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  • - Two Full Length Western Novels
    av Gordon D Shirreffs

    The odds are against survival in this classic western double.

  • - A Classic Western
    av Peter Brandvold

    SADDLE UP AND JOIN GIDEON HAWK ON HIS SEARCH FOR JUSTICE ON THE TRAILS OF THE WESTERN FRONTIER.Deputy U.S. Marshal Gideon Hawk gives some bounty hunters a lethal lesson in how reputations are made when a beautiful prostitute asks for his protection."Nobody writes this sort of hard-edged Western better than Peter Brandvold himself. Gideon Hawk is one of my favorite characters, and this novel is a fine addition to the Rogue Lawman series." - James Reasoner

  • - A Classic Western
    av Peter Brandvold

    The Rogue Lawman, Gideon Hawk, can turn from marshal to executioner with the pull of a trigger...A hunted man, Hawk has retreated to his remote cabin in the San Juan Mountains, hoping to simply disappear. But when young, beautiful Catherine McCormick comes to him alone in the rain from the mining camp over the mountain, he knows his respite is over.A vicious gang raided the girl's camp, ravaging and brutalizing at will, and killing Catherine's brother. Catherine is willing to give Hawk anything, even herself, to hunt down the killers and serve up the brutal, decisive, and fitting justice the Rogue Lawman is known for.

  • - ein historischer Western Roman
    av B N Rundell

    B.N. RUNDELL NIMMT SIE WIEDER MIT AUF ABENTEUERREISE IM BAND DREI DER RASSANTEN STONECROFT SAGA.Osage, Kansa, Otoe sind alles Stämme des Mississippi Laufs und leben genau entlang jener Route, welche die beiden Freunde wählen. Sie setzen alles daran, den Kopfgeldjägern aus Philadelphia zu entkommen und die unentdeckte Wildnis des Westens zu erforschen. Aber als sie mit ehemaligen französischen Fellhändlern, die zu Sklavenhändler wurden, zusammentreffen, ändern sie abermals ihr Ziel. Schließlich haben die Franzosen Pawnee Frauen entführt. Aber die Sklavenhändler sind nichts im Vergleich zu den Stämmen der Omaha und Ponca, die den gesamten Handel vom Missouri bis zum Nord Platte Fluss kontrollieren.Aber Gabe Stone, wie er sich jetzt nennt, und Ezra Blackwell sind nicht nur ewige Freunde und Kameraden auf dieser Entdeckungsreise, sondern freunden sich schließlich auch mit den gefürchteten Omaha und Ponca an. Und eh sie es sich bewusst sind, sind sie mit der Tochter des mächtigsten Häuptlings des ganzen Gebiets befreundet. Mit jeder Wende des Schicksals treten sie neuen Herausforderungen entgegen und als sie schließlich endlich den Weg in die unerforschte Wildnis einschlagen wollen, müssen sie sich einer Herausforderung stellen, wie sie es in ihren kühnsten Träumen nie vermutet hätten. Die Konfrontation zwischen einer Kompanie der Soldado de Cuera, der Elitetruppe der spanischen Krone und einer Gemeinschaft von befreiten, geflohenen Sklaven zieht die beiden Freunde mitten zwischen die Fronten. Sie müssen eine Entscheidung treffen, die nicht nur ihre Reise, sondern auch ihr Leben beenden könnte.Können zwei einzelne Männer wirklich den Ausgang in einer solchen Schlacht beeinflussen?

