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    ¿ Lapsemme ovat arvokkaita lahjoja, jotka Jumala on antanut meille. Jumala uskoo meille heidän huolenpitonsa ja kasvatuksensa. Tärkeä osa vastuutamme vanhempina on tutustuttaa ja selittää lapsillemme jo varhaisessa vaiheessa, kuka Jumala on, jotta he voivat kehittää terveellisen, Jumalaa kunnioittavan maailmankuvan. Jokaisessa kodissa tulisi käyttää aikaa siihen, että lasten tietämys Jumalasta ja yhteys Jumalaan kehittyy ja kasvaa, jotta heidän sielunsa saisivat ravintoa. Aivan kuten fyysinen kehomme tarvitsee ruokaa ja vettä kasvaakseen ja saadakseen ravintoa, lapsemme tarvitsevat Jumalan tuntemista, jotta heidän sielunsa saisivat elämää, joka ravitsee ja rikastuttaa heitä. Hauska tapa aloittaa lastemme tutustuttaminen Jumalaan on lukea heille ja rohkaista heitä lukemaan.Tulee aika, jolloin lapsestasi tulee luonnostaan utelias omasta olemassaolostaan, ja hän kysyy Jumalasta. ¿ Jumalan tunteminen ja rakastaminen - Jumalaan tutustuminen kaikkien uskontojen lapsille ¿ by The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection auttaa huolehtimaan siitä, että pystyt tuomaan ja selittämään Jumalan lapsellesi tavalla, jonka hän ymmärtää. Kirja opettaa lapsillesi rakastavasti, kuka Jumala on, ja esittelee Hänen ominaisuutensa hauskalla, mielenkiintoisella ja mukaansatempaavalla tavalla. Tämä hengellinen lastenkirja osoittaa lapsillesi Jumalan rakkauden ja armon, jotta he kasvaisivat rakastamaan Häntä ja olemaan tietoisempia Hänestä omassa elämässään. Mikään ei ole sen parempaa kuin istua lastesi kanssa ja keskustella heidän kanssaan elämää rikastuttavista, hyödyllisistä ja mielenkiintoisista Jumalan käsitteistä. Tämän hengellisen lastenkirjan jokaisella sivulla esitellään käsite ihastuttavien ja värikkäiden kuvitusten avulla, joita lapsesi ymmärtävät ja arvostavat!

  • av The Sincere Seeker Collection

    ¿ Onze kinderen zijn kostbare geschenken die God ons heeft gegeven. Hij vertrouwt ons hun zorg en opvoeding toe. Een belangrijk deel van onze verantwoordelijkheid als ouders is om onze kinderen op jonge leeftijd uit te leggen wie God is, zodat zij een gezond, Godbewust wereldbeeld kunnen ontwikkelen. Elk huishouden zou tijd moeten uittrekken om de kennis en de band van hun kinderen met God te ontwikkelen en te laten groeien om hun ziel te voeden. Net zoals ons fysieke lichaam voedsel en water nodig heeft om te groeien en gevoed te worden, hebben onze kinderen de herinnering aan God nodig om hun ziel leven te geven, te voeden en te verrijken. Een leuke manier om onze kinderen kennis te laten maken met God is door hen voor te lezen en hen aan te moedigen te lezen.Er komt een tijd dat je kind van nature nieuwsgierig wordt naar zijn bestaan, en het zal vragen naar God. ¿ God leren kennen en liefhebben - God voorstellen aan kinderen van alle geloven ¿ door De Sincere Seeker Kids Collection zorgt ervoor dat u uw kind God kunt voorstellen en uitleggen op een manier die het kan begrijpen. Het leert uw kinderen liefdevol wie God is en introduceert Zijn eigenschappen op een leuke, interessante en boeiende manier. Dit spirituele boek voor kinderen laat Gods liefde en genade zien aan uw kinderen, zodat ze opgroeien met liefde voor Hem en zich meer bewust zijn van Hem in hun leven. Er gaat niets boven het zitten met je kinderen en met hen een band opbouwen over de levensverrijkende, heilzame en interessante concepten van God. Elke pagina van dit spirituele boek voor kinderen introduceert een concept met verrukkelijke en kleurrijke illustraties die uw kinderen zullen begrijpen en waarderen!

