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  • av Louis Berkhof

    This book is a concise introduction to the systematic system of Christian doctrine. The author summarizes the main body of church doctrine, starting with the Bible and the doctrine of God, as well as anthropological, Christological, soteriological, ecclesiological and eschatological statements. The language is concise and clear, suitable for high school and college students, as well as adult study groups. Review questions are included at the end of each chapter for further study.本书简明扼要地介绍了基督教教义的系统体系,作者总结了教会教义的主体,从圣经和上帝的教义开始,还有对人类学、基督论、救赎论、教会论和末世论的陈述。语言简洁明了,适合高中生和大学生,也适合成人学习小组。在每一章的末尾还包括复习问题,用以进一步研究。

  • av John Murray

    Originally published in 1955, John Murray's Redemption Accomplished and Applied was reprinted dozens of times over the years. This book systematically explains the two aspects of redemption: the redemption accomplished through Christ's work of intercessory redemption for humanity, and the application of redemption to the life of the believer.Murray explores the biblical need, character, completeness, and scope of the Atonement in order to establish a relationship with our justification, sanctification, and glory. Murray further points out how the redemption accomplished by Christ in the Bible is gradually applied to the lives of the redeemed, including the role of faith and repentance.Murray's concise, accurate, and understandable study of the classic teachings will reach and benefit a new generation of readers.约翰-慕理的《再思救赎奇恩》最初出版于1955年,多年来重印了几十次。这本书系统地解释了救赎的两个方面:借着基督为人类的代赎工作而完成的救赎,以及救赎在信徒的生活中的应用。 慕理探讨了圣经中关于赎罪的必要性、特性、完全性和范围,为的是建立和我们的称义、成圣和荣耀之间的关系。慕理进一步指出,在圣经中基督所完成的救赎是如何逐步应用于被救赎者的生活中的,包括信心和悔改的作用。 慕理简明,准确,易懂的经典教义研究将触及和受益于新一代的读者。

  • av Ginger Hubbard

    Have you found yourself attempting to make your child comply by threatening, repeating instructions, or raising the volume? Do you feel frustrated because you cannot touch the child's heart? Ginger Hubbard encourages and helps mothers to go beyond their children's external behavior and delve deeper into their children's inner understanding through personal experience and practice with the Bible. Ginger will help mothers overcome the frustration of dealing with disobedience and raise their children in a confident and balanced manner.你是否发现自己在用威胁,重复指令或提高音量的方法试图让你的孩子服从? 你是否因为无法触及孩子的内心而感到沮丧? 琴吉-哈伯德(Ginger Hubbard)通过个人经历和对圣经的实践,鼓励并帮助妈妈们要超越孩子的外在行为,深入到孩子的内心了解问题。琴吉将帮助妈妈们摆脱处理不服从问题时的挫败感,用自信和平衡的方式抚养孩子。

  • av David R Helm

    No child is too young to begin learning about the greatest love story of all - God's love for his people, as portrayed in the Bible. David R. Helm and Gail Schoonmaker collaborate to create a beautifully illustrated book of Bible stories especially for children, written with simplicity. Rather than simply retelling the most familiar short scenes from the Bible, this book presents the "big picture" -the unified story running through the Old and New Testaments. This delightful book will help children learn the Bible's whole story and begin to appreciate the fulfillment of God's promise to his people.The Big Picture Story Bible is perfect for parents to read to their children, and eventually, for children to read on their own. It is an excellent way to introduce them to a book that will guide them through all of life. 本书特点: 全本圣经的经典故事; 适合学龄前的孩子阅读; 中英双语,彩色大图; 帮助孩子学习基础英语; 配有精美礼盒包装,送给父母和老师的最佳选择。

  • av David R Helm

    No child is too young to begin learning about the greatest love story of all - God's love for his people, as portrayed in the Bible. David R. Helm and Gail Schoonmaker collaborate to create a beautifully illustrated book of Bible stories especially for children, written with simplicity. Rather than simply retelling the most familiar short scenes from the Bible, this book presents the "big picture" -the unified story running through the Old and New Testaments. This delightful book will help children learn the Bible's whole story and begin to appreciate the fulfillment of God's promise to his people.The Big Picture Story Bible is perfect for parents to read to their children, and eventually, for children to read on their own. It is an excellent way to introduce them to a book that will guide them through all of life. 本书特点: 全本圣经的经典故事; 适合学龄前的孩子阅读; 中英双语,彩色大图; 帮助孩子学习基础英语; 送给父母,祖父母和老师的最佳礼物,传递真理享受亲情。

