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Bøker utgitt av Tonya Flory

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  • av Dandre J Herron

    Delving further into the soul-stirring narrative, DAndre J. Herron courageously unveils the intricacies of his psyche, grappling with the profound impact of mental health challenges, particularly PTSD.The book intimately navigates through the corridors of his mind, unraveling the threads of resilience woven amid battles with inner demons. Herron's poetic prose weaves a tapestry that not only explores the external landscapes of Detroit but also plumbs the internal struggles of a man wrestling with the aftermath of traumaThe emotional landscape extends to the realm of relationships, where Herron fearlessly confronts heartaches with women.Through raw and unfiltered expressions, readers witness the highs and lows of love, loss, and the relentless pursuit of understanding.The author lays bare the complexities of human connection, inviting readers to resonate with the universal truths embedded in the intersections of joy and heartbreak.Adding another layer to the narrative, the book unflinchingly addresses the challenges of failed money management. Herron's introspective journey traces the impact of financial struggles on his path, providing readers with a poignant reflection on the consequences of choices made in the crucible of economic hardship. The fusion of philosophy and poetry in this exploration elevates the narrative, transforming it into a profound examination of the human ex-perience-a mosaic of struggles, growth, and the relentless pursuit of self-discovery.

  • av Chris O'Byrne

    In this month's issue, we're thrilled to introduce you to Cassandra Scerbo, a force to be reckoned with in the realm of social impact, leadership, and creative enterprise. Known for her impressive acting career, Cassie wears multiple hats that go beyond the limelight. As the Vice President of Boo2Bullying, she has undertaken significant responsibilities that range from financial oversight to campaign development and event planning.But why should business leaders and entrepreneurs pay attention to Cassie Scerbo? Because her endeavors in the non-profit sector offer a masterclass in organizational management, strategy, and engagement: Cassie Scerbo has successfully leveraged her platform to address pressing issues like bullying, and in doing so, she has demonstrated the qualities that embody effective leadership and management. As you read through her interview, you'll find valuable takeaways that can be applied not just to non-profit management but also to the running of businesses in any sector.We hope you find her insights as enlightening as we did.

  • av Brittany S Gaddy

    "All Possibilities" invites children aged 5-10 on a magical journey where the sky becomes a canvas of imagination. As the protagonist gazes at the sky, teardrops fall in vibrant colors like Red, Blue, and Yellow, representing unique emotions and concepts. The story unfolds with the discovery of shapes - Squares, Circles, and even Rectangles. Attempting to count and sort these shapes becomes an exciting challenge, prompting the young explorer to seek help from their diverse family, including mom, dad, big sister, grandma, grandpa, nana, papa, cousins, and friends. The family collaborates to sort the myriad shapes falling from the sky, teaching young readers about the strength found in collective effort. The story concludes with a powerful message: the journey into the unknown begins with the first possibility and flourishes with the support of family. "All Possibilities" encourages young readers to embrace their creativity, appreciate diversity, and embark on an imaginative adventure where working together leads to endless possibilities.

  • av Chris O'Byrne

    Are you an entrepreneur or business leader seeking inspiration and practical insights to elevate your game?This issue of Pivot Magazine is your must-read guide.This book is tailored specifically for you, the ambitious leader ready to leave a significant mark in your field. Discover how Joe Foster, the visionary founder of Reebok, transformed challenges into stepping stones for success. His story isn't just a fascinating read-it's a roadmap for redefining an industry.Inside, you'll uncover invaluable lessons: Embrace the spirit of perseverance. Learn how relentless determination can turn your vision into reality, giving you the resilience to overcome any hurdle.Master the art of identifying unmet market needs. This insight will empower you to innovate and stay ahead of the curve, ensuring your business remains relevant and competitive.Develop agility to pivot swiftly, a crucial skill in today's fast-paced market that can mean the difference between success and stagnation.Understand the power of storytelling in brand building. Engage customers and create a lasting impact through compelling narratives.Reading this issue of Pivot Magazine offers more than just knowledge-it's an opportunity to ignite your entrepreneurial spirit and guide your path to success, innovation, and a legacy that resonates.Don't miss out on these transformative insights. Grab your copy today and take the first step towards crafting your remarkable entrepreneurial journey. The time to act is now!

