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  • av Ellen G White
    577 - 750,-

  • av J. C. Ryle

    George Whitefield was a popular Calvinist circuit preacher of England and frontier America who along with John Wesley, Charles Wesley, and Jonathan Edwards was very influential in the American Great Awakening of the mid-18th century. In a brief life of fifty-seven years, Whitefield shared Jesus and the Gospel with more messages to more people than any other minister of his day. This excellent summary of his life brings the reader to a crossroads between total commitment to Jesus or a compromised life with the things of self and the world. This is not a research work, but a defense of Whitefield's ministry, which suffered unduly harsh criticism from the so-called "old lights," those Anglican and Congregational clergymen who thought the Great Awakening, and Whitefield's ministry, to be steeped in hyper-emotionalism and experience-based religious effects. In this still relevant book, J. C. Ryle goes to work defending Whitefield in terms of the substance of Whitefield's preaching, which he contends was Scriptural to the core.

  • av Ellen G White
    605 - 750,-

  • av A. W. Tozer

    During a train trip from Chicago to Texas in the late 1940s, A.W. Tozer began to write "The Pursuit of God." He wrote all night, and when the train arrived at his destination, the rough draft was done. The depth of this book has made it an enduring favorite. Readers cannot help but hear the voice of God calling them to a deeper relationship with Him while reading this amazing classic. From beginning to end, each page in "The Pursuit of God" is an impassioned plea for the reader to abandon "comfortable Christianity" in order to truly know God as He desires to be known. This is the most important and foundational book of the Christian faith written by a man who wore holes in the knees of his pants from praying. "The Pursuit of God" challenges the reader to consider their own faith in Christ, and what they should be doing with that faith, in virtually every chapter. The chapter entitled "The Blessedness of Possessing Nothing" should be required reading for anyone confessing Christ as their Lord. If you have not done so already, please read this book. Your life, and the lives of those you share this book with, will be forever enriched.

  • av Thomas Brooks
    207 - 295,-

  • av J. C. Ryle
    122 - 240,-

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av J. C. Ryle

  • av J. C. Ryle

  • av Richard Sibbes

    Written in 1630 by the Puritan theologian Richard Sibbes, "The Bruised Reed" is a famous Christian devotional book and cherished classic in Christian literature. Sibbes was known for his pastoral care and deep understanding of the human condition, and "The Bruised Reed" reflects his compassionate and encouraging approach to guiding people in their spiritual journeys.The title of the book is derived from a verse in the Bible, Isaiah 42:3, which reads: "A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out." Sibbes uses this verse as a metaphor to illustrate the tender care and compassion of Jesus Christ towards those who are broken, discouraged, and spiritually wounded.The central theme of the book revolves around the idea that Christ is gentle and merciful, especially towards those who feel weak, burdened by their sins, or struggling in their faith. Sibbes emphasizes that Christ's love and grace are available to all, regardless of their shortcomings or failures. He encourages readers to turn to Christ as the source of comfort, healing, and restoration.Throughout the book, Sibbes explores various aspects of the Christian life, such as the believer's relationship with Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit in sanctification, the importance of repentance and faith, and the assurance of salvation. He uses biblical references and anecdotes to illustrate his points and provide practical guidance for readers to grow in their faith and trust in God's unfailing love.Because of its gentle and encouraging tone, "The Bruised Reed" has been a comfort and solace for many who sought spiritual peace and direction.

