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Bøker utgitt av W. Frederick Zimmerman

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  • av Nickolas Guertin

    The Department of Defense's Office of Testing and Evaluation (DOT&E) is one of the few things (other than hypersonics and nuclear-powered satellites) that can kill big weapons programs! Careful study of this document will be well worthwhile for students of US defense policy.This document is the DOT&E Strategy Implementation Plan, which outlines the strategic intent and key actions for implementing the DOT&E Strategy Update. The plan focuses on five strategic pillars: test the way we fight, accelerate the delivery of weapons that work, foster an agile and enduring T&E workforce, improve the survivability of DOD in a contested environment, and pioneer T&E of weapon systems built to change over time. The plan emphasizes the need for accurate evaluation of warfighting capabilities, the implementation of digital technologies and data management solutions, and the evaluation of cyber and electromagnetic spectrum survivability. It also highlights the importance of integrating T&E in model-based engineering and conducting mission-based risk assessments. The document provides specific actions and deliverables for each pillar and outlines a phased approach for implementation. Overall, the plan aims to leverage digital technologies, AI/machine learning, and data/knowledge management solutions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of T&E processes.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes several types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; essays to increase viewpoint diversity, such as Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.This document was selected for publication during a periodic review of recent government publications.

  • av Judge Advocate General of the Navy

    The document is a record of the proceedings of a board of investigation into the death of James V. Forrestal, a civilian who died at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The board concluded that his death was not due to any negligence or fault on the part of the medical staff and that the treatment provided was in accordance with accepted psychiatric practice. The document includes testimonies from witnesses, including medical experts and hospital staff, who were involved in the investigation and treatment of Forrestal. It also provides details about his condition, treatment methods, and observations of his behavior leading up to his death. The document mentions measures taken to safeguard Forrestal, such as constant surveillance and medication, and notes that his condition showed improvement over time. However, it states that he still entertained suicidal tendencies at times. Overall, the document highlights the efforts made to provide appropriate care for Forrestal and the challenges faced in treating his mental health condition. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Broadmeadow Et Al

    This joint thesis project by fifteen graduate students at the Naval Postgraduate School in 2007 displays impressive system engineering and analysis skills in evaluating 14 alternative approaches to improving carrier battle group ASW defense. Unfortunately, one of the leading recommendations has been overtaken by time. The authors found that ""a distributed barrier of active sensors placed and maintained by a Littoral Combat Ship provided an effective detection and engagement solution."" The basic idea of deploying a barrier of active sensors still sounds good, but it won't be the LCS that is deploying them. This document is a report on the Improved Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Effectiveness project conducted by the Newport cohort of the Naval Postgraduate School. The objective of the project was to address the need for improved ASW effectiveness in protecting a Carrier Strike Group (CSG) during operations. The report outlines the application of a Systems Engineering Design Process (SEDP) to analyze the problem, identify potential solutions, and evaluate them based on measures of effectiveness and performance. The report also includes a detailed description of the needs analysis phase, which involved stakeholder analysis, affinity diagramming, and Pareto analysis to identify the key stakeholder needs and constraints. The report concludes with a recommendation for an alternative solution that combines the use of a barrier of buoys deployed by a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) with advanced capability improvements to the platform-based active sonar. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av David R Yocum

    The submarine came of age during World War I and navies around the world scrambled to adopt the powerful new technology. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the changes to United States Navy submarine design and construction during World War I. It discusses the discussions and considerations of the Board regarding various aspects of submarine design, including size, propulsion systems, armament, and habitability systems. The document also highlights the efforts to improve submarine technology, such as the use of listening devices, gyrocompasses, hydrophones, and radio sets. It emphasizes the impact of the General Board of the US Navy on submarine design and development, particularly in response to Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare. The document concludes that the Board's influence led to the development of more capable submarines, laying the foundation for future advancements. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Jeffrey K Juergens

    In the words of the author, from the end of World War I to the onset of World War II ""the U.S. went from a force that was unsuccessful operating close to the coast to one that was very successful operating in the great distances of the Pacific Ocean."" The submarine force was an equal war-winning partner in the campaign against Japan, and this outcome can in large part be traced to the decisions of the General Board of the Navy on submarine design during the interwar period. This document is a Master's thesis titled ""The Impact of the General Board of the Navy on Interwar Submarine Design"" by LCDR Jeffrey K. Juergens. The thesis examines the role of the General Board of the Navy in shaping submarine design between World War One and World War Two. It analyzes improvements in submarine offensive armament, propulsion, endurance, and habitability using transcripts of the General Board's meetings. The thesis highlights the significant improvement of the United States submarine force during the interwar period and its impact on Japan's war efforts in World War Two. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Forest G Wood

