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Bøker utgitt av Trellis Publishing

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  • av Monica Marks

    Her vedder had known about Isaac's intention to marry her and accepted without informing Faith, a fact from which she was still reeling. And to announce the marriage in church as if I had any idea. "We will be married after final harvest," Isaac told her excitedly and not for the first time, Faith realized he was speaking around her and not to her. How many times had she wanted to end the almost farcical notion that she was ready to marry him? But as a good Amish girl, she held her tongue and watched the events unfold as if she was not party to anything going on around her. Is it that I do not want to marry Isaac or anyone at all? Faith wondered, again pressing the glass to her rosebud mouth. Truly, Faith had assumed she would wed as most women who came of age did in the district but perhaps she hadn't expected to grow up as fast as she had. Or maybe it was simply the fact that Isaac Bontrager seemed to have been thrust into her life without much warning. Will she go through with the marriage? Or will she follow her heart?

  • av Aimee Bell

    Debra Lynn Baker seemed to have scored the perfect job. She had no skills to speak of but called herself a "fast learner" when she interviewed for the position of bookkeeper for millionaire Jerry Sternadel. A close friend of his wife, the two allegedly began embezzling money from Sternadel's business, causing numerous checks to bounce. Sternadel caught wind of the embezzlement and threatened legal action. He died under mysterious circumstances weeks later with the money still outstanding. Who stole the money and why have they not been prosecuted?

  • av Hannah Winstone

    Ursula is an attorney who just passed the bar exam and fulfilled her parents' dream of her getting into law. But her sheltered life falls apart when she finds out her own dreams may be different from that of her parents. Lancaster, Pennsylvania is a town she remembers visiting as a girl and she returns when she feels that God is no longer in her life. She suffers malady after malady until a handsome Amish rancher named Thomas rides in to saver her. She falls for his charms but realizes that he is already spoken for. Will she stay in Lancaster to pursue a simpler life or will she return to the big city and become another attorney that hates her job?

  • av Ana Benton

    Female serial killers are incredibly rare because the women, in general, are not prone to murdering more than one person. Even if they do, they usually use poison or kill their victims in a non-violent way. Brutality is not common, and it is more prominent when the authorities are dealing with a male killer. However, Irina Viktorovna Gaidamachuk does not match the standard description of a serial murderer. She didn't kill because she thought it was fun or felt an urge to take someone's life. Instead, Irina did it because she needed money to feed her ever-growing alcohol addiction which did fit into the profile because she killed in order to gain wealth.

  • av Sarah Amberson

    The Bontrager family are stunned with the arrival of Benjamin, an older uncle that was shunned from the town years ago. But he comes back as a wise man with a deeper understanding of himself and others, and his insights prove of great value to his nephew Adam and his wife Faith, who are having problems in their relationship. But the real reason for his return is that he has heard of the widowhood of his former girlfriend, Beth. She has been widowed for over two years now and Benjamin has returned to make amends for his past and win the heart of Beth once and for all. But are they too old to begin a romance?

  • av Amanda Storm

    Ebby was a shy and troubled teen who eventually came out of her shell when she changed schools. Hardworking, she worked two minimum-wage jobs during her teen years but unfortunately started running with the wrong crowd. Leaving home, she emancipated herself and began living with friends until one night she came back home, claiming she had been gang-raped. Shortly thereafter, she went missing. Her case remains unsolved and the questions linger...Who murdered Ebby Steppach?

  • av Monica Marks

    Hannah is a young Amish woman who struggles to deal with her father's depression after his wife died unexpectedly. A few years have gone by and she notices that he has an eye for a new teacher in town. Will she be able to convince him that it is okay to pursue this new romance or will he continue down his spiral of depression?

  • av Todd Gaston

    Amanda Hooper is a present day Clarice Sterling. She's an FBI agent on the trail of a serial killer with a fetish...He only targets blonde woman, most of whom were on the fringe of the entertainment industry. He sends her clues through e-mail and videos...Taunting the FBI, he suddenly breaks his modus operandi and switches to only targeting redheads...The redhead Amanda then soon finds herself being drawn into an inescapable web where she is clearly the next victim on his list.