  • av John Owen

    In this seminal work, Owen delves into the depths of the human heart, exposing the insidious nature of sin and its relentless assault on the believer's soul. Drawing from biblical truths and his extensive knowledge of Scripture, he fearlessly confronts the deceptions and illusions that hinder spiritual growth, inviting readers on a transformative journey toward genuine holiness.Through meticulous analysis, Owen demonstrates that the battle against sin is not merely an external struggle but a profound inward warfare. He reveals the crucial principles and strategies for mortifying sin, guiding readers toward a life of victorious sanctification. From the importance of cultivating a deep knowledge of God to the diligent pursuit of repentance and self-examination, Owen's insights illuminate the path to lasting freedom from sin's clutches."The Mortification of Sin" is not a quick-fix self-help book but a profound theological masterpiece that penetrates the darkest corners of the human heart. Owen's words echo across centuries, challenging readers to confront the sin that lurks within and embrace the divine grace that empowers true transformation. His timeless wisdom serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring believers to rise above the allure of sin and experience the fullness of life in Christ.Whether you are a seasoned theologian, a weary pilgrim seeking renewal, or simply someone hungering for a deeper understanding of spiritual growth, "The Mortification of Sin" offers an invaluable roadmap to holiness. Allow John Owen's profound teachings to reshape your perspective, ignite your passion for godliness, and equip you for the lifelong battle against sin.

  • av John Bunyan

    John Bunyan, renowned author of the timeless classic "The Pilgrim's Progress," humbly confessed to being one of the most wretched sinners to have ever graced this earth. Astonished by the infinite grace of God that transformed his life, he dedicated himself to proclaiming the glorious message of salvation to all who would listen. Now, in his final work, "The Jerusalem Sinner Saved," Bunyan masterfully unveils the boundless depths of God's forgiveness.Within the pages of this profound testament, published in the year of his passing, Bunyan delves into the very heart of God's mercy. With the zeal of a true evangelist, he unveils the richness of divine grace, offering hope and redemption to even the vilest of men. Drawing upon his own experiences as a prodigal soul transformed by the power of Christ, Bunyan paints a vivid portrait of God's unwavering love for sinners.Prepare to be profoundly moved by the heartfelt reflections of a man who once wallowed in darkness but emerged as a beacon of hope. John Bunyan's legacy as a minister and writer is unparalleled, and "The Jerusalem Sinner Saved" stands as a testament to his unwavering faith and dedication to sharing the gospel with all who yearn for salvation.

  • av J. E. Hutton

    The Moravian Church, which was founded during the Bohemian Reformation during the 1500's, was one of the earliest Protestant denominations. In this excellent book, J. E. Hutton chronicles the history of that church as it developed from its infancy as an organization into a mature Christian fellowship.Arranged in chronological order, Hutton's history starts at the dawn of the Protestant Reformation. Those years, which were also during the time of the great Lutheran reformer, Martin Luther, were fraught with religious and political challenges. As Hutton chronicles, after decades of religious disputing the Moravian Church eventually split from the Roman Church. Important figures of that time, as introduced in this book, include Gregory the Patriarch, Luke of Prague, and Peter of Chelci. One of the driving forces behind the climactic changes associated with the Protestant Reformation and the eventual split from the Roman Church was the then-new technology of the printing press. This historical gem of a book details the political climate of Bohemia, Prague, and the surrounding areas that made up Moravia during that time in a fascinating and comprehensive way.Hallmarks of the Moravian movement included a pure, simple belief in Jesus and all of His virtues coupled with a deep devotion to both Christ and the gospel message. These characteristics, which appealed to other Christians who felt disconnected or distant from the Roman Church, resulted in continued growth for the Moravian Church. Poland in particular proved a haven and fertile missionary field for the Moravians, many of whom traveled, carrying and teaching the gospel wherever they went.Moravian missionaries were some of the first to venture to the New World. In this new land, their simple adherence to the Word of Christ ran as a common thread through the political, moral, and religious conflicts between rival colonial powers. Called to grapple with such issues as slavery and war, they stayed true to the principles that had shaped them as Christians and a denomination. J. E. Hutton's chronicle of the Moravian church history is a thorough one. Readers will come to understand the important Bible truths underpinning Moravian doctrines. The development of Moravian Church customs, how they congregated, the distinctive architecture of their churches, and their establishment of schools is also richly described, providing a vivid and valuable history of this early and deeply committed Protestant sect.

