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  • av Dale Mayer

    Having precog abilities didn't guarantee having answers, but it did mean Walker knew when trouble was in a specific area. In this case it was Finland and involved someone associated with Levi and a friend to Walker. So he wants in on this job - even if Levi doesn't have a job there. Yet. However, a quick phone call to Terk confirms Walker's suspicions. And he's already on the move.Ashley's life should have eased up with her move to Finland, but that same wariness creeping back in her life made her feel hunted once again. A strong healer, she helped those who showed up on her doorstep, telling them that she believed the healing energy brought them to her.However, she'd long ago learned that not everyone who showed up at her house wanted the best for her. So, when Walker shows up, she's not sure what to believe, but it's quickly all too clear that her life is in danger.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Conall is more than happy to head out after a War Dog has gone missing, leaving a wheelchair-bound military war veteran lost and alone. Yet what seems like a simple job takes an unsavory turn, when Conall comes face-to-face with darker undertones in that town.Bethany always wanted to have her own veterinary clinic, and she's been doing a decent job of it, until so much of the town died that she finds it hard to get and to keep decent staff. Her temporary help suddenly embroils her clinic in a mess involving a missing War Dog, and then Bethany uncovers what else this young lady is involved in. None of it's good.Conall refuses to back down or to walk away from the sudden hell Bethany's life has become. No telling how ugly this can get ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Mountain hit the Arctic, knowing full well they would have to drag his dead body back out of the tundra before he ever quit on his little brother, Teegan. Theirs hadn't been the easiest of upbringings, but, when times had been tough, there'd always been the two of them.Yet the series of events so far has gone from mysterious to downright deadly, and just what is the elusive Dr. Amelia's part in all this anyway? Like a ghost, she slips in and around everyone. What is her problem with the base, and, more important, what is her end game?Dr. Amelia Morrison had seen too much in her life to trust anything she can't fathom with her own eyes. So, what she sees here makes no sense. Something is rotten at the Arctic international military training camp. She needs to stay close, but, deep inside, she just wants to run for cover. But this mountain of a man keeps her coming back, and his younger brother she manages to keep alive. However, saving a man out in these harsh elements is a completely different story than saving him from his fellow man.​​​​​​​Together, Mountain and Amelia need to solve this nightmare, before no one else is left alive ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Battered and bruised, Teegan wakes up in the training camp struggling to remember the details of his last few weeks. But along with not knowing what happened to him, he also doesn't recognize the woman caring for him back in the camp. According to this Sandrine, he'd once asked her to marry him. Yet, he has no idea who she is...He didn't remember much about what happened, nor did he remember the woman looking after him. Sandrine that is. That information rolls through his confused brain along with the other disjointed bits of information he can't place, leaving him distrustful of everyone around him.Sandrine can't believe the injured sick man in front of her is Teegan. They had a history together but she'd not in any way thought she'd see him like this. He'd always been so fit and strong. All she wants is to get him back on his feet and be the man she used to know. But someone isn't done with him yet...Teegan knows his brother is doing everything possible to solve these mysteries and to make sure no one gets a second chance to hurt him. But sometimes betrayal doesn't come from the outside... sometimes it comes from the inside... inside... and not outside...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Delta is always eager to help animals in need, especially when the request comes from Kat and Badger. Learning the animal is a retired K9 dog, now serving as a comfort animal for other injured dogs, Delta's determination only increases. However, arriving in town, Delta's contact has now vanished, and Delta discovers the War Dog is missing as well. Although Delta had looked forward to dinner with the woman he'd spoken to frequently on the phone, he now finds himself entangled in a disconcerting theory that extends beyond just one War Dog.Rebecca has always had a soft spot for animals, and retired War Dog Gracie has effortlessly found a place in her heart. However, Rebecca's attempts to adopt her from the center are consistently thwarted. As Rebecca seeks a solution, she stumbles upon something far more sinister, and soon realizes she is out of her depth.All she can do is hope that Delta comes through for both her and Gracie ... before it is too late.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Welcome to Hathaway House. Rehab Center. Safe Haven. Second chance at life and love.Victor found it hard to stay upbeat when faced with a life of pain and a body that seemed more broken than whole. Adding to his depression is that his injuries were deliberately caused by "friendly fire" during a joint training session. It was hard to feel his way through the fog, until one of his therapy sessions brought up the concept of finding joy in his life.As a pastry chef, Dawn loves to play with food. It makes her happy to see others smile. Only in Victor's case the smiles were far between and too few to count. She made it her mission to find little ways to make him smile-only to realize that she was far too attached, considering he'd be leaving soon.Can he find a way forward, without leaving her behind?