  • av Monica Marks

    Beth left her Amish home town years ago...Now she seems to have it all as a driven chef in New York City, but her father's retirement signaling the closing of town's beloved bakery brings the city girl back to her small-town Amish roots and faith. Will she return back to the Englisch world after experiencing an unexpected romance in the town of her childhood?

  • av Vanessa Carlson

    Cowboy Rex got a job as a coal runner at the mines and with the money he saved up, he was able to buy himself his very first horse. From there, he explored the stretch of land between the Atlantic and Pacific. He was his own man, doing as he pleased, and never thinking anything of it. From time to time, he would receive letters from his old Gram. She liked to talk about the ranch and there was always a plea toward the bottom, begging him to return, for Pops was getting on in age and needed someone to take over the family business. Rex had paid these pleas little attention. He did not want to give up his freedom. The ranch would tie him down into one little plot of land and there'd never be any possibility of escape. And yet, here he was making the trek back to Texas...And he soon finds himself caught between the two women he loves most as he uncovers unforgotten truths that could change them all forever.

  • av Gillian Brown

    Young women are vanishing and turning up dead weeks later. A serial killer is on the loose and a damn good one...he doesn't leave a clue behind...Heather has solved a lot of crimes but has never encountered anything like this. Her own dark past is brought to light as well as her own curse. She has enlisted the aid of a guardian angel throughout her career and now believes that he may know a lot more than he's letting fact, he may not be an angel at all...but a devil that wants her soul.

  • av Sarah Amberson

    Emma has been diagnosed with leukemia and has only months to love. Her boyfriend William is heart broken but he vows to grant her last wish...but her one last wish goes against Amish customs...Emma had discovered guitar playing on her Rumspringa and fell in love with it...William learns of her passion, vowing to learn the instrument with her so they can perform one last ballad together.

  • av Jasmine Grey

    An anthology of True Crime investigations into famous kidnappings such as Charles Lindbergh Jr, Bobby Greenlease, and others.

  • av Monica Muniz

    Dinah has kept a secret affair from Mike for the last two years. Going against the advice of her therapist, Dinah can't help but break the news to him and beg for his forgiveness. She decides to take him on a camping trip to his favorite place, Cicada Lake...but once there the couple encounters a group of injured hunters who claim they have been attacked by a beast that they've never encountered before. Terrified, the couple takes shelter until they realize that the attacker is someone that they know and Dinah realizes that her husband Mike has secrets of his own.

  • av Monica Marks

    Joanna and Caleb are both hopeless romantics in the Civil War era. Seventeen-year-old Joanna is starry-eyed, in love with the idea of being in love, and does not want to wait to marry Caleb until she is eighteen, despite her parents' insistence...But so much can happen in a year. Twenty-year-old Caleb is taken in military heroism, especially in defense of anti-slavery. When his married brother's name comes up in the draft list, he volunteers to take his brother's place. But will his romance with Joanna survive the war?

  • av Monica Marks

    Melissa has endured a lifetime of broken relationships, starting with her parents to her own romances. She is engaged to be married but is having second thoughts as she has never seen a successful marriage first hand. Hoping to break the cycle, she enlists the aid of some elder women in her church who give examples from their own lives to help her determine if she is marrying the right man.

  • av Sarah Amberson

    Rex is a man that is used to people stabbing him in the back. He has built up a wall around himself but finds himself strangely drawn to a widow named Anna. He set the same hurt in her eyes that he sees in his own reflection...Anna doesn't trust Rex at all, but she finds herself needing his help when her former brother-in-law makes a move to take the ranch out from under her. A church-going home, she believes that everything happens for a reason. Will she realize that maybe Rex is following God's path straight to her door?