  • av Felice Hightower Britt

    Welcome to a world where you have permission to be your authentic self unapologetically. Welcome to a world where your BIG is welcomed, accepted and expected because everyone is walking in their BIG. Be BIG is your personal blueprint to a big and bold life. In these pages, you'll discover the power of thinking BIG, living BIG, believing BIG and being BIG. Get ready to break free from limitations, embrace fearless ambition and unlock your full potential. This isn't just a book - it's your roadmap to Bigness!

  • av Apostle Saundra Smalls

    This book was birthed to reach out to those that are entering into any leadership role for the first time or to those that have been in leadership that never had any type of training. This book will not only encourage you but it will help you avoid many pitfalls in leadership that many leaders don't talk about. It is a teaching tool for anyone that wants to learn and gain wisdom and insight.In this book, you will gain understanding: How God's anointing guides you in leadershipHow to answer the call of leadership from GodThe expectations in the leadership roleFor the roadmap to walk in leadership

  • av Joe McClain

    Through the ebb and flow of their romance, Paulette and Junior's story highlights the complexity and fragility of human relationships. As their journey unfolds, we witness the possibility for growth and transformation, as well as the potential for heartbreak and disappointment. Can they find the strength to rebuild their love from the ashes, or will they be destined to part ways?

  • av Kurt Fried

    Have you ever wondered why tooth fairies want your teeth in the first place? Or how fairies fly? Or how they carry money so much larger than they are? What if the answer is... SCIENCE? This is the story of two sisters who learn about the world of tooth fairies, and how they're really all scientists and engineers. When one of the fairies disappears, the girls will have to think quickly to solve the mystery. Hold on tight... Tooth Fairies and Jetpacks is a joy to read aloud, and parents who want their children to be excited by science will be delighted to read this modern, witty tale to them. It's especially great for kids who have lost a first tooth (kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2).

  • av Anita Defrancesco

    Kinepathics was born from desire, truth and passion ( thoughted motion) It derives its meaning from the Greek words Kinesis meaning bodily movement, and Pathos meaning feeling and disease. ( moving with feeling) Kinepathics integrates the emotional, physical, spiritual and sexual experience of the human senses. The discipline is a combination of yoga and somatic dance movement. While in a grounded yoga pose you allow the body to flow in space thus empowering the inner experience and having that relationship to your own feelings. Moving with intelligent emotional movement. The practice allows one to heal from your own natural powers.

  • av Ryan Alcock

    They're Marvel's illegitimate children. Born from desperation when the company couldn't make its own movies and needed money from others to do it for them. They come from a time when you could cast Dolph Lundgren and hope to make money, or think Howard the Duck was a good follow-up to Star Wars. Crazy times. But daring times. With the MCU so big, sometimes we forget about just what started it all. This book doesn't. This book remembers when Wesley Snipes was Blade and Hugh Jackman took the world by storm. It celebrates Ryan Reynolds and Man-Thing. It even dares to remember Fant4stic. If you're keen to look back to when Marvel could occasionally embarrass if a movie had their logo and to remember those films that were worthy, this is the book for you. 'Nuff said.

  • av Fran Fisher

    Violet's Vision is an inspiring parable for people of all ages. Violet is the Guardian Angel of Vision. Her message brings hope for humanity and will change forever how well you live your life. Her story will captivate you as she discovers the simple key to living true to her unique divine design. Whether you are looking for more meaning in your work, more passion in your life, more fulfillment in your relationships, or the courage to be who you are, Violet will show you the way.

  • av Catherine Lanigan

    At Midnight on the winter solstice, a magical phenomenon occurs on the Michaels' Wisconsin dairy farm. When Angel 7777 realizes that many humans have lost hope, she takes on the task of coming to earth to bring estranged Owen Michaels back to his aging father, Gregory. Angel, who has never been to earth and who is telepathic, must not only learn language, but she experiences strong emotions of her heart. With only a few days till Christmas Eve when she must return to heaven, Angel must choose between her growing love for Owen and her committment to the Divine. What unfolds is a heartwarming story of love, faith and the true meaning of forever.