  • av Dale Mayer

    Langdon hasn't been in a good place for a long time, but it was time enough to chase away the woman he'd loved since forever. Unable to reach her to make it right, he realizes she's disappeared-and not by choice. He then finds out why Molly was kidnapped and by whom.Molly would do just about anything for Langdon, yet being used as leverage to force him to act wasn't part of the plan. But escaping would take more than her special energy skills, abilities her captors are unaware of. She needs to keep it that way.Now if only she could open the psychic door she'd slammed shut between her and Langdon to let him know what was happening-before he was forced to do something that could kill them both ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Tout le monde a un secret bien gardé, mais Chase en a plusieurs. Son passé s'apprête à éclater au grand jour quand le terrible cauchemar qu'il a longtemps essayé de tenir à distance reprend vie.Chargée de douloureux souvenirs qui la marqueront à jamais, Vanessa s'est jurée de toujours aller de l'avant sans rien regretter. Mais quand elle se retrouve mêlée aux turpitudes de Chase, ses problèmes s'imposent à elle.Pour s'assurer un présent serein, tous deux vont devoir affronter leurs passés... sous peine d'être privés d'avenir.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Dr. Cresswell Simmons, a dream worker, is passionate about traumatized psychics and works in a psychiatric hospital to find those she can help. Six months ago, she barely survived a traumatic experience with a patient. Now on the cusp of returning to work and dreading every minute of it, she's been asked to step back in, and she desperately wants to say no, but a twelve-year-old boy's life is at stake.Gray Burnett had worked on the original case, watching the devastation that had hurt Cressy. When asked to help her retrieve the information they need, he agrees-but more to protect her and the little boy than following orders. When her return to work is less than joyful, he wonders at the undercurrents in the hospital, as jealousy, admin disputes, even Board of Director members dominate the investigation and not in a good way.Cressy is used to a world that doesn't understand her work, but she needs Gray to open up and to see what's going on around them. It's the only way they will survive, as the case takes a bizarre turn that shocks even her ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Rhys ne pensait pas que son séjour à Cottage Grove dans l'Oregon débuterait avec une maison criblée de balles. La situation restait gérable tant qu'il ne s'agissait que de ça - une fusillade d'une voiture que les flics auraient dû prendre en chasse. Mais dans son monde, rien n'est facile. Et dès le départ, cette histoire avait mal tourné...Taylor, une vétérinaire de l'armée, luttait de son côté pour retrouver une vie normale après les blessures dues à un tir ami en Irak. L'idée de s'occuper d'un chien de guerre lui plaisait, l'animal lui offrirait un lien auquel ils pourraient tous les deux s'identifier, mais, afin de pouvoir garder Tallahassee, elle devait d'abord passer une sorte d'entretien. Un entretien avec une personne munie d'une prothèse, tout comme elle. Seulement, il s'avérait posséder bien plus d'aptitudes qu'elle.Et pourtant, cela devint le dernier de ses soucis lorsque les choses commencèrent à empirer et qu'elle réalisa que ces attaques étaient vraiment personnelles... et très proches de chez elle...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Du luxe à la misère... Les c¿urs commencent à guérir... Les amitiés commencent à éclore... mais pas pour tout le monde !Doreen sait que sa relation avec le capitaine de la police s'est toujours trouvée sur un terrain glissant. Elle les a aidés à résoudre des enquêtes, mais a quadruplé leur boulot et se met constamment en travers de leur chemin. Alors, personne n'est plus surpris que Doreen quand le capitaine passe par là et lui demande une faveur personnelle, concernant une affaire non résolue de sa propre enfance.Tandis qu'il se rétablit lentement de sa blessure, le caporal Mack Moreau apprend que le capitaine s'est arrêté à la maison de Doreen pour lui demander un peu de son temps. Curieux, Mack est d'autant plus stupéfait d'apprendre les détails de cette visite. Il veut aider, mais une histoire vieille de quarante ans ne laisse pas grand-chose derrière elle permettant de commencer une enquête.Doreen a conscience qu'échouer à élucider une affaire doit arriver parfois... Mais elle va beaucoup ¿uvrer pour que ça ne soit pas le cas cette fois-ci, pas alors que le capitaine a personnellement requis son aide. Par conséquent, accompagnée de ses bestioles, Doreen file en courant... en laissant Mack l'observer - et s'inquiéter - dans son sillage.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Riches to rags. ... Some things stay buried. ... Some things don't, ... and it's chaos once again!Spending time with Mack is always fun, but, when Doreen overhears a conversation that sounds like a murder confession, he disagrees, ... until a body shows up. Then he's suddenly a whole lot more interested. The deceased young man had planned to attend the local college and had hoped to rekindle a relationship with an ex-girlfriend.Corporal Mack Moreau knows he can keep Doreen out of this current case, but, when the young man's grandmother calls and says it could be related to the unexplained disappearance of the young man's parents, ... then all bets are off. Doreen and her entourage are smack in the middle again.When the case suddenly ties to her neighbor, Richard, it comes home in a big way.