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Bøker utgitt av Westwood Books Publishing

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  • av Gracie Gibbs Franks
    136 - 194,-

  • av Patrick M. Browning
    230 - 287,-

  • av Patrick M. Browning

    Our story follows Ollie Bard from being an abandoned child through his youth and manhood. We begin when Louis Bard finds Ollie freezing in a stall holding a stolen puppy. As soon as it was an option, Louis adopted him. Olli's puppy named, Boy, grew big and strong, saved Ollie's life several times, and saved Louis when a mad bull was crushing him, as well. Ollie grew big and strong and met a girl in school who changed his life forever. Della Colter and her young mother Elizabeth became an integral part of the story of Ollie's life. Ollie was the personification of the 'Lover, Fighter and Wild Horse Rider! I hope you enjoy getting to know him.

  • av Judy Kazz
    152 - 199,-

  • av Gerald T Dale
    182 - 244,-

  • av Georussa

    Reinventarnos es elemental hace lúcidos los sueños de la razón.Es un primer libro que lleva a una experiencia holística del lector en un proceso narrativo que plantea, muestra, propone y conduce una visión distinta de las cosas y los hechos, propicia compromisos y alude a la esencia elementalmente natural de las personas en la búsqueda de la integridad del pensamiento, la palabra, el actuar, el corazón y el espíritu. Contiene una estructura con reflexiones - a veces - de lectura pesada con algunas apreciaciones de realidades centrales y a la vez intemporales y cíclicas. Aporta 11 credos al pensamiento humano universal y un principio de Individualidad - Libertad para la evolución de cada persona desde su propia introspección. Uno a uno - Una a una.Es un libro de contenido recargado, ágil lectura y asimilación gradual con dedicatoria a la interpretación y opinión autónoma de cada lector, a su propio discernimiento les revele; percibir su propia experiencia, su verdad, su elección, su decisión y - posiblemente - su propia afirmación. Una apertura a una nueva conciencia que el mundo necesita advertir. Estará en cada lector desechar, posponer o asumir.El libro es de total inspiración orgánica y sensorial, resume y se ensaya de manera tácita respuestas a las interrogantes existenciales elementales del ser humano. Compagina temas fundamentales y definitivos en el mundo. Su visión propone evolución en los paradigmas de las creencias que prevalecen, en la Iglesia y en la relación con la Naturaleza y El Planeta, la política y el orden mundial prevalecientes. Lleva a una ineludible reflexión perseverante personal y general para suscitarlos. Desarrolla un original prototipo espiritual y racional de vida.www.reinventarnos.orgLibro ilustrado por Oceanu, artista.Instagram: Oceanusun

  • av Steven Dabney
    175 - 291,-

  • av Martha Abrams Marrow
    136 - 215,-

  • av Rev. Michael Walker

    This book I design to help those who are suffering in any abusive situation, and also to help those who are abusing others, that they may know that the evil which they are doing will return to them one day.

  • av Patrick M. Browning

    Hunting wild cattle is a dying art, now days every kid with a horse and a rope thinks he is a 'Wild Cow' man. Most are having a lot of trouble just trying to be a man! Those of us that have filled many 'Remnant Contracts' for both Banks and Ranchers, find it both amusing and aggravating that these fellows think that they can under bid the men that have actually done this work for decades and still be able to make it a paying proposition. Our story exposes the reader to some of the hazards and pleasures of this dangerous occupation.

