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  • - Essential Strategies and Skills
    av George Siedel

    We all negotiate on a daily basis. We negotiate with our spouses, children, parents, and friends. We negotiate when we rent an apartment, buy a car, purchase a house, and apply for a job. Your ability to negotiate might even be the most important factor in your career advancement.Negotiation is also the key to business success. No organization can survive without contracts that produce profits. At a strategic level, businesses are concerned with value creation and achieving competitive advantage. But the success of high-level business strategies depends on contracts made with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. Contracting capability-the ability to negotiate and perform successful contracts-is the most important function in any organization.This book is designed to help you achieve success in your personal negotiations and in your business transactions. The book is unique in two ways. First, the book not only covers negotiation concepts, but also provides practical actions you can take in future negotiations. This includes a Negotiation Planning Checklist and a completed example of the checklist for your use in future negotiations.The book also includes (1) a tool you can use to assess your negotiation style; (2) examples of "decision trees," which are useful in calculating your alternatives if your negotiation is unsuccessful; (3) a three-part strategy for increasing your power during negotiations; (4) a practical plan for analyzing your negotiations based on your reservation price, stretch goal, most-likely target, and zone of potential agreement; (5) clear guidelines on ethical standards that apply to negotiations; (6) factors to consider when deciding whether you should negotiate through an agent; (7) psychological tools you can use in negotiations-and traps to avoid when the other side uses them; (8) key elements of contract law that arise during negotiations; and (9) a checklist of factors to use when you evaluate your performance as a negotiator.Second, the book is unique in its holistic approach to the negotiation process. Other books often focus narrowly either on negotiation or on contract law. Furthermore, the books on negotiation tend to focus on what happens at the bargaining table without addressing the performance of an agreement. These books make the mistaken assumption that success is determined by evaluating the negotiation rather than evaluating performance of the agreement. Similarly, the books on contract law tend to focus on the legal requirements for a contract to be valid, thus giving short shrift to the negotiation process that precedes the contract and to the performance that follows.In the real world, the contracting process is not divided into independent phases. What happens during a negotiation has a profound impact on the contract and on the performance that follows. The contract's legal content should reflect the realities of what happened at the bargaining table and the performance that is to follow. This book, in contrast to others, covers the entire negotiation process in chronological order beginning with your decision to negotiate and continuing through the evaluation of your performance as a negotiator.A business executive in one of the negotiation seminars the author teaches as a University of Michigan professor summarized negotiation as follows: "Life is negotiation!" No one ever stated it better. As a mother with young children and as a company leader, the executive realized that negotiations are pervasive in our personal and business lives. With its emphasis on practical action, and with its chronological, holistic approach, this book provides a roadmap you can use when navigating through your life as a negotiator.

  • av James R. Taylor

    Wouldn't it be great if you had a tool for accurately predicting businesses' future successes or failures and winners or losers based on something other than historical facts and figures about those businesses?...Written by a leading business school professor, this book presents business executives, investors, students, educators, and others with that tool! "Market Segmentation" is the division of businesses' potential customers into groups based on a wide range of characteristics, including demographics, income and education levels, interests, and more. And "Needs-Based Market Segmentation," as presented in this book, is an innovative form of market segmentation that allows accurate forecasts of businesses' future competitive performance (successes and failures, winners and losers) by measuring today's consumer and business needs.This book is the result of requests from students and business executives to have a document that summarizes material the author, Professor James R. Taylor, presented in MBA classes and executive education programs during his over forty-year teaching and research career at the University of Michigan's famed Ross School of Business. The book is cleverly written as a recounting of the real-life progression of a business school student named Bob as he learned about the Needs-Based Market Segmentation process in school and then used that process to make millions in the stock market and retire early. Are you the next Bob? Read and find out.

