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  • av Tai Wei Lim
    1 277,-

    China is now considered a tech superpower in many areas. This book illustrates certain aspects and case studies of China's technological developments and further analyzes them under various areas like coal energy, housing, connectivity, digital and space technologies. Furthermore, it examines technological developments in the periphery of China, focusing especially on Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). This book does not pretend to be comprehensive in its coverage albeit surveys a spectrum of sectors in China and Hong Kong to get an idea of their developments. By peering into China through the mainland continental perspective and also looking into China from its periphery (e.g., "Greater China" perspectives from HKSAR), this book provides readers with the broad contours of technological development in China through a multidisciplinary area studies perspective.

  • av Cesare Umeton
    1 735,-

    The investigation on novel optical materials with unprecedented optical properties is of paramount importance for the development of advanced applications in many fields having a strong impact on our everyday lives such as biomedicine, food and agriculture security, optical communication and information technology, etc. Moreover, the interaction of light with matter in the past decades has allowed the quick growth of new disciplines such as biophotonics, covering all aspects of this interaction with biological materials; nanophotonics, investigating the optical behavior of nanostructures; opto-mechanics, going from optical manipulation of small objects to optical control of micro- and nano-robots.This book comprises timely contributions from active research groups covering several classes of materials and processes including nano-structured plasmonic and photonic materials, 2-D materials, photo-polymers, liquid crystals, photo-sensitive and opto-thermal, and other specially engineered materials.Novel Optical Materials will serve as a useful reference for researchers, engineers, and optical and materials scientists in both industry and academia. It is also an excellent supplement and reference for graduate courses in materials science, physics, and optical engineering.

  • av Lee Cheng Tan
    1 429,-

    While many (East) Asians are becoming more confident in their own culture and ways of doing things, at the same time, they are open to the melding of east-west ways. Because of this form of cultural hybridization, it is useful to include the authors' multidisciplinary area studies training which decodes some of the cultural symbols and contextual language used in Asian negotiations. They do so keenly with globalization's impact in mind. Due to globalization, western styles of negotiations have constantly engaged closely with negotiations styles in Asia (including East Asia) and the cross-pollination of ideas between the two have resulted in hybridized negotiations styles in the contemporary setting.Distilled practitioner knowledge will be combined with literature review and theoretical readings to share with readers the intricacies as well as theoretician's conceptualizations of East Asian negotiation styles. The book is written from the sub-discipline of cross-cultural negotiating styles, adopting some sociological/anthropological perspectives, anecdotes and concepts to discuss this subject matter.This volume hopes to fill in the gap between theoretical and applied knowledge through the use of theoretical concepts that readers from the West and other English-language textbook readers are familiar with, while supplementing the concepts with practitioner-oriented case studies drawn from actual experiences. This prevents the publication from becoming a theory-heavy text.

  • av Xuebin Chen
    2 577,-

    With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, and the sustained development of the Chinese economy, the Chinese bond market has become an important player in the global bond market. As at the end of 2022, the custodial balance of the Chinese bond market reached RMB14.48 trillion, ranking second in the world and the largest bond market in Asia. As a maturing emerging market in the world, the Chinese bond market not only follows the general rules of global bond markets, but also has some of its own characteristics. To make effective investments and financing in this market, a comprehensive and profound understanding of the market is required.This book is the result of a joint research project "Function, Structure, and Development of China's Debt Capital Market," supported by the China National Natural Science Foundation and the Economic and Social Research Council of the United Kingdom. It includes contributions by professors, associate professors, and postgraduates from Fudan University and the London School of Economics. From the perspectives of institutional framework, market functions, market structure, and market development, the book provides a systematic and in-depth analysis and exploration of the macro-effects, microstructure, local government bond market, corporate bond market, debt derivatives market, and market supervision and regulation of the Chinese credit bond market. It is an important reference for international investors and researchers to gain a deep understanding of the evolution of the fundamental institutional framework, structure, and functions of the Chinese credit bond market.