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Nikolai had been at the camp almost since the beginning. His friend had been one of the first to go missing. Although he'd had more specialist arctic training than anyone else in the camp, something had still gone wrong. He can't understand what could have happened and as they slowly find out more bits and pieces, he realizes the hidden connection his friend had withheld from him all these years...Emily wasn't going to say no to Mason, but his request wasn't along her normal line of duties. Still given the circumstances, she could understand him asking. Although answers were a little thin on the ground particularly when another body shows and shocks them all.When is enough enough? What does the person behind this mess want? What is his end game? With Nikolai at her side, they need to find out... before someone decides that Nikolai knows more than he's telling...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Welcome to Hathaway House. Rehab Center. Safe Haven. Second chance at life and love.It was Aaron who convinced Percy to take a chance on Hathaway House. Yet, when he arrives, Aaron is back at school, and Percy's alone after all. The place is everything Aaron said it was, but the trip getting here set his progress back, from slow to nonexistent.Giada has worked at the center for several years and always went home happily to her brother at the end of the day. Only now her brother is engaged and planning to marry in six months. Change is happening, whether she likes it or not. And, in this case, it brings up a lot of turbulence in the family dynamic. Dani offers Giada a place of her own here at Hathaway's staff quarters, but the path forward is not so easy. Thankfully Percy is there as both a comfort and a friend.Now if only he could find the progress he's looking for, and she could find the new beginning of her own ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Haunted by a painful and unimaginable past, Bojan sought refuge in his work to keep the memories-and Lacy-at bay. But, when she raises the alarm over Bullard's family, Bojan is forced to step into fray. Bullard is particularly wary of these "special" skills, except for those of Terk's team. Plus ignoring the offer of these skills can be dangerous-especially when a threat involves his family.Lacy is helping the heavily pregnant Leia in the medical clinic, yet can't ignore the danger she sees. But triggering an alarm requires Terk's special brand of help, who then tags Bojan to step up and to handle it. Lacy had no idea Bojan would return to her in the near future. Maybe in some distant future? So finding him in the kitchen one morning is unexpected. Still, now is the time for assistance. She just doesn't know what help Bojan can offer. Or is prepared to offer ...Particularly as things go from bad to worse.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Même avec le temps, on n'oublie jamais... Après des mois de convalescence, Merk enchaîne les missions, ravi de retrouver sa vie active. Mais quand son ex-femme lui envoie un appel au secours paniqué, il s'empresse de la rejoindre... pour la voir se faire enlever juste sous son nez. Katina n'a qu'une personne en tête quand les ennuis lui tombent dessus. Merk. Cela fait dix ans qu'ils ne se sont pas parlé, mais le temps n'a rien changé. L'attirance entre Merk et elle est aussi vive et puissante qu'à l'époque. Et même plus. Mais avec sa vie en jeu, elle ne peut pas se concentrer sur lui... sans parvenir à le chasser de ses pensées. Elle a quelque chose que certains veulent, et ils ne reculeront devant rien pour l'obtenir. Quitte à se montrer cruels. Quitte à être monstrueux. Quitte à tuer des gens.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Stone a enfin repris sa vie en main après une longue et lente convalescence. Travaillant désormais dans la nouvelle société de Levi, Legendary Securities, il accepte sa première véritable mission, en ne s'attendant pas à ce que le sauvetage de la fille d'un sénateur enlevée au Moyen-Orient implique autant d'action. Lissa est prête à tout pour contrecarrer les plans infâmes de son père à son égard. La dernière chose à laquelle elle s'attendait était d'être kidnappée. Elle est secourue par Stone et leur rencontre la bouleverse à tel point qu'elle tombe amoureuse de lui. Même lorsqu'il la ramène saine et sauve aux États-Unis, il semble qu'elle n'ait droit à aucun répit, car le cauchemar la suit jusque chez elle en la prenant au piège de la pire des manières. Cette bataille exigera tout ce que Stone et Lissa ont à offrir. Même s'ils travaillent ensemble pour blanchir son nom et qu'il est prêt à tout pour la garder en sécurité, un funeste présage se profile à l'horizon... Inscrivez-vous ici pour être informés de toutes les nouvelles parutions de Dale !