  • av Alexander Randall 5th

    The Dream Wizard Conquers His Knight Mare is a fantasy adventure in which our hero, Sandy, tackles the weeds in his garden by running off on a series of adventures to find the some "magic" to get rid of his problem. Traveling with his trusty dog Rem, Sandy struggles, blunders and stumbles in pursuit of an easy fix, all the while being given wisdoms and insights that he fails to grasp. He wanders through the State Fair, flies in a balloon to Clara Mee, who Clairifies everything - or was it nothing? He confronts the Sapiential Circle in the City of the Future and is sent by trance-formation to Oz Mound in the Sea of Mare Lynn where old Grey teaches him balance in nature and delivers him to the depths of darkness. In the lower world he confronts his nemesis in a pitched battle and loses - only to arise in "knight school" where Reed Sundance teaches him how to reformulate his nightmares and turn enemies into friends. Sandy discovers he can confront his enemy with love and this chances everything - and leads him to discover that his nightmare weeds are really flowers, herbs and other friendly plants.Amid COVID, economic shutdown, and racism, there are a lot of reasons why people are having nightmares. Alex Randall's new book, Dream Wizard Conquers his Knight Mare is a fantasy adventure story that plants the seed of ideas to get rid of nightmares. Most people wake up wishing nightmare would go away or dismiss it as "only a dream." But what if you could change it? What if you could beat the monster, or fly instead of fall or find the right classroom and ace the exam... Wouldn't that be cool? And get rid of the nightmare too.

  • av Louis Charlebois

    The Examining Judge and the GIGN is above all a thriller that, in the course of describing and successfully attackinginternational terrorism and murder in France, Britain and the United States, shows how the pre-trial judge, so effectivein France, but non existent in Britain and the US, would help in the effective investigation of crime in all three jurisdictions.Another novelty for a British and American readership is the Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale-the GIGN- the French Green Berets - the equal of special forces anywhere. See also how combining specialsea air and ground forces of each country takes out a major centre of middle eastern terror. If I tell you anymore, you willhave to take an oath under the Official Secrets Act! Read. Enjoy.

  • av Robert S. Saito

    This is my memoir of the many people I have met and places I have been. The people are ordinary, hardworking, devoted-to-duty military men and women and people from all walks of life from the many countries I have visited.

  • av Tony Marolt

    You are already a leader, even if you don't yet know it. You can become a great leader, which the world desperately needs-leaders with courage, compassion, and the ability to raise each unique individual to their highest levels of performance. Leadership is a learned series of skills and behaviors; however, the path to becoming a great leader first begins with the acknowledgment that you are one, followed by your strong desire and commitment to be a great one. The leadership quotient is built on the premise and promise that everyone is a leader and that only by increasing the degree of mastery in all four critical areas can an individual transition from ordinary or mediocre into the more aspirational, urgently needed realm of truly great leaders. This practical guide to leadership is filled with tools and real-world examples that you can quickly add to your repertoire and immediately apply within your organization. These tools can be leveraged by every reader, from those who have never led before to those who have been leading for years. The Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu captured the essence of the leadership quotient principles in his quote, which ends with the line, "But of a good leader, who talks little, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will all say, We did this ourselves." If you aspire to become that kind of leader, to add tools to your belt that position you to lead extremely well, then this book and those tools are your path to achieve that aspiration.

  • av Jovani¿ Goran

    Ovo je roman sastavljen od sedam samostalnih pri¿a. Govori o mladom mu¿karcu i njegovom ¿udnom ¿ivotnom putu. Mladi¿ ostavljen od rastavljenih roditelja prolazi kroz popravni dom i tu sti¿e glavne norme budu¿eg ponäanja. Po¿to postaje punoletan on kre¿e u o¿ekivanu trajektoriju mladog prestupnika koji se bavi kräom, razbojni¿tvima, ali ga ¿anse u ¿ivotu usmeravaju na biznis, prijateljstva sa obi¿nim momcima, neo¿ekivanim isku¿enjima u kojima preovläuje njegovo ranoste¿eno ponäanje u popravnom domu. Kao posledica takvih odluka prolazi kroz proces su¿enja za razbojni¿tvo i kao krajnju konsenkvencu do¿ivljava izdr¿avanje kazne u zatvoru. Kroz razne price upoznäemo ga u biznisu, ljubavi, kockkanju, potrebi da zätiti napadnute prijatelje i odnosu prema materijalnim dobrima. U su¿tini grupa nezavisnih pripovedaka sklapa jedinstven mozaik romana koji je svojevrsni psiholo¿ki prikaz ¿oveka koji prolazi kroz razna ¿ivotna isku¿enja.