  • av The Sincere Seeker Collection

    ¿ Os nossos filhos são dádivas maravilhosas que Deus nos dá. Ele encarrega-nos de cuidar deles e de os educar. Enquanto pais, é importante explicar aos nossos filhos, desde tenra idade, quem é Deus, para que possam adquirir uma mundividência saudável e consciente em relação a Deus. Qualquer família deve dedicar tempo ao desenvolvimento e crescimento da ligação e conhecimento dos seus filhos com Deus para nutrir as suas almas. Assim como o nosso corpo físico precisa de comida e água para crescer e ser sustentado, os nossos filhos necessitam de ter Deus presente para alimentar, fortalecer e enriquecer as suas almas. A leitura é uma maneira divertida de começar a aproximar os seus filhos de Deus, incentivando-os a ler. A seu tempo, o seu filho começará a sentir uma curiosidade natural pela própria existência e perguntará por Deus. Conhecer & Amar a Deus - Explicar Deus a Crianças de Todas as Confissões ¿ da Coleção Infantil The Sincere Seeker permite-lhe introduzir e explicar Deus ao seu filho de uma forma compreensível. Com amor, o livro ensina aos seus filhos quem é Deus e apresenta-lhes os Seus Atributos de uma maneira divertida, interessante e envolvente. Este livro espiritual para crianças mostra o Amor e a Misericórdia de Deus aos seus filhos, para que eles aprendam a amá-Lo e a ter mais consciência d'Ele nas suas vidas. É muito fácil reunir-se com os seus filhos e partilhar com eles os interessantes, enriquecedores e benéficos conceitos sobre Deus. Cada página deste livro espiritual infantil aborda um conceito com encantadoras e coloridas ilustrações que os seus filhos irão compreender e gostar!

  • av The Sincere Seeker Collection

    ¿ Rhoddion gwerthfawr yw ein plant a roddwyd i ni gan Dduw. Mae'n ymddiried ynom eu gofal a'u magwraeth. Rhan bwysig o'n cyfrifoldeb fel rhieni yw cyflwyno ac esbonio i'n plant yn ifanc pwy yw Duw er mwyn iddynt ddatblygu byd-olwg iach, sy'n ymwybodol o Dduw. Dylai pob cartref neilltuo amser i ddatblygu a thyfu gwybodaeth a chysylltiad eu plant â Duw i feithrin eu heneidiau. Yn union fel mae ein cyrff angen bwyd a d¿r i dyfu a chael eu maethu, mae ein plant angen coffadwriaeth Duw i roi bywyd i'w heneidiau, i'w maethu a'u cyfoethogi. Ffordd hwyl o ddechrau cyflwyno ein plant i Dduw yw trwy ddarllen iddynt a'u hannog i ddarllen.Fe ddaw amser pan fydd eich plentyn yn dod yn naturiol chwilfrydig am ei fodolaeth, a bydd yn holi am Dduw. Mae ¿ Dod i Adnabod a Charu Duw - Cyflwyno Duw i Blant o Bob Ffydd ¿ gan The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection yn helpu sicrhau eich bod chi'n gallu cyflwyno ac esbonio Duw i'ch plentyn mewn modd y gall deall. Mae'n dysgu'ch plant yn gariadus pwy yw Duw ac yn cyflwyno Ei Nodweddion iddynt mewn ffordd hwyliog, ddiddorol a deniadol. Mae'r llyfr ysbrydol hwn i blant yn dangos Cariad a Thrugaredd Duw i'ch plant fel eu bod yn tyfu i fyny yn ei garu ac yn dod yn fwy ymwybodol ohono yn eu bywydau. Nid oes dim byd tebyg i eistedd gyda'ch plant a bondio gyda nhw dros y cysyniadau cyfoethogi bywyd, buddiol, a diddorol Duw. Mae pob tudalen o'r llyfr ysbrydol hwn i blant yn cyflwyno cysyniad gyda darluniau hyfryd a lliwgar bydd eich plant yn deall a'u gwerthfawrogi!

