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  • av Dale Mayer

    Welcome to Hathaway House. Rehab Center. Safe Haven. Second chance at life and love.Quinton had been a patient at Hathaway House in its first year. When she finally healed enough to move on with her life, she went into law and plowed forward. However, plowing forward may not have been the best answer for her physical injuries. While visiting Stan at the center, she collapses on her way to her brother's room, as he's a patient here now. The collapse shows a long-term issue, now an acute problem. After talking to Dani and Shane, Quinton's booked back into the center on a short-term basis.Stan hurts for Quinton. She's an old friend, and he's watched her progress from his first year in business at Hathaway. He'd always had a crush on her but figured his window of opportunity had passed. Now with her once again as a patient, it feels like a second chance for a personal relationship, one he's more than willing to take.Between her brother-who's not getting along at the center-and Quinton's own struggles to get back on her feet, thankfully she also has Stan and other old friends around, as Quinton takes the steps necessary to put her life back on track ... in all ways.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Aiden has high hopes for his own mission, but Las Vegas and a woman accused of killing her own husband wasn't it. Then he finds out it's a special request from a man he's long respected and that the woman in question was his cousin. Even more confusing is the series of other murders that, according to the local law enforcement, are linked to her as well.Toby's life has been one long nightmare, and, just when a light shines in to save her, and she hopes she will survive this after all, the cops decide she's the one who murdered her husband. Hardly ... but, if she'd had the guts and the lack of concern for spending the rest of her life in jail for getting justice, then she'd have done it.But, as it was, if they can't figure out who and what is going on, she'll be spending her life in prison regardless. And that would be a shame, considering she'd just met Aiden, one of the most interesting men to cross her path. Now if only he'd been here years ago, before her world went off the rails ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    In advance of another major attack, Terk races to Levi's compound in Texas, where Terk finally gets to meet Celia, the woman carrying his child. Thankfully he arrives in time to protect his friends and new family from another attack, but he's determined to get to the end of this nightmare that tried to earlier destroy his team.Finally meeting this stranger-whose child Celia may be carrying-how could she not be suspicious? But after meeting Terk, she believes he had nothing to do with her pregnancy. Only after some deep conversations, as they peel layer from layer, do possible answers surface.When the pieces finally come together into the most probably theory, Terk realizes how simple this whole mess really is. But solving it? ... That's a whole different story.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Hearts start to heal. ... Friendships start to grow, ... just not for everyone!Doreen knows her relationship with the police captain has always been on thin ground. She has helped them solve a lot of cases, but she's quadrupled their work and constantly gets in their way. So no one is more surprised than Doreen when the captain stops by and asks for a personal favor, concerning a cold case from his own childhood.Slowly recovering from his injury, Corporal Mack Moreau learns that the captain has stopped by Doreen's house, asking for a moment of her time. Curious, Mack's even more stunned to hear the details about his captain's visit. Mack wants to help, but investigating a case from forty years ago doesn't leave much behind to go on.Doreen knows that failing to solve a case has to happen sometime. But she'd do a lot to not have that happen here, not when the captain had personally asked for her help. So, with her critters in tow, Doreen is off and running, ... leaving Mack watching-and worrying-in her wake.

  • av Dale Mayer

  • av Dale Mayer

    Some cases are clear-cut and make sense, and then there's this one. Two women, avid joggers, out for a hard Stanley Park Fun Run. Both dead. Both at the same time. Both on the popular park trail. rail running up and down hills dodging rocks and trees is rough, sometimes deadly. But this killer has a unique method for taking out his victims-one that doesn't leave any forensic evidence. Detective Kate Morgan focuses on the victims, ... until two more are killed.Awakening in the night with horrible nightmares, Simon St. Laurant curses his life and hates having ever traveled down this strange pathway, particularly when the visions come out of nowhere. This case, though, involves a much more personal element that terrifies him.As Kate gets closer to finding out the truth, she finds herself following the path to becoming the next victim.

