Norges billigste bøker

Bøker utgitt av Verlag fur Moderne Kunst

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    2 260,-


    Der Akt des Gehens hat als gesell­schaft­li­ches Phäno­men im 21. Jahr­hun­dert an neuer Bedeu­tung gewon­nen. Neben der alltäg­li­chen körper­li­chen Fort­be­we­gung oder dem moder­nen Moment der Erho­lung und der sinn­li­chen Erfah­rung berührt er aktu­elle Fragen des ökolo­gi­schen, globa­len, geopo­li­ti­schen sowie ökono­mi­schen Wandels. Mit der Grup­pen­aus­stel­lung WALK! gibt die SCHIRN einen Über­blick zu der bisher wenig beleuch­te­ten Facette des Gehens als Praxis in der gegen­wär­ti­gen Kunst­pro­duk­tion. Sie fragt nach der zeit­ge­nös­si­schen Ausein­an­der­set­zung und Erwei­te­run­gen der Walking Art, deren Ursprünge im Mini­ma­lis­mus, der Land Art und der Konzept­kunst der 1960er-Jahre liegen.Die SCHIRN präsen­tiert über 40 inter­na­tio­nale Künst­le­rin­nen und Künst­ler, in deren Schaf­fen das Gehen ein wesent­li­ches Element darstellt. Die rund 100 Foto­gra­fien, Video­ar­bei­ten, Colla­gen, Zeich­nun­gen, Male­reien und Skulp­tu­ren sowie Live-Perfor­man­ces und parti­zi­pa­ti­ven Projekte im öffent­li­chen Raum verschrän­ken das Gehen ästhe­tisch mit den Heraus­for­de­run­gen unse­rer Zeit, reflek­tie­ren aktu­elle Debat­ten um Themen wie Globa­li­sie­rung und Klima­wan­del und verfol­gen Formen von Protest und Demons­tra­tion.


  • - Thomas Kneubuhler

    "Alpine Signals" is an unusual portrait of the Alps, based on twentysix cell towers in the Engadin, a high valley in the south east part of Switzerland. The artist Thomas Kneubühler challenges the romantic image of the Alps with the non-lieux of the mountain world, and goes to places that are usually not a destination. "Alpine Signals" touches on important issues, such as our relationship with nature and landscape asking: how much data do we need, even in the remote mountain world? The photographs are accompanied by two texts. The author Romana Ganzoni, who lives in the Engadin, invites us on a breathtaking antenna hike, and debunks a number of Alpine clichés in the process. The Canadian writer Rebecca Duclos visits the Alps in a dream. In her hybrid text, she reflects on the paradox of images and encounters which are at once sublime and banal.

  • - Climate Care in the Digital Age

  • - Format

  • - Harun Farocki & Florentina Pakosta

  • - 100 Spectres

  • - Linda Loppa

    The "New Fashion Container" Project was born and sharpened in 2020 while we were witnessing a tremendous shake up of our values and expectations in the (fashion) industry. It is based on 11 concepts - those concepts are the new language fashion needs. The NFC Project is connecting people, cities, ideas from all over the world thanks to the digital. Drawn from notes at a special moment in history, this "notebook" is a document that points to the future. We need to be critical. We can and we must build a more balanced fashion industry.

  • - Natalia LL


    Zilla Leutenegger is a nationally and internationally famous Swiss artist. Her works have been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions. The Art Museum Graubünden now shows a comprehensive overview of her work following its central topic: the significance of spaces as reservoir of memories, as places of longing, fears and dreams, but also as openings for the imagination. The exhibition is arranged as a large continuum and can be experienced as an integral whole: As a tour through inner and outer spaces with different insights and outlooks. She integrates older works and connects these with her most recent creations, which are shown here for the first time. Installations, projections and large-size pictorial works together create a world that seems completely private and yet very universal because in it we recognise ourselves, and with our memories and associations it allows us to become a part of a greater whole. The exhibition is accompanied by a richly illustrated publication with texts by Elisabeth Bronfen, Patrick Frey, Max Küng, Stephan Kunz and Juri Steiner.

  • - Cosmic Order

    1 141,-

  • - Gegen Osten. Werke 1995 bis 2020
    av Robin Bland


  • - The Clock which will Solve Every Problem in the World
    av Edo Dijksterhuis

  • - BIG
    av Bazon Brock

    In the Kunstraum Dornbirn Erwin Wurm presented a selection of works from the "FAT SCULPTURES" series under the title "BIG". His well-known ironic access to fashion items, everyday objects, groceries, cars and houses turns the works into significant statements of our consumer behavior, which are commented on in a humorous, profound and sometimes sarcastic way.With "Humor is also a weapon"-an informative conversation between Erwin Wurm and Gerald Matt-the catalog documents how it all began. In his contribution, artist and art theorist Bazon Brock explores the question of "caricature as the mediation of the true through the false, the healing through the broken, the beautiful through the ugly, the good through the bad" and analyzes Erwin Wurm as a scout of the history of the caricatures well beyond Leonardo, Picasso and Kippenberger.

  • - Rooftop Temples Of New York City
    av Bernhard Garnicnig

    av Thomas Seelig

  • av Monika Mokre

  • - Selected Works from the Ernst Ploil Collection
    av Ernst Ploil

  • - Sandra Mujinga, Paulo Nazareth, Tschabalala Self, Kemang Wa Lehulere
    av Roberto Conduru

  • - Paintings from the Boeckmann Collection
    av Jurgen Schilling

  • - Fragile Power
    av Charles Merewether

  • - On the Utopian in Art, Architecture, and Design
    av Eva Kraus

  • - Fusion
    av Melitta Kliege

  • - A guide to the planetary art world - its past, present, and potentials
    av Peter Osborne

    "Navigating the Planetary": the title of this book points to an interconnected art world that transcends not only art's old Eurocentric models, but also the "global," with a more holistic approach. The "planetary" has become a buzzword, yet navigating it remains a major challenge for many artists, curators, critics, and other art practitioners.This volume is a guidebook for readers looking for entry points into planetary approaches to contemporary art. It is for researchers already in the field, but also for those who don't know where to begin. Through essays, case studies, and interviews situated in the past, present, and looking to the future, this book explores people, institutions, and thoughts that are shifting or dissolving East/West and Global North/South binaries. This book also asks: why navigate the planetary at all-and is the desire to do so part of a political agenda? Do global or planetary networks offer solutions to cultural problems, and how are these networks best established and maintained? And how can or should education support a planetary or global consciousness or approach to art? "Navigating the Planetary" attempts to answer these questions, as well as offer a sense of possibility.

  • - Lange Arme, kurze Beine

  • - N-01

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