  • av The Sincere Seeker Collection

    ¿ Farzandlar Alloh taoloning ota-onaga bergan omonati bo`lganidek juda qadrli in'omdir. Ota-onalar farzandlarini tarbiyalash va voyaga yetkazish uchun javobgardirlar. Ota-ona farzandini qanday tarbiyalagani uchun qiyomatda javob beradi. To`g`ri tarbiya bilan birga islom dinini o`rgatish va Alloh (Xudo) kimligini erta yoshda tanishtirish kerak, shunda ular o`zlarining islomiy dunyoqarashi va fazilatlarini rivojlantiradilar. Farzandlaringizga Allohni (Xudo) tanishtirishni boshlashning qiziqarli usuli bu ularga kitob o`qib berish va ularning o`zlarini o`qishga undashdir. ¿ Yaratguvchimiz Allohni Tanish ¿ ¿Sincere Seeker bolalar to`plami farzandlaringizga Yaratguvchimiz Alloh kimligini o`rgatadi va ularga O`zining sifatlarini ajoyib, qiziqarli va e'tiborni tortadigan tarzda tanishtiradi. Bu kitob farzandlaringizga Xudoning sevgisi va rahm-shafqatini ko`rsatishga qaratilgan bo`lib, ular Uni sevib ulg`ayishlari va Unga nisbatan ko`proq ongli bo`lishlari mumkin.

  • av The Sincere Seeker Collection

    ¿ Våre barn er dyrebare gaver gitt til oss av Gud. Han betror oss deres omsorg og oppdragelse. En viktig del av vårt ansvar som foreldre er å introdusere og forklare for barna våre i tidlig alder hvem Gud er slik at de kan utvikle et sunt, gudsbevisst verdensbilde. Hver husholdning bør sette av tid til å utvikle og øke barnas kunnskap og forbindelse med Gud for å gi næring til deres sjel. Akkurat som våre fysiske kropper trenger mat og vann for å vokse og få næring, trenger våre barn minnet om Gud for å gi liv til deres sjel, for å nære og berike dem. En morsom måte å begynne å introdusere barna våre for Gud på er ved å lese for dem og oppmuntre dem til å lese.Det vil komme en tid da barnet ditt blir naturlig nysgjerrig på sin eksistens, og de vil spørre om Gud. ¿ Å bli Kjent med & Elske Gud - Introduserer Gud for barn av Alle Trosretninger ¿ av The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection bidrar til å sikre at du er i stand til å introdusere og forklare Gud til barnet ditt på en måte de kan forstå. Den lærer barna dine kjærlig hvem Gud er og introduserer hans egenskaper for dem på en morsom, interessant og engasjerende måte. Denne åndelige boken for barn demonstrerer Guds kjærlighet og barmhjertighet til barna dine, slik at de vokser opp med å elske ham og bli mer bevisste på ham i livet. Det er ingenting som å sitte med barna dine og knytte bånd med dem over Guds livsberikende, fordelaktige og interessante konsepter. Hver side i denne åndelige boken for barn introduserer et konsept med herlige og fargerike illustrasjoner som barna dine vil forstå og sette pris på!