  • av Dilip B Madan
    2 806,-

    This Gedenkschrift for Peter Carr, our dear friend and colleague who suddenly left us on March 1, 2022, was organized to honor the life and lasting contributions of Peter to Quantitative Finance. A group of Peter's co-authors and professional friends contributed chapters for this Gedenkschrift shortly after his passing. The papers were received by September 15, 2022 and some were presented at the Peter Carr Gedenkschrift Conference held at the Robert H Smith School of Business on November 11, 2022. The contributed papers cover a wide range of topics corresponding to the vast range of Peter's interests. Each paper represents new research results in recognition of Peter's scholarly activities. The book serves as an important marker for the research knowledge existing at the time of the Gedenkschrift's publication on a number of topics within quantitative finance. It reflects the diverse interactions between mathematics and finance and illustrates, for those interested, the breadth and depth of this development. The book also presents a collection of tributes to Peter from family and friends including those made at his Memorial Service on March 19, 2022. The result is hopefully a more complete testament to a personal and professional life well lived, and unexpectedly cut short.

  • av Michel A van Hove
    2 271,-

    This book aims to popularize physics by emphasizing conceptual ideas of physics and their interconnections, while avoiding mathematics entirely. The approach is to explore intriguing topics of daily relevance by asking and discussing questions: thereby the reader can participate in developing answers, which enables a deeper understanding than is achievable with memorization.The topic of this book - waves - is chosen because we experience waves in many forms every minute of our lives, from sound waves and light waves to quantum waves and brain waves.The target readership of this book is very broad: all those with a curious mind about nature and with a desire to understand how nature works, especially laymen, youngsters, secondary-school children and their teachers.

  • av Andrew Caplin
    1 124 - 1 965,-

  • av W D A Bryant
    1 277,-

    People pursue their own interests, whatever those interests might be. Some people have interests that are narrow and selfish, while others have interests that are broad and altruistic. The idea that people are self-interested underpins all of economic analysis and raises two fundamental questions: 1. How do people choose the actions they think will further their own interests? 2. Can the potentially conflicting interests of different people be made to 'mesh' in some sort of socio-economic equilibrium? This book is devoted to a detailed study of the first question. Its Companion Volume (Economy-Wide Microeconomics: Equilibrium, Optimality, Applications and Tests) makes a detailed study of the second question.Following some foundational remarks, this book studies the Arrow-Debreu theory of consumer choice. That theory supposes people choose so as to maximize a complete, continuous, transitive, and reflexive binary preference relation over a non-empty and compact choice set. The book then studies numerous refinements, generalizations and extensions of each of these restrictions - up to and including recent work on Behavioral theories of choice and choice behaviour when preferences are intransitive/incomplete/discontinuous. Also considered is choice behaviour in environments that are not necessarily compact. A study is also made of intertemporal choice and choice under uncertainty. The study of Arrow-Debreu choice theory and its extensions are presented from the Primal, Dual, and Revealed Preference points of view.Consumers are not the only agents in the economy, as Producers are present as well. Beginning with a study of the Arrow-Debreu idea that producers choose from a convex production set so as to maximize profit, the book considers extensions and generalizations of this framework, particularly to non-convex environments. The study is presented from the Primal and Dual points of view.The final chapter in the book provides a link to its Companion Volume. The Chapter indicates how the theories of consumer and producer choice studied here help inform answers of the second question posed above.

  • av Larry S Karp

    Lecture Notes in International Trade Theory covers classical international trade models (including the Ricardian, Ricardo Viner, and Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson models). The course is designed for M.Sc. and first year PhD students. It relies on both graphical and analytic methods, requiring only intermediate microeconomics and a solid grounding in calculus. The material emphasizes "second-best" settings, where markets are imperfect. The goal is to equip students with a good enough understanding of open-economy general equilibrium relations that they understand how distortions ripple across different markets, e.g. commodity and factor markets. The Author applies these ideas to environmental and natural resource problems, including pollution "leakage" (where pollution reductions in one country are offset by trading partners' increased pollution) and imperfect property rights. Other applications include the general equilibrium effects of commodity and trade taxes, international transfers (the "transfer problem"), minimum wage constraints, and immiserizing growth. The Author assumes that students have some experience in formulating and answering comparative statics questions in an optimization setting. Building on these skills, and developing the idea of stability in an equilibrium setting (the Marshall Lerner condition), students learn how to formulate and answer comparative static questions in trade models.