  • av John Pollock

    In 1915, a promising young baseball player from Waynesboro, Va. traded in the prospect of a major league career for a life of medical missions in China. The soon-to-be doctor, Lemuel Nelson Bell (July 30, 1894 - August 2, 1973), felt the urgency of God's call and embarked on a 25-year adventure among foreigner-fearing Chinese peasants, bandits, and nobility. His selfless work and compassion quickly moved him from yang gui-zi ("foreign devil") to Zhong Ai Hua ("the Bell who is lover of the Chinese people") in the eyes of those he served. The remarkable story of Ruth Bell Graham's father will grip your heart and inspire trust in the God who is always faithful to those who trust in Him. Discover how this humble servant inspired and blessed so many - including his son-in-law, evangelist Billy Graham - through his wisdom and courageous faith. 国外宣教士在中国的经历、对中国的贡献,一直是段尘封的历史,以致我们多数人想起他们来,都只有抽象空洞的印象。然而实际上,他们怀着对基督和中国的爱远离家园,许多人在这片大地上奉献了自己的一生。宣讲福音、创办学校、建立医院、照顾孤苦,这些事若没有人传说,后人永远不会知道。 钟爱华医生从无到有,在中国的清江浦建起当时世界上最大的长老会医院,从医院的行政工作到手术台上的一次次抢救,他无不亲身参与;内有人才、器材短缺之患,外逢战火、土匪肆虐之忧。因着对神的爱的无限信赖,靠着宣教士和祷告小组的同心祈求,他们一一度过。 他对传福音也始终怀有巨大热情,抓紧一切机会向病人宣传那位能救人灵魂的主,凭着他的信心、威望和使人亲近的个性,许多中国人领受了福音。他去监狱讲道,亲眼看见基督是怎样为自己预备了许多饥渴的心灵。此外还有许多与他同工的人,他们一同劳苦,却没有来得及看见劳苦的果效。 我们或许会以为,宣教生活必定只有苦楚艰难,宣教士们必然成天板着脸,因为自己做的是大事。可钟爱华让我们看到,平安和喜乐能穿透战火,在主里面任何事既是小事也是大事。他生性开朗幽默,善开玩笑,深得当地人和病人们的喜爱。他和妻子一道让自己的家成为当地最舒服的待客之家。他们的儿女在艰难的环境下度过了健康快乐的童年。钟爱华的生命使人大开眼界,感叹主恩之丰富。 宣教士的故事,是与当地人民一起写就的故事,是关于爱的故事,是"虽至于死,也不爱惜性命"的现实版。他们曾在我们的家园上默默生活、奉献,今天我们所获得、所享有的,有他们的一分血泪和欢喜。这是一章不该忘记的历史,这是一片不能忘怀的深情。 本书流畅、生动、详实,富有故事性,是一部感人的传记作品。

  • av A W Tozer

    The Knowledge of the Holy, by popular evangelical author A.W. Tozer illuminates God's attributes--from wisdom, to grace, to mercy--and in doing so, attempts to restore the majesty and wonder of God in the hearts and minds of all Christians. A modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, The Knowledge of the Holy shows us how we can rejuvenate our prayer life, meditate more reverently, understand God more deeply, and experience God's presence in our daily lives.没有认识至圣者,我们就进一步失去了敬畏感和上帝的同在感。我们失去了敬拜的灵性,以及回到里面、与上帝相遇、在安静中敬拜上帝的能力。当一介凡夫,有了把神当神、让主作主的真信仰,就能够以天上的光芒照亮人间,并且以永恒的真理切入时间。陶恕在《智慧的开端》中,用22个章节带我们认识至圣者的属性。他对上帝属性的定义,就是上帝以任何方式所启示出来的一切关于他自身真实的事情。本书充满了陶恕对神各面品格的认识和经历,以真诚敬拜者的生命表现出来。完全没有神学八股的言论,也非以优美委婉之词吸引人。他在每章开始的时候,都会先向至圣者敬拜祷告,之后开始理性的叙述,将至圣者的威严慈爱诉诸笔下。正如他说:"上帝是一个位格,像人一样,只要我们的心灵预备好了去经历那些奇妙的事,我们就会不断地增进与上帝的亲密关系,对他有更多的认识。那使圣经闪闪发光的上帝的荣耀,一旦降临到我们生活内在的世界里,就会更新我们对上帝的认识"(第二十三章)《智慧的开端----认识至圣者》是陶恕的巅峰之作,也是教会历史上的经典作品。于1961年正式出版,截止2009年,已经连续再版数次,销售50万册。

