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  • - Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues
    av William Wynn Westcott

  • av Alfred Cort Haddon

  • - A Dissertation
    av Thomas & MB Bs Ffarcsmdchm Mbchb Frcs(ed) Facs Facg (Cern Switzerland) Taylor

  • - or The Physical Correlation of Religious Emotion and Sexual Desire
    av James Weir Jr

  • - A Historical Study of Sexual Contacts with Demons
    av Sinistrari of Ameno

    The Incubus and Succubus are the same creature. The incubus is its male shape, seducing women. The succubus or succuba visits men, causing nightly pollutions (wet dreams). The intercourse with these astral visitors was called demoniality.Contrary to other Latin literature of the genre - like the Malleus Malificarum - Sinistrari's study deals solely with the incubus-succubus subject. This results in a colourful collection of theories and cases regarding the half material / half astral forms of sexual activity with these demons. A special, and not by definition evil, class of demons, by the way, more akin to the fauns or satyrs of antiquity, according to some church fathers, and not impressed by holy objects, exorcisms or Jesus Christ.The present volume is a fascinating read for occultist, Wiccans, micro-historians, sexologists and those interested in folklore or parapsychology. This edition has a Post Scriptum with extra information about the incubus-succubus as a timeless phenomenon of the astral wildlife category, based on astral sightings by OOB-expert Robert Bruce.Incubi and Succubi or Demoniality is a revised edition of Sinistrari's 17th century study on the mysterious orgasm-stimulating sex demon. A hot topic, especially in the world of witchcraft, the Inquisition and the morals of the Catholic Church.VAMzzz Publishing turned this unique manuscript into a new, easy readable version adapted to 21th century standards. Read more about Sinistrari of Ameno in the Post Scriptum of Incubi and Succubi or Demoniality. Preview on

  • - After the Original Report of 1634

  • - A Study of Witches and their Relations with Demons
    av Jules Michelet

  • - A Ghost Hunter's Investigation
    av Elliot O'Donnell

  • - History of the Secret Doctrines & Mystic Rites of Ancient Religions & Medieval and Modern Secret Orders
    av Otto Henne Am Rhyn

  • - A study of West African Culture, Witchcraft, Magic & Demonology
    av Robert Hamill Nassau

    Spiritual Fetichism was originally published as Fetichism in West Africa in 1904. The book was written by Robert Hamill Nassau, an American Presbyterian missionary, within a Christian scope and prejudice concerning West African culture and spirituality, which were typical for the 19th and early 20th century. However, despite a nowadays anachronist and disturbing perspective, the book has remained most valuable for students of the occult, especially those interested in demonology, voodoo, hoodoo and its roots, African magick and religion, witchcraft, the classes of African spirits, and of course the spiritual and magickal use of a fetish. Particularly those students in magick who are interested in working with thought forms or familiars should pay attention to this book, as African Fetichism resides in the borderland between animism and nature spirit worship and the magickal animation of an object as it is taught by teachers as Franz Bardon and Raven Grimassi.VAMzzz Publishing republished this book, not because we share the view of the colonist and missionary, but apart from the historical backgrounds of voodoo, for the cheer preservation of valuable magickal root information, and because Africa is too often neglected and underrated in this context by the modern practitioner of magick.Read more about Nassau in the Post Scriptum of Spiritual Fetichism. Preview on

  • av Benjamin Adamah

    Een ongecensureerd inzicht in de geheimen van magie en de oorspronkelijke hekserij.Magie is een beladen term. Wat is magie eigenlijk? Werkt magie? Als het werkt, hoe werkt het dan? Wat is de echte geschiedenis en essentie van de Europese hekserij, zoals die bestond, nog voor de opkomst van de wicca in de 20e eeuw? MAGUS - Leer & Ritueel opent de toegangspoorten van twee overlappende werelden, die al duizenden jaren parallel aan de alledaagse werkelijkheid bestaan. Niches in onze realiteit, die gevreesd, veroordeeld en vooral niet begrepen werden. Zowel aan de gevorderde als beginnende geïnteresseerde in occulte historie, technieken en beginselen wordt in dit boek een bijzondere samenhang getoond. De echte redenen waarom de kerk en staat magie en vooral hekserij zo obsessief vervolgd en verboden hebben, krijgt daarbij een nieuwe dimensie. MAGUS is echter vooral praktisch geschreven. Veel methodes, zoals bijvoorbeeld voor astraal reizen en het zelf scheppen van een gedachtevorm of servitor (kunstmatige entiteit) kunnen meteen worden toegepast. Dit geldt ook voor de uitgebreid beschreven planeet-engelenmagie via petities, oosterse trainingtechnieken en meer. MAGUS is rijk geïllustreerd en bevat meer dan 90 rituele zegels (sigilli) van engelen, daemones en natuurgeesten.Indien begrepen, kan magie een effectief middel zijn om je leven te intensiveren, je vrijheid te vergroten en je eigen toekomst te scheppen. Het enige wat je er verder bij nodig hebt zijn wilskracht, tijd en discipline. Esotericus Benjamin Adamah (1964) schreef dit boek als insider, met meer dan 35 jaar ervaring.