  • av The Sincere Seeker Collection

    ¿ Qur'oni Karimni tilovat qilib o`rganish va uni tushunish har bir musulmon xonadoniga farz va ota-ona yelkasiga katta mas'uliyatdir. Har bir ota-ona farzandining islomiy tafakkur va turmush tarzi bilan voyaga yetishi uchun yoshligidanoq Qur'oni Karimga qiziqish va mehr uyg`otishi kerak.Qur'oni Karim Allohning (Xudoning) so`zma-so`z kalomidir va har bir xonadon o`z qalblarini oziqlantirish uchun o`zlarining aloqalarini va farzandlarining ushbu So`zlarga aloqasini rivojlantirish va kuchaytirish uchun har kuni vaqt belgilashi kerak. Jismoniy tanamiz omon qolish uchun oziq-ovqat va suvga muhtoj bo`lgani kabi, qalbimiz ham qalbimizni boyitish, oziqlantirish va hayot baxsh etish uchun Qur'oni Karim va Allohning zikriga muhtojdir. ¿¿ Muqaddas Qur'oni Karim bilan tanishish va unga muhabbat qo`yish¿ bu islomiy kitob bo`lib, bolalaringizga Qur'onni oson, qiziqarli, e'tiborni tortadigan bo`ladi va ta'lim berish orqali tanishtiradi. Bu kitob farzandlaringizga Qur'oni Karim haqida bilishlari kerak bo`lgan asoslarni o`rgatish va uni o`rganishning muhimligini ifodalash, shunda ularda Qu'oni Karimga kuchli muhabbat va rishtalarni rivojlantirishga qiziqish uyg`otishi uchun mo`ljallangan.

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    ¿ Mempelajari Al-Quran sambil membaca dan memahaminya merupakan kewajipan untuk setiap rumahtangga Muslim dan tanggungjawab yang besar bagi kita sebagai ibu bapa. Setiap ibu bapa perlu menanamkan minat dan cinta untuk Al-Quran kepada anak-anak mereka sejak usia muda agar mereka dapat membesar dengan pemikiran dan gaya hidup Islam. Al-Quran adalah firman Allah (Tuhan), dan setiap keluarga perlu menetapkan waktu harian untuk memperkukuhkan hubungan mereka dan hubungan anak-anak mereka melalui Firman ini bagi menyuburkan jiwa mereka. Sama seperti badan fizikal kita memerlukan makanan dan air untuk kekal hidup, jiwa kita turut memerlukan Al-Quran dan pengingatan Allah untuk memperkaya, menyuburkan, dan memberikan kehidupan pada jiwa kita. ¿ ¿ Mengenali & Mencintai Al-Quran ¿ adalah sebuah buku Islam untuk kanak-kanak yang memperkenalkan Al-Quran kepada anak-anak anda dengan cara yang mudah, menyeronokkan, menarik, dan mendidik. Buku ini bertujuan untuk mengajar anak-anak anda asas yang perlu ketahui mengenai Al-Quran dan menyatakan kepentingan mempelajarinya, agar dapat menarik minat mereka untuk membangunkan kasih sayang dan ikatan yang kuat untuk Al-Quran.

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    Kanak-kanak adalah amanah yang diberikan oleh Allah (Tuhan) kepada ibu bapa sebagaimana mereka juga merupakan anugerah yang amat berharga. Ibu bapa bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga dan membesarkan anak-anak mereka. Ibu bapa akan ditanya pertanggungjawaban di Hari Kiamat untuk bagaimana mereka membesarkan anak-anak mereka. Dengan pendidikan yang tepat, haruslah diberikan pengajaran Islam dan pengenalan kepada Allah (Tuhan) pada usia awal agar mereka dapat membangunkan pandangan dunia dan keperibadian Islam mereka. Salah satu cara yang seronok untuk memperkenalkan Allah (Tuhan) kepada anak-anak anda adalah dengan membacakan kisah kepada mereka dan menggalakkan mereka membaca. ¿ Mengenali Allah, Pencipta Kita ¿ oleh The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection mengajar anak-anak anda siapalah Allah, Pencipta Kita, dan memperkenalkan Sifat-sifat-Nya kepada mereka dengan cara yang seronok, menarik, dan secara melibatkan. Buku ini bertujuan menunjukkan Kasih Sayang dan Rahmat Allah kepada anak-anak anda agar mereka dapat membesar dengan mencintai-Nya dan lebih mengenali-Nya.­­

