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  • - How to Call Heaven to Earth (First Edition, Enlarged/Expanded)
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

  • - Exploring Dimensions of Divine Presence
    av Mills Joshua Mills

    "Christians are intended to live, move, and operate within 'glory realms.' Mills opens up God's glory by explaining the realms, spheres, and dimensions of the kingdom. He builds a faith framework in which the reader can begin to move into the glory with ease, forming a deepening awareness of the inflow and anointing of God's mighty presence"--

  • - How Values, Morals, Ethics, and Principles Affect Leaders
    av Dr Myles Munroe

    "Explores the crisis of character in leadership, how beliefs shape values and morals, the process of character development, essential qualities of principled leaders, how to recover after moral failure, and how to ensure leadership influence is both effective and enduring"--

  • av Jo Naughton

    "Foreword by Guillermo Maldonado"--Front cover.

  • av St Therese of Lisieux

    "This beautiful book highlights St. Thâeráese's deep insights into faith and devotion, while visually capturing, through simple floral illustrations, the theme of simplicity that permeated her life. As you read excerpts from St. Thâeráese's autobiography, poetry, and letters, with accompanying Scripture verses, you will learn to rest in the loving arms of your heavenly Father, allowing your own faith to grow and flourish"--

  • - Divine Secrets of a Real Christian Life (Reissue, Repackage of Living in God's Power)
    av John G Lake

    "I tell you we are living in a day and hour when the Spirit of God has come into the world afresh, when the consciousness of mankind is opening up to God in a manner that it has never opened before." John G. Lake was a divine conduit for the f

  • av Foxe John Foxe

    In 1563, John Foxe published an account of the life of Christian martyrs, beginning with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day--Protestants killed during Bloody Mary's reign. He knew that dan

  • - Cultivating the Attributes That Influence Human Action (A Rnate)
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    You were born to lead. Now it's time to become a leader. Leaders may be found in boardrooms, but they may also be found in families, schools, and organizations of all kinds--anywhere people interact, nurture, create, or build. Contrar

  • - How to Develop and Release Your Unique Gifts (Expanded)
    av Munroe Myles Munroe

    Activate Your Leadership Potential Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe dispels the myth that only some people are destined to be leaders, while everyone else is destined to be a follower. You can become the leader God intended you to be. Discover how to: Activate your leadership potential.Develop a positive legacy.Find resources to fulfill your vision.Empower others for leadership.Embrace your unique role in life.Recognize your inborn leadership abilities and become the leader you were meant to be! New expanded edition includes study questions for individual and group use.

  • - Bring Wholeness and Joy Into Your Life
    av Lester Sumrall

    Lester Sumrall describes how Spirit, Soul And Body can function in harmony, and how to yield each part to Christ in order to live a fulfilling, victorious life.

  • av Renee Allen McCoy

    College sweethearts turned husband-wife power couple.After years together, will their marriage end up in divorce court? Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church... Ephesians 5:25 Joshua and Gayle were the model couple. After years of dating, Joshua romantically popped the big question to his college sweetheart. It was the proposal Gayle had always dreamed of. It didn't matter that Joshua had been drafted by the NFL and was a part of the prominent Maxwell family of Lewiston Springs; Gayle desired to be his wife simply because she loved him. Their relationship was a solid rock, storybook romance ... that was until Joshua's trust for his wife turned to suspicion. As Gayle struggles to piece together the broken fragments of her life, she tries to maintain her dignity around the high class people she once called friends. The vows she made to Joshua before God on their wedding day were true, but is love enough to keep their marriage out of divorce court? A Test of Faith is the third book in The True Love Novellas series.

  • av Myles Munroe

    In Understanding the Purpose and Power of Authority, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provides a positive response to today's leadership crisis. He turns widely accepted but counterfeit concepts of authority upside down. Then, he reveals God's original intent, showing us how to live in the freedom of our own personal authority, deal with negative authority, and respond constructively to the inherent authority of others. 250 characters: Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe provides a positive response to today's leadership crisis, showing us how to live in the freedom of our own personal authority, deal with negative authority, and respond constructively to the authority of others.

  • av Journeywise

    In Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles, you will travel with Jesus as He clarifies His mission to John the Baptist, teaches vivid parables, feeds the 5000, heals the sick, gives His disciples authority, and ministers in a variety of settings, from the Sea of Galilee to the temple in Jerusalem. The more closely you walk with Jesus, the more you will be convinced that nothing is impossible with God. One-sentence description: In this 90-day devotional, walk with Jesus as He ministers to people's spiritual and physical needs, and discover firsthand how to love Jesus and love like Jesus. 250 characters: >

  • av Felicia Murrell

    A collection of pieces that spiritually explore the tearing fabric of society, pulling us into "either/or" sides of conflict and contrast, in need of the uniting thread of love.