  • av Casimir J. Kowalski

    The editors of the book of readings wanted to share various viewpoints and perspectives on leadership that might be of interest to practitioners and scholars. The chapters represent various contributions from authors both in the United States and other countries. In sum, the combined chapters should provide readers with different leadership approaches to ponder. Of special interest is the lens on leadership from authors outside the United States.

  • av Wayne Cotes

    Retired homicide detective turned private investigator, Marcus Maddox, has never been known for his ability to resist a beautiful woman. So, when Lauri Wright walks into his office asking him to find her missing husband, Maddox can hardly say no. Except Lauri's husband is a big-league money launderer with a lot of dangerous people nervous over his disappearance. Members of the Chinese Triads, outlaw biker gangs, and even the mob all want a piece of Maddox and his team. To top it off, Lauri Wright isn't being as forthcoming as one would expect when your spouse is missing. Then there is the suspicious death of disgraced former police officer Joe Maker and somehow, the cases are tied together. At the center of it all, the mysterious Mrs. Black weaving her web to catch the unwary.

  • av Toni R Stewart

    How To Know God is about how to go about developing a personal relationship with God on the spiritual level. It is a true story about my own personal experiences and encounters an miracles, answered prayer, provision and protection. As I was seeking The Face of God for proof of God's existence!

  • av Isaac Mampuya Samba

    In this Novel and in this Culmination which one, it was question here between a female first - cousin (a germain - sister) Veronese and a male first - cousin (and her germain - brother) Eric, to know that: -Here again, it is the female - cousin who would lead the choreography or the dance. -Here again, it is the female - cousin who would diligently the "orchesography" or the rhythmic. -But here again, it is the female - cousin who would punctuate the intensity of the speeches and cleverly codified the routes for the achievement of the targeted goal: Yeah!, in the incestuous fornication at the very first degree. . -But here again, it is the female cousin who would highlight; highlight! That's all: Highlight!, put all the Mythical Effervescence of the Para - Normality, concerning their mothers; which always tore each other down (which always tore themselves apart) again and again, regularly, regularly! That's all: Regularly!; and continually, continually! That's all: continually!; since their very, very tender childhoods; thus entailing inexorably; inexorably! That's all: inexorably!, the curiosity of the many curious; who would watch regularly, regularly! That's all: Regularly!, and continuously; continuously! That's all: Continuously!, every time, the real erotic's shows, for not to say: the "pornocratic's" shows, informal sensational, thrilling, fantastic, fabulous, incredible, astonishing, wonderful. In short: spectacular and to breath-taking and above all: frees. -What a story? -This is simply a Paranormal History, worthy of the name. -But here again, we would come from very, very far, in order to achieve this result of the targeted goal: Yeah! (: namely, in the fornication between a germain - sister and her germain - brother) . -It would also be understood that the sluggishness that punctuated the male first - cousin Eric (the germain - cousin of Veronese) 's anguish was equally good, very, very real.