  • av Dale Mayer

    Retourner à Ashland, dans le Kentucky, où vit la famille de son ex-femme, ne fait absolument pas partie des plans de Jenner. Toutefois, étant donné qu'un chien de guerre est potentiellement en danger, il accepte de se confronter à son passé. Arrivant dans une petite auberge, il rencontre une femme plus intéressante que toutes les personnes qu'il croise depuis quelque temps. Si sa mission consistant à retrouver un chien disparu semble être hasardeuse, il apprend ensuite l'existence du fils des voisins et de sa meute de chiens terrorisant Kellie...Kellie aime son auberge autant qu'elle aime rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, surtout qu'elle ne partage pas de bonnes relations avec les gens du coin, qui l'ont sévèrement jugée pour une erreur passée. Déterminée à profiter de la vie quoiqu'il en coûte, elle essaie d'aller de l'avant, mais découvre qu'il est difficile de laisser son passé derrière elle. Et puis, il y a son voisin...Avec Jenner, Kellie se sent beaucoup plus en sécurité et espère qu'il existe encore de bonnes personnes dans ce monde. Pourtant, avant qu'ils puissent réellement aller de l'avant, le problème du chien doit être réglé... tout comme celui du voisin, qui a quelqu'un en tête. Inscrivez-vous ici pour être informés de toutes les nouveautés de Dale !