  • - a Western Romance Novel
    av Lynn Eldridge

    A tale of two brothers and the women they love ferociously.Blaze Bowie and his brother Shade are not only on the verge of losing their Louisiana plantation and timberland, but are accused of causing a local woman's death. Refusing to give up their birthright without a fight, Blaze hopes to find cousin Jim Bowie in Texas along with a long lost, secret key to saving the land. With foreclosure threatened and bullets flying, the brothers ride out with Davy Crockett and his Tennessee Mounted Volunteers to the Alamo.Noelle Charbonnez, barely surviving in a tiny hut near the Alamo, promises her dying mother she will return to her estranged grandmother in Natchez. If the rumor is true that old friend Jim Bowie, who once lived across the Mississippi River from them, is now in Texas, Mama wants Noelle to ask him to take her home. Noelle mistrusts all Bowies and vows never to befriend much less travel anywhere with anyone named Bowie.When handsome Blaze meets beautiful Noelle, worlds collide and clash. Bodies soon sizzle while hearts begin to dream. They must not only conquer old grudges and face new fears, but battle the siege of the Alamo, confront the Napoleon of the West, meet up with the Commander-in-Chief of the Texas Army, search for the Pirate of the Gulf, and find the long lost, secret key if they are to always love and laugh.

  • - A Classic Western
    av Robert Vaughan

    A five-star masterpiece from best-selling author Robert Vaughan. When sixteen-year-old Matt Logan and his friend Danny Duggan run away from an orphanage, they go west. There, they meet Jim Bridger, among other mountain men, and become fur trappers. But the market for beaver plews dies out, and the two friends take on jobs as wagon train guides, where they separate.One of the trains Matt picks up in Independence began its journey in St. Louis, led by widower Cody McNair. Cody was a well experienced leader, having once been the captain of an ocean-going sailing ship. His adult son and daughter, Jared and Ellen and their daughter Emma Joyce, make the trip with him. Also a part of the wagon company is the Baker family, Lon, his wife Norma, and their eight-year-old daughter, Precious.On the journey west, they rescue two travelers from other trains: Nonnie Hughes, a widow who had been going west with her brother and nephew when their wagon train was attacked by a gang of white outlaws, known as the "Hood Raiders", and beautiful, young, Darci Clinton, who had been captured by Indians after her family was slain.Tension develops with some of the members of the train, but Cody keeps everything in check as the train endures the rigors of travel. When the train is hit by the Hood Raiders, the Raiders, including their leader are killed, and the others run off.Five months and ten days after leaving St. Louis, the train reaches its final destination of Oregon City, Oregon.

  • - ein historischer Western Roman
    av B N Rundell

    Der Autor der bekannten Wildleder Chroniken Bestseller Serie nimmt uns im zweiten Band der neuen Stonecroft Saga auf eine sagenhafte Reise mit.Zwei Freunde fühlen sich gegenseitig, sowie ihrem Schicksal die Wildnis zu erforschen, verpflichtet. Sie bereisen das Gebiet französisch Louisiana, das bald schon unter dem Namen Louisiana Kauf in der Geschichte, der sich ausdehnenden Vereinigten Kolonien bekannt werden wird. Aber ein anderer Mann, der für seinen Reichtum, Einfluss und Rachsucht bekannt war, setzt alles daran, dass Gabriel Stonecroft den ultimativen Preis für den Tod seines Sohnes zahlen muss. Dieser Sohn war von jeher ein Taugenichts gewesen und hatte sein Leben in einem Duell gegen Stonecroft verwirkt. Nach einer lebensgefährlichen Reise auf einem Plattbodenschiff den Ohio Fluss hinab machen sich die beiden Freunde nun auf den Weg, den Westen zu erkunden. Aber lokale Schlägertypen in der jungen Stadt Neu Madrid fangen einen Streit an und gehen daraus mit Wunden und Rachegelüsten hervor. Der Wunsch nach Vergeltung wird zusätzlich von den Kopfgeldjägern geschürt, die ihrerseits nur die hohe Belohnung, die auf den Kopf des jungen Abenteurers ausgesetzt ist, an sich reißen wollen. Als die beiden Freunde eine entflohene Pawnee Gefangene aufgreifen und an der Seite der Osage Krieger kämpfen, werden ihre Pläne zunächst über den Haufen geworfen. Die an Land festsitzenden Piraten tun sich mit den Kopfgeldjägern und abtrünnigen Indianern zusammen, um permanent die Pläne der beiden Abenteurer zu vereiteln. Und als Frauen die Bildfläche betreten, verändert sich alles noch einmal drastisch.