  • av Charles H Spurgeon

    The Cross, Our Glory Reflections on Christ's Triumphant Sacrifice is a rich collection of messages by Charles H. Spurgeon on the Jesus' journey from the garden of Gethsemane to Calvary.

  • av Larry Martin

    William J. Seymour: Pentecostal Trailblazer and Revered Pastor of the Azusa Street Revival​ is a thorough account of the life and ministry of William J. Seymour.

  • av Joseph F Maxim

    Good Kids Gone Bad: Straight Talk from a Prodigal Who Came Home focuses on themes of addiction prevention and recovery geared towards caregivers, parents or individuals caring for those caught in addiction (substance abuse/alcohol).

  • av Erwin Raphael McManus

    ""La fortaleza mental, la claridad mental y la salud mental tienen una cosa en comâun: el viaje comienza en tu mente". En esta guâia radical, el galardonado autor de La âultima flecha ilumina un camino sorprendente hacia la realizaciâon personal y el rendimiento âoptimo. McManus se ha dado cuenta de que muchos de nosotros tenemos experiencias "cercanas a la vida". Casi realizamos nuestros sueänos. Casi tomamos la decisiâon que lo cambia todo. Siempre estamos a una elecciâon de distancia. Si queremos vivir sin remordimientos, debemos hacer un cambio mental: cambiar las creencias que limitan nuestro potencial por otras que nos ayuden a avanzar hacia un desempeäno âoptimo y perseguir el âexito de estar completamente vivos. Debemos pasar de una vida de obligaciâon a una vida de intenciâon. En "Genio", McManus reâune doce marcos mentales que han ayudado a algunas de las personas mâas exitosas del mundo a crear estructuras internas de âexito. No necesitas una audiencia. Es lo que haces en privado lo que te hace ser quien eres. Compartiendo experiencias de empresarios, artistas, atletas profesionales y su propia carrera, McManus nos muestra câomo transformar nuestro pensamiento y, a su vez, transformar nuestras vidas."--

  • av David Platt

    El autor de Radical, un éxito de ventas del New York Times, desafía a los cristianos a liberarse del evangelio actual que prostituye a Jesús por comodidad, poder, prosperidad y política, y a buscar por completo el verdadero evangelio que exalta a Jesús por encima de todo. El pastor David Platt cree que nos hemos vuelto muy buenos siguiendo un evangelio realmente malo, uno que adora las ideas estadounidenses sobre la verdad bíblica. Es hora de que los cristianos desilusionados, desalentados y divididos, y la próxima generación, sigan a Jesús hacia un futuro diferente. Tenemos que elegir: un evangelio estadounidense o el evangelio bíblico. División mundana o unidad de otro mundo. Compromiso con los ídolos de nuestro país o compromiso con el llamado de Dios en nuestras vidas. En No te detengas, Platt alienta a los seguidores de Jesús a tomar los riesgos necesarios y encontrar una recompensa inimaginable mientras: Trabajamos a favor, no en contra, unos de otros, especialmente cuando no estamos de acuerdo. Cambiamos el rumbo de siglos de división racial en la Iglesia Confiamos en toda la Palabra de Dios con convicción mientras amamos con compasión a todos los que nos rodean Hacemos justicia con bondad y experimentamos la buena vida según Dios Hacemos nuestra parte en la difusión del evangelio a todas las naciones del mundo Podemos experimentar la maravilla completa de Jesús y la belleza trascendente de su Iglesia aquí y ahora. Pero para hacerlo, algunas cosas deben ser diferentes. Empecemos no con "esa gente", sino con cada uno de nosotros. Con el evangelio en nuestros corazones y Dios como nuestro premio, sigamos adelante y no nos detengamos. > The New York Times bestselling author of Radical challenges Christians to break free from an American gospel that prostitutes Jesus for comfort, power, prosperity, and politics--and fully pursue the true gospel that exalts Jesus above all. Pastor David Platt believes we've gotten really good at following a really bad gospel--one that worships American ideas over biblical truth. It's time for disillusioned, discouraged, and divided Christians, and the next generation, to follow Jesus into a different future. But we have to make a choice: an American gospel or the biblical gospel, worldly division or otherworldly unity, compromise with the idols of our country or commitment to God's call in our lives. In Don't Hold Back, Platt encourages followers of Jesus to take necessary risks and find unimaginable reward as we: Work for, not against, each other, especially when we disagree Turn the tide on centuries of racial division in the church Trust all of God's Word with conviction while loving everyone around us with compassion Do justice with kindness and experience the good life according to God Play our part in spreading the gospel to all the nations of the world We can experience the full wonder of Jesus and the transcendent beauty of His church here and now. But in order to do so, some things need to be different. Starting not in "those people," but in each one of us. With the gospel in our hearts and God as our prize, let's press on and don't hold back.