  • av John Bunyan

    In this timeless spiritual classic, John Bunyan, the renowned author of "The Pilgrim's Progress," bares his soul and shares his extraordinary journey of faith and redemption. "Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners" is a captivating autobiographical account that resonates with the struggles, doubts, and ultimate triumphs of every seeking heart.Bunyan's life was marked by turbulence and despair. Born into a working-class family in 17th-century England, he was drawn to a life of sin and rebellion, straying far from God's path. His conscience tormented him, and he became burdened with an overwhelming sense of guilt and fear of divine judgment.In the depths of his anguish, Bunyan encountered the transforming power of divine grace. With remarkable honesty, he recounts his intense spiritual battles, wrestling with doubts, temptations, and the oppressive weight of his sinful past. Through vivid descriptions and heartfelt introspection, he exposes the depths of his soul, revealing the darkest corners of his heart while also pointing to the boundless mercy and love of God."Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners" is a testament to the transformative power of grace-a grace that not only forgives but also heals and restores. It is an invitation to all who struggle with their faith, who feel weighed down by their past mistakes, and who yearn for the unmerited favor of God. Bunyan's captivating narrative speaks across the ages, offering hope, encouragement, and the assurance that no one is beyond the reach of God's redeeming love.

  • av Stephen N Haskell

    In "The Story of the Seer of Patmos," author Stephen Haskell walks readers right into the life of John the Beloved, explaining in great detail the closeness of John to God, and how, because of that closeness, John was shown many future events in vision. So much more than a story, the book delves so deeply into Revelation that it can serve as a verse-by-verse, step-by-step guide. Chock full of spiritual and historical gems, Haskell's book opens the Bible's last book up in an easily read, narrative style that explains the various symbols within John's visions and their meaning to us today.The study of prophecy is considered uninteresting by many. Much that is written upon this subject is given in an argumentative style, which is unattractive to many minds. Stephen Haskell changes all that in "The Story of the Seer of Patmos," presenting Bible prophecy, together with details of last day events and the life of John, in a fresh way that will be interesting to young and old.From the seven churches, to the seven seals, from fearsome beasts to the riders of the apocalypse, Haskell covers it all. His explanation of the "signs of the times" in the last 1700's and early 1800's, which included a spectacular meteor shower, the Lisbon earthquake, and the day the sky turned dark at noon, is particularly fascinating. Haskell points out that these very signs were predicted in no less than eight different books of the Bible (four in the Old Testament and four in the New), with thirteen identifying characteristics making them truly unmistakable as harbingers of the end.When published, this classic book was "sent forth on its mission of love with earnest prayer to God that it may point all who read to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." It was the earnest hope of the author that, within these pages, the Bible student would find treasure, the skeptics ground for faith, and the thoughtless become acquainted with the very thoughts of God."Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." (Revelation 1:3)

  • av Cari Haus

    Embark on an extraordinary journey through history with "Martin Luther's Reformation Day: The Story." This captivating children's book takes young readers back in time to more than five hundred years ago, to the land of Germany where Martin Luther was born.Raised by parents who loved Jesus, Martin Luther's life was destined for greatness. As a young boy, he displayed a beautiful voice that earned him and his schoolmates a meal whenever they sang for the villagers. But one fateful day, a lightning bolt changed everything. Martin made a promise to become a monk if God saved his life, leading him to live in a monastery and dedicate himself to seeking closeness with God. However, he always felt a void, yearning for a deeper understanding of God's grace.Through the Bible, Martin Luther discovered a profound truth that transformed his life and would shake the foundations of the Church. He learned that salvation couldn't be earned through payments or good deeds; it was a free gift from Jesus Himself. Fueled by this newfound knowledge, Martin fearlessly penned the "95 Theses" and boldly nailed them to the door of the Catholic Church in Wittenberg. His words spread like wildfire, igniting a movement that would become known as "The Great Reformation.""Martin Luther's Reformation Day: The Story" is a captivating and educational children's book that not only brings history to life but also imparts valuable lessons to young hearts. Encourage children to explore the power of God's Word, embrace His free gift of salvation, and find inspiration to stand up for what is right in their own lives. Join Martin Luther on his remarkable journey and let his legacy inspire a "Great Reformation" in the hearts of children today.

