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  • av Ray Hobbs

    Rhona Loveday is a hard-headed Geordie, well-equipped to survive in the male-dominated world of 1970s secondary education.However, the romantic side of her character is aroused when she hears that the one-time Savoy Cinema, purchased by Akengarth Amateurs for conversion into a theatre, stands derelict for lack of funds.Aided by jobbing builder Matt Brocklehurst and his unlikely apprentice Bev, a girl whom Rhona remembers as a struggling child and a stranger to self-belief, she sets about persuading the society that their dream can still be realised.Faced with the economic adversity and industrial strife of 1973-74, the project is threatened from the start. With only the members' determination, Rhona's steadfast vision and Matt's down-to-earth planning in its favour, the success of the venture hangs very much in the balance.

  • av Ray Hobbs

  • av T. Ann DeCarlo

    The purpose of this book is to help you accurately assess your situation and guide you safely along the path to both physical and mental freedom and onto a new and wonderful life.A well-researched, comprehensive roadmap to freedom, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking the way out of an abusive relationship. I wish it had been available when I needed it. It is spot on. -Rose Booth, abuse survivor and strong, independent womanA fantastic book. Transforming. I couldn't stop reading. The vast majority of my clients are abused women. I will recommend this book to all of them! -Kathleen L. Quinlan, LMT, Transformational Heart and Soul Healing If you are (or suspect you are) being abused, this book was written for you. Abuse victims can be rich or poor; young or old; married or in a relationship; college grads, high school dropouts, or in between. With or without children. Working within and/or outside the home. Of any race or ethnicity, religious or cultural tradition. Regardless of your past or current life circumstances, no one deserves abuse. NO ONE! And help is available for all! Acknowledging the abuse and finding the courage to leave your abuser are the first steps on your journey to a new life. No More Abuse has the information you need to assess your situation, get the help you need to exit safely, move forward into a new life, and rediscover yourself. Within these pages, you will learn: How an abuser slowly changes his partner's status from person to possession and why no woman can ever meet his ever-changing, unrealistic, cruel expectations. How to realistically assess your situation and determine the level of danger posed by your relationship.Why couples counseling with an abusive partner is not recommended and why the mental state of abusers makes their chances of rehabilitation and change slim to none. How one phone call can connect you with free services that help you create a plan, escape safely with your kids and animals, file a restraining order, relocate, get a divorce, and obtain the skills and resources you need to begin again. How to acknowledge and embrace your basic relationship rights, create and maintain boundaries, and avoid past mistakes.How to navigate safely in today's dating world, investigate a potential partner via the Internet, and choose a truly good man.Filled with helpful resources, No More Abuse provides insight and practical advice from a woman who faced domestic abuse and stared it down. I wish this book had been available when I was counseling parishioners and clients suffering from abuse.-Rev. Allen E. Schenk (ret.), M.Div., STM, Clinical Fellow AAPC, Clinical Diplomat APA Graduate of an eastern university, T. Ann DeCarlo had a decades-long career in the housewares, printing, and construction industries before starting her own business. For the first decade of that career, she was also in an abusive marriage, but until she left her husband, no one, not even her family or closest friends, knew the truth. Today she is dedicated to helping other women find the courage and resources they need to escape their abusers and build a better tomorrow. This is her first book.

  • av James I. McGovern

    To see something as false which one accepted as true, natural, or human is one of the most important happenings in a life. It can destroy dreams of goodness, of any value that matters, leaving one no longer capable of either enthusiasm or fear. Enjoyment of life might seem dependent on delusion, with disillusionment a foretaste of death. But we are essentially individuals and our situations endless in variety. Our reactions will therefore also vary widely and will often be vital in determining an individual's future.The stories in this volume concern love and family relationships, business and professional identities, and issues of morality and criminal behavior. Individuals must confront sudden awareness that also includes or threatens devastating loss. The response of each grows from his or her character, for the better or for something less.Personal disillusionment needn't include signs of weakness in the human spirit such as self-pity or self-loathing. Rather, it can be educational in helping to see the world and man as they are, without the myths attached to love and other sentiments. Caution should be used in any praising or repudiating since the reality we live in is, to a great extent, one of chaos.

  • av Ray Hobs

    Following a bitter and bruising divorce, Jill Warneford moves with her two children into a Pennine cottage. She has recently returned from her uncle's funeral with a number of letters and photographs. She remembers her aunt and uncle with great affection, having visited them as a student, but she and the rest of her family know little of their early life together.Between caring for people's dogs and teaching Ballroom dancing, Jill begins unravelling the mystery. She learns that, as a nurse in Malaya, Auntie Iris was interned by the Japanese, and that Uncle Maurice discovered her after the Japanese surrender, whilst searching the Rompin riverbanks for elements of resistance.The only available letters are those written by Maurice and, from this one-sided source, she attempts to trace their reunion in England and learns how their relationship was impeded by the inhibiting spectre of past brutality.The stories continue a generation apart, with Jill seeking her own way forward whilst hoping to learn of similar resolution in the past.

  • av Derek Cooper

    International travel has the potential to expand our horizons, inspire our imaginations, and rejuvenate our souls. But to be done well, it takes detailed planning and expert guidance. Before You Go Overseas offers a one-stop shop for everyone's travel needs, distilling decades of travel experience into one comprehensive book. Whereas most travel books emphasize one component of travel, Before You Go Overseas divides every aspect of it into clear and manageable sections, such as how to set a budget, coordinate logistics, manage risk, adjust expectations, overcome jet lag, prepare spiritually, and stay safe. Abounding with personal travel stories, Before You Go Overseas reveals secret travel tips, offers excellent travel advice, and pulsates with a contagious enthusiasm for everything related to travel. Conveniently divided into six parts, Before You Go Overseas guides readers as they imagine what kind of traveler they want to be (Part 1), as they design their travel experience (Part 2), as they consider the cultural components of travel (Part 3), as they fall into the rhythm of being overseas (Part 4), as they synchronize in mind, body, and soul (Part 5), and as they return home to process all they learned, discovered, and experienced (Part 6).