  • av Dale Mayer

    Du luxe à la misère... Les balles commencent à voler... La rage monte... surtout chez certains !Lorsque la virée vers Rosemoor pour passer une soirée à faire la fête tourne au drame, la vie de Doreen bascule. Elle ne peut que regarder avec horreur Mack se faire tirer dessus sous ses yeux. Épouvantée, elle se jure de résoudre cette affaire, et vite, avant que le tireur ne réalise qu'il a échoué et ne revienne pour un deuxième essai.Le caporal Mack Moreau s'est déjà fait tirer dessus, mais cette fois, c'est bien pire, car Doreen a assisté à la scène. À présent, elle a l'intention de coincer le tireur avant même que Mack ne commence à guérir. Ce n'est pas une bonne idée. Elle n'a pas encore envisagé que le tireur n'en avait pas après Mack, et qu'il voulait peut-être lui tirer dessus. Après tout, elle s'est créé un réseau de connaissances suite aux nombreuses affaires dans lesquelles elle a été impliquée. Combien d'entre eux veulent la tuer ?Mais Doreen ne se laisse pas décourager et, avec sa fidèle équipe à ses côtés, elle est déterminée à protéger Mack en retrouvant le tireur avant qu'il ne recommence.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Welcome to Hathaway House. Rehab Center. Safe Haven. Second chance at life and love.Urban's arrival at Hathaway House was as painful and as unexpected as possible. He'd been placed here with Lance's help, after Urban suddenly lost his spot in his current center. Still scarred and injured, Urban should be happy to have what help he could, but, for the first time, he realizes that he wants to be more than as good as he can be-for someone very special at Hathaway House. Too bad his scars are so ugly ...Bettina felt her heartstrings tugged by Urban's struggle to sit, to work, to make something of his life. He is such a mix of personalities that he continually surprises her by his overall good humor. However, he struggles to be with others because of his facial scars.She refuses to accept that. He needs to see how wonderful he is, regardless of the war wounds he is left with. Now to get him to believe it ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Staying in town suited Bauer. Dealing with Kat and Badger's matchmaker? Not so much. But, when a mutual friend calls to say an injured War Dog was dropped off at her clinic-only to then be stolen during the night after she completed surgery to fix his injured stump-well, Bauer is all over it.Mags always liked Bauer, but she kept her personal relationships short and sweet. After all, commitments were too often broken and the resultant pain horrific. However, Bauer refuses to leave her in trouble and is here for her every step of the way; plus they share the love of animals. How can she ignore all that? Plus he is a hell of a package. But is she willing to take a chance on being hurt again?The escalating danger-surrounding Toby, her injured War Dog-catches Mags and Bauer in a web of risk that can only end one way ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    The last thing Whalen expected when he was called in to investigate the strange events at the arctic training camp was to find his old girlfriend, Chrissy. And as the first meeting showed, she was still angry at him. Not exactly the type of under cover existence he'd been hoping for.Chrissy joined the military because of Whalen. Not to chase after him but to understand why he did what he did - or more to the point why he'd chosen this life over her. Now older and wiser, but still as in love with him as ever, she finds herself in the kitchen of the camp from hell. She only wants to finish her tour and head back home to open a bakery with her best friend.Too bad some one at the camp has other ideas. And it's going to take everything the two of them can do to keep both of them safe... Even as others show up dead.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Découvrez La Légende de Levi, le premier tome de la série Héros à louer que les fans attendaient avec impatience. Dale Mayer, auteure de best-sellers au classement de USA Today, vous propose de retrouver les hommes inoubliables de la série Légion d'honneur dans une nouvelle collection de romances pleines d'action, de suspense et de rebondissements. ¿¿Rien n'est immuable... Depuis son accident, Levi est bien déterminé à retrouver les hommes qui l'ont trahi. Tout le reste n'est que secondaire pour lui. Aujourd'hui, il est guéri, a créé sa propre société et a retrouvé la trace du dernier homme qui figurait sur sa liste. Mais il découvre que ce même homme a l'intention de finir le travail qu'il a commencé et de le tuer une bonne fois pour toutes. Ice a soutenu Levi à chaque étape de son nouveau voyage, ou presque. Les moments où elle n'était pas présente à ses côtés ont été difficiles à vivre pour elle. Sa relation avec lui a atteint un stade critique. Si elle prononce un mot de travers, ses espoirs et ses rêves s'envoleront, même s'ils ont presque tous disparu désormais. Mais elle ne pourra pas mettre de l'ordre dans sa vie amoureuse tant que l'homme qui a fait basculer leur monde ne sera pas mis hors d'état de nuire. Seulement, il compte lui aussi passer à l'attaque, et sa cible se trouve en plein c¿ur de tout ce qui est important pour elle et pour Levi. ¿Ils devront agir vite pour arrêter l'homme qui veut leur mort à tous les deux, sinon ils n'auront plus d'avenir du tout...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Magnus arrives in the Artic for severe-weather training, overseen by an international joint task force, but run by military brass. With multiple countries involved and multiple divisions of the military, it's a wide-open mix of potential trouble. And trouble is what he's here to find. Not to create. However, after meeting the one and only doctor on-site, a female member of the British team, Magnus knows that she needs his help to keep her safe. Yet she can't be his main interest, not when something is seriously wrong at the compound. Too bad his heart wasn't listening ...Dr. Sydney Jenkins had been a last-minute replacement for the doctor scheduled to be here. She'd been delighted for the new experience, until she arrived to find all hell breaking loose. Men missing, accidents that shouldn't be happening, and her medical clinic being targeted. Not sure who to trust, she's inclined to accept Magnus's protective presence, but ... she'd been wrong before.Making a mistake under these conditions would be fatal-for both of them ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Some cases stay with you longer than others. This is one of them for Detective Kate Morgan. That poor child was the worst part. Plus it's one thing to desecrate a church, but it's quite another to commit murder in one-particularly in this manner. Confused, but knowing she must understand the psychology of this killer before she can understand where his next killing ground will take place, Kate buries herself in the case.Simon is trying to be there to support Kate, but his own world shifts when he's asked to step in to analyze issues in a poker buddy's company, only to have the guy commit suicide soon afterward. Or did he? Between his buddy's issues and the horrific nightmares Simon's dealing with-surrounding Kate and her latest investigation-Simon's life is slowing unravelling too.Finding the killer is paramount. ... Finding him before he annihilates another family? Well, that's a much harder job. Kate has no choice. ... She must stop him before he kills yet again ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Kyron s'est juré de ne plus travailler avec les chiens. Mais lorsque Badger lui demande de rentrer à Aspen et de retrouver un Chien de Guerre disparu, amputé de sa cuisse gauche, comme lui, Kyron ne peut refuser. Même si cela signifie qu'il doit revoir son frère et sa femme. Non pas qu'il a quoi que ce soit contre eux. Simplement, Kyron ne supporte pas ses parents. Pour Kyron, retrouver le chien semble être la partie la plus aisée de son retour à Aspen, jusqu'à ce qu'il se rende compte que c'est un refuge dirigé par une femme fascinante qui a repéré l'animal disparu. Seulement, il n'est pas seul...Miranda consacre tout son temps à assurer la sécurité de ses animaux. Avec deux emplois, elle parvient à les nourrir et à les loger, mais pas beaucoup plus. Comme son voisin exécrable ne cesse de se plaindre d'elle, elle a envisagé de déménager, mais cela lui coûterait trop cher. Elle a aperçu un chien à trois pattes qui traînait dans le périmètre à l'arrière de sa propriété et l'a nourri. Elle sait pertinemment qu'il ressemble à celui que le voisin a ramené chez lui, jusqu'à ce qu'il s'enfuie.Elle n'a pas l'intention d'informer son voisin ou qui que ce soit d'autre de l'existence de l'animal, espérant l'attirer sur sa propriété, où elle pourrait s'en occuper correctement. Mais Kyron a débarqué, à la recherche de l'animal, et les choses ont dégénéré...