  • av Robert E Murchison

  • av Johnnie West

  • av Jenna Ashlyn

  • - A Mafia Murder Mystery
    av Christine E Posemato

  • - Inspiring Life and Business Lessons from Entrepreneurs and Startups around the World
    av Adam J Sulkowski

  • av Tamron Morris

  • - Perspective and Advice from a Surrogate's and Intended Parent's Pregnancy Journey Together
    av Melissa Fleck & Emily Dubin Field

  • - What Everyone Should Know about Dinosaur Anatomy, Ecology, Evolution, and More
    av Philip J Currie, Victoria Arbour & Matthew Vavrek

  • av Charlotte S Snead

    Experience the timeless love, music, and spirituality of author Charlotte S. Snead's family-centered and heavenly classic WINSLOW FARM.When Gabe Winslow learns of his parents' death in an automobile accident, he resigns from the army and returns home from Afghanistan to his family farm in Lost Creek, West Virginia. Brian, Gabe's younger brother with Down syndrome, would be left alone with nobody to care for him without this sacrifice from Gabe. With the brothers not knowing each other very well, and with them forced to sell their farm to a new, mysterious owner while they stay on as caretakers, their future and that of the farm looks incredibly bleak. Only a miracle can save them.After Gabe and Brian form a close, unbreakable bond while building their new caretaker's cottage on the property, they nervously await the arrival of the farm's new owner. The new owner steps out of a limousine and into their hearts, strolling down Winslow Farm's main road with cornflower blue eyes and a familiar song on her lips. The young and vibrant, twenty-something, bluegrass-singing star Joy Thomas has purchased Winslow Farm as her escape from a crazy life as a rising star in Nashville. She brings with her music and passion, and she brings out of Gabe and Brian love and something divine-something tangibly divine.Together, the trio of Joy, Gabe, and Brian bring Winslow Farm back to life. They bring a wealth of new people with diverse personalities to the farm, they record award-winning music there, they defend Joy from a dangerous stalker, they tangle with bears, they renovate and redecorate, and they accept, love, and work with Brian as he struggles to cope with his disabilities and with the loss of his parents. Slowly, they build a loving family at Winslow Farm. And throughout it all, people discover that Gabe possesses a unique, otherworldly talent that might help him keep the farm safe from evil forever. But will Gabe fully realize this talent in time to do so, or will tragedy strike the farm again?

  • - A Snafu Snatching Rescue Pilot's Extraordinary Journey through World War II
    av Henry Lowenstein

    THE RESCUE MAN presents the unique journey of a World War II rescue pilot, First Lieutenant Frank Philby "Bud" Hayes, from his childhood in Idaho through his training for and service during World War II. Bud helps tell this story himself through his letters and records, which are this book's main foundation and reveal tales of trials and tribulations, achievement, heroism and ultimately tragedy and mystery. The U.S. Army Air Force's Second Emergency Rescue Squadron that Bud served in saved over seven hundred downed pilots during the war, making them responsible for thousands of children and grandchildren being alive today. Nevertheless, history has left Bud's story, and that of his squadron, largely untold... until now.Paralleling this book's focus on Bud and his rescue squadron, this book also tells the interrelated broader story of major pre-, mid- and post-World War II events occurring in the U.S., Europe and the Pacific. This includes little known, but significant, stories like that of a turf war between the U.S. Army Air Force and the U.S. Navy over who would be responsible for performing rescue missions during World War II, all while their servicemen's lives hung in the balance. In this book, World War II's events help tell Bud's story, and Bud's events help tell World War II's story. Or as this book's preface states it, the book "tells history through a biography and presents a biography in the context of history."As members of Bud's greatest generation continue to pass on from our lives, it is important that we preserve their unique and sometimes never-before-heard stories about World War II. This is one such story. It is the untold story of Bud, of his Second Emergency Rescue Squadron and of their involvement in and relation to the events of World War II. The story is as unique and powerful as it ultimately is tragic and mysterious. Thanks to Bud and his rescue squadron, over seven hundred men returned home from war with the opportunity to start families and pursue their American dreams. Will Bud also come home?