  • av Dale Mayer

    The journey back to consciousness hadn't been fast or easy but, once awake, with weird images and voices in his head, Brody is all about getting back to the team and into the action. His senses are dulled, but, even then, he's strong enough to know he has to leave the building where he's been recuperating from the initial team accident. Not knowing any of the details doesn't help, but it does mean trust is now the issue.Clary came on board to help when Brody was lost on the ethers-and to help her sister, Cara, who had taken on more than she could handle with Rick's care. And even though Clary had been forewarned as to how this type of connection could work, Clary didn't expect it to work with her and her patient, Brody.Having a healing pathway was one thing; ... having a connection where you could hear thoughts, feel the same emotions, was quite another. And seeing how Brody fights to surmount the attacks on the team he loves so well only shows her how much more is possible-but not the event where she must test out her theory, ... unless it's to protect those she cares about.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Rhys hadn't expected a trip to Cottage Grove, Oregon to start with a house being shot up. If it had stopped there it would have been manageable. A drive by shooting that the cops should be able to chase down. But nothing was easy in his world. And this case went to hell right from the beginning...Taylor, an army vet herself was struggling to regain a normal life after she was injured in an accident while serving. Taking on a war dog appealed as it gave her a connection that they could both relate too, but she had to pass some kind of interview before she could keep Tallahassee. An interview with someone with a prosthetic just like hers. Only he was far more capable than she was.Still that was the least of her worries as things go from bad to worse, and she realizes these attacks were very personal... and very close to home...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Everyone has the right to make a mistake, ... but the one Naira made isn't one Scott can forgive. He wakes from a coma, sure that the ex-love of his life had been at his side, but finds no sign of her. When he does see her, he can't get past a long-ago decision she'd made that tore them apart.Naira had hoped that Scott would protest her decision way back when, but he didn't say anything to stop her. Heartbroken, she went ahead with the business marriage to appease her father, which ends in divorce. When Terk called, she came running to Scott's bedside, even knowing he'd hate to see her when he woke up. But she has always loved him and can only hope he might find his way back to her.But finding his way back to the team is on his mind, with Naira second. Except that the operatives who took down his team initially are coming around and trying to pick off everyone left alive-and all the people they hold dear, ... like Naira.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Riches to rags. ... Bullets start flying. ... Rage is rising, ... especially for some!When the journey to Rosemoor for a celebratory evening turns deadly, Doreen's life is flipped on her head. She can only watch in horror as Mack is shot right in front of her. Horrified, she vows to solve this case and fast, before the shooter realizes he failed and comes back for a second attempt.Corporal Mack Moreau has been shot before, but this time it's way worse because Doreen watched it all happen. Now she's planning to catch the shooter before Mack even starts to heal. That's not a good idea. She's yet to consider that maybe the shooter wasn't after Mack but really wanted to shoot her. After all, the cases she's been involved in have created a whole new level of acquaintances in her life. How many of them are gunning for her?But Doreen is not deterred, and, with her trusty team at her side, she's determined to keep Mack safe by finding his shooter before he tries again.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Carson is pleasantly surprised by the job Levi assigns him, until Carson hears all the details. An elderly friend of Ice's believes someone is out to kill her. But she has no proof, no suspects, no motives. The police think she's imagining things and won't look into the case any further. However, after meeting this lady ... and her granddaughter, Carson has his own suspicions.Eva doesn't want Carson in the house. She doesn't want anyone in the house, if she were honest. As an artist, she loves her space, her freedom, and especially her privacy. This man is a distraction and soon could become so much more-her muse. And that is dangerous on various levels.But, if his presence saves her grandmother, then Eva will do anything to keep her safe even put up with the man that makes her feel things she had never expected.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Stubborn was something Rick had been called a lot. Independent. A loner. All true but, once a powerful healer connects to bring him back from the brink of death, Rick is in danger of losing that control and that privacy he so values.Cara understands Rick's need to be alone, but it's not possible any longer, and that isn't something she's ready to tell him. That and the value of the connection they now share is something he has to find out for himself.And the sooner, the better, as the attacks on the team continue, their temporary headquarters under surveillance, and their much-vaunted skills nowhere in sight ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    Hiding out in the French Quarter of New Orleans only made sense for someone like Skylar Livingston. Owning a voodoo shop was just an added touch for fun. It also helped with her cover, plus gave space to the multitude of ghosts in her family. And her shop was close to the cemeteries, ... a very necessary part of her ... hobby.Gage Hawkins was tracking his uncle's last movements before his disappearance hunting a special set of tarot cards which led to Skylar's shop, Talking Bones. After a bad head injury that brought weird sights into his view, Gage could see this Talking Bones place and Skylar were special. He could only hope she had answers because he had a lot of questions ...Skylar preferred the dead to the living most times, but Gage had her reconsidering. Until she realizes something is wrong in his world, and it's quickly overtaking hers.When Gage's uncle turns up dead, more than the undead are in Skylar's world. ... A killer is too ...