  • av R C Sproul

    Central to God's character is the quality of holiness. Yet, even so, most people are hard-pressed to define what God's holiness precisely is. Many preachers today avoid the topic altogether because people today don't quite know what to do with words like "awe" or "fear." R. C. Sproul, in this classic work, puts the holiness of God in its proper and central place in the Christian life. He paints an awe-inspiring vision of God that encourages Christians to become holy just as God is holy. Once you encounter the holiness of God, your life will never be the same.

  • - Knowing and Doing the Will of God
    av Henry Blackaby

    The Experiencing God ministry is even more vibrant today than when it began. As it continues to rise, and the world continues to change, the Experiencing God book has been revised and expanded with more than seventy percent of its material newly written.A modern classic that has sold millions of copies worldwide, Experiencing God is based on seven Scriptural realities that teach us how to develop a true relationship with the Creator. By understanding how God is working through us even as we try to fathom His ways, we can begin to clearly known. 不再一样的事工比它刚开始时更具有生命力,随着事工的成长,世界也在不断地变化,《不再一样》这本书也被多次修订和增补,70%的材料都经过更新。这是一本全球销售过百万的现代经典之作,《不再一样》通过七个圣经真理教会我们如何与神建立关系,并且帮助读者在探索神的道路时更深地明白神如何借我们做工。

  • - 老树洞的藏宝图
    av Paul Hutchens

    The tales and travels of the Sugar Creek Gang have passed the test of time, delighting young readers for more than fifty years. Great mysteries with a message, The Sugar Creek Gang series chronicles the faith-building adventures of a group of fun-loving, courageous Christian boys. Your kids will be thrilled, chilled, and inspired to grow as they follow the legendary escapades of Bill Collins, Dragonfly, and the rest of the gang and see how they struggle with the application of their Christian faith to the adventure of life. In The Indian Cemetery, it's another adventure in Minnesota's Lake Country! Could the mysterious man wandering around the Indian cemetery at night with a tackle box have anything to do with the kidnapped Ostberg girl? Or could it be the other mysterious man with dark glasses and a white boat? Discover with the Sugar Creek Gang what the Bible says about death and eternal life.

  • av John Newton

    John Newton was an English sailor and Anglican clergyman. Starting his career on the sea at a young age, he became involved with the slave trade for a few years. After experiencing a religious conversion, he became a minister, hymn-writer, and later a prominent supporter of the abolition of slavery. He was the author of many hymns, including Amazing Grace and Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken. 这是一本书信体自传,为我们了解作者传奇般的一生提供了详实、可信的第一手资料。 第一部分,是约翰-牛顿与牧师间的往来书信,他用14封信讲述了自己一生的坎坷经历,包括早年航海生涯的种种痛苦,从事贩卖奴隶贸易的遭遇,以及后来生命中奇妙的转变。 第二部分,收录了作者追忆、悼念亡妻的诗文,文中流露的挚爱深情令人潸然,而他们从信仰而来的平静安然,又给人极大的鼓励。 第三部分,收录了约翰-牛顿描述信徒属灵生命三阶段的三封重要书信:《在恩典中发苗》、《在恩典中长穗》和《在恩典中结实》。这些文章帮助过很多人,让他们的生命发生改变,建立正确的信仰基础。

  • av Patricia St John

    When Elaine leaves her home in London to stay with the Owen family in Wales, she feels miserable and left out. It's only the little secret garden that she finds at the end of the rainbow that makes staying there seem worthwhile. And then something happens that changes everything. 伊莱恩是一个11岁的小姑娘,一直和妈妈住在伦敦,有保姆照顾她。但她妈妈因为工作的原因,要把她交给威尔士乡下的欧文家。她非常不习惯那里的生活,但有一天,她发现了彩虹驻足之处有一个秘密花园。那里非常漂亮,她从此爱上了那里。她有空就会看望花园,这个属于自己的秘密花园。 一系列精彩的故事都在花园展开了,那个自私、无聊的小女孩子渐渐有了丰富的生活,还发现了拥有满足的喜乐的秘密...