  • - What Researchers Know that You Should Know
    av Paula J Caproni

    In this book you will learn what you need to do to achieve the success in life that you desire and deserve. The author, University of Michigan Business School professor Paula J. Caproni, Ph.D., provides you with a practical framework that will help you get better results at work, be successful in your career, and enjoy a fulfilling life outside of work.This may seem like a tall order for one book, but it isn't. Hundreds of researchers have spent more than three decades studying what the most successful and happiest people do differently than others. Based on this research, this book will help you find answers to the following questions: (1) Why do some people achieve their life goals while others muddle through and never reach the success they hope for? (2) Why do some people who excel in school (and seem destined for success) stall early in their careers, while some who don't perform as well in school end up enjoying meaningful and productive careers, often exceeding the expectations of others? (3) Why do some people thrive in their jobs while others simply go through the motions? (4) Why do some people bounce back from failure while others become immobilized? (5) Why are some people able to have successful careers as well as a fulfilling life outside of work, while others get consumed by their work? (6) What are the most important lessons that children should learn early in life to help them lead happy, fulfilling, and productive lives?In short, this book answers these three main questions: (1) What do the most successful people do differently than other people?(2) How can those characteristics and behaviors be learned?(3) How can you apply these lessons to your own life?The author presents this book in a way that is both engaging and immediately practical. Throughout the book, the author exposes myths about success that hold people back from achieving their goals, and then replaces those myths with research-based strategies for success. Her credibility comes not only from how she expertly describes the research and the real-life examples she provides, but also from her inspiring description of her own journey to success. She navigated her way from being a waitress in her family's luncheonette through community college to a Ph.D. from Yale University and a faculty position with the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.The author has written this book using practical language so that you can read it quickly and apply what you learn to your own life immediately. In addition, this book includes self assessments, end-of-chapter questions to help readers clarify their goals and steps they will take to achieve those goals, and a template for creating a personalized action plan to help you begin applying what you've learned about achieving success to your own life. The author has also included references at the end of the book in case you want to read more about the original research that inspired this book.Some people will read this book because they are just starting to think about their careers and the kind of lives they want to lead. Others will want to learn how to advance their careers, either to take their careers to the next level or to get back on track after setbacks. Counselors and mentors will read this book because they want to help others achieve their goals. And parents will want to help their children make choices that will lead to happy, healthy, and productive lives. No matter who you are, if you're interested in achieving the success in life that you desire and deserve, or are interested in helping others do so, then this book is designed for you.

  • - Estrategias e Habilidades Essenciais
    av Siedel George J. Siedel

    Todos nós negociamos diariamente. Nós negociamos com nossos cônjuges, filhos, pais e amigos. Negociamos quando alugamos um apartamento, compramos um carro, uma casa e até mesmo quando nos candidatamos a um novo emprego. Sua capacidade de negociar pode até ser o fator mais importante na progressão da sua carreira.A negociação também é a chave para o sucesso do negócio. Nenhuma organização pode sobreviver sem contratos que geram lucros. A um nível estratégico, as empresas estão preocupadas com a criação de valor e em alcançar uma vantagem competitiva. Mas o sucesso das estratégias de negócios de alto nível depende de contratos fechados com fornecedores, clientes e outras partes interessadas. A capacidade de contratação-a capacidade de negociar e executar contratos bem sucedidos-é a função mais importante em qualquer organização.Este livro foi desenvolvido para ajudá-lo a alcançar o sucesso em suas negociações pessoais e transações de negócios. O livro é único em duas maneiras. Primeiro, o livro não só abrange os conceitos de negociação, como também oferece ações práticas que você pode aplicar em futuras negociações. Isso inclui uma Lista de Verificação de Planejamento de Negociação e um exemplo completo da lista de verificação para o seu uso em futuras negociações.O livro também inclui (1) uma ferramenta que você pode usar para avaliar o seu estilo de negociação; (2) exemplos de "árvores de decisão", que são úteis para calcular suas alternativas se sua negociação não for bem sucedida; (3) uma estratégia de três partes para aumentar o seu poder durante as negociações; (4) um plano prático para analisar suas negociações com base no seu preço de reserva, meta de expansão, alvo mais provável e zona do potencial acordo; (5) orientações claras sobre os padrões éticos que se aplicam às negociações; (6) os fatores que devem ser considerados ao decidir se você deve negociar através de um agente; (7) ferramentas psicológicas que podem ser usadas durante as negociações-e armadilhas que devem ser evitadas quando você estiver do outro lado; (8) elementos fundamentais do direito de contratos que surgem durante as negociações; e (9) uma lista de fatores para usar quando você avaliar seu desempenho como negociador.Segundo, o livro é único em sua abordagem holística para com o processo de negociação. Muitas vezes, outros livros se concentram apenas na negociação ou no direito dos contratos. Além disso, os livros de negociação tendem a focar no que acontece na mesa de negociação sem abordar o desempenho de um acordo. Estes livros fazem uma suposição equivocada de que o sucesso é determinado pela avaliação da negociação, em vez de avaliar o desempenho do acordo. Da mesma forma, os livros sobre direito de contratos tendem a focar nos requisitos jurídicos para um contrato ser válido, dando pouca atenção ao processo de negociação que precede o contrato e ao desempenho que se segue.No mundo real, o processo de contratação não é dividido em fases independentes. O que acontece durante uma negociação tem um impacto grande no contrato e desempenho que se segue. O conteúdo jurídico do contrato deve refletir a realidade do que aconteceu na mesa de negociação e o desempenho que vem a seguir. Este livro, diferente de outros, cobre todo o processo de negociação em ordem cronológica, começando com a sua decisão de negociar e continuando através da avaliação do seu desempenho como negociador.