  • av Michelle McKinney Hammond

    Cuando las circunstancias de la vida cambian, nos sentimos inseguros e incómodos. Al margen de que las causas del cambio sean pandemias, desastres naturales, traumas personales o problemas en el lugar de trabajo, nos encontramos dolidos, sorprendidos y confundidos sobre qué hacer. Michelle McKinney Hammond conoce las bolas curvas de la vida. Ella ha atrapado muchas de ellas. Pero cuando estaba de visita en Inglaterra para dar unas charlas y el mundo de repente entró en modo de confinamiento debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, la tomó por sorpresa igual que a nosotros. Era hora de que ella cambiara de marcha. Como una amiga que ha estado donde tú estás ahora, Michelle ofrece una voz tranquilizadora: Cuando todo cambió ¡Dile sí a lo próximo! Tejiendo historias de las Escrituras con relatos de su propia vida, ofrece lecciones sinceras, oraciones y preguntas de reflexión para ayudarte a abrazar lo próximo que llegue a tu vida. Cuando todo cambió... Provee herramientas prácticas para navegar el cambio. Da principios espirituales sólidos para lidiar con los cambios de la vida. Permite considerar el valor de los errores. Ayuda a aceptar el cambio como una oportunidad. Cambia tu perspectiva para esperar lo mejor mientras Dios te redirige. "La mentalidad lo es todo cuando te enfrentas a un cambio inesperado", señala Michelle. "...Estés listo o no, el cambio sucede. No es el fin. ¡Siempre hay un 'próximo'!" ¡Dile que sí! When life circumstances change, we feel insecure and uncomfortable. Whether the causes of change are pandemics, natural disasters, personal trauma, or workplace issues, we find ourselves hurt, surprised, and confused about what to do. Michelle McKinney Hammond knows the curveballs of life. She has caught many of them. But when she was visiting England to give talks and the world suddenly went into lockdown mode due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she was caught by surprise just like us. It was time for her to change gears. Like a friend who's been where you are now, Michelle offers a reassuring voice: When Everything Changed: Say Yes to the Next Thing! Weaving stories from Scripture with accounts from her own life, she offers candid lessons, prayers, and thoughtful questions to help you embrace whatever comes your way next. When Everything Changed... Provides practical tools to navigate change. Gives sound spiritual principles to deal with life's changes. Allows you to consider the value of the errors. Helps you to accept change as an opportunity. Changes your perspective to hope for the best as God redirects you. "Mindset is everything when you're faced with unexpected change," says Michelle. "Whether you are ready or not, change happens. It is not the end. There is always a 'next'!" Say yes to your next!

  • av Jose Luis Navajo

    "No te rindas; la respuesta a tu oración comienza en el cielo antes de que tú la sientas en la tierra." Luego del éxito de ventas y de la rotunda bienvenida de los lectores para el extraordinario libro Heridas de amor, regresa José Luis Navajo a ponerle un broche de oro a su decidida comprensión, y a su respaldo espiritual y práctico para mujeres víctimas del maltrato conyugal. Complementa los mensajes de su libro con Sanando el corazón, un Devocional de 90 días, donde nos recuerda y facilita el poder de la oración para sanar las heridas que dejan experiencias tan traumáticas. Mientras lees las devociones, levantarás tu auto estima al verte como Dios te ve; te fortalecerás; y te restaurarás. Al sanar tu corazón, te darás la oportunidad de volver a amar y de ser feliz en una nueva relación de pareja, donde reinan el amor verdadero que viene de Dios, el respeto, y el trato sano y amoroso bajo el pacto bendecido por el Padre. Este es el primer Devocional en respuesta a la necesidad de sanar un corazón maltrecho por una relación patológica de pareja. "Do not give up; the answer to your prayer begins in heaven before you feel it on earth." After the success in sales and the resounding welcome of the readers for the extraordinary book Heridas de amor, José Luis Navajo comes back to put a finishing touch to his determined understanding, and to his spiritual and practical support for women victims of spousal abuse. He complements the messages in his book with Sanando el corazón, un Devocional de 90 días, where he reminds us the power of prayer to heal the wounds left behind by such traumatic experiences. As you read the devotions, you will raise your self-esteem by seeing yourself as God sees you; you will strengthen yourself; and you will be restored. By healing your heart, you will give yourself the opportunity to love again and be happy in a new relationship, where true love that comes from God, respect, and healthy and loving treatment reign under the covenant blessed by the Father. This is the first devotional in response to the need to heal the broken life that a pathological relationship leaves behind.