  • av Ray Hobbs

    In this sequel to Unknown Warrior, Eileen Dewhirst, now enlisted in the WRNS, is serving on Orkney, where she meets pilot Reg Underwood in unusual circumstances. They meet twice and it is immediately apparent that a special attraction exists between them.All too soon, he is posted away, initially to an escort carrier on the North Russian Convoy route, but they promise to keep in touch. After a brief time together in London, he is posted, firstly to Rhode Island, USA, to be trained on the new fighter, and then to the Far East, where a distance of almost 12,000 miles and fierce fighting in the Pacific shorten the odds against his return, but they are as determined as ever to be reunited.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Jeffrey Mortimer, aka 'Jeff Mort' is an ex-baker turned rock idol, whose band Tantum Somnium has just split up. However, far from being disappointed at the turn of events, he is relieved, because he can now escape from everything he dislikes and resents about the music industry - whatever his girlfriend says.Now minus his band and his girlfriend, he sets out to find a new way of life, although he has no idea what kind of life it will be.His quest takes him from one town and village to another, where he becomes unavoidably involved in the lives of those he meets, often turning his baking skills to their advantage.His odyssey soon takes on epic proportions, causing him to wonder if he will ever find the life he seeks.

  • av Cee McAdams
    208 - 369,-

  • av Rusty Fischer
    245 - 452,-

  • av Mohy Kandour

    The Humming Birds is a thriller Spy story which takes place in German occupied France during the Second World War (circa 1944).It is based on a true story which was told to me by the principle character of the adventure, Sultan Batirov. This took place during a visit to Casablanca, Morocco with the iconic actor Anthony Quinn 1976. I had received a proposition from Quinn to develop a screenplay from a novel he had acquired the rights to, for making a feature film entitled" Seen Dimly". He invited me to spend two weeks with him to develop the script themes. He was then acting in the blockbuster feature "the Message" in Morocco. A few days before my return flight to Los Angeles, he took a group of us to a special restaurant in Casablanca. There I met the Circassian owner of the restaurant Sultan a compatriot Kabardian like myself. I was surprised to find a Circassian in far away Africa. I spent several hours with Sultan as he told me his amazing adventures during the War. Sultan had been dropped into Grenoble France as a spy with an important mission. Out of respect for Sultan, I wrote it in the first person with Sultan himself narrating the events. Of course, I added a few fictional characters and I developed the character of Sultan as he trained to become a spy for the Soviet Union in Europe. Therefore, this is a historical story based entirely on true events.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Recently discharged after twelve years with their regiment in India, Sergeants Seth Campion and Henry Fowler journey to the Dakota Territory of North America with the intention of pursuing their ideal, by joining the celebrated Colonel Custer and the Seventh Cavalry. However, they arrive in Bismarck, only to learn of the massacre at the Little Bighorn.They take the stagecoach to the town of Pentecost to seek employment in their former calling, as farmhands. They are successful in this, but life in the West during the 1870s is less than peaceful and often unfriendly, especially towards two Englishmen, and their survival relies heavily on their training and experience as cavalrymen in India.From time to time, they also feel obliged to assist the weak and vulnerable. This, and their idealistic approach to life invites comparison with the knights of old and, like those worthy champions, they press on, ever hopeful of finding their ideal.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    Recently demobbed after serving in the WAAF, Dorothy Needham learns of the disappearance of Sarah, her favourite Aunt since early childhood. As she is seemingly the only family member who is concerned for Sarah's wellbeing, she sets out to discover her whereabouts.Initial inquiries take her to Orléans and Paris, where she finds herself at a dead end.Back in England, she enjoys the support and encouragement of her old friends Kate and Jack Farthing, and she learns something remarkable about herself.A chance meeting with the mother of another old friend, Alan Lofthouse, leads to another reunion and another clue regarding Aunt Sarah's journey. The search moves to war-scarred Hanover and Lüneburg, and together they continue the quest despite poor communications, grudging co-operation, and open hostility, with Dorothy determined to find out if her aunt managed to survive the ordeal of the concentration camp.

  • av R. N. Jessica Patton

    A nurse struggles from the start with the decision to become a nurse but the desire to make a difference wins out. This begins a long journey into the human experience. Nurses take pride in making it all work. The author proposes for the infinite expectations of nurses, they have to be made of steel to be a nurse, not feathers.

  • av Ray Hobbs

    What is the connection between a music professor and the task of rendering mines safe? That is the question the Royal Navy's Commander (Mining) has to ask when he interviews applicant Vincent Reid.It is March, 1940, and Hitler has unleashed the first of his secret weapons, the magnetic mine, against Britain. They fall by parachute, many drifting on to dry land, where they cause large-scale disruption. The menace must be overcome, and Vincent is put to work despite the Commander's misgivings.With minimal training, he approaches each development analytically and with absolute precision. One development that catches him unawares, however, is the arrival of Hazel Wythenshawe from the Ministry of Information, but they soon rise above the initial awkwardness, and the two become mutually supportive.As the mine menace continues, Vincent works flat-out, realising that that the odds against his survival are shortening all the time.

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