and trying to sue him. Ladies, let's never be her, and if any of you are her or have been her, let's not be her ever again. Create your own way on this earth. Don't look for an easy way out. That's for the birds. This book is all about being a bad*ss financially independent b*tch. Too many are trying to find a financial savior instead of saving themselves. If you're financially independent, you're in control, and you have more options. Learn how to stay in the driver's seat.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    The Kardashian Look Have you noticed that women are starting to all look the same? I call it the Kardashian look. The "natural" woman is becoming an endangered species in this new society Let's talk about it in this short read.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    10 Ways Women Can Increase Financial Independence Though this is slowly changing, women are historically less economically successful and independent than men. To shift this dynamic, actions must be taken, which I've implemented myself to create financial independence. Women need to maintain financial independence at all costs. Not only does it grant you endless options, but it also positions you to be a powerful decision-maker. When you have money, you have options, and more say in how things go in your life. Learn how to create and maintain financial independence in this quick and easy read.

  • - Mental Peace
    av Destiny S Harris

    Affirmations For: Mental Peace Dealing with low moments, low frequencies, low vibrations, low feelings, low emotions, and low moods is inevitable. We all experience times of lowness. But the key is not to stay in these low moments but to climb out of them so we can experience more happiness, wholeness, and all of the higher emotions we are meant to experience. This book offers positive and inspiring affirmations and thoughtful questions to help you rise out of low vibrations and frequencies. The better you feel, the better your life experience shall be.

  • - Affirmations
    av Destiny S Harris

    Letting Go: Affirmations Practice the beautiful and liberating art of letting go of all that is, all that was, and all that needs to be released in your life. Let go.

  • - Affirmations
    av Destiny S Harris

    Release Your Burdens: Affirmations Speak powerful and impactful words that will help you release your negative thoughts, emotions, and energy that have all been holding you back from experiencing your highest life.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    How To Eliminate Acne, Eczema, And Psoriasis Have you been struggling with any of these annoying skin conditions? If so, you've landed on the perfect book. I will teach you how to obliterate these ailments once and for all, as I have done after experiencing all of these for over 2/3 of my life. It's time to rejuvenate, heal, and refresh your skin so you can proceed with life normally.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Your 12-Step Guide To Perfect Skin Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies, and most of us can better care for our skin. If you're struggling with breakouts, irritation, or any broken skin, this read will help your skin get back on the right track. I dealt with skin issues for 2/3 of my life and finally found a beautiful equilibrium. Learn from my experiences how you can improve your skin to make it smooth, glowing, healthy, and strong again as the skin you were born with

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Your Guide To Perfect Skin I struggled with acne for 2/3 of my life. NO MORE, THOUGH! And I am grateful. One of the most powerful things I've integrated into my diet is an all-natural supplement, which I will talk about in this book, but I will also mention four other things that have helped elevate my skin.

  • - Positive Psychology (Haunted House Edition)
    av Destiny S Harris

    Everyday Affirmations: Positive Psychology (Haunted House Edition) Find over 200 affirmation sets in this book that can apply to any circumstance you're dealing with in your personal life indirectly or directly.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Too Many People Don't Have Any Gold In Their Golden Years A common theme amongst adults who reach the golden years (age 65 and up) is that they don't have any gold (aka money)! As the decades pass, more and more people will continue to reach these years without anything to show for their time spent working. Break the cycle.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Faux House Owners Are No Better Than Renters Most believe their home is an asset. Think again. If your home is not putting money in your pocket, it's a liability. A home only becomes an asset, when it's adding cash flow to your pockets and bank accounts.

  • - Positive Psychology (Super Edition)
    av Destiny S Harris

    Everyday Affirmations: Positive Psychology (Super Edition) Each day musters up its thoughts, emotions, challenges, and situations; every day demands something different. What are you saying to yourself to deal with this fascinating phenomenon we call life? This book offers your life a valuable but straightforward daily dose of cheerful optimism with over 200 affirmations. Speak everything into or out of existence, and learn how to navigate all 24 hours of a given day by mastering the art of self-talk.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    One Reason Why Couples Move In Too Quickly Couples don't always move in for love. There are plenty of other benefits couples take advantage of by moving in together outside of creating the opportunity to spend endless time together. And one of these primary reasons is money. Before you live with someone, consider other factors outside of money and be willing to ponder thoughtful questions raised in this book.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Why I Take Yearly Gym Sabbaticals If you've been consistently in the gym for decades, you might experience burnout or need regular gym sabbaticals to help your body recover, grow, and develop. The gym and I have been managing a relationship for over two decades now, and one thing is consistent: the need for breaks here and there. Though it might seem like breaks would slow your progress, my progress has only accelerated.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Saving Your First 100k Is Like Hitting The Lottery The first 100k is a giant financial milestone for the average person. The best thing about saving your first 100k is that the subsequent ones are even easier. Learn how to save your first 100k in this book, preparing you for the next ones. But first, become a 1/10 millionaire.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    6 Benefits Not Eating Carbs Will Do For Your Body Are carbs bad for you? NO. However, they can affect your physique and fitness goals. I'm not against carbs; I eat them plentifully when on a carb cycle. However, we will discuss the benefits of not consuming them in this read and how they can help you reach your goals.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    What The Wealthy Do With Their Property's Equity Property and real estate are key ways to build wealth, and the wealthy don't shy away from ensuring real estate is part of their financial portfolios. The wealthy make strategic moves with their property that the average person completely avoids. Learn what they do.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Manifest Your Perfect Reality Whatever you're thinking about and focusing your attention, you are attracting into your life. What do you desire? Does your life reflect these desires? Whatever your current life experience is reflects what you've been attracting into your life. Are you satisfied with what you've created so far? A powerful book called "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill provides the foundational concept for creating your ideal reality. "Rich" doesn't entail only money but richness in health, love, and life. If you haven't read his book, this quick read will provide you with the tools necessary to transform your current reality into your ideal reality to experience a higher life or optimize your ideal reality even more.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    Tricks To Create Wealth After implementing these essential tips, they will seem like tricks because your financial situation will positively transform once they're implemented.

  • av Destiny S Harris

    5 Mysteries To Building Wealth Many know how to build wealth, but never take action. Here, you will find the five actions you need to take to build wealth. It's no secret, but we all act like they are secrets because we frequently don't do what's necessary. "To know but not to do is not to know."

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