  • - Strategy, Law and Ethics
    av George Siedel

    Your friend decides to order a pizza. President Obama decides to authorize the mission that leads to the death of Osama bin Laden. You decide that your business should launch a new product. What do these decisions have in common? They all require using the Three Pillar model of decision making. Our personal, leadership, and business decisions are based on a Law Pillar, a Strategy Pillar, and an Ethics Pillar.The Three Pillar model originated in a leadership course that every Harvard MBA student takes before graduation. The Harvard course is based on three lenses of decision making: economics, law, and ethics. The Three Pillar model expands these lenses by replacing "economics" with "strategy." With this change, the model becomes a powerful tool for personal and leadership decisions, as well as for business decisions.This book takes you through four steps that enable you to use the Three Pillar model for business decisions: Step One: Become a legally savvy leader. This does not require memorization of legal rules. Instead, you should understand how the law works in practice. Various surveys have identified the key legal areas that every business leader should understand: product liability, employment law, government regulation, intellectual property, contracts, and dispute resolution. This book provides briefings on each area and shows how they impact your key stakeholders: customers, employees, government, and investors.Step Two: Become an effective risk manager. After your briefings on the law, you are now ready to focus on the Law Pillar. The Law Pillar emphasizes risk management. This book explains how to manage the legal risks that constitute the main threat to your business success. For example, the chapter on product liability will describe how to make strategic new product decisions, how to isolate product risks by creating subsidiaries, and how to design new products to minimize the risk of being sued for selling a defective product.Step Three: Align the Strategy Pillar with the Law Pillar to create value. Many leaders think that there is an inherent tension between the Strategy Pillar, with its value creation orientation, and the Law Pillar, with its risk management orientation. This book explains how you can overcome this tension and align the two pillars by focusing on the interests of each of your stakeholders. For example, by focusing on customer interests, a process designed to prevent product liability can be transformed into a powerful product development tool.Step Four: Develop an ethical organization. Understanding the Ethics Pillar of decision making enables you to play a leadership role in developing compliance and values standards for your organization. This role requires that you "walk the talk" by using a principled process for making ethical decisions. By combining the Ethics Pillar with the Law Pillar and the Strategy Pillar, you can become a responsible corporate citizen while at the same time creating value for your shareholders and other stakeholders.Once you master the Three Pillar model for business decisions, you can easily apply the model to personal decisions and to leadership in any organization.