  • - A Charlie Doherty Thriller
    av Terrence McCauley

    AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR TERRENCE MCCAULEY TAKES YOU BACK TO A TIME WHEN BOOZE WAS OUTLAWED AND CRIME RAN RAMPANT IN AN AUTHENTIC CRIME THRILLER.Manhattan - 1933Charlie Doherty may have been kicked off the force after The Grand Central Massacre, but thanks to a wealthy benefactor, his private detective business is booming. Catering to the city's wealthy elite, Doherty is making a good living chasing down wayward spouses and runaway socialites when the case of a lifetime lands in his lap. Mrs. Fairfax, a wealthy widow, hires Doherty to prove her husband's suicide wasn't actually a suicide. It was murder.At his benefactor's urging, Doherty takes the case. He expects to pocket a nice chunk of change to prove what everyone already knows: Walter Fairfax walked into his office in the Empire State Building one morning, took a phone call, and shot himself. But Charlie took the widow's money, so he begins to dig.He quickly finds out there is more to the Fairfax incident than a simple suicide. Before long, he discovers that Mr. Fairfax was leading a double life. In an investigation that quickly involves global implications, Doherty finds himself against not only some of the most powerful people in New York City, but against the most evil men in the world.

  • - A Western Young Adult Series
    av James Reasoner

    New York Times bestselling author James Reasoner returns with another gritty, fast-moving tale of the Outlaw Ranger.Lured by the Mexican government's bounty for Native American scalps, a ruthless gang led by serial killer John Grafton roams both sides of the Tex-Mex border, killing hapless travelers and raiding isolated villages, slaying anyone-Native, Hispanic, even dark-haired whites-whose scalps may be translated into cash across the Rio Grande. G.W. Braddock, at loose ends between paying jobs at the moment, teams with a survivor of one massacre to track the killers down and bring them to rough justice, dodging federales and rogue tribesmen in the process.From one adventure to the next, Braddock soon becomes involved in the Chamizal dispute between Mexico and the U.S.. Unclaimed land on the border led to a 385-acre Cordova Island, described as a "haven of crime" and smuggling which remained lawless through the years of U.S. Prohibition, and now Braddock is needed to avenge a crime. Outlaw Ranger, Volume 4 includes: Scalp Hunters and Six-Gun Island.

  • - A Classic Western
    av Peter Brandvold

    RIDE THE ROUGH, LAWLESS TRAILS OF THE WESTERN FRONTIER!Deputy U.S. Marshal Gideon Hawk was respected throughout the Territory as a lawman of principle - until Three Fingers Ned Meade threw him a curve. Meade killed Hawk's ten-year-old boy, and the grisly act drove Hawk's grief-stricken wife to hang herself.Now, robbed of kin, Hawk sets out on a brutal quest to find the man responsible - at any cost.

  • - Two Full Length Western Novels
    av Gordon D Shirreffs

    The odds are against survival in this classic western double.

  • - A Classic Western Series
    av B N Rundell

    A CAPTIVATING, VIVID WESTERN CLASSIC - FOR FANS OF THE TRUE WILD WEST. It was to be no more than a wagon train going west, but when Reuben uncovers a plot to provide a shipment of Beecher's Bibles to the restive Oglala Sioux, he was forced to intervene. He knew the destruction that would come at the hands of renegade natives armed with Springfield Rifles and in good conscience, he forced himself to try to do whatever was necessary to prevent that from happening.The war was waging in the east and when the usual guard of soldiers from Fort Kearny was no longer possible, the wagons had to travel without the safety of the troops. An appeal to the commandant also revealed a deeper plot that would put the innocent travelers in more danger, prompting Reuben to change his plans and form a plot of his own. He knew trouble often comes in threes and an angry band of Pawnee that had been cheated by the gunrunners brought their own trouble. And to Reuben's chagrin, the Brule Sioux and the Arapaho could also complicate matters for the young man who was bound for the western plains. But if the restless and renegade natives weren't enough, a mighty pretty blue-eyed blonde young lady set her sights on the young plainsman.If he could see what was coming, Reuben would probably and gladly jump into the nearest pond of quicksand and count himself lucky.