  • av Antonio Yúnez-Naude & Jorge Mora-Rivera
    1 047 - 1 582,-

  • av Anastasios Xepapadeas

    The most interesting issues in environmental and resource economics have an explicit temporal dimension, since variables of interest such as pollutants, greenhouse gases, biomass of biological resources, or the stocks of fossil fuels accumulate in the ambient environment or are depleted through human actions and natural processes.The purpose of these lectures is to present the mathematical tools for analyzing environmental and resource management issues in a dynamic set-up.The lectures include a brief description of differential equations and then move on to describe methods of optimal control, dynamic programing, and differential games. The final chapters cover two novel topics: (1) environmental issues characterized by deep uncertainty, and aversion to ambiguity using robust control methods and formulations of precautionary policies; and (2) the study of pollution/resource management in space and time when the environmental variables evolve in time and diffuse in space.The lectures are a valuable tool for advanced graduate students in environmental and resource economics who are studying dynamic problems.

  • av Lucio Rossi
    2 118,-

    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the highest energy collider ever built. It resides near Geneva in a tunnel 3.8m wide, with a circumference of 26.7km, which was excavated in 1983-1988 to initially house the electron-positron collider LEP. The LHC was approved in 1995, and it took until 2010 for reliable operation. By now, a larger set of larger integrated luminosities have been accumulated for physics analyses in the four collider experiments: ATLAS, CMS, LHCb and ALICE.The LHC operates with an extended cryogenic plant, using a multi-stage injection system comprising the PS and SPS accelerators (still in use for particle physics experiments at lower energies). The beams are guided by 1232 superconducting high field dipole magnets.Intense works are underway in preparation of the High Luminosity LHC, aimed at upgrading the LHC and detectors for collecting ten times more luminosity, and extending the collider life to the early 2040's. So far, the (HL-)LHC project represents a cumulation of around one hundred thousand person-years of innovative work by technicians, engineers, and physicists from all over the world; probably the largest scientific effort ever in the history of humanity. The book is driven by the realisation of the unique value of this accelerator complex and by the recognition of the status of high energy physics, described by a Standard Model - which still leaves too many questions unanswered to be the appropriate theory of elementary particles and their interactions.Following the Introduction are: three chapters which focus on the initial decade of operation, leading to the celebrated discovery of the Higgs Boson, on the techniques and physics of the luminosity upgrade, and finally on major options - of using the LHC in a concurrent, power economic, electron-hadron scattering mode, when upgraded to higher energies or eventually as an injector for the next big machine. The various technical and physics chapters, provided by 61 authors, characterise the fascinating opportunities the LHC offers for the next two decades ahead (possibly longer), with the goal to substantially advance our understanding of nature.

  • av Daryl Yeap
    435 - 665,-

  • av D Pescia
    1 774,-

    Scientific problems have an internal "beauty", called, referred to, precisely speaking, as their "symmetry". The symmetry arises, often, from the fact that the scientific problem refers to an object (a molecule, a crystal) and the object itself has some "symmetry" elements, but in more abstract situations, such as those arising in particle physics and quantum technologies, symmetry is often the only known (and relevant!) fact about the problem. The scope of these Lecture Notes is to educate how to recognize the symmetry of a scientific problem and how to use symmetry to understand, manipulate and, finally, solve it. The principle guiding these Lecture Notes is that "learning by doing" is the only way that young students can later become productive in science, business and industry. The lecture Notes have, essentially, two components. The first one reports the content of a set of lectures, held at ETH Zurich at the master and PhD level, frequented mainly by students from the department of Physics, Chemistry and Material Science. The lectures were accompanied by a set of student projects on various scientific subjects related to symmetry. These projects ended with a manuscript, worked out by the students themselves and edited into the second component of these Lecture Notes.

