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  • av James Syver

    From John Paul II, to Frederick Douglas, Martin Luther King Jr. and others in between, Too Many, by author James Syver, shares the stories of twenty people who have impacted history and the lives of many. Each was moved to state their trust and belief in their Creator, and in large measures, credit Him for their work.This collection of Christ-inspired histories explores the individuals' lives and the impact they've had on society. Syver discusses each person's background and character, what propelled them forward, how they inspired future generations, and how they were guided by their faith.Offerings of lives well lived, 'Too Many' shares how each of these twenty people influenced the world because they, in their time, listened, and acted. From contemplations to inspiring actions and from many different pages of history, these vignettes underscore a personal belief and trust in the divine.If you like your work and love your country then you will enjoy 'Too Many'.

  • av Ph. D. Rimaletta Ray

    The book "Self-Renaissance" is the eighth book, concluding the holistic paradigm of Self-Actualization in life at the time of the Digital Renaissance of life on Earth. The world remains "a great eternal riddle" (Albert. Einstein ) and our responsibility is to try and solve it to become less impulsive and self-destructive and more SELF-EDUCATED and SELF-REGULATED. Our human essence is in the Spiritual Renaissance!To make new "machine-measured" life work, we need to enact an exponential technologically enhanced SELF-OCCULTURATION, as a new type of a human living on a new, holistic Self-Operational System in five basic realms of life -physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and universal. SELF-EDUCATION must become an indispensable supplement to a personal Self-Renaissance that is inseparable from our fusion with he the Artificial intelligence. the phenomenon of Singularity ), constituting the Digital Renaissance of the humanity and an urgent necessity for our development in sync with its evolutionary up-heaval.Our Human Essence is in Digital Renaissance!As a concerned educator, Dr. Ray offers the KNOW-HOW for "Self-Renaissance" - the science-backed up holistic theory of conquering the passions of life consciously, perceiving the new reality with a new "scientific literacy." (Dr. Neil de Grasse Tyson) The holistic plan of action is leading us consequentially and consciously through five stages of Self-Renaissance: Self-Awareness, Self-Monitoring, Self-Installation, Self-Realization, and Self-Salvation, or through the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and universal circles of life. Digitally enhanced self-consciousness development is the goal of everyone's life.The Art of Living is the Art of Becoming!

  • av Sutton

    The years moved on, and gradually the time witches Crystal, Natasha, Shanice and Elaina decided to go their own way. They stayed in contact with each other, but it was time to stand aside for a new generation of time witches. Shanice was the first to leave, she re-joined her family on earth and her dear friends Kayleigh and Jessica, and they went to university together. Natasha got married to Doran and they had two children together, they lived on a planet near Crystal. Elaina went to work at the federation base and joined, Angelica once more as a couple. Crystal looked after her father Zenith on their planet Aspera, joined by Strania and Shimick. They all had many adventures together fighting vampires, robots, space pirates, and dark witches. But it was time to rest and let another generation of time witches to combat evil and save lives in time and space. Luna, Maya, Jessica, and Alicia were the new generation of time witches.

  • av Rimaletta Ray

    The book "It Too Shall Pass" is a collection of mental programs, inspirational boosters, and mind-sets, written in a simple poetic form because the messages that rhyme in the mind's twine are perceived much better than just affirmations. The book is a soul-to-soul interaction with Dr. Ray, who originally got her doctorate in Psycholinguistics from the Brain Institute in Moscow and who has been inspiring her students to broaden their intellectual horizons at the University of Connecticut and the Norwalk Community College in Connecticut for 17 years. It is written in four dimensions: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical, and it is illustrated with the pictures from the author's collection of the meaningful imprints in rocks. The mental programs by Dr. Ray are very suggestive and sometimes provocative in terms of the author's perception of the present affirmations of reality and the problems we are all facing. Dr. Ray is sharing some wisdom with you to expand your spiritual width, strengthen the mental zest, develop emotional flexibility, back up your physical perseverance, and impart to you her love for life, above and below, for it too shall pass. Have a thinking journey through the pages of the book and fill yourself up with energy, mental strength, and inspirational love Share this love with your loved ones. ¿Momentum builds!