    Specialized bibliographies are steady sellers for Nimble Books, and this one fits nicely in the pattern: it is a thorough compilation by a leading expert on an important topic that is intrinsically interesting, widely known, and of continuing contemporary relevance. At Point Loma in California, the US Navy continues to train and operate sea lions and bottlenose dolphins to find and mark undersea objects. In 2019, a beluga whale wearing a Russian harness turned up in Sweden (it is named Hvaldimir) and has continued to return to Nordic waters. And in 2023, orcas in the Mediterranean began, apparently on their own initiative, to learn a helpful new cultural behavior, sinking yachts. This document is a compilation of research papers and reports on various topics related to marine mammals, with a focus on dolphins and whales. The topics covered include the anatomy and physiology of their auditory system, echolocation abilities, sound production and reception, target detection and discrimination, and the use of echolocation for navigation and communication. The document also discusses the sensory capabilities, diving behavior, reproductive biology, and other physiological adaptations of marine mammals. It provides insights into the biology, behavior, and health of these animals, as well as techniques and methods used in their study and management. Additionally, the document includes information on the distribution, abundance, migration patterns, general behavior, and sound production of bowhead whales and gray whales, as well as the feeding patterns and habitat preferences of bowhead whales. It also covers miscellaneous topics such as the selection of marine mammal trainers, capture and adaptation of beluga whales, cytogenetic studies of porpoises, and the distribution of whales relative to oil industry activities. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av James F Gebhardt

    Near the end of the Cold War, the possible use of Soviet special forces on NATO's Northern front was a significant concern. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO, and Putin's belligerent comments about the need to reinforce Russia's northern border, these concerns are once again highly relevant. A Russian command confronting a multinational coalition in the Far North must seriously consider the use of deep strike with special forces to even the playing field early in a war. This document provides detailed information about the activities and operations of Soviet naval reconnaissance detachments during World War II. The detachments were special operations forces that conducted various missions, including raids, long-range reconnaissance, and sabotage activities. They faced challenges such as harsh weather conditions, German opposition, and coordination issues with other forces. The document highlights the importance of athletic prowess, political loyalty, and foreign language skills in the recruitment and selection process. It also mentions the involvement of covert intelligence agents and foreign nationals in the operations. Overall, the document emphasizes the bravery and resourcefulness of the reconnaissance detachments in carrying out their missions and provides valuable insights into the organization and experiences of Soviet naval special purpose forces during the war. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Richard A Zaszewski

    US naval and Marine special forces operate in an intense, always-changing environment that includes not just the blood and violence of the battlefield, but also the complexity and sophistication of the mid-21st century technology environment. It is unsurprising, then, that today's well-educated Marine officers find themselves drawing on concepts developed in the broader world outside the battlefield, such as design and systems theory. Smart, self-questioning officers are always interrogating their methods to be sure that they are not getting locked into an obsolete method that is incompatible with the latest environment. This document discusses the concept of operational design and its application in military planning. It emphasizes the importance of understanding complex problems and the need for collaboration with inter-agency and coalition partners. The document provides a case study of how operational design was used in Colombia to address insurgency. It acknowledges the limitations of operational design but highlights its potential benefits in developing comprehensive strategies. The document suggests integrating operational design into Naval Special Warfare planning processes and the need for education and training in system theory and operational design for NSW leaders. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Jared R Duff

    The Commandant of the Marine Corps made a bitterly debated decision in 2019 to divest the Corps of its tanks. This 2011 thesis will help readers understand just why some portions of the Marine community miss their tanks so badly. This document provides an overview of the performance and capabilities of Marine Tanks in various combat environments. It highlights their success in both high kinetic conventional fights, such as the Gulf War and the invasion of Iraq in 2003, as well as in unconventional high intensity environments, using the Battle of Fallujah as an example. The document also discusses the role of tanks in low intensity environments, specifically in Somalia during humanitarian operations. It emphasizes the superior offensive capability, survivability, and firepower of Marine Tanks, and their importance in supporting the Marine Air Ground Task Force. Additionally, the document mentions the current deployment of tanks in Afghanistan and the potential threats posed by countries like North Korea, Russia, and China. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Matthew McCarton