  • av Chris Mikkelson

    God has an amazing plan for you to reach our world with boldness and miraculous power. Activating Miracles by international evangelist Chris Mikkelson is filled with faith-building teachings and inspiring stories that demonstrate the miraculous events taking place today. Prepare to move in a realm of faith that unlocks miracles in your life, enables you to overcome difficult obstacles, and allows you to move into a higher level of ministry to many others who need healing and deliverance. Prepare to activate the miraculous. Shorter version: Prepare to move in a realm of faith that unlocks miracles in your life, enables you to overcome difficult obstacles, and allows you to move into a higher level of ministry to many others who need healing and deliverance. Prepare to activate the miraculous. 250 characters: Prepare to move in a realm of faith that unlocks miracles, enables you to overcome difficult obstacles, and allows you to move into a higher level of ministry to many others who need healing and deliverance. Prepare to activate the miraculous.

  • av Laurel Mathewson

    A beautifully written and moving memoir about the pain of loss, spiritual skepticism, an overwhelming experience of God's love, and an encounter with the writings of sixteenth-century spiritual mystic Teresa of Avila. Not by nature or training inclined to believe in such spiritual experiences, Laurel Mathewson discovered that God is full of surprises--and offers the gift of healing. 250 characters: A beautifully written and moving memoir about the pain of loss, spiritual skepticism, an overwhelming experience of God's love, and a surprising encounter with the writings of sixteenth-century spiritual mystic Teresa of Avila.

  • av Nathan Finochio

    This book of essays recaptures beautiful elements of ancient Christianity that have been lost or shoved aside in modern society.

  • av George A Wood

    All of us are recovering from something. Whether it's an addiction, a painful incident from our past, or a daily challenge just to get by in this world, something is holding us back from the promised-land life God wants for us. Real recovery isn't a one-time event or a process that fits into twelve steps or a preset length of time. Uncovering how to live free of what holds you back is a lifelong journey, and one that is best traveled with others. The Uncovery Devotional: Rethinking Recovery One Day at a Time will help you take those steps toward a better, healthier, happier you. The authors, George A. Wood and Brit Eaton, know that battles with addiction, mental health, suicidal thoughts, and past trauma cannot be won overnight. They've been in your shoes. And they provide the love, commitment, and compassion that will help you uncover and heal the bottom-line issue that causes you to struggle in the first place. Each month follows a theme, such as reflection, relationship, and reconciliation, while each day provides a short Scripture and prayer. Wild opportunities for hope, healing, and transformation exist for you in the Christian recovery space because you're not working to recover an old, broken life--you're going after a brand new one. You'll discover the truth about who you really are and Whose you really are so that you can reach deep levels of healing and deliverance.

  • av Journeywise

    What would it have looked like and felt like to walk daily with Jesus during His time on earth, sharing in what He experienced and taught? And how does His life have significance for our own lives today? We can answer these questions by following in His footsteps--each step of the way. In any journey, the destination is important, but just as significant is the life we experience as we travel that path. Jesus' journey was similar. Who He traveled with, where He went, and what He experienced along the way were all important to Him. He's still on His journey, and He has invited you to join Him on it. This new devotional series, Life Along the Way, takes you through the life of Jesus by way of all four Gospels and the first chapter of Acts. In four 90-day devotionals, you can travel with Jesus for a full year if you wish--from His birth, to His ministry and miracles, to His relationships with the people around Him, to His death, resurrection, and ascension. The four devotionals in the journey, which you can read either sequentially or in any order, are: 1. Jesus With Us: Meeting Him Where He Began 2. Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles 3. Jesus Through Us: Following His Example in Love and Service 4. Jesus in Us: Living Wholeheartedly the Life He Intends In this devotional, Jesus with Us, you will stop at important early places along Jesus's path, including His birth, the fulfillment of the promises of His coming, the plot to kill the Christ Child, Jesus's youth, the beginning of His ministry, the calling of His first followers, and His famous Sermon on the Mount. This devotional is designed so that... Each day's Scripture will be life-transforming Each day's "Life Lessons from Jesus" will be dynamic and relevant Each day's questions will be reflective and self-exploring, leading to spiritual growth Each day's prayer will be authentic and relational The beginning of Jesus's story is powerful, but it can also be very personal. As you journey each day with the Savior, you will learn to love Jesus and love like Jesus. Where are you on your walk with Jesus?