  • av Terry And Boyd Krueger
    141 - 152,-

    Dodo's Origins My cousin DK has an affinity for flying pigs. As unique flying pigs were encountered, I swooped them up and gleefully sent them to her. One day, a metal place card-holder pig caught my eye. It was all alone on a sale table. I grabbed it with plans of adding some wings and sending it off. As this little metal pig was painted and its wings attached, Dodo came to life. While his story developed, Boyd captured images, including locations we had previously visited and trinkets we had collected with our daughter. During some adventures, Dodo encounters these places and trinkets, which are intended to remind our daughter how much her companionship is missed. As imagination and images materialize, Dodo's adventures will continue.

  • av Akinbowale Isaac Adewumi
    183 - 230,-

  • av Milly Ng

    ⾃閉症譜系障礙 ASD 是現今醫學界的⼀個非常頭痛的症候。每2,500 個兒童中就有⼀個確診患有⾃ 閉症。 ⾄今為⽌它的成因仍然是個謎! 是否與遺傳有關,是過瀘性病毒感染,抑或是懷孕并發症, ⼀時間亦很難確定。⽽⾄⽬前專家們亦未有有效的治療⽅案。 物理治療師伍敏思於本書分享她的個 ⼈經歷,於短短5天的時間,⽤她專長的BRS 微電治療法 改變⼀個⼀直活在⾃⼰世界裏的3歲⼩朋 友,令他突然間完全融入周圍環境,演出⼀幕令⼈深深感動的擁抱著媽媽親吻的情景。

  • av John Roberts

    Joey McClane, a precocious twelve year old south Texas boy, has lived with his grandfather ever since he was orphaned as an infant. Paw Paw, an avid classic car and race car enthusiast, has discovered the 1934 Buick coupe that he had fallen in love with as a childit had been his grandfathers car, and he had called her Mattie. And now Joey sets out on a restoration project that will drastically change the direction of his life.He finds himself thrust into the cars history by way of apparitions and dreams. Over the next few years, as he and Paw Paw work on Mattie, Joey embarks on a mental journey through Matties past and soon finds that history creeping in to his present-day existence. His mind is torn between two very different times, and Mattie begins to take control of Joeys life. Meanwhile, he meets his first girlfriend, develops a friendship with a ghost, and receives visions and understanding of his grandfathers lifelong secrets. But when he becomes a fugitive engaged in a high-speed chase with the police, he knows he must make a decision in order to prevent his two worlds from colliding.

  • av Larry Barton

  • av Phillip Tilley

    Bartenders get better tips if they tell a good joke. These jokes are numbered so you can easily find your favorite and the printing is large so you can read it in a poorly lit bar!

  • av Phillip Tilley

    What if you were told you would be expected to continue reporting for work every day but you would never get paid for it? What if you were told you could never become rich no matter how hard you tried? What if you were told you could never own a car and that in fact to even operate an automobile you would need to be authorized by the government? What if you were told you would never be allowed to own anything? What if you were told you could never have any money? What if you were told you could never own your own home and that the American dream is just a dream? What if you were told the entire life you think you have been living is a lie? What if you were told, "Wake up people, the Money Matrix has you."?

  • av Almondyne Petersson

    A sixteen year old boy discovers that his carefree, fun life, isn't as normal as he thought. Things start changing when two strangers come into his life and help out his best friend with his family life. Things start spinning out of control fast with no way to stop it and he realizes he can't help his best friend through his struggles or misguided desires. Many questions with no answers drive the young man crazy and fear holds him prisoner when people start dying and his best friend ends up missing.