  • av Dale Mayer

    At Levi's request, Dante, with misgivings, returns to the one place he swore he never would come back to-Billings, Montana. The place where he lost his wife and daughter many years ago. If returning gives him a sense of peace or at least a way to reconcile what happened so he can move on, then fine. As it is, he finds more surprises in that department than he expected.Laura needed a job. She had rent to pay and a teenager to feed. After being summarily ejected from her government-sensitive position, she was forced into teaching. But, when she sees something beyond odd in the high school website code, she knows someone has found her. Even worse, it's likely to be the same person who messed up her life the last time.Maybe Dante can help her out, but it seems like he has bigger problems than she has, ... until her world flips completely out of control, and she needs him more than ever.

  • av Dale Mayer

    When Legend sees his political war-mongering father heading in a direction Legend can't agree with, he walks, but walking away from his little brother, Larry, can't happen. He is special in so many ways-even Clary, who has helped him many times, agrees. When intel of a government uprising is confirmed, Legend swoops in to remove Larry from the danger zone. It's not like Legend can leave behind his brother's tutor either ...Blair has been looking after Larry for years and had expected her position to continue for much longer, but, when Legend races in, barking orders to leave, her calm future is in sudden jeopardy. Nothing is easy or calm about Legend when he's around her.As the coup fails, Legend's simple escape plan deteriorates quickly, and Larry's existence is suddenly a prize for cohorts, who haven't been paid and who are looking for a quick escape route too. Not that Blair would let anyone hurt her charge-even if it means dealing with and cooperating with the very irritating Legend.

  • av Maya

    Mason adore son quotidien avec Tesla, mais leur vie commune n'est que la partie émergée de l'iceberg qu'il a envie d'escalader avec cette femme pour qui il serait prêt à mourir. Il veut absolument tout avec elle, maintenant et éternellement.Mais l'éternité arrive bien trop vite quand la demande en mariage de Mason à Noël est reportée à cause de l'agression subie par Tesla à leur domicile. Un ennemi qui ose s'en prendre à l'amoureuse de Mason est un ennemi qui va passer un très mauvais réveillon... et pire encore.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Riches to rags. ... Old cases never die. ... Love spans decades, ... even if unrequited!With her estranged husband still pestering her, Doreen is looking for a new case to keep her interest and to help her dodge Mack and his brother's scoldings. So she decides to delve deeper into the Bob Small case, especially since it pertains to Nan's now-deceased friend.Only to have the case suddenly connect to a current friend and Rosemoor resident. When this woman's sister ends up murdered, and there's a connection to Bob Small, Doreen and her animals are off on the trail, ... much to Corporal Mack Moreau's disgust.Anything to do with Bob Small is big. He was linked to dozens of unsolved murder cases, and no way will Doreen do anything private on this case. However, even she isn't prepared for the ending that suddenly shows up-with gun in hand and a story for the ages ...

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