  • av Shane Stanford

    JourneyWise: Finding meaning in each step along the path of life and being transformed by the journey as a whole. A common thread binds us together: the broken and winding roads we all travel. Most of us carry with us some form of spiritual, emotional, or physical baggage. That type of weight takes its toll. Our paths can be difficult or daunting if we try to journey them on our own. In JourneyWise, noted pastor and author Shane Stanford offers us a different understanding of our life's path, enabling us to reframe our journey into one that is healed and redeemed. He begins by asking these questions: What if you could have Jesus Himself as your life's companion? What if you had access to His innermost thoughts, tapping into His wisdom? What if your story could intimately intertwine with His and of others who closely follow Him? And what if all of this were possible by purposefully applying only a few paragraphs of His teachings? The Beatitudes are more than just poetic verse used to begin Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. They are the essence of Jesus's message from beginning to end. These familiar words establish the overall tone of Jesus's teaching ministry and reveal His most deeply held values. To be JourneyWise is to discover and live out the simple yet powerful truths of the Beatitudes. It is through the Beatitudes, which literally mean "blessings," that Jesus gives us a new definition of significance before leading us to reflect on the deeper meaning of life, our relationship with God, and the interconnections we have with others. They speak to our friendships, actions, fears, prejudices, and joys. They are pragmatic, powerful lessons wrapped in simple words. In their simplicity and accuracy, the Beatitudes yield amazing results when practiced faithfully. This book will stir your spirit and touch your emotions to bring healing so you can follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Writing with honesty, poignancy, and compassion about the complexities of our daily existence, Shane shows how, in each beatitude, Jesus provides a foundation for developing a significant and spiritually formed life. Here, you will find words of hope and the infinite possibilities of Christ's simple blessings. JourneyWise with Jesus.

  • av David Chotka

    What if you never expected miraculous healing was possible but were surprised when it actually happened, or by the way in which it happened? And what if you found out that, all along, the Bible had principles for healing prayer that we could apply to our lives for restoring body, mind, and spirit? Join authors David Chotka and Maxie Dunnam in their unexpected journeys of discovery that healing prayer is God's idea, not a human concept, and that He invites us to intercede for healing in our own lives and on behalf of others. Prayer, including healing prayer, is one of the greatest activities in which Christians can participate with God to fulfill His purposes. God wants us to pray as an integral part of our relationship with Him and as a vital aspect of our life of faith. This intriguing book covers such topics as: Healing prayer: what does the Bible say? Medicine, miracle, and mystery: how they interrelate Why and how we pray for healing The role of compassion in healing Christ's forgiving and healing presence within us How to prepare yourself for prayer Eight ways healing prayer is misunderstood Healing Prayer includes accounts of God's power to heal today, and it provides guidance for how to organize a prayer team in your small group, church, or denomination. Above all, this book shows that it is God who initiates healing prayer. Our part is to respond to His instructions and leading as we pray. All He asks is our openness to Him. Read this book and you, too, may be surprised by the power of Healing Prayer.

  • av Michelle McKinney Hammond

    When circumstances in our life change, many of us are left feeling uncertain and uneasy. From pandemics to natural disasters, from personal traumas to workplace issues, we often find ourselves at a crossroads--hurting, blindsided, and confused about what to do. Michelle McKinney Hammond knows all about life's curveballs. She's caught plenty of them. But when she was visiting England for some speaking engagements and the world suddenly went into lockdown mode because of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was taken by surprise along with the rest of us. It was time for her to shift gears. Again. Like a dear friend who's been where you are now, Michelle offers a calming voice of reason in When Shift Happens: Say Yes to Your Next! Weaving stories from Scripture with tales from her own life, she offers heartfelt lessons, prayers, and reflection questions to help you embrace your next. When Shift Happens will: Provide practical tools for navigating change Give you solid spiritual principles for dealing with life's shiftsEnable you to consider the value of mistakesHelp you embrace change as opportunityShift your perspective to expect the best as God redirects"Mindset is everything when confronted with unanticipated change," Michelle notes. "You are never out of options unless you choose to be. Emerging cycles all point to one thing--whether you are ready or not, shift happens. It's not the end. There's always a next!"

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