Om Beneath the Frozen Wastes
A frigid wasteland, a horrifying monster, and a band of adventurers...A compelling short story from the world of Kalda, featuring an adventure to coldest continent of Kalda. A prequel tale to the #1 New Release in Classic Fantasy A Prince's Errand, Book One of Tales of the Amulet.Twelve years before the search for the Keepers of Truth and Might, Iltar and Cornar venture to the frigid Abodine Wasteland in search of ancient objects capable of manifesting magic-tevisrals. But tevisrals are not all that are rumored hidden on the frozen continent. Strange creatures deadlier than the harsh climate claim all who dare venture across the wastes, turning them into crystal. Beware the crysillac...Other books published by LOK PublishingTALES OF THE AMULETA Prince's Errand, Book One of Tales of the AmuletCompanion StoriesA Thief's Way, Companion Story OnePrequel NovelsThe Prisoner of Tardalim, Prequel Novel One
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