  • - 950 astrologische betekenissen van Asteroiden, Centauren, Cubewano's, Damocleiden, Neptunus-resonanten, Plutino's, SDO's en Trojanen
    av Benjamin Adamah

  • - Jamaican stories of the Spider God
    av Martha Warren Beckwith

  • - A Fragment of Life / The White People / The Great God Pan / The Inmost Light
    av Arthur Machen

  • - Gospel of the Witches
    av Charles Godfrey Leland

  • av Moncure Daniel Conway

  • av Moncure Daniel Conway

  • - Rites and mysteries of serpent worship
    av Hargrave Jennings

  • - Phases of West India Witchcraft
    av Joseph J Williams

  • - Romance and Superstition of Various Countries
    av Thomas Keightley

    The Fairy world of the British Isles, Ireland, Southern and Eastern Europe The term "Fairy" covers all kinds of nature spirits and Elementals all over the world. Not just the tiny sugar sweet creatures hovering around flowers. Thomas Keightley collected an impressive amount of mostly European, and nowadays often "extinct" folklorist data on these invisible realm's inhabitants, and compiled these in Fairy Mythology (1870).In its revised edition, this massive work of over 800 pages, is republished in two volumes to meet modern reading standards. Volume 1 covers Scandinavia, Iceland, Feroer, the Orkneys, Shetland Islands, Rugen, Germany and Switserland.Volume 2 deals with Great Britain, the Scottish Highlands and Lowlands, England, Wales, the Isle of Man, Brittany, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, stories of the Finns and Slavonic people and some Jewish and African Fairy-lore. We encounter Fairies in many varieties, Pixies, Brownies, Leprechauns, Chancelings, the Boggard, Puck, the Phynodderee, Kobold, Urisk, Korrigen, the Korred, Tylwyth Teg and more. Just like volume 1, volume 2 displays a precious collection of ancient folklore directly based on the realm of the hidden Elemental nature.Preview of high quality layout on

  • - Romance and Superstition of Various Countries
    av Thomas Keightley

    The Fairy world of Northern Europe and GermanyThe term "Fairy" covers all kinds of nature spirits and Elementals all over the world. Not just the tiny sugar sweet creatures hovering around flowers. Thomas Keightley collected an impressive amount of mostly European, and nowadays often "extinct" folklorist data on these invisible realm's inhabitants, and compiled these in Fairy Mythology (1870).In its revised edition, this massive work of over 800 pages, is republished in two volumes to meet modern reading standards. In volume 1 the origins of the term Fairy are traced and oriental and medieval romance, Eddas and Sagas, are examined before we explore Fairy-species as Elle-maids, Trolls, Nisses, Elves, Dwarfs, Necks, Mermaids, Nixes, Heinzelmänchen, Watermen or Wassermänchen, Hödeken, Changeling, Wild women and Little people.An invaluable work of resource for those interested in old European folklore or nature magic. Preview of high quality layout on

  • av Guy Cadogan Rothery & Florence Mary Bennett

    The Amazons (1910) by Guy Cadogan Rothery (1863-1940) and Religious Cults Associated with the Amazons (1912) by Prof. Florence Mary Bennett (1880-1954) are still two of the very few books ever published on these legendary female warriors. The world of the Amazons lies scattered between legend and historical fact. Greek writings give many details about the geography, history and anthropology of the Amazon nation and the Athenians in particular were most insistent about the historical reality of a nation consisting only of women warriors.The Amazons, whether legendary or real, were not confined to the Balkan-Black Sea regions bordering to ancient Greece. As Guy Cadogan Rothery points out, they were known on four different continents. Florence Mary Bennett examines the traditional Amazons, as mentioned in Greek sources, and relates them to several goddess cults of ancient Greece and Asia Minor. Among them the cult of the Great Mother, the Ephesian Artemis, Artemis Astrateia and Aphrodite, in later mythology a love goddess, but originally a war goddess. Bennet deals with historical facts in an outstanding piece of scholarly research, unveiling not just many historical data about this ancient warrior tribe, but also providing surprising insights into the image evolution of Greek Gods, the double axe symbol and more. This two volumes in one issue by VAMzzz Publishing offers a unique insight in the unknown world of the Amazon from an interesting choice of perspectives. Preview of high quality layout on

  • - A mythological investigation
    av Robert & Jr. Brown

  • - or The Question of Lucifer
    av Arthur Edward Waite

  • av Joris-Karl Huysmans

  • - A First Century AD Grimoire

  • - A study of primitive elements in Roman religion
    av Eli Edward Burriss

    In Ancient Rome Mana was the term used for a mysterious force, which could be helpful or harmful. When harmful it was called Taboo. Just like the Chinese Qi, Mana could empower both the positive and the negative.Taboo, Magic, Spirits: a Study of Primitive Elements in Roman Religion offers a still unique insight into the magical elements, beliefs, methods and rites of Rome in ancient days. Mana and Taboo play an important role, but the author also deals with the worship of stones, trees, groves, water and fire, with magical incantations, the removal of evil by washing, burning or dancing, with taboos on sex, blood, corpses, women, certain days, and much more.Eli Edward Burriss was an Associate-Professor of Classics at the New York University. No researcher before Burriss made an attempt to gather from the ancient sources those elements in the Roman State religion, and in the popular religious life of the Roman people, which are commonly termed "primitive". His efforts have resulted in a fascinating work of micro-history, which will be appreciated by both the academic student and those interested in paganism, Wicca and magic. Preview of high quality layout on

  • - Its Origin and Development
    av Francois Lenormant

  • av Charles Godfrey Leland

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