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  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Le Seigneur a un plan merveilleux pour toi. Il a planifié de grandes choses pour toi. Indépendamment de ce que tu étais et de ce que tu fis étant non-croyant; indépendamment des péchés que tu as commis depuis que tu as cru ; indépendamment de ton échec et de ton infidélité du passé ; indépendamment du fait que tu L'as renié dans le passé ; indépendamment de ton découragement dans Son service ; indépendamment du fait que tu as rétrogradé dans le passé; indépendamment de ta stérilité spirituelle ; indépendamment de ce qu'Il a proclamé contre toi, etc; tu peux encore te relever et entrer dans Sa plénitude, car aucun échec passé ou présent n'a besoin d'être final. Tu peux te tourner vers Lui aujourd'hui, et Il te recevra et accomplira Son grand dessein pour toi. Il veut commencer dès maintenant. Laisse-Lui libre cours. Tu devrais Lui dire : "Seigneur, me voici. Tu as le champ libre. Seigneur permets que tout Ton dessein de me donner un avenir et une espérance s'accomplisse." Ensuite, détourne-toi de ton passé et repose-toi dans Son amour. Il ne te rejettera pas. Il te recevra et Il accomplira Son dessein glorieux pour toi.Amen.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

  • - Un Message Important Pour Les Vainqueurs
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Plusieurs pensent qu'une fois que quelqu'un est sauvé, Dieu lui pardonne et efface toutes les conséquences de ses péchés passés, et qu'il est libre, que sa liberté est si totale qu'il n'a aucune responsabilité pour ce qui est d'en finir comme il faut avec le passé, et d'entreprendre la restitution auprès de ceux qu'il a offensés dans le passé. Ce livre examine clairement cette manière de penser, à la lumière des Ecritures, et établit le modèle biblique pour ceux qui ont vaincu et pour ceux qui veulent vaincre. Si tu ne veux pas réexaminer ta vie à la lumière de la Parole de Dieu, nous te recommandons d'oublier complètement ce livre, et de ne pas te déranger à le lire du tout, car si tu le lis, tu pourrais te rendre compte qu'il te faut entreprendre une restitution révolutionnaire qui t'amènera à la crête de la vague du mouvement du Saint-Esprit. Si tu es un vainqueur ou si tu désires devenir un vainqueur, ce livre est pour toi. Que le Seigneur te bénisse pendant que tu le lis. Nous publions ce livre en priant que les vainqueurs, en le lisant, deviennent plus conformes à leur Seigneur qui revient bientôt.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Many believers have backslidden. Some have turned away completely while others have turned away only in small degrees. Many will honestly say, "I have lost that love which I first had for the Lord." Many are prepared to say that, but they are not willing to take radical steps to put things right. They see the need to repent; they desire to repent, but they do not repent, for they do not pay the price of repentance.We believe, however, that there are some who truly hunger for the Lord and desperately want to come out of their backsliding and walk in close proximity with Him. It is for such people that this book has been written.We pray that the Lord should cause this book to fall into the hands of those who need it and that He should revive such ones and bring them into His glory.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book was born out of prayer. The Lord called a few of us aside to pray. Each night, we wrestled in prayer between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. This went on for many weeks. We came to find ourselves blessed, challenged, and purified. We came to see the Lord in a new way and to understand the purpose of our being in a totally new light. This book was also born out of an experience - an experience of obedience. Some of us were led to obey an obvious command of the Lord, which is clearly written in the Bible and which we had not yet obeyed. That obedience nearly cost us our lives. God honoured that obedience and caused it to lead to the ministries now associated with Christian Literature Centre, Yaounde. It also led to the birth of some assemblies which have, by God's grace, grown into praying communities. The truths charted in this book are coloured by what that local assembly has learnt as it tried, step by step, to follow the praying Lord in the School of Prayer. We have a commitment to prayer, fasting, and evangelism. We are learning and we are growing. Pray for us. Pray with us. We have come to discover that all things are possible to the praying saint and to the praying body of believers. By God's grace, we are determined to wipe out the word "impossible" from the life experience of the members of the assembly. Our hearts' desire is that all those who know the Lord Jesus will truly become people of prayer. So we send this book out with prayer that it will help some individuals and some local assemblies to make progress with the Lord in the "School of Prayer". To the Lord Jesus, the praying, supplicating and interceding Head of the Church be untold honour, glory, and majesty forever and ever.

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

  • av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    This book is the third in the Christian Way series. The books in this series are: The way of life The Way of Obedience The Way of DISCIPLESHIP The Way of Sanctification The Way of Christian Character The Way of Spiritual Power The Way of Christian Service The Way of Spiritual Warfare The Way of Persecution The way of victorious praying The Way of Overcomers The Way of Spiritual Encouragement The Way Of Loving The Lord The Way of Eternal Union In this book, The Way of Discipleship, we set forth the terms of discipleship as the Lord meant them to be. We know very clearly that Jesus never intended to have converts. He has always wanted disciples. We set forth these truths not from a superior position of those who have "arrived" but from the position of committed students in the School of Discipleship. This book goes out with prayer that the Lord Jesus will use its message to transform converts into disciples

  • - A message of hope and encouragement for all believers
    av Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The Lord has a wonderful plan for you. He has purposed great things for you. Regardless of what you were and what you did as an unbeliever; regardless of the sins you have committed since you believed; regardless of your failure and unfaithfulness of the past; regardless of your having denied Him in the past; regardless of your discouragement in His service; regardless of your backsliding in the past, regardless of your spiritual barrenness; regardless of His proclamation against you... you can still rise and enter in His fullness, for no failure in the past or present needs to be final. You can turn to Him today and He will receive you and work out His great purpose for you. He wants to begin right now. Let Him have His way. You should say to Him, "Lord, here I am. Have your way. Lord, grant that Your total purpose to give me a future and a hope will come to pass." Then, turn from your past and rest in His love. He will not throw you away. He will receive you and He will work out His glorious purpose for you.

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