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Bøker utgitt av Verlag Barbara Budrich

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  • av Julia Mergner

    How do universities respond to the institutional demand to deal with an increasingly heterogeneous student body? Julia Mergner examines the widening participation policy discourse from an organizational sociological perspective. The results show how differently universities translate the idea of student diversity into their local context and legitimize strategies, structures and practices for dealing with it.

  • av Prof. Dr. Kari Palonen

  • - On the Professionalisation of Educational Practices / Μία προσέγγιση για την επαγγελματοποί
    av Evi Agostini

    Pedagogical work requires the willingness to engage with new situations and with people in their diversity. This book does not offer any simple recipes, but a gentle approach to important steps towards professionalisation in the teaching profession. These lead via an open attitude of perception and the inclusion of corporeality to an insight into how learning and teaching processes can be understood in a new or different way. With vignettes and examples from different pedagogical fields, the theoretical concepts are presented and reflected on their application. The book contains an English-language and a Greek-language version.

  • av David Selby & Fumiyo Kagawa

  • av Sharon du Plessis-Schneider
    1 144,-


    Refugees face transitions in their lives: on an individual, a social and a cultural level. This book covers various aspects of these transitions and their intersections with educational experiences. Studies from different country contexts show the complex relationships between individual, culture, society and institutions. Examining these relation

  • av Andreas Genoni

    Die Identitat von Migrant*innen und ihre Zugehorigkeit zu einer Minderheit oder zur Mehrheitsgesellschaft ist ein kontroverses politisches Thema, das Einblicke in die Herausforderungen der Integration und des sozialen Zusammenhalts bietet. Ausgehend von einem zweidimensionalen Modell der ethnischen Identitat fragt das Buch nach der Rolle des sozialen Status fur die Identifikation von Migrant*innen mit ihrer Herkunftsgruppe und der Mehrheitsbevolkerung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Unterschieden zwischen den Generationen, der Sichtbarkeit von Migrant*innen, der Diskrepanz zwischen den Status und der Situation im Aufnahmeland. Die Ergebnisse zeigen Formen ethnischer Identitat, die uber die klassische Annahme der gegenseitigen Ausschlielichkeit hinausgehen, was auf eine Minderheitenidentitat bei Migrant*innen mit niedrigem Status und eine Mehrheitsidentitat bei Migranten mit hohem Status hindeutet.

  • av Jan Büssers

    In unserer hochtechnisierten Welt verschwimmen die Grenzen zwischen Mensch und Maschine in zahlreichen Bereichen der Wissenschaft, der Arbeit und des Alltagslebens immer mehr. Diese Verflechtungen beeinflussen unser tagliches Leben und stellen Moglichkeiten, aber auch Einschrankungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen dar. Die Beitrage des Bandes greifen diese Themen auf, indem sie eine stark interdisziplinare Perspektive einnehmen. Wie wirken sich Digitalisierung und Kunstliche Intelligenz in der Lebens- und Arbeitswelt auf die Geschlechterverhaltnisse aus? Wie kann Intersektionalitat in einer zunehmend international vernetzten Welt neu verstanden werden?

  • av Lydia Schulze Heuling

    Mehr denn je pragen computergestutzte und algorithmische Modalitaten gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse. Die algorithmische Bildung ist herausgefordert, transdisziplinare Synthesen fur Modellvorstellungen und Praxisansatze fruchtbar zu machen. Doch wie konnen Asthetik und Kreativitat ihren Eingang in algorithmische Bildungspraktiken finden? Der Sammelband vereint innovative Beitrage, mit denen sowohl Lehrende als auch Lernende zu schopferischem Denken und nachhaltigem Handeln in der digitalen, wissensbasierten Netzwerkgesellschaft angeregt werden.

  • av Sang Hoon Bae

    From childhood to adolescence, young people are enrolled in various public or private forms of educational arrangements outside regular school lessons. These activities can be summarized by the term extended education. The volume provides an overview of extended education in multiple nations around the world. Different models, policies, methods, and research findings are discussed from an international point of view.

  • av Elise Feron
    1 012,-

    The book critically analyzes the ongoing changes in the regional, intra-regional, and global dynamics of cooperation, from a multi-disciplinary and pluralist perspective. It is based on the insight that in a post-hegemonic world the formation of regions and the process of globalization can be largely disconnected from the orbit of the US, and that a plurality of power and worldviews has replaced US hegemony. In spite of these changes, most existing analyses of current changes in the world order still rely upon Western-centered approaches, and Westphalian thinking. Against this backdrop, the book proposes to advance a truly global IR understanding of the post-hegemonic world, and weaves together the pluralist and multi-disciplinary perspectives of scholars located all around the world.

  • av Angelika Groterath

    This publication collects contributions to understanding and addressing migration flows from Africa to Europe and supporting social coexistence in the destination countries. Written by experts in psychology and social work, the articles approach the topic of immigration based on empirical research in their academic and professional specialties. The book focuses on issues of intervention, letting the research be the starting point for further plans. This focus makes the book valuable for professionals as well as policy makers.

  • av Ellen Christoforatou

    How is it possible to sustainably implement the ideas of the Right Livelihood Award - also known as the "e;Alternative Nobel Prize"e; - in educational and teaching methods of learning as part of future-oriented teacher training? This book addresses this issue in the form of a combination of articles from both an academic and school-related point of view. Education researchers, subject educationalists, expert scientists and teacher trainers present exemplary formats with which prospective teachers can be qualified for the wide-ranging requirements imposed on them as part of globalization and internationalization. In the formats, the contents of Right Livelihood - especially questions concerning ecology, social justice and peace - are addressed in a manner that is age-appropriate and related to experience. Moreover they are dealt with in an interdisciplinary context. The objective is to jointly incorporate the subject of Global Learning as Part of Education for Sustainable Development in the teacher education course and to realize it directly at the chalk face.