  • av Masayoshi Miyanishi
    1 774,-

    Algebraic geometry is more advanced with the completeness condition for projective or complete varieties. Many geometric properties are well described by the finiteness or the vanishing of sheaf cohomologies on such varieties. For non-complete varieties like affine algebraic varieties, sheaf cohomology does not work well and research progress used to be slow, although affine spaces and polynomial rings are fundamental building blocks of algebraic geometry. Progress was rapid since the Abhyankar-Moh-Suzuki Theorem of embedded affine line was proved, and logarithmic geometry was introduced by Iitaka and Kawamata.Readers will find the book covers vast basic material on an extremely rigorous level:It begins with an introduction to algebraic geometry which comprises almost all results in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry.Arguments frequently used in affine algebraic geometry are elucidated by treating affine lines embedded in the affine plane and automorphism theorem of the affine plane. There is also a detailed explanation on affine algebraic surfaces which resemble the affine plane in the ring-theoretic nature and for actions of algebraic groups.The Jacobian conjecture for these surfaces is also considered by making use of the results and tools already presented in this book. The conjecture has been thought as one of the most unattackable problems even in dimension two.Advanced results are collected in appendices of chapters so that readers can understand the main streams of arguments.There are abundant problems in the first three chapters which come with hints and ideas for proof.

  • av Brenda Morrow
    2 806,-

    Trauma is a serious public health problem worldwide and is the leading cause of death among adults and children. Physiotherapists play a key role in the interdisciplinary team caring for patients with physical injury after a traumatic event. The aim of Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy in Trauma: An Evidence-based Approach is to encourage quality evidence-based physiotherapy management of adult and paediatric survivors of trauma in an acute care setting on a global level.The first edition of the book was written by South African physiotherapy academics and clinical physiotherapists with expertise in trauma care. This new edition involves the South African writers from the first edition as well as a team of international experts in trauma care across health care disciplines (including surgeons, nurses, occupational therapists, dieticians, pain experts, and social workers). The information shared in the first edition has therefore been updated with more clinical expertise and the latest available evidence. The new content in this latest edition aims to make physiotherapists more aware of the importance of considering how pain influences patients' participation in therapy sessions, and of a team approach to patient care (e.g. managing pain and planning of care) to ensure the best possible outcomes for adult and paediatric patients with traumatic injury, at hospital discharge.

  • av G R Liu
    1 200,-

    This unique compendium presents the Gradient Smoothing Methods (GSMs), as a general solver for linear and nonlinear PDEs (Partial Differential Equations) with a focus on fluids and flowing solids.The volume introduces the basic concepts and theories of the gradient smoothing technique used in the GSMs. Formulations for both Eulerian-GSM and Lagrangian-GSM are presented. The key ingredients of GSMs and its effectiveness in solving challenging fluid/solid flow problems with complex geometries are then discussed.Applications of GSM are highlighted, including compressible and incompressible flows, hydrodynamics with flexible free surface, and flowing solids with material strength and large deformation in geotechnical engineering, in particular, landslide simulations.In-house MATLAB codes are provided for both Eulerian and Lagrangian GSMs, along with detailed descriptions. More efficient FORTRAN source codes for solving complex engineering problems are also available on Github.

  • av Nadav Goldschmidt & Chezy Ofir
    580 - 1 218,-

  • av Michael V Sadovskii
    1 735,-

    This book is a compilation of reprints of the major works by the prominent Soviet and Russian theoretical physicists, Leonid V Keldysh. He made important contributions to condensed matter theory, developing new approaches and methods, and discovering beautiful new physical effects later confirmed by experiments.Keldysh developed the consistent theory of phonon assisted tunneling in semiconductors and calculated the electric field induced shift of absorption edge in semiconductors, what is now called Franz-Keldysh effect. He also developed the original theory of deep levels in semiconductors. One of his most famous works was the 1964 theory of multiple photon ionization of atoms by intensive electromagnetic waves, thereby laying the foundation for the entire field of intense laser radiation interaction with atoms, ions, molecules, and solids. This theory introduced optical tunneling and beyond - threshold ionization, experimentally observed about 15 years later.