  • - A Western Fiction Classic
    av Peter Brandvold

    THE SEXIEST AND MOST VIOLENT YAKIMA HENRY NOVEL YET!Yakima kills a young bushwhacker who was trying to kill him one late rainy desert night. The problem is, young Weldon Stratton was the son of a very powerful rancher, Renee Stratton, who is as savage as she is beautiful. Renee vows bloody murder on Yakima for having taken the life of her boy despite the kill-crazy nut-case young Weldon was. Yakima finds himself wrestled to the ground by Renee's ranch hands, stripped naked, and kissed with a red-hot branding iron by Renee herself.Marked forever by Renee's brand but armed with his trusty Winchester Yellowboy repeater, an Arkansas toothpick, a stag-gripped Colt .44, and a fury born of the mark he'll wear to his grave, Yakima declares holy vengeance on Renee Stratton and all of her gun-hung ranch hands who left him howling in the dust, Stripped and Branded!

  • - A Classic Western
    av Robert Vaughan

    An American western folklore adventure - bringing justice no matter the cost. Will and Gid Crockett have taken a huge leap of faith on buying a gold mine in Prescott, Arizona. When arriving in Prescott they learn that the town is controlled by a para-military group known as the Prescott Defenders - led by Jubal Sandos they hold their commission as court deputies from Judge Andrew Briggs. Will and Gid soon learn that both the deputies, and the judge, are a fraud.After being appointed as Special Territorial Deputies by the governor, Will and Gid learn of an assassination plot, and the battle is on.

  • - A Charlie Doherty Thriller
    av Terrence McCauley

    FROM BEST-SELLING AUTHOR TERRENCE MCCAULEY COMES A RIVETING, GRITTY AND AUTHENTIC CRIME THRILLER OF 1930'S MANHATTAN.New York City - August 1932Caught between the Great Depression and a massive heatwave, New York is a city on the edge. Businesses close up shop, breadlines grow longer, and riots are almost a daily occurrence.When corrupt NYPD Detective Charlie Doherty is assigned to investigate a dead body in a flophouse, he knows there's more here than meets the eye. He quickly discovers that the girl's death is tied to one of the most powerful families in New York, and a kidnapping case that could tear the city apart.In a chase that takes Doherty from the mansions of Fifth Avenue, to the slums of the Lower East Side, all the way to City Hall itself, Doherty is in a race against time to find the people responsible for putting his city on a slow burn.

  • - a Western Romance Novel
    av Lynn Eldridge

    A CAPTIVATING GAME OF LOVE AND DANGER.On New Year's Eve 1905, Genevieve Morgan attends a ball at the elaborate Palace Hotel in San Francisco hosted by Seth Comstock, the newest, most eligible bachelor in town. Desperate to escape the infamous bordello she inherited, Genevieve hopes to charm and marry Seth. Easier said than done for a nobody fish in a little pond who can't waltz.Enter Luke Harper, a riverboat gambler staying in the area while he unloads a horse ranch he won in a high stakes poker game. With one glance at the beautiful siren with lilac cat eyes, Luke's heart is determined to go on its own kind of hunt. Too bad his mind disagrees and wants to continue his travels.But as the music stops and Genevieve and Luke find themselves in each other's arms, their hearts stop and their plans change. Will Genevieve's gut warn her away? Will Luke abandon his plans to vanish into the wild? Or will they both strike a deal that's anything but tame?

