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  • av S D Matley

    The year is 2025 and Hermes is on the Olympus, Inc., hot seat. He has two short years to halt climate change before the irretrievable tipping point is reached, an existential threat to mortals and immortals alike.David Bernstein embarks on a quest to learn about his unnamed mortal father. Assisted by would-be girlfriend, Cleo Petra, David scours the Middle East for clues that lead him to Rome, Italy, and points beyond.Jim Smith observes unsettling changes in Stella, his mental health client, and fears an evil force, The Power, has secretly escaped its prison to terrorize the City of Mount Olympus once more. And what of Seattle? Clifford Essex leads a desperate race to solve the riddle of an unstable seawall, poised to crumble and take a major transit tunnel with it.From Mount Olympus to the Underworld, from Petra, Jordan, to Seattle, Washington-much is afoot Beyond Big-G City!

  • av F Lynn Godfriaux

    Suffering from traumatic amnesia and the loss of her right leg Mattie Tyler is living in small town deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia. With a new identity and new friends she has been building a new life as Mary Jo Majors. The sudden appearance of her estranged husband, Jeremiah Tyler causes her memory to return abruptly, but imperfectly. The pain and suffering she went through previously has created a fog as thick as those frequently found in the mountains clouding and obscuring her memories; creating echoes and distortions. When she witnesses a murder and the theft of a priceless gold coin, no one except Jeremiah believes her. Many of those in her life try to convince her the memory is false, something created out of the shadows of her previous memories. Now she must face past ghosts and present terrors to learn what is real and what isn't. Help comes from those she is most inclined to fear and distrust: The spirit-like Ute Indian Joe Healing Water and the British operative known as Hawk; a man whose name is enough terrify her. Together with Jeremiah, they work to protect her from not only becoming another victim of a pathological killer-but to also accept her memories and face her future.

  • av Rob Jackson

    Recon 9, a group formed by veteran Air Force pilots who'd escaped a Russian POW camp faces a world devastated by plague, a desultory world war, and a widespread civic collapse.Recon 9 follows a trail of bodies across Texas, discovering that west Texas put the wild in the wild west. To catch the Russian agent they have to deal with bandit gangs, groups of homicidal maniacs, and military holdouts. The agent is carrying out a program called Operation A or Operation Alpha.To them, it seems to be: OPERATION ANNIHILATION

  • av Rob Jackson

    A handful of men escape a Russian POW camp and make their way to Poland to alert whatever governments are left that the Russians are planning a strike simply called Operation A. They discover a world that has changed, devastated by plague and war, but where some groups are struggling to rebuild civilization while others continue to serve dead ideologies.The group becomes "Recon Nine" and sets out to track down the higher command from the prison camp who are instrumental in Operation A.Despite the bleakness of the surroundings, THE LONG WAY HOME is filled with action, surprises, and even some humor.

  • av Rich Kisielewski

    Much to his surprise, Harry Mickey Shorts gets a call from Mel, his ex-brother-in-law, who needs his help. It is a rare occasion when Mel asks Harry for anything at all never mind his help. When it does happen Harry takes notice and drops what he is doing to see what it is that troubles "Big Mel." Over a few cool ones Mel tells Harry a long-winded tale from his past involving a kid he had coached. Little Billy Burns had walked out of the gym before the end of a basketball game and soon vanished all together. Mel's belief that he had somehow failed Billy has lingered and he now sees an opportunity to rectify that wrong.With the help of his friend, Tom, Harry's investigation takes him back to Central Pennsylvania to meet with Billy who currently resides in the Cumberland County jail. Their journey begins with an introduction to Billy's extended con-artist family and ultimately to some Las Vegas hustlers who are looking to continue their venture into golf course swindles. And at long last is Mel's reunion with Billy. At the same time Harry's part-time interest in his ex-wife, his love for his children and his continued attempt to become an integral part of their lives, continues to complicate his own life.

  • av S D Matley

    Veronica Zeta, youngest child of Zeus and Hera, is at last CEO of the immortal owned and operated corporation, Olympus, Inc. The biggest project on her agenda is creating world peace, but first she must depose her bloodthirsty brother Ares, God of War. To do so, she must deploy a supernatural force called The Power, which can demand a terrible price.Zeus, former CEO and Ex-Lord of the Universe, struggles with identity issues after his retirement. The bright spot in his life is babysitting his toddler granddaughter, but his marriage with Hera is foundering and he longs for someone to confide in.Hera's new campaign, a mortal lifestyle series of books and seminars called Marvelous Marriage, is a huge success. The face of this project, small-g goddess Candy Smith, has become a media celebrity. Hera, Goddess of Marriage, revels in the market share she's stealing from the "adult" industries owned by her rival, Aphrodite.But Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, is ready to fight back! Employing a photo-shopped tabloid cover photo and a box of enchanted chocolates, she disrupts the personal life of Candy Smith and goads Hera into executing her own sabotage plan.The lives of these Olympians collide when Veronica succeeds in deposing Ares, and pays for deploying a large dose of The Power with blindness, anguish and, possibly, death. But how can an immortal die? The answer lies in an old family secret, daringly unearthed by Zeus in the eleventh hour.