  • av Saint Bonaventure

    "Le Petit Psautier de la Vierge" de Saint Bonaventure est une oeuvre dévotionnelle qui honore la Vierge Marie à travers une collection de psaumes et de prières. Saint Bonaventure, un éminent théologien et philosophe médiéval, a composé ce petit psautier pour inspirer la dévotion envers la Sainte Vierge et renforcer la relation spirituelle des croyants avec elle.Ce recueil est une manifestation de la piété mariale de Saint Bonaventure, qui considérait la Vierge Marie comme une intercesseur précieuse entre les fidèles et Dieu. Les prières et les psaumes inclus dans l'ouvrage sont conçus pour guider les croyants dans leur contemplation de la Vierge Marie, les aidant à trouver réconfort, espoir et inspiration dans leur foi."Le Petit Psautier de la Vierge" est une oeuvre qui invite les croyants à se rapprocher de la Vierge Marie à travers la prière et la réflexion. C'est une ressource spirituelle précieuse pour ceux qui cherchent à approfondir leur dévotion mariale et à renforcer leur lien avec la Mère de Jésus. Cette oeuvre témoigne de l'amour et du respect de Saint Bonaventure envers la Vierge Marie, offrant aux croyants un moyen de méditer sur sa grâce et son rôle dans le plan divin.

  • av Venceslao Cembalo

    Apri gli occhi: c'è l'Isoladavanti a te. Questoè un percorso di scrittura, che si presenta>Un viaggio, nove tappe, >Venceslao Cembalo è nato a Napoli nel 1965, e ci è tornato, dopo aver abitato a Bologna, Parigi, Milano, Sassari, Torino.Operatore di ripresa, sceneggiatore televisivo (La Melevisione), docente di diverse discipline in diversi contesti.>Questo libro è disponibile anche nella versionecon le illustrazioni a colori di Joel Folda.Nella versione che hai adesso tra le mani, al posto delle illustrazioni di Joel, ci sono pagine bianche, per offrirti la possibilità di personalizzareil tuo viaggio con le tue visioni.

  • av Stefano Boaretto

    Vent'anni dopo gli avvenimenti della nascita di Regina e della fine del capitalismo, due gruppi di superstiti, con differenti visioni di civiltà, prendono possesso di due luoghi lontani fra loro, ma che in comune vedono la nascita di due nuclei; uno fra le montagne della Carnia e l'altro nel sito abbandonato dell'ITER, a Cadarache in Francia. Due utopie, due nuove idee di civiltà umana, la prima tornata alla semplice vita preindustriale e sincronizzata con i ritmi naturali, e la seconda surrogato delle società alveari degli insetti, guidata e comandata dal supercomputer quantistico Regina. Ma le due utopie, per funzionare, hanno rigide e severe leggi. In questi due scenari avvengono le vicende di Anna, Leonardo e la figlia Cassandra, prigionieri di Regina e del suo alveare di cyborg e robot, e dei seguaci di Deborah ed Ennio. Se i primi hanno violato le leggi di Regina, in modo non premeditato, i secondi sono combattuti dal rispetto delle leggi e dal rifiuto di accettare la Costituzione. Coloro che non rispettano la Costituzione vengono definiti "reietti" e inviati nella società delle macchine. Ma il desiderio di libertà dei tre prigionieri dell'alveare, unito ad eventi imprevisti, determinerà la vittoria di una sola visione di civiltà e darà le risposte che da sempre l'uomo si pone, da dove veniamo e chi è Dio.