  • - Strategies et competences essentielles
    av George Siedel

    Nous négocions tous au quotidien. Nous négocions avec nos conjoints, nos enfants, nos parents et nos amis. Nous négocions lorsque nous louons un appartement, achetons une voiture, faisons l'acquisition d'une maison ou encore postulons à un emploi. Votre capacité à négocier pourrait bien être le facteur le plus important dans l'avancement de votre carrière.La négociation est aussi la clé de la réussite en affaires. Aucune organisation ne peut survivre sans contrats rentables. D'un point de vue stratégique, les sociétés cherchent à créer de la valeur et à représenter un avantage compétitif. Mais le succès de ces stratégies commerciales de haut vol dépend des contrats passés avec les fournisseurs, les clients et autres parties prenantes. La capacité à passer des contrats - la faculté de négocier et de conclure des contrats réussis - est la fonction la plus importante de toute organisation.Avec ce livre, je souhaite vous aider à atteindre le succès dans vos négociations personnelles et dans vos transactions d'affaires. Cet ouvrage est unique à deux égards. D'abord, il ne traite pas uniquement des concepts de négociation, mais vous fournit également des actions pratiques à entreprendre dans vos négociations futures. Il comprend une liste de vérification pour planifier vos négociations.Le livre inclut aussi (1) un outil que vous pouvez utiliser pour évaluer votre style de négociation; (2) des exemples d' arbres de décision, qui sont utiles pour calculer vos solutions alternatives dans le cas de négociations infructueuses; (3) une stratégie en trois parties visant à augmenter votre pouvoir au cours des négociations; (4) un plan pratique pour analyser vos négociations, en fonction de votre prix de réserve, de votre objectif étendu, de votre cible vraisemblable et de votre zone d'accord possible; (5) des consignes claires sur les normes éthiques à appliquer aux négociations; (6) des facteurs à prendre en compte lorsque vous décidez si vous devez passer par un intermédiaire pour négocier; (7) des outils psychologiques à employer en négociation - et les pièges à éviter lorsque c'est l'autre partie qui les utilise; (8) des éléments clés du droit des contrats qui interviennent au cours des négociations; et (9) une liste de facteurs à utiliser lorsque vous évaluez votre performance de négociateur.Par ailleurs, le livre est unique par son approche holistique du processus de négociation. D'autres livres se concentrent exclusivement sur la négociation ou le droit des contrats. De plus, les ouvrages sur la négociation ont tendance à cibler ce qui se produit autour de la table des négociations, sans traiter de la conclusion de l'entente. Ces livres partent du principe erroné que l'on détermine le succès en évaluant la négociation plutôt que la mise en oeuvre de l'accord. De même, les ouvrages sur le droit des contrats tendent à se concentrer sur les exigences légales nécessaires pour qu'un contrat soit valide, ne donnant ainsi que peu de place au processus de négociation qui précède le contrat et l'exécution qui suit.Dans le monde réel, le processus contractuel n'est pas divisé en phases distinctes. Ce qui se passe au cours d'une négociation a un impact profond sur le contrat et la mise en oeuvre qui suit. Le contenu juridique du contrat doit refléter les réalités de ce qui a lieu à la table de négociation, ainsi que la réalisation qui s'ensuit. Ce livre, contrairement aux autres, traite de l'intégralité du processus de négociation par ordre chronologique, en commençant par votre décision de négocier et en continuant jusqu'à l'évaluation de votre performance en tant que négociateur.

  • - Estrategias y habilidades esenciales
    av George Siedel

  • - Cases and Materials
    av George D & III Cameron

    INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS is a timely and useful book. Uncounted millions of "international" transactions occur daily, as goods and services are purchased across the national boundaries of some 200 political units. Capital flows from nation to nation, and so-to a lesser extent-do jobs, as companies seek more favorable locations for their business operations. The "rules" (laws) governing these exchanges quickly become complex, as persons (and governments) from different countries are involved. If problems arise in a cross-border relationship, whose rules apply? What forums are available to resolve disputes? Are there tax implications to the transaction? If so, where? These and similar questions need to be factored into the decision to "go overseas."Each of the six chapters in this book begins with a brief overview of the subject-matter, followed by short previews of the chosen case examples. The primary content of the chapters consists of some 120 court and arbitration decisions in real disputes, between real parties. The actual text of the decisions in these cases has been edited; some excerpts are quite brief, others are more substantial. Most "background" facts have been summarized by the author, but the edited-decision part of each case is quoted from the actual recorded text of the court or arbitrator who decided it. Clearly, a minute sample from tens of thousands of cases cannot provide comprehensive coverage of what all the world's legal rules are. Our objectives here are simply to indicate some of the major potential "flash points" of doing international business, to illustrate some of the significant differences in the applicable legal rules, and to provide an exposure to the language and process by which international business disputes are resolved. "Fore-warned is fore-armed." Being aware of these potential trouble spots, a sensible business manager will presumably consider them in making the decision to engage in cross-border transactions, and take appropriate steps to avoid or minimize potential adverse consequences.Chapter I of this book introduces International Law-its course of development and its two major sources (custom and treaties). Chapter II examines the use of national and international courts and arbitrators to resolve cross-border disputes. Chapter III provides basic coverage of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: when it applies, how the sale contract is formed, when risk of loss on the goods passes from Seller to Buyer, and what responsibilities the Seller has for the quality of the goods sold. Chapter IV looks at some of the legal questions that might arise in conducting cross-border commercial operations-employment issues, intellectual property issues, and investment issues. Chapter V considers potential questions regarding taxation of international activities, and the regulation of adverse environmental effects. Chapter VI reviews the efforts by national governments to apply their competition regulations to international business transactions, and the difficulties that private parties might have in attempting to enforce legal claims against governments and their agencies. While these are surely not the only legal issues that might arise in connection with international business, they do constitute a significant set of concerns of which managers need to be aware as they venture into the international "stream of commerce."