    The next naval war in the Pacific will likely involve significant ship losses for the US Navy, which will immediately raise the question asked by the authors in the Executive Summary to this document: "what is the best approach to acquiring a large number of warships in an emergency?" The document compares two approaches: 1) building more of a proven design 2) building a simplified emergency design. The authors examine a total of 1,345 ships (327 for World War I and 1,018 for World War II) that were built in response to war emergencies. Crucially, it finds that that "the simplified design of emergency escorts does not markedly decrease the time needed for those ships to first enter service compared to destroyers." This assessment bears careful consideration because as the US defense establishment contemplates a future in which its ship building capacity is outpaced by China, there is a great temptation to look for shortcuts: "we can offset losses by building lots of drones" or "replicators." This document provides information about the construction of destroyers, destroyer escorts, and patrol frigates during World War I and World War II. It discusses the strategic background, design decisions, construction challenges, and the importance of quickly producing large numbers of ships to meet the demands of wartime. The document includes details on the shipyards involved, the number of ships built, and the average time it took to build and commission each type of ship. It also highlights the shortages of materials and the impact they had on the construction process. Overall, the document emphasizes the significance of experienced shipyards in achieving rapid production rates and supporting the war effort. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av James F Ball

    Nimble Books has published several public domain reprints of books on mine warfare that have sold surprisingly well over the years, probably because mine warfare is an effective mode of combat that has been persistently under-resourced and under-studied by Big Navy. In recent years the Navy and the Marine Corps seem to have abandoned the idea of ever risking a large-scale amphibious assault opposed by precision-guided missiles, but that does not mean mine warfare is no longer relevant to the expeditionary community. The new Navy/Marine doctrines for war in the Pacific still envisage many troop-bearing transits through contested and quite possibly mined waters, and the ""pacing threat"" of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would almost certainly involve a large amphibious assault where US mines might play an important role. This document is a thesis that examines the effects of sea mining on amphibious warfare. It includes case studies of amphibious assaults conducted at Gallipoli, Normandy, Wonsan, and the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm. The study analyzes the forces involved, the mining conducted, and the impact of mining and mine countermeasures on the achievement of surprise in the assault. The study concludes that force levels are crucial for the success of amphibious assaults, with adequate force levels leading to successful operations. It also emphasizes the importance of rapid and complete mine countermeasures to achieve surprise in amphibious assaults. The document provides historical context, discusses the strategic and operational considerations of amphibious warfare, and highlights the significance of mine warfare in amphibious operations. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Donald O F Daniel

    Written at the end of the Cold War, this 1990 conference paper foreshadowed the arguments that would determine ASW force structure in the next 30 years. Today, with great-power competition near another peak, the US Navy struggling to project power into anti-access/area denial ""bastions"", and China investing heavily both in oceanic power projection and space surveillance of the oceans, strategic ASW once again may rise to the forefront. This document discusses the importance of strategic anti-submarine warfare (ASW) in the maritime strategies of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, and France in the 1990s. It explores the potential impact of ASW on the survivability of strategic submarines and the nuclear balance between these countries. The document concludes that while the prospects for success in a dedicated ASW campaign against an adversary's strategic submarines are poor, there may be some benefit in tying down non-strategic naval forces. The importance of ASW varies depending on the country and its specific strategic nuclear capabilities. This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Navy Department

    Familiarity with the history of damage control for fires on aircraft carriers will likely be a crucial proficiency for naval professionals and navalists throughout the world when the next war in the Pacific occurs. The Franklin was the most heavily damaged US carrier to survive an attack. Its official story is instructive, inspiring, and essential.This 1945 document provides a detailed account of the damage sustained by the USS Franklin CV during two separate actions in October 1944 and March 1945. The damage was primarily caused by suicide plane crashes and bombing attacks, resulting in severe fires and explosions on the ship. The document highlights the effectiveness of the ship's firefighting systems in the first action but notes that they were overwhelmed in the second action. It emphasizes the importance of effective damage control efforts and training to eliminate fire hazards and rapidly extinguish fires. The document also discusses recommendations for improvements in damage control techniques and equipment, including better access and escape routes, improved drainage systems, and the relocation of certain facilities. Overall, the document emphasizes the major hazards faced by aircraft carriers, particularly the threat of fire, and the need for continuous efforts to prevent and extinguish fires.As a bonus, a twenty-page 1942 report on the loss of USS Wasp (CV7) to submarine torpedoes is also included.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent; Red Team Critique; and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av General Accountability Office