  • av Papa Pío IX

    "Ineffabilis Deus: La Inmaculada Concepción" es una proclamación extraordinaria del Papa Pío IX que brilla como una joya en la corona de la fe católica. En esta exquisita expresión de la teología y devoción mariana, el Papa nos lleva a través de un viaje espiritual en el que se revela y se honra la concepción inmaculada de la Virgen María.Con palabras que parecen teñidas de luz celestial, el Papa Pío IX nos presenta el dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción como un don divino otorgado a María, la madre de Jesús. Nos invita a contemplar la gracia singular que la elevó por encima del pecado original desde el primer instante de su existencia, preparándola para su misión sagrada como la Madre del Salvador.En esta proclamación magistral, el Papa nos lleva a través de la riqueza de la doctrina católica, explicando la profunda conexión entre la Inmaculada Concepción y la redención de la humanidad a través de Cristo. Nos recuerda que María, desde su concepción inmaculada, es modelo de pureza y amor, mostrándonos cómo podemos aspirar a vivir nuestras vidas en santidad y cercanía a Dios."Ineffabilis Deus: La Inmaculada Concepción" es una obra que inspira reverencia y gratitud, recordándonos el papel crucial de la Virgen María en la historia de la salvación y la importancia de su amor maternal en nuestras vidas. Es un canto de alabanza a la gracia divina y un llamado a la devoción hacia la Madre de Dios, quien nos guía hacia la plenitud de la fe y la unión con su Hijo, Jesucristo.

  • av Pope Pius IX

    "Ineffabilis Deus: The Immaculate Conception" is an extraordinary proclamation by Pope Pius IX that shines like a jewel in the crown of the Catholic faith. In this exquisite expression of theology and Marian devotion, the Pope takes us on a spiritual journey where the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary is revealed and honored.With words that seem tinted with heavenly light, Pope Pius IX presents the dogma of the Immaculate Conception as a divine gift bestowed upon Mary, the mother of Jesus. He invites us to contemplate the singular grace that elevated her above original sin from the very first moment of her existence, preparing her for her sacred mission as the Mother of the Savior.In this masterful proclamation, the Pope leads us through the richness of Catholic doctrine, explaining the profound connection between the Immaculate Conception and the redemption of humanity through Christ. He reminds us that Mary, from her immaculate conception, is a model of purity and love, showing us how we can aspire to live our lives in holiness and closeness to God."Ineffabilis Deus: The Immaculate Conception" is a work that inspires reverence and gratitude, reminding us of the crucial role of the Virgin Mary in the history of salvation and the importance of her maternal love in our lives. It is a hymn of praise to divine grace and a call to devotion to the Mother of God, who guides us toward the fullness of faith and union with her Son, Jesus Christ.

  • av St Alphonsus Liguori

    "The Importance of Silence" by St. Alphonsus Liguori is a profound exploration into the eloquence of quietude, offering a sanctuary for the restless soul amidst life's cacophony. St. Alphonsus, a revered saint and theologian, beckons us into a tranquil realm where the whispers of the heart and the divine presence harmonize.Imagine stepping into a serene garden, each page a gentle breeze that carries the essence of peace and contemplation. St. Alphonsus takes us on a journey through the sanctity of silence, unveiling its power to nourish the spirit and deepen our communion with God. It is a journey of introspection, where the noise of the world subsides, allowing our innermost thoughts to resonate and connect with the sacred silence within.In these pages, we discover the profound beauty of quiet moments-moments that provide clarity, solace, and a profound closeness to the divine. St. Alphonsus encourages us to embrace silence as a sacred space for dialogue with God, a space where our hearts can speak without words and listen to the whispers of grace."The Importance of Silence" is a timeless treasure that echoes through the ages, reminding us of the transcendent power of stillness amidst life's clamor. It invites us to find solace in silence, to let go of the noise, and to embrace the profound peace that awaits within the sanctuary of quietude.

  • av San Agustín

    La inmortalidad del alma según San Agustín es como un canto celestial que resuena a través de los siglos, iluminando las mentes y los corazones de aquellos que buscan comprender la trascendencia de nuestra existencia. Es como un faro en la oscuridad, mostrándonos que nuestra esencia va más allá de lo terrenal y se conecta con lo eterno.San Agustín, con su pluma apasionada y perspicaz, nos invita a explorar el alma humana, esa chispa divina que nos distingue y que perdura incluso más allá de nuestra vida terrenal. Es como un fuego que arde sin consumirse, una llama que nos conecta con la divinidad y nos recuerda que somos más que carne y hueso.En su obra, San Agustín nos conduce por un viaje filosófico y espiritual, donde nos sumergimos en las profundidades de nuestra propia naturaleza. Nos revela que el alma es inmortal, un regalo de Dios que trasciende el tiempo y nos lleva a buscar la verdadera plenitud en la comunión con lo divino.Esta idea de la inmortalidad del alma nos anima a vivir con propósito, a buscar la sabiduría y a cultivar la virtud, sabiendo que nuestras acciones tienen un peso eterno. Es un llamado a vivir con amor, compasión y dedicación, reconociendo que nuestra alma está destinada a una vida eterna en la presencia amorosa de Dios. Es una verdad que nos llena de esperanza y nos impulsa a vivir cada día con significado y trascendencia.