  • av Gil Saenz
    105 - 183,-

  • av Gil Saenz
    121 - 215,-

  • av Browning Patrick M. Browning
    215 - 331,-

  • av Isaac Mampuya Samba

    Say that my mom Maryssa told me: "At that time - there Maryvonne my daughter, you will be disturbed! And consequently without you interfere so slightly; you're gonna make such drawings; tags; other signatures and especially, you're gonna recite "such Narratives - Poetry - Rivers"; or "such Epics - Rivers"; with bulges or other paint products on exterior surfaces or not, the walls of buildings! All these graffiti; all those tags and other signatures; short: all there your foolishness will simply turn into wonder or in Virtuoso Plays for multiple onlookers or even better: all your schizophrenia (the gargantuan schizophrenia) naturally will turns into a Prodigy or a Literary Masterpiece for the multitudes readers in the worldwide. And what is more: You will be inevitably STUDYED in the UNIVERSITIES FOR THE EDUCATION OF STUDENTS; to warn them in advance, of the dangers that can have with the women such as her. And so my daughter Maryvonne, you will undoubtedly; undoubtedly! That's all: "Undoubtedly"!, become world famous and at the same time: the villages of Guigo and Guillodo and even the whole country of "Blondinia" with, what! In short, especially with all " these delirium tremens ", so out unreasonably of your mouth my daughter Maryvonne, you gonna become the most impressive schizophrenic and the most famous of the world; you going to become a "famous crazy", known in worldwide. And, and, and, and, and not forgetting "your hero Julio Fernandez" with that. "With" of course, also, all that, and all that, and all that, and all that, and all that, he contributes " in them ", substantially. " " But I do not even listening my mamma! " "

  • av Jim Bsc Fimeche Quinn

    This is the inside story of the man who was known as the White Tornado in Rolls Royce Bristol aero engines, for he outlines the work he and others carried out over 21 years during the early concept, development and in service stages of the Panavia MRCA-Tornado engines. He went on to Project Manage Europe's first production single crystal turbine blades, and then worked on Control Systems for several years, describing these works as the story proceeds.A whistle blower, he enjoyed Gilbert & Sullivan, Hang Gliding, and Motorsport, and he eventually left RR, to work with several charities, particularly Headway and Remap, where he describes his experience as an inventive carer of disabled people of all sorts.As a Humanist, he has experience of and interest in many things, and the book thus contains a variety of challenging thoughts, including the nature of biological evolution (Extra Terrestrials too).

  • av Bro Ken

    Luke 4:10 For it is written, He shall give his angels charge overthee, to keep thee:Before I go any further into this story, I had better share that these are based on real testimonies as related of what really happened in my life and why I was so sure that God heard our prayers. Some names have been changed and this testimony starts in 1967. and as to Why I Trust God Completely

  • av Patricia Elliot

    This is an honest personal experience of dealing with tragic loss, written as a tribute to my son to honour his life. It includes contributions from others who have lost a loved one. I also share my professional and personal techniques for coping which have worked for me and the many people I have connected with in my various roles. My book is for those who have lost a loved one and for all those who want to understand and support someone going through loss. It is written as a gift of hope and comfort.More details on upcoming events and projects can be accessed on her website,

  • av Kerry Shoemaker

    This is a tale not only about a long walk but also about the day-by-day evolution of our mental and physical transformation during one memorable month in France. This story is about our walk across southwestern France from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean in September and October of 1995. This adventure was so special to both of us that when we excitedly related incidents to friends and family, they encouraged us to write down our memories before they faded into the inevitable, unreliable, and irretrievable gray matter, details lost forever. Most of the text comes from the journals that we maintained daily. Sometimes, however, depending on how tired we were or how much local wine we consumed, the journals were not as complete as they could have been and we probably have lost some details. In spite of that, we think that we have accurately captured most of the adventure.

  • av Sharon Rivera
    136 - 215,-

  • av Patricia Elliot

    The book is a compilation of short stories and poems, following the seasons of nature and life. The abstract stories allow the reader to stretch their imagination, using creativity to improve wellbeing. The book is intended to be used as a Creative Journal by the reader, where, through exercises, questions, wish-lists, gratitude lists, affirmations, and more, the reader can reflect and use their own creative minds to engage in creative activities on the blank pages whether by writing, drawing, doodling or in whatever way they want. Creativity builds resilience and with resilience and courage the reader can create the life they want. Practising creative activities reduces stress and improves problem-solving enabling the reader to cope better with mental health issues and improve their overall wellbeing.

  • av David Hart

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