  • av Joseph Alleine
    164 - 264,-

  • av Stephen N Haskell

    The Story of Daniel the Prophet is both a history and prophetic revelation of events that, as revealed to Daniel in vision, took place, have taken place, and are about to take place in the earth. While history bears witness to the veracity of Daniel's account, the last day events transpiring at this time confirm it as well. Stephen N. Haskell, author of this timeless book, had a depth of understanding and Scriptural knowledge that few could rival today. With skillful pen, Haskell wove the story of the prophet Daniel into a study of his prophecies, connecting the dots with world history as he wrote. Haskell concluded with an explanation of the last chapter of Daniel, which shows the great triumphal climax of the "great controversy" with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Though written in 1904, this book remains accurate-and relevant-in our day. Its spiritual content and scope never fail to challenge, inspire, and amaze. This book is highly recommended for any serious student of Bible prophecy, or anyone who simply wants to understand more fully what the Bible predicts for these tumultuous times.

  • av A. Believer

    The Advent Keepsake: A Text for Each Day of the Year is a classic small book, organized by the twelve months of the year, that features a text about the Second Coming of Christ or a related topic for each day of the year. This little book was first published by the Battle Creek Steam Press in 1868. It should interest all believers looking for the soon appearing of Christ. Of special interest to Seventh-day Adventists may be the fact that this little book was one of those included in the personal library collection of Ellen G. White.

  • av Ellen G. White
    240 - 398,-

  • av Ellen G. White
    193 - 295,-

  • av Ellen G. White
    368 - 459,-

  • av Ellen G. White
    368 - 490,-

  • av Ellen G. White
    177 - 280,-

  • av Ellen G. White
    337 - 398,-

  • av Ellen G. White
    352 - 445,-

  • av Ellen G. White
    193 - 337,-

  • av Ellen G. White
    368 - 508,-

  • av J. C. Ryle

    J.C. Ryle was well known for his warm, plain-spoken candor, the kind which appeals to all souls regardless of rank or title, and this short book is no different. Bold, encouraging, and affectionate, "A Call to Prayer" is just as the title says-an earnest invitation for all children of God to come before Him in prayer. Read it, be edified, and have hope: you have access to the Maker of heaven and earth who can do all things. In this classic book, Ryle charges the reader with the necessity of prayer. He cuts through the excuses and the pretense with the simple question: "Do you pray?" Ryle's style is concise and imminently readable. He argues that prayer or the lack of prayer is the single greatest barometer for a person's status before the Lord, for "to be prayerless is to be without Christ, without God, without grace, without hope, and without heaven." Ryle goes beyond the question to the meat of the issue, giving strong arguments for why prayer is so necessary for the spiritual well-being of an individual. Once he has made his point, Ryle turns his attention to how a person should pray. This work of prayer, according to Ryle, is so often neglected because it is such an arduous task cutting against the flesh and standing (or kneeing in this case) in direct opposition and defiance of Satan himself. Ryle encourages the Christian to pray with reverence and humility, spiritually, as a regular part of their business of life, with all perseverance, in earnestness, in faith, with boldness, with fullness, on behalf of others, with thankfulness and with watchfulness over one's prayers. In one of the many quotable phrases from this book, Ryle challenged readers to "tell me what a man's prayers are, and I will soon tell you the state of his soul," concluding that "prayer is the spiritual pulse." This book is a wonderful and encouraging read for any Christian desiring to walk more closely with God through prayer.

  • av R. A. Torrey

    R.A. Torrey's book, "The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit", is an essential resource for anyone wanting to develop a deeper understanding of the presence and impact of the Holy Spirit in daily life. In it, Dr. Torrey provides readers with Biblically grounded knowledge and insight about the nature of the third person of the godhead, offering clear explanations and doctrinal foundations that, in addition to edifying the reader, will serve as a compelling platform from which to engage in meaningful dialogue with others. With its lucid style, systematic structure, and straightforward approach to spiritual truth, this classic work is sure to be profitable reading for all believers seeking a richer relationship with their omnipotent heavenly helper. Torry, a popular evangelist in his time, dives deep into the person and work of the Holy Spirit, touching on various aspects including its role in salvation, sanctification, God's glory, guidance and comfort.

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