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  • av Kim Caldwell

    Why would you experience Archangel Breath-Tap? 1. Explore the energetic body for positive shifts. 2. Learn the power of Breath and Tapping combined with the Archangels. 3. Embrace a more Youthful Refreshed Outlook. The Archangels are here at this time to help us Tune-Up and play with our Energetic Bodies. If you are here experiencing this time-space reality and reading this book, you are an explorer. I often think that we are in the "Wild West" of energy. It is all new. Humans are becoming aware that just because we can not see a "thing" does not mean it does not exist. This calls for further exploration because we are in a time where energy alignment is more important than ever. Yet, there does not appear to be a "user guide" for maintaining the energy body. There are emerging teachings, and like anything else, we must be discerning. The more we focus and practice having a vital energy body, the more we will learn and benefit. The human has fluent multi-dimensional energy bodies and intuitive magical fingers; the two go hand in hand. This energy field invisibly surrounds our physical body, with capabilities we are only beginning to understand. If we ask questions, more answers will come. In this book, we set intentions to invigorate and align our light bodies with the help of the Archangels. As we set intentions, unseen beneficial forces move for us. You are already interacting with your energetic light-body, many times unknowingly. Get more focused with more intention here. You are a Master, and the Archangels are here to assist you. I have played with Energy, Meditation, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Archangels, and Breath for years; they have naturally become an Alchemy of sorts. Each powerful process stands on its own, so imagine the life enhancements when combined. The results must Be experienced to understand how transformative they are. If you dedicate a daily practice of deep breathing with your Archangels and tapping, you can expect more Youthful Vitality. These practices also help during challenges, so knowing them is to your advantage. These magical knowings are aligned with feeling better. Gently tap your thymus (the middle of your chest) as you say to yourself or aloud, "I am attracting things to make me Happy, Vibrant, and Youthful while taking deep, slow breaths, as rich, clean oxygen feeds your mind, body, and spirit. The Archangels are calling for a more interactive experience. As we get conscious of our thoughts, take deep healing breaths, and tap with intention, things will begin to shift for the better. Focusing on these practices will refresh your consciousness, thus becoming a magnet for Confidence, Peace, and Prosperity.You may read a sentence, a paragraph, or the whole book. It's just what you feel best in the moment to embark on this Celestial journey to a More Abundant Life. There is no wrong or right way to use this tool. The only thing recommended you keep in the forefront of your practice is to ensure you are enjoying the process. Your paperback book includes an interactive magical journal.When we write things down, more of what we desire comes to us. Dreams become more apparent, and ideas flow with more ease. Let your book become a magical keepsake to create more of the life you love. Meet the Archangels in the Archangelology Book and Audio Series that is here to help you. If you call Archangels, they will come. Spending time with Archangels creates a heavenly life.

  • av Kim Caldwell

    This is a small yet powerful book. Less is more. Meet Archangel Michael Why Call On Michael? 1. Protection 2. Michael Cuts Cords from Anything that no longer Serves You 3. Creating Energetic Boundaries. Archangel Michael is the Divine Archangel of Protection and Boundaries. In the Archangelology Series, they gift Us with protection and Love from the heavenly dimensions. Relax as Archangel Michael infuses us with Security Codes for a feeling of Peace. Einstein and Neville Goddard both taught that our imagination is the creative force. Bringing the Archangels in for this Imagination Creation infuses Security in our Mind, thus our lives-- who better to Shine Peaceful Protection on us than Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael infuses us with a Loving Strength that surrounds us with Protective Energies. Michael's tools for guidance helps us to feel safe. Also, Michael cuts cords, or attachments, on our behalf from people, places, or things that no longer serve us. Michael aids us in releasing attachments formed in unproductive relationships. As we call on and play with Michael, we can expect our relationships to shift for the better or dissolve if they are no longer for our highest good. Michael equips us with Energetic Barriers of Love and Light that shield us from what we do not want. They remind us of the extent of Our power and allow us to take back responsibility for what is ours energetically. Michael assists in releasing baggage that is weighing us down. They do this all with the precision of a Samurai Light Master; Upgrading our innate abilities by building on beneficial energy practices we already possess. This Divine Knowledge may take some time to integrate, yet the final result is well worth the wait. Michael helps to develop our imagination for the purpose of visualizing the people we Love in a very safe place, thriving on their own. Releasing unproductive worry can help center us and make us more peaceful beings. As you play with Michael, you can expect fundamental, positive shifts and peace and safety feelings. Your experience with Michael is meant to be an interactive one, as you reacquaint yourself with this Divine Being and your power. Their guidance will help you shift your consciousness, making you a magnet for Confidence, Peace, and Prosperity in new refreshed ways. Your paperback book includes an interactive magical journal. Many know that when we write things down, more of what we desire comes to us. Dreams get more clear, and ideas flow with more ease. Adding the Amazing Archangels to your journaling process makes the results that much sweeter. As we set intentions for what we want and take the time to focus and write it down in our journal, unseen forces move on our behalf. We will enlist the help of this Divine Knowing with our Archangel book interactively and turn our book into a manifestation tool. There is no right or wrong way to use this book. All these Divinely Intelligent Angelic Upgrades happen with grace and ease at the individual's comfortable pace. The only thing I recommend you keep in the forefront of your practice is to ensure you are enjoying the process. Spending time with Archangels creates a heavenly life.

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