  • av Eliana Angela Fabiano

    Ogni giorno siamo chiamati a fare delle scelte: familiari, lavorative sociali o relative alla nostra salute e dei nostri cari. In questo caso: scegliamo l'amore o la paura? La psicologia positiva afferma che: "la felicità è una scelta" e che ci sono azioni concrete che possiamo intraprendere per migliorare la nostra qualità della vita. Ogni ricercatore della verità sia del mondo fisico o spirituale, deve tener conto della conseguenza, in modo che ogni sua azione e ogni suo pensiero, siano dettati da un fine comune, nobile e tutt'altro che egoistico. Se l'individuo entra in contatto con la parte migliore di sé, è capace di pensieri e azioni straordinarie verso il suo prossimo, al limite della nostra comprensione umana, volte al bene dell'umanità. Ogni gesto, ogni azione, se ben trasmessa, potrà essere per noi motivo di armonia e connessione verso quegli individui, che come noi, sono alla ricerca di se stessi. Troveremo le risposte ai nostri dubbi e la nostra personale verità, quando saremo pronti e ricettivi. Attraverso l'ascolto e il dialogo interiore, potremo conoscerci e riconoscere i nostri talenti, accettare e capire come realizzare il nostro personale progetto di vita.

  • av Diego Hidalgo-Oñate

    Embark on an exhilarating literary odyssey with "Exposed Fragility: Vulnerable Organisms to Climate Change," a captivating exploration of the intricate dance between our planet's delicate ecosystems and the powerful forces of climate change. In this thought-provoking masterpiece, each chapter unveils a riveting story of survival, adaptation, and the delicate balance that sustains life on Earth.From the very first page, you'll find yourself immersed in a world where the rhythm of nature collides with the rising tide of environmental transformation. With each turn of the page, you'll journey alongside researchers, scientists, and the incredible species they study, uncovering the profound impacts of climate change on biodiversity.From the mesmerizing lives of bees, essential for pollination and food production, to the intricate relationships between microscopic soil organisms and the resilience of our ecosystems, every chapter reveals a new layer of the intricate web that connects all living things. As you traverse the pages, you'll witness the struggle for survival, the resilience that emerges from adversity, and the vital interplay between nature and humanity.Through vivid case studies and gripping narratives, this book transcends the realm of science, inviting you to become an active participant in the quest to safeguard our planet's natural treasures. You'll explore how delicate coral reefs, ancient forests, and essential crops are teetering on the brink, their destinies hanging in the balance of human action and environmental stewardship."Exposed Fragility: Vulnerable Organisms to Climate Change" is more than a book; it's a call to action, an invitation to engage with the world around us, and a testament to the extraordinary tenacity of life in the face of adversity. With every story of struggle and triumph, you'll be inspired to join the ranks of those dedicated to protecting our planet's biodiversity for generations to come.Prepare to be captivated, educated, and moved by this literary journey that will forever change the way you perceive our natural world. "Exposed Fragility: Vulnerable Organisms to Climate Change" is a narrative masterpiece that will leave you with a deep appreciation for the beauty, complexity, and interconnectedness of life on Earth.

  • av Miriam Macchioni

    Un insieme di sentimenti, emozioni, le mie. In questo diario, c'è tutto ciò che ho provato nel 2020, Anno che ha segnato un grande cambiamento per tutti noi. Nei periodi bui, durante le guerre, gli esili, le epidemie, tutto sembra confuso. La vita sembra ribaltarsi. Ogni avvenimento ci appare come un ostacolo insormontabile. È invece in questi periodi di crisi che l'uomo può ritrovare se stesso. Come l'araba fenice, molti sono riusciti a risor-gere dalle ceneri e prendere il volo.

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