    By 2030, either China or the US, or both, will be on the Moon with permanently crewed bases. This will draw a lot of attention when it happens. "China lands on the Moon" will be an epochal headline. Now is the time to start paying attention. This GAO report is a good place to start.This document provides an overview of the NASA Artemis program, focusing on the development of the human landing system and space suits for the Artemis III mission. It discusses progress made, challenges faced, and mentions that a lunar landing in 2025 is unlikely due to various reasons. The document also discusses NASA's contracting approach for acquiring these systems as services.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Formal Dissent; Red Team Critique; and MAGA Perspective; Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page; and a specially commissioned comparison of Artemis and the Chinese lunar program.

  • av Air University

    This 2017 report played a crucial role in the decisions involved in creating United States Space Force and remains an essential guide to thinking about the strategic value of ultra-low-cost launch.This document discusses the potential for the US Air Force to leverage new concepts and technologies to gain strategic advantage in space. It highlights the increasing vulnerability of the current space architecture and the need for the US to regain advantage in the face of growing competition. The document proposes a \"Fast Space\" approach, which envisions an ecosystem of concepts, capabilities, and industrial partnerships that prioritize speed as the defining attribute of advantage in space. This approach includes sortie-on-demand launch capability, economically viable business cases, high launch rates, lower costs, rapid turn-around, and higher reliability. The document also emphasizes the importance of reducing costs through reusability and increased flight rates. It recommends partnering with US commercial firms pursuing ultra-low-cost access to space and creating a purpose-built organization to manage these partnerships. Additionally, it suggests shaping the interagency environment to ease regulatory burdens and integrating high launch rate rapid-turnaround approaches into the joint requirements and acquisition process. Overall, the document emphasizes the need for the US to seize the opportunity presented by the changing landscape of space exploration and exploitation.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Grounds for Dissent; Red Team Critique; and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av James Outzen

    This Space Power series from Nimble Books was inspired by the creation of United States Space Force in 2019. New military services are only created once or twice a century. In time, military space history should grow to have the same breadth and depth of topical coverage as military, naval, and aviation history. There are books and enthusiasts for every army, navy and air force for every nation for every era, for every type of weapon and every type of soldier. Certain topics and genres have an enduring advantage in glamor and sales: tanks, battleships, fighters, the Wehrmacht, SEALs. It's not immediately obvious which topics will carry that aura in the history of military space. This NRO book about the Manned Orbiting Laboratory falls in the "never were/space station" crossover subgenre. I hope that it will find an enthusiastic audience among those who groove on what MOL might have been. An eye in the sky; a decisive weapon; in the Cold War; a tragic casualty of space war; a driver for earlier human colonization of space: let your imagination soar!The document provides comprehensive information about the planning, development, and challenges faced by the Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) program. It discusses the involvement of the Air Force and NASA, the termination of the Dyna-Soar program, and the approval of the MOL program. The document also highlights the decision-making process, the rationale behind the cancellation of Dyna-Soar, and the initiation of the MOL program. It provides details about the objectives, experiments, management structure, and funding of the MOL program. Additionally, it discusses the technical challenges, the debate between a manned and unmanned system, and the financial issues faced by the program. The document concludes with information about the budget, developmental, and schedule problems faced by the MOL program, including the slippage in sensor development and the efforts to compress the development timeline.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; four essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Context in the Discourse, Formal Dissent; Red Team Critique; and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Courtney J V Homer

    In the world of deeply classified military projects, "never-weres" and "might have beens" can shed great light on what actually has been happening behind the scenes. The Manned Orbital Laboratory, a secret project that was cancelled in 1969, illustrates that for more than sixty years, the US government has been energetically seeking persistent, easily-retasked, adaptive, and above all intelligent capabilities for monitoring adversaries from space. For those interested in military space[1], the history offers an essential reference point. If the MOL had flown, it would have been super cool; but the US secured the desired capabilities by other means, many of which are still deep black. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) program, a United States Air Force initiative in the 1960s aimed at developing a manned space platform for military reconnaissance during the Cold War. The document explores the objectives, challenges, and eventual cancellation of the program, as well as the debates and differing opinions surrounding MOL. It discusses concerns about cost, international relations, and the role of humans in space. The document also covers the training program for MOL crew members, their roles and responsibilities, and the development of the MOL system. Personal accounts express shock and disappointment over the program's termination, and mention the consequences such as layoffs and the transfer of MOL crew members to NASA. Overall, this document offers insights into the complexities and controversies surrounding the MOL program.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; four essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Context in the Discourse, Formal Dissent; Red Team Critique; and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.[1] Indeed, "For All Mankind."-Ed.