  • av Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak
    2 729,-

    In recent years, there has been considerable interest in studying the quantum capacitance (QC) in 2D quantum MOSFETs (QMOSFET) and 1D Nano Wire FET (NWFET) devices of various technologically important materials which find extensive applications in many directions in low dimensional electronics. The 2D and 1D electron statistics in inversion layers of MOSFETs can rather easily be varied by changing the gate voltage which, in turn, brings a change of the surface electric field, the QC depends on the gate-voltage. This first-of-its-kind book deals solely with the QC in 2D MOSFETs of non-linear optical, ternary, quaternary, III-V compounds, II-VI, IV-VI, stressed Kane type, Ge, GaP, Bismuth telluride, Gallium Antimonide and their 1D NWFETs counter parts. The influence of quantizing magnetic field, crossed electric and magnetic fields, parallel magnetic field, have also been considered on the QC of the said devices of the aforementioned materials. The influences of strong light waves and ultra-strong electric field present in nano-devices have also been considered. The accumulation layers of the quantum effect devices of the said materials have also been discussed in detail by formulating the respective dispersion relations of the heavily doped compounds. The QC in 1D MOSFET of the said materials have also been investigated in this context on the basis of newly formulated electron energy spectra in all the cases. The QC in quantum well transistors and magneto quantum well transistors together with CNTFETs have been formulated and discussed in detail along with I-V equations of ballistic QWFETs and NWFETs together with their heavily doped counter parts under different external physical conditions. In this context, experimental determinations are suggested of the Einstein relation for the Diffusivity-Mobility ratio, the Debye screening length, Elastic Constants and the content of this book finds twenty-two different applications in the arena of nanoscience and nanotechnology.This book contains hundred open research problems which form the integral part of the text and are useful for both PhD aspirants and researchers.

  • av Wadim Zudilin
    1 124,-

    There is no surprise that arithmetic properties of integral ("whole") numbers are controlled by analytic functions of complex variable. At the same time, the values of analytic functions themselves happen to be interesting numbers, for which we often seek explicit expressions in terms of other "better known" numbers or try to prove that no such exist. This natural symbiosis of number theory and analysis is centuries old but keeps enjoying new results, ideas and methods.The present book takes a semi-systematic review of analytic achievements in number theory ranging from classical themes about primes, continued fractions, transcendence of ¿ and resolution of Hilbert's seventh problem to some recent developments on the irrationality of the values of Riemann's zeta function, sizes of non-cyclotomic algebraic integers and applications of hypergeometric functions to integer congruences.Our principal goal is to present a variety of different analytic techniques that are used in number theory, at a reasonably accessible - almost popular - level, so that the materials from this book can suit for teaching a graduate course on the topic or for a self-study. Exercises included are of varying difficulty and of varying distribution within the book (some chapters get more than other); they not only help the reader to consolidate their understanding of the material but also suggest directions for further study and investigation. Furthermore, the end of each chapter features brief notes about relevant developments of the themes discussed.

  • av Shaozhou Qi
    2 118,-

    This book integrates the theory and practice of carbon trading at home and abroad, focusing on major theoretical and practical issues of establishing an emissions trading scheme (ETS) in China during its transition to a low-carbon economy. First, a theoretical analysis of the relationship between the transformation of the low-carbon economy and ETS is presented. Second, policy design, institutional evolution, market operation and practical effects of the major global ETSs are systematically compared. Third, the theoretical basis, key points, modelling methods, computational simulation, policy options and operational steps for key institutional and designing of policy elements in China's ETS are analyzed individually. Finally, policy recommendations for the top-level design of China's ETS are proposed.