  • av Dale Mayer

    This is a collection of 3 books in the Family Blood Ties series. These books are:Vampire in DeceitHurt and hurting, Tessa wages war against her own as she tries to protect those she loves and save those that can't save themselves. Exhausted by the constant attacks, afraid for her friends and family, Tessa is driven to the ends of her reserves as she strives to beat back the never ending wave of war. Thankfully she's never alone...inside or out.Kidnapped and injured, Cody struggles to escape and find the girl whose connection to his heart, mind and soul is growing by the moment. The chances of them all surviving this chaos are slim...but he just knows he can't live without her. Jared is determined to help his father and friends. He can't leave them alone to their fate, even when his own life becomes endangered...again. Only this time, he has allies on his side...or does he?The war unites humans and vamps as the war ratchets higher to a survival of the fittest...but the people most deeply involved can't take any more. And then they find out the worst...Vampire in DefianceThis was it. For Tessa. For Cody. For Jared. Her family. Her Friends.Moltere's Mountain is collapsing. With Tessa, her friends and family still inside. Tessa won't go out without a fight...and she won't leave the others behind. But as she races to save everyone, time runs out.Grounded with an injured wing, Cody wants Tessa to leave while they still can. But most of their friends and family are missing. He wants to do the right thing and save them all...but it's too late... Jared had led the army into the mountain. Only to find they were looking to annihilate all vamps, not just the bad ones. He can't leave his friends vulnerable to yet another attack. But the mine is a death trap. And he could be the one that ends up dead.The pressure is on - to save friends, family, each other - only the enemy is just as determined that no one survives.Vampire in ConflictThe blood farm is gone.Those behind it have either died, been caught, or are on the run. Time to return to the real world. Only normal life isn't quite what Tessa expected. Good thing, because there is no 'normal' anymore. She's different. Her family is different. Her friends are different. The world around her is different. Trying to find her place is not easy. She wants nothing more than to be a normal teenager and join Cody and his friends on a Friday night out.Cody wants the trouble to be over so he can get back to living the life he used to with one major addition - Tessa. Only Ian and Jewel aren't healing well, Rhia is acting out of character, and Jared keeps tripping over dead bodies. Then there's David, who'll do anything to help Jewel... even something he knows he shouldn't do.Something is wrong, and once again it's up to Tessa to figure out what is happening under the surface of this 'normal' life.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Jerricho didn't expect his first solo mission to send him to the Middle East nor to rescue his journalist ex-wife and her cameraperson. Finding out why they and the other women had been taken was horrifying in itself, but saving a larger group than he'd first expected then complicates the rescue in a much bigger way. Brenna had hopes that her ex would show up, as she knew the type of work he did. She'd always wanted a chance to show him how much she'd changed. This was hardly the ideal time, but she might not get a second chance.Rescuing the women and taking out the kidnappers should have been the end of it, until they realize it's not as simple as it first seems. The women were objects initially; now they're targets ...