  • av J. Oison

    The stakes in the race to industrialize space may turn out to be incredibly high: the next Industrial Revolution may very well occur there. This US government document provided an essential status update.This document is a summary report from a workshop on the state of the space industrial base in 2021. It includes recommendations and insights from various sources on the current state and future of the space industry, particularly in relation to the United States. The report highlights the need for a clear national vision and strategy for space development and leadership, as well as the importance of engaging the full diversity of America and its allies in this endeavor. It also emphasizes the potential of space as a major factor in national power and the need for the US to stay competitive in this domain. The document discusses key issues and challenges facing the industry, such as maintaining growth and competitiveness in the face of increased competition, and provides recommendations for future actions. It also provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of the space industrial base in the United States and proposes recommendations for its improvement. The document highlights the convergence of technology and the importance of partnerships between the government and the private sector in driving innovation and growth in the space industry. It also emphasizes the need for a long-term national space strategy and the potential for commercial space activities to surpass government spending in the future.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Formal Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Paul V Bandini

    This 2007 thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School provides instructive review of the reasons the US Navy has historically taken second place to the US Air Force in providing and utilizing military access to space, then puts forward proposals for improving the situation, notably, the formation of an independent Space Corps. Nearly twenty years later, the context has shifted, with the Navy ever more dependent on satellite services, and space-based surveillance a key element in the new "kill chain" of anti-ship ballistic and hypersonic weapons. The Navy, whose mission uniquely involves slow-moving persistence of large, not especially stealthy, objects over the vast expanses of the world's oceans, is also uniquely sensitive to the adversary capabilities afforded by small, extremely-fast-moving objects passing far overhead. Future naval wars with peer competitors will be inextricably connected with US military space capabilities.This document proposes an alternative construct for the organization and utilization of Navy space resources. It discusses the history and development of space systems in the United States, including the Navy's involvement. The document emphasizes the need for a stronger Navy presence in space and the potential establishment of a U.S. Space Force. It provides information on various organizations, programs, and concepts related to the Navy's space program. The document also discusses the roles and responsibilities of entities within the Navy and the Department of Defense related to space systems and communications. It highlights the importance of the Navy Space Cadre and the need for clear goals and objectives for their effective management and operation. The document addresses the challenges and issues surrounding the control and operation of satellite systems within the Department of Defense and suggests consolidating these functions under one organization for improved efficiency. Overall, it emphasizes the need for a more streamlined and centralized approach to satellite control and operations.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; four essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Context in the Discourse, Formal Dissent; Red Team Critique; and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.Original contains several color images (simple PowerPoint charts) which are reproduced here in grayscale as it was judged that the benefit did not justify the printing costs's significant impact on list price.

  • av J. Oison

    The stakes in the race to industrialize space may turn out to be incredibly high: the next Industrial Revolution may very well occur there. This US government document provides an essential status update.This document is a report on the state of the space industrial base in 2022, discussing the current state of the space industry and its challenges and opportunities. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between government and industry, as well as a clear and cohesive long-term vision for space. The report also addresses the growing competition from China and the importance of continued investment and innovation in the industry. It concludes with recommendations for improving the US space industry and ensuring its future success, including increased collaboration and investment in STEM education and workforce development.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; four essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Formal Dissent, Red Team Critique, and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av Bruce Berkowitz

    The National Reconnaissance Office is to the US intelligence community as aircraft carriers are to the US Navy. Without the NRO, the payloads that are absolutely crucial to the IC's mission never get there. Without the NRO, the United States is nearly a premodern military power, our appreciation of the strategic situation is as weak as it was before Pearl Harb or or during the era of the (non-existent) "missile gap". Yet while there are dozens of unofficial and official histories of the CIA, this official publication from 2011 is the only one in print about NRO. That makes this handsome hardbound edition an essential purchase for the library of anyone with a professional interest in space power or the military history of space. This document is a brief history of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) written by Dr. Bruce Berkowitz and Mr. Michael Suk. It provides an overview of the Center for the Study of National Reconnaissance (CSNR), an independent research body reporting to the NRO Deputy Director. The CSNR's main objective is to provide the NRO leadership with the necessary analytical framework and historical context to make effective policy and programmatic decisions. The document also mentions the contact information for the CSNR and provides details on how to obtain copies. Additionally, it includes a table of contents and a timeline of major events in NRO history.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; four essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Context in the Discourse, Formal Dissent; Red Team Critique; and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av United States Space Force