  • - A Contemporary Western Novel
    av A W Hart

    THE ROUGH-'N-READY A.W. HART BRINGS YOU BOOK FOUR IN AN ACTION-ADVENTURE WESTERN SERIES - THIS TIME AROUND JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED. Texas Ranger Concho Ten-Wolves grew up on the Kickapoo reservation just outside Eagle Pass, Texas, on the Rio Grande border between Mexico and the United States. His mother was full-blooded Kickapoo, his father was black - they disappeared before he was a year old. He knows his father is dead and was always told his mother was, too. He considers himself completely alone, with no close blood relatives, and he's content with invitation comes to meet a near stranger in New Orleans. The stranger shares a rumor, Concho's mother might still be alive. Concho is a trained skeptic; he doesn't believe it. But he has to check it out, and now people are trying to kill him to keep him from asking questions.They can hunt Ten-Wolves all they want - he won't be stopped."A.W. Hart is one of the most creative writers ever as he demonstrates with this full-bodied, graphically visual tales of prejudice, crime and eventual justice!" - Reader

  • - A Memoir
    av Kacee Rundell

    Hilarious and heart-wrenching stories about the realities of living life on a cattle ranch as the hired hand-told by a woman who knows nothing about agriculture.Kacee Rundell poses an upfront and honest look into the lives of ranchers through the fresh eyes of someone just learning about the ever-changing way of life. Her memoir offers moments of joy and triumph, followed by poignant stories of hardship and lessons learned on the way to becoming a Ranch Wife.THE RANCH WIFE details the daily struggles and life lessons of America's ranching culture-laid out in a unique way, so that readers everywhere can follow along and bask in moments of emotion and embrace America's humble hearts."When the Rundell says, "The Real Life . . ." she gives us the down and dirty very real life of a Ranch Wife! Her experiences and life responses are not only enlightening but very entertaining. Few ever get to experience the realities of living on a ranch in the tough country of Wyoming, but once you start immersing yourself in this book of real life tales, you'll believe you were right there beside her. You are in for a real ride - hunker down, dig in your spurs, and hang on!" - B.N. Rundell, author of the Stonecroft Saga series

  • - A Western Fiction Classic
    av Peter Brandvold

    Yakima Henry is once again Town Marshal of Apache Springs, Arizona. Not an easy job, for Apache Springs is booming and the railroad has come to town. Badmen outnumber the lawmen by a thousand to three.Yakima's job gets all the harder when someone kills a prominent businessman and siccs two kill-crazy assassins on Yakima himself. Turns out that's the least of his worries, for someone else sends even more killers bent on turning him toe-town - Yakima would like to know why.It seems to be tied to the fact that the mysterious, treasure-laden canyon southwest of Apache Springs is being the target of more and more gold-hungry men searching for their own El Dorados. However, according to the beautiful young desert rat, Emma Kosgrove, the canyon was cursed by an Apache witch. The removal of the treasure would release the curse from the canyon and wreak havoc across the land.

  • - ein historischer Western Roman
    av B N Rundell

    Der Autor der bekannten Wildleder Chroniken Bestseller Serie nimmt uns in der neuen Stonecroft Saga auf eine sagenhafte Reise mitEs fing damit an, dass ein Bruder die Ehre seiner einzigen Schwester verteidigen musste, was zu einem blutigen Duell führte, bei dessen Ausgang der Sohn einer prominenten Familie tot im Schmutz endete...Gabriel Stonecroft und sein Freund Ezra, der Sohn eines Pastors der Afrikanisch-bischöflichen Methodistenkirche machen sich deshalb gezwungenermaßen auf die Reise durch die Wildnis des Westens. Seit frühster Kindheit sind sie Freunde, der eine ist Spross einer feinen Familie der Gesellschaft, der andere mit einem Schatz an Lebenserfahrung ausgestattet. Bald schon schweißen die Abenteuer, die sie bestehen, die Freunde noch enger zusammen.Die Reise der beiden Männer ist angefüllt mit Gefahren, Spannung und Abenteuer. Mutig treten sie Kopfgeldjägern, abtrünnigen Shawnee- und Delawaren Indianern entgegen und stellen sich einer Bande von Flusspiraten. Die Chancen stehen schlecht für die beiden jungen Männer, denn ihnen fehlt es an Erfahrungswerten, wenn es um das Leben als Pioniere geht. Aber bald schon verfügen sie über ein ganzes Reservoir an Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und die jungen Träumer bestehen Abenteuer von denen sie nicht einmal zu träumen gewagt hatten.