  • - A Psychic Vision novel
    av Dale Mayer

    Charged with murder. Betrayed by her lover. Shunned by her friends.After being acquitted of the murder, botanist Fern Geller runs from her past to learn everything she can about poisonous plants. She ends up doing a six month contract at the Garden of Death before finding the answer she's seeking...When she returns to the same conservatory where she'd worked before, the new boss is missing and several other men are dead. Once again, all eyes turn her way.FBI agent, London Behring hadn't expected Fern to look like she does now. Ethereal. Gorgeous. Gentle. Why and how had she been a murder suspect? Even more intriguing, how had she been acquitted of all charges? And more mysteriously, she'd come back to the scene of the crime... at the perfect time to fall under suspicion - again.What magic did she possess to walk away from such crimes? And how can he stay free of her charms... a lure he's finding impossible to resist.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Life is never easy but when her family is killed by a serial killer - one who is never caught - it becomes impossible.As she grows up, Tavi works to appear normal while hiding in law enforcement, determined to get answers and if she can - extract revenge.Jericho is a hunter. Now he''s caught the scent of an old prey, a serial killer he''s been one step behind the whole way. ThenJericho catches wind of the killer''s next victim... Which is none other than a detective with a little too impressive track record for getting her man.Only she wants nothing to do with him. Or his protection. And he can''t leave her alone...Sparks fly from the first meet - in more ways than one.But when energy flares it also attracts. And the killer realizes he can kill two enemies in one swoop. He''s cleaning up. Turning a new leaf.And wants no one left alive who can stop him...

  • - A Hathaway House Heartwarming Romance
    av Dale Mayer

    Health-care worker Shane has been at Hathaway House since the beginning. He's watched patient after patient scratch and claw their way to recovery and has watched relationship after relationship blossom into love and marriage. He believes in love. Wants a true love of his own. Yet he wonders now whether anyone is out there for him.Until Melissa walks into his gym.Broken and beaten by life and overwhelmed with endless pain was never part of Melissa's long-term plan. But a year after an accident sidelined her navy career, she's still fighting her way back to a normal life-if such a thing exists for the woman she's become. Her transfer to Hathaway House is a lifeline to her oldest friend, but, even with Dani's encouragement, Melissa's journey back to health is long and hard and maybe just a pipe dream. But she'll try again. One more time.Separately, Shane and Melissa have been battling their own personal demons. When they meet at Hathaway House, the tough physiotherapist vows that his newest client will reach successes unimaginable to her. Together, working through her rehab plan, Shane and Melissa find a special tenderness behind each other's strength.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Helping a friend in need is never a wrong move. And Saul knows the value of his friends. When he's called to find Benji's missing brother, Daniel - he's on it.Only Daniel might be involved in something a lot darker than avoiding his brother's phone calls. At least according to Rebel who's been haunting Daniel's apartment, looking for her missing girlfriend.When the bodies start showing up, Rebel is terrified her friend will be next...And that's not something she's going to sit by and allow. No matter if Saul thinks she should. He needs to get out of her way or she'll run right over him. The trouble is, it doesn't take long for her to realize he'd like that - and so would she.Now if only they could save their friends...before the entire mess blows up and takes them all out.

  • av Dale Mayer

    Minx Montgomery's only light in a terrible childhood was her neighbor and best friend, Mouse. When he left Texas at the age of seventeen, she never heard from him again, though she's never forgotten him either. She moved in with her uncle, went to college and became a counselor. Her supervisor at the clinic sexually harassed her. Reporting him backfired. Demoted, she's transferred to another branch in the city--to the same district she'd finally managed to escape.Laszlo Jensen, a former SEAL, has spent the last two years recovering from the damage done when his squad's truck drove over an antitank landmine. Six other team-mates were also badly hurt, the seventh--Mouse--dead, in what their team leader Badger Horley realized later had to be a trap set to take them out. He and his team-mate Geir are trying to learn more about Mouse's history. Was the whole squad targeted with that landmine, or just their youngest, newest member? The truth is more disturbing and senseless than they'd anticipated. Who was Mouse really? Minx may be the only person who knew the boy that later became a dangerous, hunted man...

  • av Dale Mayer

    With barely enough time to recover from helping out Miles in London, Nico is off to Australia ... and a secret mission involving a US covert operative ...When an American undercover operative''s sister goes missing in Australia, Nico has to find out if this is connected to the operative or to the sister''s own activist background. Apparently she made enemies easily.Charlotte hadn''t wanted to make this trip in the first place, preferring to communicate her polarizing messages through writing her books now. But, bowing under pressure, she finally arrives in Australia, only to be attacked within minutes of reaching her hotel room for the night. After her rescue, she''s forced to dig deep into her family and public life to find the mastermind kidnapper and to stay safe as the bodies pile up.Nothing makes sense in this twisted mission, but Nico is determined to keep Charlotte safe, even as things take a more personal turn ...