  • av Patricia St John

    Lucy has lived with her grandparents at Pheasant Cottage since she was a little girl, but she has dim memories of someone else. Who was it? What are her grandparents hiding from her? Lucy is determined to find the answers but it turns out to be harder than she expected. 当露西很小的时候,她就和外公外婆一起在鸡舍居住。爸爸妈妈去哪里了呢?她一直想找到答案。有一天,无意听到一段对话让她有了新的发现,从此她开始了探索的旅程。后来她知道,陪伴她的作家史密斯先生就是她的爸爸。暑假到了,爸爸带她去了西班牙,不料爸爸因在危急时刻抢救落水的孩子而失去生命。在这个曲折又感人的故事中,露西渐渐明白,耶稣是自己的朋友,爸爸也寻找到了生命的意义,外公外婆也因为饶恕了爸爸而心灵获得自由,全家人都在主里和好了。

  • av Bruce Grayden

    "What's going on?" I asked Palongpong as I sat sipping coffee with friends. "There are two men with guns outside, and they want to shoot someone!" "Who?" I asked. "You!" A cold wave of fear suddenly shot through me. The rebel group was going from house to house searching for me! As the yelling and crying continued outside, Kilaw came in and insisted, "We must leave now." Filled with suspense and danger, this contemporary Bible translation story told by Bruce Grayden unfolds with cliff-hanging drama to a riveting conclusion only God could have arranged. Set in the Philippines' terraced highlands, Coffee on the Terrace is a story of hope and perseverance, as the Graydens work with the Kalinga people to translate God's Word into their language. Learn how the translated Scriptures made a dramatic impact in the Kalingas' lives and set them free from spirit oppression and revenge killings. 卡林加人生活在菲律宾北部。20世纪70年代,布鲁斯夫妇来到卡林加人的一个部落,和他们一起生活,把圣经新约翻译成当地语言。他们还总结当地语言的语法规律,为他们编制拼音表。 布鲁斯夫妇在菲律宾生活、工作了16年,他们的孩子也在那里长大,与当地人建立了深厚的友谊。菲律宾政府十分欣赏他们所做的努力,对他们发起的扫盲运动给予很高评价。

  • av &#22763, James M Houston (&#20399 & &#24237

    Christian Character Formation is formatted and written according to James Houston's teachings in Asia. Houston writes that "character" means "morality and personality," and it is "a permanent mark imprinted according to the mold." The more Christians allow God to mold their life, the more their character will reflect Him. Houston explains that six qualities affect the impression a Christian leaves on others: temperament, character, consciousness, love, practice and holiness. In Christian Character Formation, he dives deep into each of these six areas. Also included at the end of the book as an appendix is Houston's article "Exploring the Continent of Loneliness." This book is the needed reminder all Christians need to continually put their trust in their Father's hands, to all Him to mold us into the image of Christ. 又是一本基督徒品德的教导书籍?如果你是这么想的,那你可错了。这本书里谈的,不是鼓励你快快起来追求优秀的德行。它当然也包含了这个层面,但那只是它的一小部分。它真正要跟你探讨的话题,比这个更加有趣,也比这个更加"美好"。 本书的作者候士庭告诉我们,"品格"一词在英文中源于印刷业的用语,指的是"按照模子印出来的一种永存的记号"。其实即便在中文里,"品格"本来就兼具"品性"与"人格"两方面的含意。这让我们知道:一个人的品格,势必与这个人的人格、性情、品质、德行息息相关;甚至在很多的时候,也与他/她为人的个性和做人的格调有关。 现在你明白了吗?这本书想要跟你探讨的是一个人身上所应有的特性;更具体地说,是一个基督徒身上所应有的特性。一个基督徒之所以是基督徒,是从他身上的哪些特性上反映出来的呢?候士庭认为,这些特性必须包含六个方面:气质、品格、良心、情怀、操练、圣洁。这就是本书的1-6章,也即是本书的全部内容。在每一章里,候士庭都会对一个方面进行阐释和探讨。举例来说,第一章探讨的是基督徒身上的气质应当是怎样的?怎样可以更好地去培养和提升它? 当你读完全部6章,你或许会意外地感到自己的灵命和信心都和之前不一样了。原因很简单,此时的你已经更加明白:基督徒为什么是基督徒,他们身上有什么东西是与其他人不一样的。候士庭的文字谦和而优美,却有明辨道理、坚固人心的果效。同时,通过这本书你也会欣喜地发现,有哪些属天的特性已经在自己身上非常成熟;当然,也可能会发现还一些属天特性不够鲜明、仍待长进。这些都不要紧,程度虽然不一,其本质却是一样的美好,我们只需要学会更好地把它们展示出来。 话不多说,自己身上的美好的东西,留给你自己去品味和发掘。

