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  • av Horace Cheeves

    Legacy is about loss of inheritance and what we can do to reclaim it. The introduction summarizes the psychological tyranny inflicted on Africans and their descendants over the course of enslavement and Jim Crow. Legacy brings the past into the present with the story of Jeff Carter, a Black man born during "slavery" who, by 1916, acquired over 800 acres of mineral-rich land in the Middle District of Georgia. In this particular region, a mineral known as "chalk" to the locals, has produced a multi-billion dollar, foreign-owned and operated industry. Kaolin, as it is officially known, is predominately used in the paper and paint industries (National Geographic is about 30% kaolin), but is also used as a filler in ceramics, cosmetics, medicine, rubber, toothpaste, etc. The majority of the mineral-laden land is owned by Black farmers, who have seen very little, if any, of the profits garnered from their land. Ninety-nine (99) year mineral leases and outright theft have kept these farmers from reaping any amount of the wealth. The heirs of Jeff Carter are one such family, who were brutally evicted from their 800 acre estate in 1950. In 1980, after many failed attempts to reclaim their estate, they were solicited by kaolin-industry agents and attorneys who represented the family who stole their land! The heirs of Jeff Carter are not unique in their story of land loss. The quantity of land that Black farmers have lost in the last one-hundred years alone is staggering. One of the most detrimental legacies of enslavement and Jim Crow is the challenge of passing an inheritance on to our children. As a result, subsequent generations have to "reinvent the wheel," because they have neither the business nor the finances to pick up where there ancestors left off. In recent years, a settlement was to be made to the descendants of the Rosewood massacre in Florida, but each alleged descendant was required to prove their ancestry. For this reason, we encourage all people of color to research their family's genealogy. We dedicate an entire chapter to beginning this process. Uncovering our family history is a pivotal step in healing from centuries of psychological, economic and physical rape. If for no other reason, our children should know something about the ancestors they are a legacy of.

  • av Lem Moyé
    255 - 396,-

  • av Emmanuel

    Emmanuel and Mary Magdalene have delivered a message to the world through a Scribe named Sophia. Its implications are staggering. It is written for those who are ready to see beyond the veil of illusions and into the Heart of their own Soul.

  • av Jacqueline van Campen

    This is not a travel book. It is simply the story of what happened in my life between 1953 and 1958 when I was travelling and working around the world.

  • av G. S. Coltman

  • av Paul Jones
    214 - 358,-

  • av Leslie Sloane

    Auracle's Colour Therapy is about the use of light and specially formulated colours of teh rainbow to help heal disease and illness through the alignment of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. Each colour contains energies of high frequency gems and oils as well as energies of all Angels, Archangels, Masters, Asecended Masters and other light beings from every culture. The colours are poured into Heart-shaped bottles because the Heart represents unconditional love. The mists are available in all colours of the rainbow. The "Royal Set" is composed of deep Magenta, Red, Coral, Orange, Gold, Yellow, Olive, Green, Turquoise, Blue, Indigo and Violet. There is also the "Illumination Set", which includes Clear and Pink. The Illumination colours are lighter shades representing Universal light shining through for those who wish to accelerate quickly, and for those who already have a strong connection into Divine realms. When the bottles are chosen by the seeker, the colours, especially in the order chosen, represent a physical manifestation of the soul's dialogue or message from higher realms. It is a mystical story which could explain the soul's purpose on earth, it's gifts, challenges in life, and present issues which need to be dealt with. Colour is the unspoken and ancient language of the soul, or the soul's sacred song. It is through the recognition of this song in which "discord" or the "shadow" can be found, and dialogue with higher realms will begin, resulting in a consciousness shift and mystical experiences. Through these experiences, the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects can be balanced, as well as physical pain being removed from the body. The purpose of Auracle's Colour Therapy is to help acclerate the transformation of the soul, bringing it ito a higher state of being, thus experiencing the possiblilty of spiritual enlightenment.

  • av Ardemis Donikian

    "I did somehow fly from "Baghdad by the Tigris" to "Baghdad by the Bay" and I am ready to take you on an adventurous non-imaginary journey and shed some light on my nation. With a sense of nostalgia I invite you to embark on my magic carpet as we will visit the major highlights of the country in order to gain insight and immerse ourselves in a world still unknown to many. We will travel back in time as memories of the past shall come alive as I recount experiences of my life in Iraq to enrich your knowledge about the country."--Author's description.

  • av Liza Potvin

    Vancouver Island pioneer Percy Dewar, grandson of the Scottish distiller, began hunting cougars as a teen and spent many years studying them, then worked actively for their conservation.

  • av Jonathan Lunger & Mark Lunger

    Jonathan and his friend, a dragon, learn about life and the strength of character they need to overcome countless obstacles. Allow a fire-breathing dragon to stir your child's imagination.

  • av Gladys Young Blyth

    A history for the Fox, Jung, or Young family.

  • av Melanie Marshall

    Been chased by mad dogs? Need a bat? Laugh and squirm in the same sentence. Pick any story. Be glad it never happened to you. Or, wish it had.