  • av Joy Jones

    A world decimated by virus, A crime lord's daughter holds the key.Can she discover it in time? Meet the crime lord of the future-she's five foot five, wears an evening gown, has computerized reflexes and carries a Glock. Her soldados defend her against assassination or attacks by San Francisco homeless. But neither they nor the world of high tech Jaymes lives in can protect her from GEORG-a virus that thinks andplans, or Adan Bernardo, the mysterious scientist behind it. When her corporate stronghold comes crashing down, she's forced to make new and bizarre friends with talents for manipulating technology to uncover her family skeletons and how they link to a terrible future. Unless, that is, Jaymes can unlock the secret she carries within herself to fight back.Her world depends on it.

  • av M R Williamson

    Helen is trying to get over the recent loss of her mother. Seeing the struggle, her father sends her to live with her grandparents.Now among the forests her mother loved, Helen connects with her mother's hobby, photography. With her mother's first camera, an old Nikon, she snaps a shadowy figure in the early-morning shade of a fir tree. The resulting friendship not only pulls her from the destructive depression she was sinking into, but leads Helen into a world of magic and adventure and gives her a new purpose in life and a new reason to live.

  • av F Lynn Godfriaux

    In the second installment of the Blind Eye series, billionaire heiress Mattie Tyler is abducted by a team of mercenaries sent to avenge the death of their leader, whom Mattie shot while defending herself and her family in the southwest Colorado Rocky Mountains. Crippled by a recent gunshot wound and unable to defend herself, Mattie helplessly watches the killers destroy her family home, then target her closest friends. As the trail of death and destruction grows, Mattie's husband, Jeremiah "Black Bear" Tyler, must rely on his experience as a covert operative to recruit questionable allies in order to save her. But in a shocking twist of fate he finds himself the prime target of law enforcement when circumstantial evidence convinces investigators he is after Mattie's family wealth.

  • av Carol Hightshoe

    Stories are a form of magic. Through them we create worlds and people. Within these pages you will find a variety of worlds and characters: heartbroken werewolves, Roman soldiers and dragons who seek immortality only to find the cost is more than they expected. Pirates seeking release from their eternal punishments. A fairy tale princess who learns the real reason for the curse is to prevent her from being used by others. A pair of ladies who story is well known, but have you ever heard their side of the story. And many more.Werewolves, dragons, unicorns and other magical creatures inhabit the worlds contained within. Various gods walk these realms as do spirits both pleasant and vengeful. Carol Hightshoe invites you to enter these worlds and visit with the characters she has created in 24 tales of science-fiction and fantasy. Here legends will be reborn. Legends Reborn is a collection of 22 previously published short stories as well a 2 new stories by science-fiction and fantasy author Carol Hightshoe.

  • av Kimberly Todd Wade

    859 A.D. Yohl Ik'nal ("Heart of the Wind Place") is alone with her two starving children on their drought-stricken farm. Her husband and two grown sons have been drafted to fight in a distant war. Will they ever return? Yohl can't afford to wait. Her hungry children must be fed. It's time to dig up Yohl's past, for her mother was a princess, her grandfather a king. She still has relatives amongst the Maya royalty. They are her best hope for salvation.Follow Yohl and her children as they travel Maya causeways, highways of the ancient world, through ravaged jungle and depressed homesteads to the capital city, itself on the verge of economic collapse. Can the religious spectacle of human sacrifice provoke the Gods' beneficence? If the Maya ceremonies and myths fail, Yohl has recourse to the older, deeper traditions of the forest people. She'll do whatever necessary to survive.

  • av Ronnie Seagren

    Some people are destined from birth to do great things. Gil Orlov is born in the shadow of totality of a solar eclipse, the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. She is the culmination of a carefully planned genealogy begun by her great-grandmother. Gil's purpose, the goal of her family-defeating a Vision of the world in flames, reduced to a lifeless cinder. But the power she should have is muted or lacking. Gil and her six sisters begin an arduous journey to a place of power high in the Peruvian Andes known as Killichaka - the Bridge to the Moon. They must make it to this ancient temple in time to complete a ritual during the totality of the 1937 solar eclipse. If they are successful, Gil's powers should be restored-giving her the ability to prevent the global disaster her ancestors warned of. To succeed they must first survive the journey and locate Killichaka. Against them is the environment, the elements, their own doubts and fears as well as the 'Other' and a force that would gleefully see the world fall into chaos-an entity known as Supay.

  • av S D Matley

    Seattle is on the brink of disaster, but nobody knows it! Nobody except Ralph, a "small-g" god from Olympus, Inc. Ralph suffers from extreme job burn-out, and no wonder--his job is to reinforce Seattle's notorious raised highway, the Alaskan Way Viaduct, by disbursing his molecules throughout the unstable and hazardous structure. But Ralph's molecules are feeling the pull of reconstitution. Will he survive one more agonizing rush hour without resuming his humanoid form and emerging from the viaduct, sending thousands of commuters to their deaths? And what about the familiar shadow hovering over him? If Zeus (Olympus, Inc. CEO and the Biggest of Big-G Gods) is spying on him, all Tartarus is sure to break loose!