  • av Patricia St John

    An unfaithful stepfather leads to a broken family and unhealthy friendships until the source of true love is discovered. Where the River Begins deals with many of the family issues children are facing in the home. "等着瞧!我一定要学坏给你们看!" 几乎每个孩子都有过这样的想法。 很不幸,弗朗西斯也开始这样想了,因为他遇上了一大堆麻烦事。他不但这样想了,当"他们"要砸拉姆家外面的电话亭时,他还帮忙了。 而他寄住在河边农场的那段时间里,弗朗西斯找到了清洁和爱的水源头。他的心被这爱清洁了,他那些麻烦事也开始有了变化。

  • av Tedd Tripp

    From interaction with their peers to the instruction and correction that they receive at home, children interpret their experience from a worldview that seeks to answer their fundamental questions: Who am I? What do I exist for? Where can I find joy? We need to provide our children with a consistent, persuasive, biblical framework for understanding the world God has made and their place in it. Instructing a Child's Heart is essential to Shepherding a Child's Heart. The instruction that you provide for them not only informs their mind; it is directed to persuading their hearts of the wisdom and truthfulness of God's ways. Impress truth on the hearts of your children, not to control or manage them, but to point them to the greatest joy and happiness that they can experience delighting in God and the goodness of his ways. 继百万家长喜爱的教养经典《子女心,父母情》之后,泰德-特里普潜心积淀了13年,推出又一力作《陶塑子女心》。两部经典均贯彻了作者一再强调的理念,即牧养心灵比纠正行为更重要。 《子女心,父母情》侧重于引导父母从重视外在的顺服转向重视子女的心灵。 《陶塑子女心》强调父母要在问题发生之前进行教导,将真理铭刻在儿女的心版上,帮助子女建立以上帝为乐的世界观。无论文化中充斥着多少怀疑论,无论社会怎么喧嚣尘上,这个世界观都能让孩子确信《圣经》足以解释与回应生活中的一切。

  • av Carol Lee Hamrin

    The hidden seeds of the Christian renewal in China today include the outstanding Chinese Christians in Salt and Light 2, a dozen new life stories with lively anecdotes and photographs. These reformers made lasting contributions that shaped modern China. Working out of the limelight in their professions, they had quiet but powerful influence on early twentieth-century civil society. Motivated by their faith, they modeled essential virtues. This series helps recover a lost Christian heritage linked closely to a legacy of East-West cooperation in an earlier global era. 本书中介绍的这些人物在国家遭受外国侵略之际,致力于维护中国社会,坚忍地回应时代挑战。他们的价值观和他们所服务的机构,为重建中国社会以促进战后中国复兴于世界民族之林作出了贡献。本书介绍的这些人士不仅以他们自己的言语和行动,更以他们的人格品德祝福了他人。我们希望,他们的事迹能够对今天的人们有所启发和激励。

  • av David Jeremiah

    人们能透过我们的微笑、言语、友谊、生活方式、不"丧志"的行善、社会事工等等认出我们所"代言"的是谁。在这个渴望爱、欢乐、和平、诚信、正直的世界中,我们所要努力表达的个人信念正是让我们通过服侍穷苦的有需要的人,使我们的心更加贴近上帝的心意。行动不是特定的日子才有,行动天天都要有。People can recognize who we "speak" through our smiles, words, friendships, lifestyles, good deeds that do not "lose our minds," social ministry, and so on. In a world that longs for love, joy, peace, integrity, and integrity, the personal conviction we strive to express is precisely what brings our hearts closer to God's will by serving the needy. Action does not happen on a specific day, but every day.

  • av Wayne Cordeiro

    Does your cup runneth over, or is life running you over? Here are practical steps to building internal values and perspectives that will change your life! Embedded in God's Word are the keys to abundant living, and Hawaiian pastor Wayne Cordeiro guides you through those keys with humor and insight. This book will show you the common mistakes people make without realizing it; what separates successful people from unsuccessful ones; how to see people as God does; and how to change the way you think. You are just an attitude away from a fantastic life!