  • av Mary Catherine Davis

    Much to the astonishment of retired teachers Jane and Cathy, their goal of sharing the World War One experience of Jane's father, Charles Ryan, evolved into this book. The story is based primarily on the letters found at the Ryan family farm a few years ago. The letters describe the impressions of a young soldier stationed in England as a member of the air squadron at the beginning of the American Air Force. In his writing, Charles was able to capture the bravery, challenges, and loneliness of a young man placed in an unfamiliar, threatening environment. Each letter subtly expresses a constant awareness of the chance of loss of life and most of all, the possibility of never returning to a beloved country and family.

  • av Margaret Allen

    Eleven-year-old Adam Elgin is an avid baseball player who has been playing the piano since he was four years old. An orchestra is to be formed in his small elementary school in order to participate in a Gala for the Year of the Child Project. They have teamed up with another small elementary school to expand the orchestra's numbers. All interested students must audition for the orchestra. Adam gets the audition music from the school's music teacher and has a short time to prepare for the audition. Everybody who plays an instrument, wants to be in the orchestra and so they practice, and practice, and practice for their audition. But on the weekend before Adam's scheduled audition on Monday morning, he gets ill and misses his audition. Two students are chosen, one is to be the alternate, and rehearsals begin. But a lot is going on to prepare for his school's customary year-end festivities, taking place the last week of school: the winter concert on Tuesday, the play on Wednesday, and the orchestral debut in a dress rehearsal on Thursday, school is closed on Friday, plus the school has started a gigantic fundraiser to help with expenses for the Year of the Child gala. Both teachers and students are "stretched to the limit" in these endeavors.It is the last day of school before the Christmas vacation, and the first dress rehearsal, but at this first dress rehearsal the two students chosen, fail to perform their best and the dress rehearsal comes to a screeching halt. Without a reliable pianist, the gala seems unlikely for these two schools. Can the Principal find a suitable replacement that can play without fear of the crowd and the pressures of performing, someone who can take them to the Gala!

  • av Rimaletta Ray

    The philosophy of self-improvement is in the digital movement now. The process of "trans-humanism" predicted brilliantly by Ray Kurzweil is revolutionizing our life that demands ethical SELF-ACCULTURATION of both us and robot-humanoids who voice out their intention to destroy humanity and who "become more dangerous than nukes." ( Elon Musk ). They must be trained in HUMANENESS, on the one hand, and we should adapt their reserved attitude, a respectful demeanor, and thoughtful, not impulsive, manor of speaking, on the other.

  • av Larry Rhodes

    In the near future, Earth becomes caught in the middle of an extraterrestrial turf war and hopelessly entangled in a race between two species to colonize the galaxy. At a time when Earth's resources are stretched to their limits, a seemingly friendly alien species offers advanced technology if humans will help colonize distant planets. Planning expert Mike Silver shocks his family and friends by joining a colony destined for the supposedly uninhabited planet Kepler 14b. Even as he steps up and is elected city planner, he is shocked to be appointed mayor just before the colonists leave Earth. Unknown to the friendly aliens or humans, a clandestine team of the other alien species is sent to disrupt the planned Earth colonies. Mike and the other colonists struggle to adapt to a new world inhabited by numerous animal species, cave-dwelling tribes, and unknown saboteurs. As these obstacles are slowly overcome, Mike is recruited by the friendly aliens to help other human colonies that are struggling and potentially failing. When the two alien species both lay claims to the same planet, Mike must act as a mediator and prevent resumption of hostilities between the two species that could threaten the human colonists as well.

  • av Soul Singh

    Abandoned, abused and discarded by her mother, Alma Perez tried to keep her family together. Caring for her younger siblings, Alma embarks on many adventures that caused her to grow up fast and without much hope. Once in foster care, Alma learned how to defy the stereotypes surrounding her life circumstance and adamantly strove to find her purpose. Learning was her strength and the note from a teacher gave her humanity.

  • av David Schimpf
    230 - 343,-

  • av Doris M. Jones

  • av Richard Lee Cook

    The Fire and Rain Chronicles, It's where the souls of the living dead are nothing more than earth-bound spirits. At the least, shadowed memories of those endlessly wandering in the darkness of despair and hopelessness. Bound by destiny's shackles in a blacken abyss. Rarely does a glimmer of light slice through the dense curtain of madness. One survivor still lives to tell the story of this ill-fated family up on "Hell's Half Acre".