  • - A SEALs of Honor World Novel
    av Dale Mayer

    Welcome to Merk's Mistake, book 3 in Heroes for Hire reconnecting readers with the unforgettable men from SEALs of Honor in a new series of action packed, page turning romantic suspense that fans have come to expect from USA TODAY Bestselling author Dale Mayer.Time never fades...After months of recovery, Merk is moving from mission to mission, happily back in his active life again. But when his ex-wife sends out a panicked call for help, he rushes to meet her - only to see her snatched away in front of him.Katina has only one person in mind when she finds herself in trouble. Merk. They haven't spoken for ten years, but time hasn't changed some things. The attraction between she and Merk is as deep and strong as it was back then. Even more so. But with her life on the line, she can't focus on him... and can't get her mind of him. She has something others want, and they will do anything to get it back. No matter how nefarious. No matter how evil. No matter who they kill.

  • - Books 7-10
    av Dale Mayer

    This is a collection of three books plus a Christmas novella from the best selling SEALs of Honor series.SEALs of Honor:Markus Love hurts. Markus lost someone he loved, and for a long time, he's been dead inside. Now he spends his life in service to others as he slowly pulls himself together, but he'll never be the same. And then he meets Bree... Lost and alone and in trouble, Bree wonders how her life has become such a mess. After coming so close to dying, she's eager to explore and enjoy the life she almost lost. Getting kidnapped and then escaping into the wilderness of Alaska was not in the plan. But someone knows she's seen and heard too much. He can't afford to let her live. Her second chance is about to be shattered...SEALs of Honor:Evan Everyone considered Evan a bit of a wild card. Even Megan. Little did she know he was carrying the torch for her and all the rest was camouflage. When she transfers to the West Coast to join the new helicopter division, their lives collide once again. Another SEAL unit is under attack and needs their help, but when the attackers turn on Megan, she's the one in danger. With the enemy closer than they'd like to believe, Megan and Evan struggle to piece together what happened to their friends. They need to figure it out fast before there are more victims. Starting with them.Mason's Wish:Mason loves his life with Tesla, but living together isn't enough. He wants more. He wants it all. He wants forever. All set to make this a memorable Christmas for the two of them, he calls her at home and hears her cry out as she fights off an attacker. Racing to her rescue, he finds her missing - again. Determined to put the horrific memories behind her, Tesla is looking forward to a bright and happy future. But someone nursing a grudge has decided it's payback time. Their lives change in a flash as Mason races to save Tesla before they lose their future - and each other.Chase:Everyone has something in their history they'd like to keep there... Chase has more than most. Only he's not going to be allowed to forget as someone in his past has come looking for him. And he's on a deadline. Vanessa is all about moving forward in her life. There are enough difficulties in her history for a lifetime. But when she gets embroiled in Chase's problems - they become her problems too. Both need to deal with their pasts before they no longer have a future

  • - (A SEALs of Honor World Novel)
    av Dale Mayer

    Welcome to Stone’s Surrender, book 2 in Heroes for Hire reconnecting readers with the unforgettable men from SEALs of Honor in a new series of action packed, page turning romantic suspense that fans have come to expect from USA TODAY Bestselling author Dale Mayer.Life is on the move again…After a long slow-ass recovery, Stone finds himself triumphantly back at work at Levi’s new company. The action comes fast and furious on his first run out as they rescue a senator’s daughter who’s been kidnapped in the Middle East.Lissa will do almost anything to thwart her father’s plans for her. Getting kidnapped wasn’t on her list. And once she meets Stone no other man matters. She falls, and she falls hard. But even on home soil, there’s no respite as she finds the nightmare has followed her home…and she’s caught in the middle of it.It’s a battle that requires both of them to not only clear her name but to keep her safe…especially when a twist is thrown at them that they didn’t see coming…