    Militaries, governments, economies, and societies in the US and all over the world rely heavily on services provided via space systems. With a few exceptions, the world is designed around the assumption that space services will always be available. Even though it is understood that space systems may be quite vulnerable to disruption, no one is really ready for prolonged or severe down times. Space Force's sustainment mission is all about maximizing "up time" under all circumstances.This document, titled "Space Doctrine Publication 4-0, Sustainment," provides guidance and principles for the proper use of military spacepower in support of the United States Space Force's responsibilities. It covers topics such as the operational environment, fundamentals of sustainment, sustainment capabilities, and roles and responsibilities of organizations involved in space operations. The document emphasizes the importance of effective sustainment for enabling consistent and enduring space operations and fulfilling national security priorities. It also discusses the unique challenges and considerations involved in sustaining space capabilities and the need for collaboration and coordination among different entities. The document highlights the importance of considering sustainment early in the design and development process to optimize future system compatibility and interoperability.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes six types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, Action Items and Visual; four essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Context in the Discourse, Formal Dissent; Red Team Critique; and MAGA Perspective; and Notable Passages and Nutshell Summaries for each page.

  • av United States Space Force

    Space Doctrine Publications on Personnel, Intelligence, Operations, Space Domain Awareness, Sustainment, and Planning all in a single convenient, hardcover, full-color volume. Essential for your professional bookshelf, as a gift for your favorite Guardian, or as a donation to your command offices.This document provides comprehensive information about United States Space Force doctrine, including its definition, development process, hierarchy, and types. It emphasizes the importance of personnel readiness and resilience in shaping the culture and capabilities of the USSF. The document also covers topics such as recruitment, training, education, career development, and resiliency for Guardians. It discusses the structure and organization of the USSF, its role in unified action as part of the joint force, and the importance of collaboration and coordination with other organizations. The document also highlights the role of intelligence in space operations and the need for effective sustainment of space forces. It discusses the planning process, key considerations, and challenges of space operations, and the importance of understanding the adversary and coordinating with other organizations. The document includes a glossary of key terms and references applicable strategic and planning guidance.This annotated edition illustrates the capabilities of the AI Lab for Book-Lovers to add context and ease-of-use to manuscripts. It includes five types of abstracts, building from simplest to more complex: TLDR (one word), ELI5, TLDR (vanilla), Scientific Style, and Action Items; three essays to increase viewpoint diversity: Context in the Discourse, Formal Dissent; Red Team Critique; and MAGA Perspective; and a shortened version of Notable Passages.

  • av Malcolm Wright

    During World War II, navies developed camouflage for their ships. Applying it to both vertical and horizontal surfaces, they reduced visibility and confused the identities of their ships to the enemy. Maritime artist Malcolm Wright, author of popular books on British naval camouflage schemes in World War II, now turns his attention to the ships and aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy and Army from 1932 to 1945. Many schemes included in this volume are difficult to find without intensive research, making this a unique and valuable resource. The book covers every ship type from battleship to the smallest auxiliary, including the riverine craft that fought in China, all the ships in the separate fleet operated by the Imperial Japanese Army, and three special bonus pages describing camouflage schemes for selected hard-to-research ships from other navies. The timespan covered actually goes beyond 1932-45 and includes developmental milestones for each ship and class, from the 1914 construction of the battlecruiser KONGO to the 1946-47 repatriation service of the surviving vessels and their subsequent transfer to victorious navies.At 288 11" x 8.5" pages with half-inch margins and 9-point type, this book offers almost double the content area of the previous volumes in the series, which were 196 10" x 8" pages each, with a somewhat challenging 7-point font. This expansive and reader-friendly layout allows for numerous full-page spotlight views of important and interesting ships and planes, for a total of 952 images and captions. The durable case laminate jacket and 70-pound premium paper assure a long-lasting and pleasant physical experience.The captions combine construction, refit and service histories with sharp personal assessments of ship performance, accompanied by plank-level illustrations of the color schemes applied to ships and planes. Since sadly most pictures of World War II are in black and white, this book is a delight for anyone who wants to visualize the war as it actually occurred, in color. With its unparalled depth of technical detail and breadth of coverage, it is a must-have for students of naval history, the war in the Pacific, wargaming, and ship and aircraft modelling.The highly readable captions combine construction, refit and service histories with sharp personal assessments of ship performance, accompanied by plank-level illustrations of the color schemes applied to ships and planes. Since sadly most pictures of World War II are in black and white, this book is a delight for anyone who wants to visualize the war as it actually occurred, in color. With its unparalleled depth of technical detail and breadth of coverage, it is a must-have for students of naval history, the war in the Pacific, wargaming, and ship and aircraft modeling.The current printing includes fixes to several issues reported by reviewers, including making the ship scales consistent on page 7, cleaning up images on page 49 and 67, increasing image size on page 123, and removing a duplicate paragraph on page 187.