  • av Various Authors

    US/THEM - THEM/US Fear of the Other breeds hatred of the Other They aren't like us-so they must be bad...inferior...dangerous... Humans are by nature social animals, but we tend to bond with other humans with whom we have something in common: beliefs, experiences, likes and dislikes, etc. With the expansion of humans across the planet, it seems that, even as our numbers grow, we find ways to whittle our groups into ever narrower, specialized, and exclusive blocks. We target the Other for the most minor differences and interpret everything from THEM as an insult or an attack. Within these pages you will witness hatred, intolerance and fanaticism as well as love, understanding and acceptance. Most of all, I, and the authors, hope you discover stories that will cause you to pause and think before condemning someone as being THEM and not US. Featuring stories by: Natasha Gordon-Polomski, Birgit Gaiser, Madeline McEwen, Maria Simbra, Ginny Venton, B Craig Grafton, J.J. Smith, Laramie Wyoming, Liam Hogan, Brad Shurmantine, Lisa Timpf, Charles Robertson, Thomas Cannon, Charles Kyffhausen, John Taloni, Bob Rich, Tammy Higgins, Duane L. Herrmann, Sarah Edmonds, Russell Hemmell, Carlton Herzog, Christopher Welch, Bennie Rosa, Holly Schofield, Ray Daley, DJ Tyrer, Radar DeBoard, Joanna Michal Hoyt and Steven T. Lente

  • av Various Authors

    It has been said that one should never meddle in the affairs of dragons-for you are crunchy and taste good with chocolate. Come enter the dragon's lair and roll the dice. Within these pages you will still meet some of the biggest, baddest predators ever-but if you are lucky, you will also discover some that have a sweeter side. Meet a dragon with a soft spot for hard luck cases and another who is a hopeless romantic. Enjoy a musical battle between a dragon and the specter of one of the greatest guitarists to ever play. Meet a dragon in trouble with other magical creatures because he enjoys hanging out with human children. Join a mother and daughter and their teams of dragons on a dangerous cross-country race. Reconnect with an imaginary friend - who is not so imaginary and escape the isolation of the pandemic. And more... So enter in BUT tread carefully-remember you are crunchy and taste good with chocolate. Featuring stories by: Beth W. Patterson, Miriam Thor, Joyce Frohn, Cara Brezina. Allison Rott, Rose Strickman, Mary Jo Rabe, Gustasp Irani, Birgit K. Gaiser, Gwen C. Katz, Gerri Leen, Austin Roberts, Annie Percik, L.H. Davis III, Gregg Chamberlain, Barbara G. Tarn, Sally Jo, Fred Phillips, Mabel Ginest, Karen G. McCullough, Mark Bruce, Claire Davon, Kevin David Anderson, S.H. Mansouri, Samuel Poots, Ken Goldman, Jean Martin

  • av Various Authors

    It has been said that one should never meddle in the affairs of dragons-for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Come enter the dragon's lair.Take your chances with other would-be heroes and heroines who decide to face off against one of the biggest, baddest predators ever.Witness a dragon civil war.Hear the true story of the Battle of New Orleans.Find out what it's like in the belly of a dragon.Discover why cats can spell disaster when stealing a dragon's egg.Meet a group of dragon riders who protect us from nuclear devastation.Follow legends of modern dragons, only to find something very unexpected.>So enter in BUT tread carefully-remember you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Featuring stories by Robert Allen Lupton, Sonia Focke, Marti Aamus, Dana Bell, Susan diRende, Nancy Kay Clark, Emma Melville, Christopher Fielden, Kay Hanifen, Steven Streeter, Taria Karillion, Ted Pennella, Emily Martha Sorensen, Takayuki Ino, JF Capps, John Lance, Robert Wenson, A.K. Stuntz, Geoff Hart, Adam Knight, Xauri'EL Zwaan, James Dorr, Matt Bille, DY Tyrer, Craig Crawford, and Gregg Chamberlain

  • av Jamie Mason

    After the war, Chris's family fled to Earth. Chris grew up believing he was human. But his parents' unique cruelties soon awaken him to the truth: he and his family are Chronox, alien beings capable of time travel, now hidden among humans. Dissatisfied with refugee life, Chris's father decides to break the Chronox pact and use time travel to gain dominion over their human hosts. Chris resists, sabotaging his father's efforts to create a working time machine for the military. In punishment, Chris is placed in the ultimate "time out" by being flung back and imprisoned within the pre-digital past of the 1960s. There he experiences a glimmer of acceptance among Laura, Theodore and Yogi Joe, whose friendship inspires him to awaken his repressed Chronox powers and return to the future to set things right. The battle-lines are drawn. On one side, Chris. On the other, an implacable alliance between time-traveling aliens and the U.S. military. A frightened, shattered boy who has never known love must begin a desperate race through time to stop a global genocide.

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