  • av Elena Popkova
    1 218,-

    This book explains complex scientific concepts using simple and understandable illustrations and practical examples. For example, the competition between countries in the world economy is compared to motor racing, time savings are illustrated through the example of a masquerade ball, and the cyclical effect of time on the economy is reflected through the prism of changing seasons. It presents amazing phenomena and processes of economic time, including "economic vintage", "the time machine in the economy", "youth" and "old age" of the economy, its "growing up", "the economic calendar", "catching up", and "forward-looking" development. This book will therefore be interesting not only to members of the scientific community but also to non-academic readers - to everyone who wants to understand the nature of economic time.

  • av Thomas Weck
    1 200,-

    This book provides a comparative overview of the rules of EU, US, and Japanese law on com-petition. After an overview of their history and the underlying economic issues, it compares perspectives on cartels and other agreements restraining competition (ancillary agreements, R&D/specialization agreements, distribution agreements); single-firm conduct (abuse of dom-inant market power/monopolization); general procedural law and merger control, and state measures such as regulation and subsidies. In each case, the presentation of the legal system is supplemented by examples from the case law. With a focus on the protection of competition in digital markets, new regulatory approaches (e.g., the EU Digital Markets Act and comparable US regulatory initiatives) are evaluated and current legal developments in other jurisdictions are addressed.

  • av Tian-You Fan
    2 424,-

    This book gives a detailed description on mathematical theory of elasticity and generalized dynamics of solid quasicrystals and its applications.The Chinese edition of the book Mathematical Theory of Elasticity of Quasicrystals and Its Applications was published by the Beijing Institute of Technology Press in 1999, written by Prof Tian-You Fan. In this English edition of the book, the phonon-phason dynamics, defect dynamics and hydrodynamics of solid quasicrystals are included, so the scope of the book is beyond elasticity. Hence, the title in this edition is changed to Mathematical Theory of Elasticity and Generalized Dynamics of Quasicrystals and Its Applications. This book is the first and only monograph in the scope of quasicrystals since first published in 1999 in China and worldwide. In this edition, the two-dimensional quasicrystals of second kind, soft-matter quasicrystals and photonic bade-gap and application of photonic quasicrystals are added.This book combines the mechanical and physical behavior of quasicrystals and mathematical physics, which may help graduate students and researchers in the fields of new materials, condensed matter physics, applied mathematics and engineering science.

  • av Gabriel Jonsson
    1 277,-

    Has South Korea accomplished democratic consolidation since the Constitution was revised in 1987? Whereas political freedom has improved, the NSL is generally pointed out as the main obstacle to full freedom but it is not the only one to guarantee respect for human rights. Since full respect for human rights is not guaranteed, democratic consolidation has not been achieved. This book analyzes the issue based on the state of human rights that are an important part of democracy. The starting points are the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1987 South Korean Constitution and the 2001 National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Act which are empirically tested. Definitions of democratic consolidation are applied. The study first investiga- tes legislation and human rights institutions, including the National Security Law (NSL), the Con-stitutional Court, the NHRC, adherence to international human rights law and the Universal Periodic Review. Then the impact of inter-Korean relations on human rights are reviewed based on the NSL, dispatches of leaflets across the border and conscientious objectors. Finally, freedom of expression, assembly and association, including the state of sexual minorities, trials of ex-presidents, death penalty, human trafficking and torture are studied.

  • av Terrence Chun Liang Tan
    626 - 1 200,-

  • av Guanrong Chen
    1 277,-

    The topic of nonlinear systems is fundamental to the study of systems engineering. So extensive investigations have been carried out by both the nonlinear control and nonlinear dynamics communities, but the focus can be different - on controllers design and dynamics analysis, respectively. The last two decades have witnessed the gradual merging of control theory and dynamics analysis, but not yet to the extent of controlling nonlinear dynamics such as bifurcations and chaos. This monograph is an attempt to fill that gap while presenting a rather comprehensive coverage of the fundamental nonlinear systems theory in a self-contained and approachable manner.This introductory treatise is written for self-study and, in particular, as an elementary textbook that can be taught in a one-semester course to advanced undergraduates or entrance level graduates with curricula focusing on nonlinear systems, both on control theory and dynamics analysis.

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