  • av Gregg Munck

    Fishing Industry Quotes "Gregg is the real deal. I've never met anyone who consistently puts record-sized fish in the boat like he does." KIP POLLAY; V.P. of Operations-Arizona Outdoorsman Magazine and "I've studied the feeding response in fish for over 22 years now. Gregg's ability to understand the habits of trophy fish is uncanny. Not since Doug Hannon; has there been such consistent trophy harvesting as Gregg's." TJ STALLINGS, New Product Manager-TTI Companies (Xpoint, Daiichi, and Tru-Turn Hooks) "Gregg has been at the top of the multi-species trophy fishing game for many years. The national spotlight has been shining on Gregg since his state record catch in 2002. He currently holds three Arizona state records to date." GREGG WEITZEL, Maurice Team Lead and Sales-SPROAS Field Staff "I've interviewed a lot of anglers and have determined that there certainly is a difference between being lucky and good. Gregg continually demonstrates his abilities as one of the most learned anglers carving a place in the GOOD category. I expect Gregg to keep his name in the record books." DON MCDOWELL, "Shake, Rattle and Troll" Radio ESPN Radio 860

  • av Curtis L. Ivery & Angela Ivery
    214 - 358,-

  • av James G. Gill

    The life of a young lad during the depression of the 1930's who was at times a 'Huckleberry Finn' or a 'Dennis the Menace' but always of independent spirit.

  • av Charles Dickerson

    The Sac River flowed gently through the valley, circling Aldrich on the west. The author accompanied by his father, came from the city to make his home with Sara Dickerson. Charles, being ten-years old upon his arrival in Aldrich, would live with his grandmother until 1939, when he graduated from high school. The last frontier had passed in 1890. The population was about 120 million people. The stock market had crashed in 1929, and the U.S. was facing a major depression. The Aldrich Saga is set in a Bible-belt village of varied people; religious zealots, political pundits, town drunks, and all of the other kind that inhabit, including the church-going folk. It wsa the author's eight years with Sara that he was privy to so many pleasant stories, events and happenings. Halloween was celebrated with gusto in Aldrich, and the different personalities made news. There were the visiting Gypsies, the politikin of the town loafers, and the certain pseudo-intellaectuals who would trash Franklin Roosevelt, and make dire predicitons about Hitler being the Anti-Christ. Two misers in Polk County engendered much conversation. Medicine shows, drumming their wares in bottles that were suspect, brought laughs. There were the old gentlemen telling of their exploits in the Civil War, followed by WWI veterans who also got out their message. Clarence Alden was a superb ventriloquist that nearly scared a man to death by throwing his voice into a coffin that was being unloaded by men at the Springfield Frisco Station. The words of Solomon are interesting for people unfamiliar with him. The author being an ex-teacher presents his views on politics. Then, there is the snow bound train in 1918 that foundered on the way to Kansas City, as told by Ralph Dickerson. The story of the Aldrich Bank being robbed is told by the infamous Henry Star in 1908. The author remembers Granny's copper wire, the only dishonesty I can remember her committing, to keep the light bill to the one dollar minimum. Ralph Dickerson caught the Spanish Flu, which killed twenty three million people. Sara, with her mysterious medicines, cured him. There is also the story of Bill Akard, a world champion shooter, who had put on shooting exhibitions for the King of England and the Russian Czar, and who persuaded Henry Starr not to rob the bank. For many years the Aldrich village has been gone with the winds.

  • av Elwayne Kettle

    A Poet Gone Mad is a must-read poetry book. Poems that bring reality to the forefront that will not elude time. They will stimulate your mind!

  • av C. N. Cantelon
    151 - 255,-

  • av Bernard J. Sieracki
    222 - 371,-

  • av Lara Gilbert

    This book is excerpts from journal writing by a scholarly teenager moving into her twenties when deep-seated depression begins to override all other ambitions. Memories of sexual abuse as a young child, extensive therapy, difficulties in receiving mental health care, many suicide attempts, extended (and one traumatic) stays in psychiatric wards - all are chronicled in her journals. At the same time, she earned an Honours degree in biochemistry and then was refused entry to medical colleges across Canada, all of which increased the terrible vortex into a completed suicide.

  • av Jack B. Walters
    373 - 480,-

  • av Tama Newman

    Mocha Goes To Port Aransas is a child's book teaching safety when riding in a boat.

  • av Goran

    This is a wartime love story of two young people, brought together by terror and destruction in Croatia. Can they survive against all odds?

  • av Linda Linton

    Every family has its secrets, its stories. I discovered ours one beautiful July weekend when my family gathered at a hotel in Hamilton, Bermuda, ostensibly to celebrate my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. When the sun went down that first evening, my parents surprised us all as they began to tell us for the first time what had happened to them 50 years ago. Amazed and astonished, we listened to them recount the details of their escape from Europe during World War II. Listening to these adventures, I was like a child entranced by a bedtime story. The heroes became more than my parents. They were Alfred (who was Jewish) and Laurette (who was Catholic), a young couple in love, whose world was suddenly blown apart the day the Germans invaded Belgium. Alfred was forced into a crowded cattle car and hauled off to an internment camp while Laurette remained behind in occupied Brussels with no idea of the whereabouts of her husband. The story of how the couple survived-- how Alfred escaped from the camp and Laurette left her family and everything she owned to join him in France, how they hid in a brothel in Lyon, escaped across the Mediterranean by freighter only to be detained in Morocco--- all this was beyond my imagination. My father had chosen Hamilton, Bermuda as the place to reveal their tale because it was the first harbor in the "New World" where he and Mom had landed after their long ordeal of running from the Nazis. As we were to discover, however, the landing in Bermuda was by no means a safe ending to their journey...

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