  • av Terri Downes

    Widow Hannah has kept the identity of her son's father a secret to both the father and to the Amish community at large. Her son soon forms a strong bond with the man in question. He begins to suspect himself but circumstances prevented them from ever getting together. She could tell her son the truth about his biological father and let the growing feelings she has for her former boyfriend blossom again or she could ruin things once again. Which path will she choose?

  • av Tina Blaylock

    Elizabeth Reed stared out of the stagecoach window. She was heading out west, something that she had only dreamed about for the last several months. She didn't know exactly when she had decided that she was going to choose a life of adventure and danger. Maybe it had been something she always wanted, or maybe it was just a dream that she had created for herself over the past year. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, it's dangerous out west." Her best friend, Hanna's words played back in her mind. She wanted danger. She was tired of living in her little Chicago town where every single thing was the same every single day for her whole life. She wanted to give herself a new life, a life of adventure, excitement and newness. The west was the perfect way to do that. But was Aaron Martin the perfect man?

  • av Belinda Maddox

    Ann Brier and her husband Eric Miller were nicknamed "Ken & Barbie" by both family and friends. She was a tall blonde and he was a successful doctor. He did research to find a cure for AIDS while she was a successful career woman. But Ann wanted more...She wanted more money and even more men...She soon fell herself going circling down a drain of sex, money...and murder.

  • av Natalie Moore

    Three best friends, Betty, Amity and Rachel are practically inseparable. But when they land themselves in a stormy predicament on their way home on night a newcomer in town comes to their rescue. All three girls show an interest in the handsome stranger, but only one of them would walk away with the prize. What starts off as nothing but a playful bet between friends, ends up surprising them all.Uri Guth came to Derby Creek to start afresh, the last thing he expected was to fall in love. But when he meets the shy red head who reminded him autumn, he pulled out all stops. He knew the moment he laid eyes on her that she was his match.

  • av Ian Clarkson

    When Elijah was fifteen he shares his first kiss behind a barn with Abigail, his troubled girlfriend. Wanting to escape from her abusive family, she tells Elijah of a door in the woods where she could escape the troubles of the world and in live in paradise. Abigail beckons for him to follow but he doesn't...she subsequently goes missing and he is the primary suspect but is never charged with any crime. Twenty years later, Elijah is depressed and down on his luck. He returns to the town and goes to barn at night. To his shock, Abigail emerges from the woods, beckoning him to follow her through a magical door...will he follow?

  • av Tori Blaylock

    "I bought a gold claim, and I'm leaving town tomorrow."Faith Paulsen gaped at her fiancé in shock, lost for words for several seconds. "When will you return?" she asked when she finally found her voice."I have no plans to come back to Cedar Springs. I always told you I wouldn't be a clerk in your father's mercantile forever. And since you refuse to elope with me..." He shrugged, as though that said it all.While Faith had intended to spend her life with Zeke Mason, her father had never approved of the match. She'd been certain he would come around, however. That she and Zeke would be able to convince him to give his consent to their union.Although, Faith was the one who had made most of the effort to talk him around. Zeke had worked much harder at trying to convince Faith to elope than trying to persuade the older man to give his blessing to their marriage.Maybe that was part of the reason why her father had never approved.Not that it mattered now, as Faith watched her former fiancé walk out of her life without a backward glance.He hadn't even promised to write, or to come back for her if he made his fortune. For an instant before he turned to leave, she had foolishly imagined that he'd purchased the gold claim as a way to show Faith's father he could provide for her.What am I to do now, Lord?

  • av Terri Downes

    Caleb Morgan explained that he was on his way back home to the Massen Valley with his daughter following a family visit. Just to fill the anxious silence, Abigail told him about how she had arranged to marry a rancher in Holmestown by mail order, and that she had brought a friend with her in the hopes of finding her someone as well...Fortunately, the man did not ask any questions about Miriam, as Abigail was still not sure how much of the story she was able to share.

  • av Samantha Collier

    Hope has taken it upon herself to help out the newly widowed Joshua and his family. He desperately needs a woman around the house and alternates between grieving and disappearing for long periods of time. When an on the job injury forces him to remain housebound, Hope finally has an opportunity to peel back the layers of his heart. But will he let her in?