  • - A Classic Western
    av Robert Vaughan

    Join the Crockett brothers' adventures through the western frontier.Cochise Springs rose from the hot, sunbaked earth like a series of low lumps of clay and rock. It was a one-street town but it offered Will and Gid Crockett the opportunity of a cold beer and a hot bath.There they meet a winsome young lass named Dora Walters. Dora tells them that her brother had been murdered by Rollo Doran, an outlaw cattle rustler whose perfidious activities are a threat to every rancher in the area. The marshal can't handle it, but the Crockett brothers can.

  • - An Authentic Western Novel
    av Don Coldsmith

    A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN HISTORICAL FICTION NOVEL THAT IS SOMETIMES HEART WRENCHING, SOMETIMES HILARIOUS, AND ALWAYS POIGNANTLY ACCURATE.John Buffalo, a Lakota Sioux, is taken from his family and his home as a young boy and is forced into the White man's world. Buffalo's teachers soon recognize his extraordinary athletic potential and push him to train for track and field events. Accepting this as a way to integrate into the White man's world, Buffalo sets his sights on competing in the Olympics.Along the way Buffalo meets a variety of early-twentieth-century celebrities including Theodore Roosevelt, James Naismith, Tim McCoy, and even Jesse Owens, the African-American gold medal winner snubbed by Hitler at the 1936 Olympics."[An] engrossing historical novel...John's adventures in this vibrantly drawn historical period will keep readers engaged throughout." - Library Journal

  • - A John Pope Western
    av G Wayne Tilman

    It's 1884, and somebody just murdered the Placer County, California sheriff on the shores of Lake Tahoe. The Governor wants to know who, and he want to know now.Former Wells Fargo detective, now Marin County Sheriff John Pope, is tasked with solving the case, and he's stopping for no one. But a string of interrelated cases catches him off guard, and each one has to be solved in order to obtain the killer's identity.As a number of suspects draw on Pope, he comes to terms with the fact that this is his toughest case yet-one he's terrified may go unsolved. The dead sheriff's identity, his murderer, and which outlaws are involved have to be answered. But the most pressing question is-who will draw on Pope next?Even if it takes cutting edge investigative techniques and a blazing gun to get to the truth, Pope is determined to get there. And, come hell or high water, he's not backing down.

  • - A Western Young Adult Series
    av James Reasoner

    From best-selling author and legendary storyteller James Reasoner comes another action-packed, fast-paced saga of life in the Old West. A band of killers swoop down on a Mexican village, slaughtering the men and carrying off the women as prisoners. In Texas, a train is held up, American soldiers are murdered, and a valuable shipment of rifles is stolen.G.W. Braddock knows there's a connection between these two bloody incidents, but to discover the truth and keep the border country from erupting in chaos and violence, he'll have to risk his life more than once in a maze of double-crosses and danger!Stripped of his authority by corrupt politicians, G.W. Braddock still carries the badge of a Texas Ranger-with a bullet hole in the center to show that he'll go wherever he has to and do whatever it takes to bring justice to the Lone Star State!Outlaw Ranger, Volume 3 includes: Gun Devils of the Rio Grande and Black Gold.