  • av Leslie Koester

  • av Mary Proctor

    Yes We Can!

  • av Larry Rhodes

    Jack Garrett, a world-renowned marine/project engineer, is assigned a seemingly impossible task - construct an entire city under the sea in less than three years! To complete this task, he must overcome unfriendly forces of nature, a project that is only partially funded with a tight timetable and impatient investors, while implementing unproven, cutting-edge technology. Even as he struggles with natural and man-made obstacles, he is not even aware of a team of saboteurs determined to derail the project at any cost.

  • av Terri Anne Strickland-Odell


  • av Anne Neville

    PSYCHOPYTHON is the fact-based, graphic story of Delia Grey. It is related in three parts; beginning with Part 1, "Dark Odyssey." Cunningly manipulated into an ill-advised second marriage, widowed Delia Grey, finds herself unwittingly catapulted into a horrific life of physical, mental, and sexual abuse, terrible beyond anything she could ever have imagined. Her new husband is a cold-blooded, calculating, Jekyll and Hyde character; a psychopython, motivated by emotionless cruelty and greed, and with the determination to force Delia into relinquishing the vast fortune he imagines she owns. He has devised a ruthless plan to destroy her, which he begins putting into effect on their wedding day. He has every intention of coercing and crushing her, in mind and body, in order to take possession of everything she has. From the beginning of the marriage, Delia is thrust into a nightmare existence, as she is relentlessly driven, by day and night, towards capitulation and suicide. Delia is an intelligent, and resourceful, professional woman, who is suddenly isolated in a vicious situation from which she can find no way of escape. She quickly realises she is fighting for her own, and her children's survival, against a remorseless psychopath who is determined to destroy her. Can Delia survive the malevolent games being played with her mind and her life? Is there any way for her to escape the destructive evil that has permeated every aspect of her existence? PSYCHOPYTHON, Part 2, "Nemesis", is followed by the concluding sequel to Delia's story which will be "Mills of God."

  • av Carol Warner

    At the Feet of the Master is quite literally a book that asked to be written. Imagine what it would be like if a manuscript were to be discovered, a journal kept by the Beloved Disciple John in his later years as he reflected back on his life with Jesus. In this document, we learn many details of the unfolding ministry and teachings of Jesus, as well as John's perspective on his growing friendship between them is a type of love story in its own right, of a pure love transcending time and space. In this journal, many of Jesus' teachings on love, healing and forgiveness are shared. Deep insight is given into the more private metaphysical and energetic aspects of Jesus' ministry and healing work.

  • av Mary Lee Gutwein

    Celebrate every Birthday! Have a fun party for each one as we grow up. "The older we get, the smarter we get," some say. So, stay curious. Keep on learning and discovering all the great things found on and off this World that Jesus gave us when He created it. Garrett got a super gift this year. This one will last for a generation or more! Our world is whirling around but God has it all under control. Our planet is protected and scheduled out to the very last minute. This adventure will have you on your toes!

  • av David Gladen

    Valeriy Polekh, a leading Russian hornist whose life and career spanned the early Russian Soviet era to the collapse of Russian communism, celebrates his love of music in this autobiography. Born July 5, 1918, in Moscow, his mother instilled in him an appreciation for music at an early age. Whenever he asked her a question about music or art, she always gave an exhaustive answer. Vasiliy Nikanorovich Soloduev, a well-known French horn musician, a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra, and an experienced artist, was the author's first teacher at music technical school. Although he seems severe, he turns out to be a kind person. He also recalls playing in amateur orchestras in his youth, including one led by Professor Boris Emmanuilovich Khaikin near the Moscow Conservatory. In time, Polekh rose to play with the finest orchestras in Russia, and his positive attitude is reflected in his lively accounts of the interesting people he met along the way, including musicians and high-ranking army officers. Translated from Russian, this autobiography offers a fascinating look at life in Russia, its music, and some of its best musicians over an extended period.

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