  • - Missing Girls
    av Pete Dove

    Best friends forever. The bond between teenage girls can be strong. And often is. That was certainly the situation between eighteen-year-old Susan Smalley and her great mate, Stacie Madison, who was just a year younger.The two were classic late eighties girls. Lots of carefully styled hair, innocent smiles and a love of life. Their bubbly personalities and bright intellects lit up wherever they went. A friend was holding a party in Arlington, which lies to the west of Dallas. It is a fair drive from Carrollton - to the north west of the city - to the small town, which sits mid-way between Dallas and Fort Worth. But they were teens, and possibly thought nothing of the forty-minute journey they would have to make. So, after changing at Susan's home, they headed off there. The girls stayed at the party for just a short while and left at around 10pm to drive back to Stacie's house. But at midnight, the youngsters did something out of character. Although they had been told to be home by midnight - a reasonable enough expectation for such young adults - they decided to return to the party. It was an odd decision, being so far - close to another ninety minutes of driving there and back, in the dead of night. Still, that is what they appeared to set off to do. Perhaps, though, they changed their mind - or at least had doubts. Because, on the way, they stopped at a Steak and Ale restaurant where Susan worked part time as a waitress.She chatted to a boy who was a co-worker for a while, and Madison waited in the car. Then the two girls went on their way. As far as is known, their plan was to head back to the party.Neither girl was seen again.What happened to Stacie Madison & Susan Smalley?

  • av Monica Marks

    When Jacob Morley is a rarity...a male Amish teacher...and he cannot help but fall for the good looks of the mother of one of his students. He surreptitiously asks questions about her and comes to realize she is widowed but has her romantic eye on another man. Following some ungodly dating advice, Jacob begins to date another woman in the hopes of making the widower jealous and finally notice him. But will this wind up leaving everyone involved confused and hurt?

  • av Tabitha Swann

    Tamara and Hannah two sisters who move into a new town where they become harassed by a gang of Goth females. Tamara is uptight and conservative...she doesn't like the group right off the bat. But Hannah gets to know one of the young women at school and starts feels their vibe. She begins to join them on their nightly hangouts...problem is.. the girls are vampires and begin recruiting Hannah to join them on their nightly feeds...

  • av Terri Downes

    The thrill of leaning forward into the half-dark and stealing a kiss when there were so many chances of getting caught felt almost as good as the kiss itself, Robert thought. Almost. As he broke away from Morgan, he wondered for a moment if she was going to react poorly - maybe he had misread her - but she didn't. She stayed still for a second, and then they both moved away from one another as they heard someone moving inside, near the porch door. No-one came through it, but the moment was effectively broken. Robert headed past Morgan, back through the house, and bade farewell to the Sullivans with an air of total innocence. The rush that had accompanied his sudden move toward Morgan, and the feeling of dizziness that came when he had felt her kiss him back, followed Robert at least half-way home. But no further. Because as his heart started to slow once more, he found himself thinking that Morgan had better not assume he was going to hang about like a lovesick schoolboy - or worse, try to pursue her. He also hoped that she did not feel the need to confess their moment to her fiancé, who would be able to make life very difficult for Robert. Though if this was the way Morgan behaved around Robert, presumably this Geoff fellow was also taking a free and easy approach to his engagement. These high society types often did, Robert knew. Morgan had made it clear she wanted nothing from him besides what he had just given to her. And why would she want anything from him? What was there to want that he could give?

  • av Hannah Winstone

    Bedrest. How long was Joanna going to be stuck in this bed, unable to even go outside? Annoyance swelled in her chest at the people crowding her, at the tiny room she couldn't leave, at the entire situation. She had lived the first twenty-one years of her life without so much as a cold and now, thanks to polio, her life was in tatters.Her life as a mail order bride wasn't supposed to be like this. Her husband Luke is distraught from the news.. He's willing to do anything to keep her from a lifetime in a wheelchair. But if they can't find a way for her to walk, will their love survive?

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