  • av Charlotte S Snead

    ABOUT THE BOOKNICK'S HEART (Book 2 of the In Your Arms series) is a story of inspiration: Nick Costas, having coped with and overcome his rough upbringing in abusive foster homes and on the streets of L.A., having undergone a spiritual transformation, and having become a loving and passionate father of a family of seven, continues to inspire those around him but with newfound struggles. Nick now struggles to accept and perfect his newfound fame as an author and a touring speaker while also trying to build a safe haven home for boys. And he struggles to balance these new gigs with his health and with the wants and needs of his ever-changing family.Join Nick on his journey of inspiration as he transitions from a successful music producer and a loving and spiritual father of a family of seven to an inspiration to those around him. Follow him as he inspires others through his speaking engagements and his love and passion for his wife Barb, his five children, and scripture. Follow him as he directly and indirectly guides his friends and his children through their own courtships, love lives, and marriages. And follow him as he works to build a Home for Boys as a place where struggling youths like he was can have the same opportunities for redemption and success that he experienced.If you enjoyed the stories of personal redemption, spiritual transformation, and loving couples, parents, and families contained in Book 1 of the In Your Arms series (Nick's Choice), then you will enjoy continuing to follow Nick as he uses those stories to inspire others in Book 2 of the series (Nick's Heart). The story of Nick Costas, as told in this book, is here to continue inspiring and guiding you in your own personal, parental, and family life.ABOUT THE AUTHORCHARLOTTE S. SNEAD holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Duke University and a Master of Social Work degree from the University of North Carolina. OakTara published her first three books: His Brother's Wife, in 2012, and Recovered and Free and Invisible Wounds, in 2014. Charlotte later received Jan-Carol Publishing's Believe and Achieve Award for her novel A Place to Live, the first of a scheduled five-book series. She also published her first children's book, Deano the Dino Goes to the Doctor, in 2018. In keeping with Charlotte's strong belief in and celebration of the joys of marriage, family, and writing, she maintains a blog (at, which has the tagline "Sacred Passion-It's God's Idea."

  • av Charlotte S Snead

    ABOUT THE BOOKNICK'S CHOICE (Book 1 of the In Your Arms series) is a story of redemption: As a teenage adult, Nick Costas struggles to cope with and overcome his rough upbringing in abusive foster homes and on the streets of South L.A. He senses there is a better life for him out there, but he is unsure what it is or how to obtain it. That is, until he falls into a rare opportunity working a soundboard for the Marine Band, which sets him off on a redemptive journey involving music, love, spirituality, and the perfect family he never knew could have existed.Join Nick on his journey of redemption as he transitions from a broken and confused teenage adult to a successful professional, a loving and spiritual father of a family of seven, and an inspiration to others. Follow him as he goes from working the soundboard for the Marine Band to becoming a successful music producer in Hollywood, Nashville, and West Virginia. Follow him as he goes from a twice-divorced, broken young man to a loving and passionate husband to a grieving widow, Barb, and a caring and guiding father to her three children and two of their own. And follow him as his and Barb's story of redemption, love, and spirituality begins to inspire others in their own lives and relationships.No matter your age or background, if you are interested in stories of personal redemption, spiritual transformation, or loving couples, parents, and families trying to figure it all out, then this is the book for you. The story of Nick Costas, as told in this book, is here to inspire and guide you in your own personal, parental, and family life.ABOUT THE AUTHORCHARLOTTE S. SNEAD holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Duke University and a Master of Social Work degree from the University of North Carolina. OakTara published her first three books: His Brother's Wife, in 2012, and Recovered and Free and Invisible Wounds, in 2014. Charlotte later received Jan-Carol Publishing's Believe and Achieve Award for her novel A Place to Live, the first of a scheduled five-book series. She also published her first children's book, Deano the Dino Goes to the Doctor, in 2018. In keeping with Charlotte's strong belief in and celebration of the joys of marriage, family, and writing, she maintains a blog (at, which has the tagline "Sacred Passion-It's God's Idea."

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