  • - A Classic Western Series
    av B N Rundell

    "Every time he squeezed the trigger, somebody died. He thought it was just the way of the war, but after taking a couple bullets and being mustered out, it continued. When he stood over the ashes of his family's farm and stared at their graves, the same bile rose in his throat, and he knew somebody was going to have to pay ... and pay with their blood. This was to be the beginning of a blood hunt that would take Reuben Grundy across four states, pit him against renegade outlaws posing as the Home Guard for the north, the Bushwhackers of Captain Quantrill and the men in butternut and grey, as well as the mighty Pawnee of the plains. His father had taught young Reuben to never look for others to do what needs to be done, even if it means putting his life on the line. And Reuben would do just that, with his training as one of Berdan's Sharpshooters at the outset of the war between the states, and his own time beside his father in the woods, Reuben was destined to become one of the most feared hunters of the plains. Whether it was for man or beast, when his sights settled on the target, death was sure to follow." --

  • - A Western Fiction Classic
    av Peter Brandvold

    The town marshal of Apache Springs, Arizona Territory, Yakima Henry, has his hands full. Not only has the iron horse arrived in a storm of frenzied hoopla, bringing more crime along with it to the boomtown Apache Springs, but Emma Kosgrove's secret canyon has been discovered.One of the two young Southern brothers who stumbled into the canyon is dead, but it's unclear how he died or who killed him. The other brother was so traumatized by whatever happened to the other brother that he can't speak, just walks around in a daze, muttering the single word, "Snake," over and over again...Yakima's senior deputy, the Rio Grande Kid, has his own hands full of more trouble than he thought possible when he pinned the star on his shirt. Yakima sends "the Kid" to Tucson to fetch the murdering rapist, Darl Deakin, and bring him by stagecoach to Apache Springs for trial.

  • - Two Full Length Western Novels
    av Gordon D Shirreffs

    The odds are against survival in this classic western double.

  • - A Charlie Doherty Thriller
    av Terrence McCauley

    FROM BEST-SELLING AUTHOR TERRENCE MCCAULEY COMES A RIVETING CRIME THRILLER SET IN PROHIBITION-ERA NEW YORK.The year is 1930 and New York is a city on the edge - banks are failing, companies are closing their doors, and breadlines grow longer by the day. The only market making money is the black market: racketeering, rum running, and speakeasies. But when even those vices begin to weaken, the most powerful gangster on the Eastern Seaboard, Archie Doyle, sees the writing on the wall.He launches a bold scheme that, if successful, will secure his empire's future beyond Prohibition. But when a mysterious rival attempts to kill Doyle's right-hand man, a dangerous turf war begins to brew. With his empire under attack, Doyle turns to his best gun, former boxer Terry Quinn, for answers. Quinn must use his brains as well as his brawn to uncover who is behind the violence and why before Doyle's empire comes crashing down.

  • - A Classic Western
    av Robert Vaughan

    A five-star masterpiece from best-selling author Robert Vaughan. Will and Gid are looking forward to a quiet rest in the tiny town of Sulphur Springs. But Will's female companion offers more than he bargained for when she says her brother was murdered by outlaws. It's more than the marshal can handle, but word is that the Crockett brothers can.

  • - A Western Fiction Classic
    av Peter Brandvold

    Yakima Henry is once again Town Marshal of Apache Springs, Arizona. The kill-crazy mining engineer, Rebel Wilkes, might have burned the town nearly to the ground two years ago, but with newly discovered gold in the surrounding mountains and a railroad on the way, the town is flourishing.But with wealth comes trouble, and Yakima is about to have his fill. The half-breed marshal has two deputies, the old former outlaw who calls himself the Rio Grande Kid, and a true kid, Galveston Penny, to help keep the lid on the town and the surrounding area, including a canyon filled with lost Jesuit gold.According to legend, the gold was cursed by an ancient Apache witch after the slaves were killed in an earthquake. If the wealth in the canyon is exploited, all hell will break loose in and around Apache Springs.

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