  • av Gerald L Sittser

    Many of us have experienced amazing answers to prayer. But what about when our deepest prayers go unanswered? When disaster strikes, when a loved one dies-what then? When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayer explores the mysteries and paradoxes of unanswered prayer. Forged in the fires of his own crushing experience, Jerry Sittser's hard-won spiritual insights affirm the greatness of God's love and concern for us even when we do not understand why our prayers seem to go unheard and unheeded. 祷告易,承受和理解祷告中的失望,十分不易。 本书是一本难得的祷告探索之作。作者杰瑞-席哲的两项优势,使他能够胜任这个难以完成的任务: 首先,他有着深厚的信仰基础,在一所思想精深、牧师云集的学院(美国富勒神学院(Fuller Theological Seminary)担任院牧一职,且长达十年之久; 其次,他在祷告上体验过常人难以体验的艰难。1991年的一场车祸(对方酒驾),令他同时失去了母亲、妻子以及四岁大的女儿,而且凶手并未得到相应的惩罚。 我们若不愿开口祷告,席哲能够体会; 我们若认为祷告没用,席哲也能够体会; 我们若苦闷于上帝为何不听祷告,席哲都能够体会; ...... 带着对祷告的热情与渴慕、专注与执着、迷惑与纠结、痛苦与酸涩, 杰瑞-席哲将陪我们一起探索那隐藏在祷告深处的奥秘: 1. 上帝真的听见了我的祈祷吗? 2. 什么是发自内心的祷告? 3. 他会忍受我的抱怨吗? 4. 执着的祷告功用何在? 5. 何谓按他的心意求? 6. 祷告的重心在何处? 7. 谁会被祷告所改变? 8. 祷告在历史时空中的复杂性? 本书每一章后面附有小组思考和讨论题,曾被广泛用于小组、读书会、辅导机构、医学院校、大学课程、收容所等。

  • av Andrew Yuan

    Yuan Datong, a famous expert on marriage and parenting in China, wrote the book "Out of the Misunderstanding of the Parenting ", which does not talk about methods and skills and does not aim at cultivating elites and successful people. Only when parents help their children place values on the most important relationship, their children can have real meaningful life.Yuan Datong with more than ten years of counseling experience, using Chinese cultural background and cases, in-depth analysis of Chinese family parenting education problems and misunderstandings. Parents should remember: We are God's servants and stewards of his estate, and parents should raise their children according to God's teachings. 著名中国婚姻与子女教育专家袁大同的《走出亲子教育的误区》是一本不谈方法技巧、不以培养精英、成功人士为目的的"亲子教育"书。父母只有帮助孩子把价值观放在最重要的关系上,孩子的人生才会有真正的意义。袁大同老师凭借十余年的辅导经验,运用中国的文化背景和案例,深入分析中国家庭亲子教育问题和误区。父母们要记住:我们是神的仆人,神产业的管家,父母们应该按照神的教导去教养儿女。

  • av Dean Lindsay

    The Progress Challenge is an excellent guide to both personal and professional success. The book helps the reader understand that change is inevitable, yet progress is a choice. In Lindsay's progress. -- Jim Keyes CEO, Blockbuster The Progress Challenge is just that, a challenge a challenge to progress, a challenge to work and win in this complicated, stress-encouraging, wonderful world of continual, radical change. Meeting The Progress Challenge: - Establishes and Cements Customer Loyalty - Attracts New Business and Generates Quality Referrals - Leads to Career Development and Life Balance - Creates Better leaders, Better Team Members, Better Human Beings. There is a powerful and important connection between solid leadership, sales success, personal motivation, and customer loyalty. All are achieved by effectively positioning ideas, recommendations, solutions, products, services even ourselves as progress in the minds of those we wish to inspire to action. This book offers a fresh and powerful blueprint for meeting this Progress Challenge. In it s pages, you ll learn how to enhance your opportunities by implementing and using Dean Lindsay s Six Ps of Progress. However, simply learning how to enhance your opportunities is NOT the goal. The goal is to actually enhance your opportunities in your life and work. Learning should not lead to simply knowing. Learning should lead to action. The Progress Challenge encourages readers to: - Welcome the Rise of Progress Leadership - Become Business Attraction Magnets - Focus on Inspiring Progress, and Not Apologizing for Change - Craft and Commit to Progress-Based Goals - Define Parameters for Progress - Aim for Progress not Perfection - Find Progress in Change - Go from Stress to Progress - View Time Management as Self Management - Stop Changing and Start Progressing - And ... Be Progress.

  • av Stuart Briscoe

  • av Andrew Yuan

  • av Max Lucado

  • av Dave Dungan

  • av Mike Greene

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