  • av Rainer Eisfeld

    The book will survey the recent development and current "e;state of the art"e; of political science in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe. It will comprise (a) three comparative overviews: Political Science and Regime Change in East-Central Europe from the 20th to the 21st Century; Analytical and Normative Elements in Political Science Approaches: Is there a Specific Central-East European Pattern?; Political Science Associations in East-Central Europe: How Important, how much International Cooperation?; (b) 20 detailed and comparable country reports: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine; (c) a chapter on the European Confederation of Political Science Associations. The country reports will include tables on political science faculty, students with political science as a major, and sub-fields taught at both state and private universities (as per the end of 2008). They will cover the following topics: Institutionalization of the discipline; achievements, deficits, prevailing approaches, and funding of research in the discipline's sub-fields; curricula, admission regulation, and degree system in political science teaching; national representation and international cooperation (major journals and published books, political science associations, international links); public impact of the discipline, labor market, challenges and opportunities.

  • av Kerry Dunn

    Social work as a democratically constituted profession committed to human rights is currently facing cross-border encroachments and attacks by right-wing populist movements and governments. With the Bundestag elections in September 2017, the question of the extent to which right-wing populist forces succeed in influencing the discourse with xenophobic and nationalist arguments arises in Germany, too. The authors examine how social work can respond effectively to nationalism, exclusion, de-solidarization and a basic skepticism about science and position itself against this background. The book explores different conditions in Germany, France, Poland, Russia and the US.

  • av Rainer Eisfeld

    The book focuses on the study of democratic processes. Special emphasis is put (1) on the existence of a diversity of (e. g. socio-economic, ethno-cultural,.) interests and the transformation of this diversity into public policies, (2) on the participatory features of democracy and on barriers to individual and group participation due to disparities in economic and political resources.

  • av David Coen

    This volume reviews current debates on the role of business in politics and it assesses emerging methodological approaches to its study. The book brings together leading scholars to assess various qualitative and quantitative methods, network analysis, historical context and positive rational choice modeling, and detailed research case studies in the study of Business- Government relations.

  • av Jerzy J. Wiatr

    The authos deal with comparative aspects of contemporary authoritarianism. Authoritarian tendencies have appeared in several "e;old democracies"e; but their main successes take place in several states which departed from dictatorial regimes recently. The book contains case-studies of contemporary Hungarian, Kenyan, Polish, Russian and Turkish regimes.

  • av Sven Bernhard Gareis

    In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis Germany became Europe's most influential nation state. This book aims to provide a comparative assessment of how this is reflected in the country's bilateral security relationships with key global and regional partners. Prepared by an international team of scholars, it offers unique, in-depth perspectives on the ways these evolving interactions affect the prospects for addressing recent and emerging security challenges.

  • av Ingrid Jungwirth

    What concepts of 'gender' and 'diversity' emerge in the different regions and pertinent research and practical fields? On the back drop of current European developments - from the deregulation of economy, a shrinking welfare state to the dissolution and reinforcement of borders - the book examines the development of Gender and Diversity Studies in different European regions as well as beyond and focuses on central fields of theoretical reflection, empirical research and practical implementation policies and politics.

  • av Fabian Kessl
    1 505,-

    The publication takes account of the fundamental developments transforming social work in Europe at the beginning of the 21st century. A European standard of social work has already emerged, but models for future European social work are absent. Therefore the compendium gives an overview of the current transformation process for the first time, discusses the visible and invisible changes and maps out where social work is positioned in the emerging post-welfare states.

  • av Harald Baldersheim

    What is special about small states? How do they adapt their policies and patterns of governance to meet turbulent times such as a new security environment and the international financial crisis? Answers to these and further questions are provided by experts. What are the constraints on and opportunities of governance of small states in an interdependent and increasingly turbulent global setting? How do small states deal with radical changes in the international environment? What is the role of political institutions in facilitating and constraining policy responses to a rapidly changing international environment? How can political leadership contribute to stability in times of change? This book seeks to answer these questions by taking a comparative perspective on the processes of change and adaptation in the governance of Norway and Slovakia. These two small European states with highly open economies have been exposed to the same set of global turbulences related to post Cold War changes in the security environment and the global financial crisis; they are also facing internal challenges that spring from rapidly rising expectations while demographic shifts put pressure on their welfare systems. Their governance structures and processes are informed by their different political-administrative cultures, different history and levels of stability of democratic governance structures and, indeed, by their different modes of attachment to the European Union and other regional integration frameworks. These differences and a comparative approach in exploring the questions raised above can shed light not only on the specific forms of adaptation of governance structures in two small European states, but also generate insights into the role of integration structures in facilitating and constraining change.

  • av Kari Palonen

    The authors deal with the place of parliamentary politics in democracy. Apparently a truism, parliamentarism is in fact a missing research object in democratic theory, and a devalued institutional reference in democratic politics. Yet the parliamentary culture of politics historically explains the rise and fall of modern democracies. By exploring democracy from the vantage point of parliamentary politics, the book advances a novel research perspective. Aimed at revising current debates on parliamentary politics, democratization and democratic theory, the authors argue the role of the parliamentary culture of politics in democracy, highlighting the argumentative, debating experience of politics to recast both some of democratic theory's normative assumptions and real democracies' reform potential.

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