  • - A SEALs of Honor World Novel
    av Dale Mayer

    Welcome to Levi’s Legend, book 1 in Heroes for Hire reconnecting readers with the unforgettable men from SEALs of Honor in a new series of action packed, page turning romantic suspense that fans have come to expect from USA TODAY Bestselling author Dale Mayer.Nothing stays the same…Since his accident Levi has been driven to find the men who betrayed him. Everything else is secondary. Now he’s recovered, started his own company, and he’s caught the scent of the last man on his list. Only to find the same man intends to finish the job he originally started – and kill Levi once and for all.Ice has been at Levi’s side every step of his new journey – well almost. It’s the places where she hasn’t been that are the hardest. Her relationship with Levi is at a critical point. One wrong word and her hopes and dreams will be gone. They almost are now.But she can’t resolve her love life until the man who forced change into their world is taken care of. Only he’s on the attack, and his target is right at the heart of everything that’s important to her, and to Levi.They’ll have to move fast to stop the man who wants them both dead or they won’t have a future at all…

  • - A SEALs of Honor World Novel
    av Dale Mayer

    Some jobs are more pleasant than others... Flynn agrees to do a security job for Levi as a trial run for more work. Looking after Anna and her animal shelter is a breeze. Trouble free. Until he leaves... Having Flynn around was both good and bad. To have the help at the shelter was huge, but they drew sparks just being around each other. She tells herself she's relieved when he's gone but when a dead man shows up, she'd do anything to have him back. Someone is after Flynn... and he doesn't care who he kills in the process...

  • - A SEALs of Honor World Novel
    av Dale Mayer

    Second chances do happen... Even amid evil... Rhodes knew Sienna years ago. When she'd been young and gawky, more elbow and carrot hair than style, but she'd had something special even then. Now she's all grown. But she's a trouble magnet, and even at the compound it finds her...Sienna had a super-sized crush on her brother's best friend years ago. Now he's hunky and even hotter than she could have imagined. Only she's new and doesn't want to jeopardize her position. When asked to help out on a job, she agrees...and triggers a sequence of disastrous events no one could foresee.But someone will stop at nothing to silence everyone involved, especially the two of them...

  • - SEALs of Honor
    av Dale Mayer

    Cupid apparently has a soft spot for SEALs and he's lined his sights upon Devlin next. He's not looking for romance, but he finds the right woman in the worst possible place. As part of a military unit helping train Afghan soldiers, Devlin is learning how to use the latest combat drones. After a murder is committed on the base, suspicion falls on the drone's drop-dead-gorgeous designer. Devlin can't stop himself from running to her rescue. Following their return Stateside, another employee in the same company turns up dead. Once again, all evidence points to the designer. Bristol had no choice but to take her latest drone models to war-torn Afghanistan, given how behind schedule she is in her work and because her boss is pressuring her. The last thing she expected was disaster to strike and, for all the world, she looks like the one to blame. When the bodies pile up and her research goes unfathomably missing along with her best friend, she's determined to find out what's going on, damn the danger. Devlin has made it his mission to keep her safe while she seems to be doing everything in her power to make his job--and resisting her--impossible.

  • - SEALs of Honor
    av Dale Mayer

    High seas terror, international intrigue... homegrown problems... Rescuing hostages on a yacht is a fairly normal mission for Brett, one of the elite SEALs, but having one of those hostages be an ex-girlfriend and her kids - well that changes everything. Particularly now that he knows she's single again. Ceci had walked away from Brett and into another relationship as a way to heal. Only to end up as a widow raising two kids. She planned to stay single and secure, avoid all the heartbreak that relationships bring until she comes face to face with her rescuer...and realizes she's been fooling herself for years. Unfortunately safe doesn't mean safe anymore as the situation goes from bad to worse and she realizes she might never get a chance to fix her mistake...

  • - SEALs of Honor
    av Dale Mayer

    Everyone has something in their history they'd like to keep there...Chase has more than most. Only he's not going to be allowed to forget as someone in his past has come looking for him. And he's on a deadline.Vanessa is all about moving forward in her life. There are enough difficulties in her history for a lifetime. But when she gets embroiled in Chase's problems - they become her problems too.Both need to deal with their pasts before they no longer have a future.

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