  • av Federal Bureau Of Investigation
    1 218,-

    FBI has guidelines for investigations and surveillance, with approval needed for certain methods.

  • av Dimitry Malkov
    1 177,-

    This book provides a detailed and original guide to every ship in the world's naval fleets from 1858 to 1890, including ship classes, construction, and armament.

  • av Fred T Jane
    1 442,-

    An essential item for the shelf of any naval history enthusiast, this provides a detailed view of the world's navies just before the beginning of the Dreadnought naval arms race.

  • av Fred T Jane
    1 442,-

    An indispensable reading companion and reference, not in print anywhere else and very difficult to find used or via interlibrary loan.

  • av National Security Council

    In March 2020 POLITICO reported that after the Ebola outbreak in 2014, the Obama Administration's National Security Council had prepared a detailed, thorough "pandemic playbook" that was available to Trump administration officials, who treated it dismissively and did not draw on it during the response to the coronavirus. The leaked 69-page PowerPoint is reproduced in full color in durable hardcover landscape format, a crucial resource for understanding the Trump administration's response to COVID-19. The Playbook describes itself as follows: "a decision-making tool that identifies: (1) questions to ask; (2) agency counterparts to consult for answers to each; and (3) key decisions which may require deliberation through the Presidential Policy Directive (PPD)-1 process or its successor National Security Council process." This is a document with an optimistic view of its role in the world. It is not clear that policy leaders in any Administration are actually interested in outsourcing their decision-making to a tool developed by a previous admninistration. To the contrary, policy-makers typically place a great deal of emphasis on getting their own people in place to ask the right questions. The main body of the Playbook is comprised of two major sections, one for international events that have not yet reached the US and one for events with a US locus. For each, a "Rubric" is provided that "is not intended to serve as a comprehensive concept of operations or replace national or pre-existing U.S. Government response structures, but rather to serve as a proposed guide based on existing authorities, guidance, and response frameworks for staff monitoring emerging infectious disease threats and interagency planning and response, should the need arise in the future." The key words are "for staff monitoring emerging infectious disease threats..." -- in other words, this document was intended for use by staff who are monitoring things, rather than for policy makers who are deciding them. The Rubrics explicitly spell out key assumptions--for example, on the domestic side that "the U.S. Government will use all powers at its disposal to prevent, slow, or mitigate the spread of an emerging infectious disease threat..." The drafters did not include any language such as "unless it might hurt the stock market." Both Rubrics contain exhaustive lists of important questions and decisions that correspond well with what we know now to have been important in the response to COVID-19.An Appendix contains several useful resources, including a laundrty list of "declarations and mitigation options" -- things that the US government or other agencies can declare and do, specifically including pharmaceutical, medical, travel-related and community interventions. Some of the latter will seem remarkably familiar: a. Voluntary home isolation of the ill and home quarantine of the exposedb. Dismissal of students from schoolsc. Social distancing measures, such as teleworkd. Cancellation of large public gatherings; ande. Widespread use of personal protective devicesA section on Communications envisages the Secretary of HHS as the primary spokesperson. No mention is made of daily 5 pm press conferences with the President.Readers who enjoy works like THE GREAT INFLUENZA, CONTAGION, and THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN will find this a fascinating look behind the curtain. Also an ideal gift for that "no masks" relative who just will not read the peer-reviewed science that you patiently email to them!

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