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    Join the Aman family on their exciting adventure on an African safari! Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about positive thinking, optimism, and making good assumptions. Through fun and engaging illustrations, young readers will discover the importance of seeing the best in others and how a positive attitude can make all the difference in their lives. From encountering a beautiful lioness with a long flowing mane and big-eared, long-trunk elephants to black and white striped zebras, the Aman family's journey teaches children the power of positive thinking, optimism, and good assumptions and how they can be applied in everyday situations. Safari Animals and their Winning Attitudes: Teaching Kids About Positive Thinking, Optimism & Good Assumptions is a must-read for children of all ages.

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    Comment pourrait-on définir notre rôle et notre but dans la vie sans recevoir des instructions claires et pratiques sur ce que Dieu veut et attend de nous ? C'est là qu'intervient le besoin de prophétie. En effet, Dieu a envoyé des milliers de Messagers et Prophètes à l'humanité afin de transmettre Son Message et de communiquer avec nous. Chaque nation sur Terre a ainsi reçu un Prophète. Ils ont tous prêché le même Message universel, celui d'une seule déité digne d'être adorée. Il est le Seul et Unique Dieu, sans partenaire, fils, fille, ou égal. Dieu a envoyé des Messagers et des Prophètes pour empêcher l'humanité d'adorer leurs créations et les inciter à adorer leur Créateur, le Maître de tout. Les prophètes sont venus informer leur peuple de qui est leur Créateur, comment développer une relation avec Lui et comment l'adorer. Les Prophètes ont ainsi expliqué à leur peuple que la vie n'est qu'un test, où ceux qui réussissent iront au Paradis pour l'éternité, et ceux qui échouent connaîtront le châtiment ultime dans l'au-delà. Par Sa miséricorde et Son amour infinis, Dieu continuait à envoyer des messagers avec des livres de Dieu pour guider l'humanité - à commencer par le prophète Adam, puis Nouh, Ibrahim, Ismaël, Yaacoub, Moussa, le prophète Issa et le prophète Mohammed, que la paix soit sur eux tous. De nombreux Prophètes sont présents dans les traditions juives & chrétiennes. Tous les Messagers et Livres précédents autres que le Saint Coran et le Prophète Mohammed n'ont été adressés qu'à un groupe spécifique de personnes et n'étaient destinés à être suivis que durant une période particulière. Par exemple, le prophète Issa, la paix soit sur lui, était l'un des plus puissants messagers de Dieu, qui a été envoyé avec le même message que tous les prophètes précédents, mais il n'a été envoyé qu'aux Bene Israël - la nation qui a vécu avant nous - comme leur dernier prophète puisqu'ils avaient enfreint les commandements de Dieu et s'étaient éloignés des lois établies par le messager précédent, Moussa, PSSL.Chaque fois que Dieu envoyait des Messagers avec une Révélation, après leur passage, les peuples déformaient & modifiaient les Révélations de Dieu. Ce qui était une pure Révélation de Dieu - serait ainsi entaché de mythes, de propos humains, de superstitions, d'idéologies philosophiques irrationnelles, & de culte des idoles. La religion de Dieu se perdit dans une pléiade de religions. Ainsi, comme le prophète Issa PSSL, a été envoyé pour corriger le message précédent adressé avant lui par le messager précédent, Moussa, PSSL. Le Prophète Mohammad est venu remettre en état le Message du Prophète Issa puisqu'il avait été modifié par ses adeptes et n'avait pas été préservé dans sa version originale.Au moment où l'humanité vivait une période extrêmement sombre, Dieu le Tout-Puissant envoya son dernier et ultime Messager à l'humanité, le Prophète Mohammad, la paix soit sur lui, ainsi que sa dernière Révélation, le Coran, pour sauver l'humanité. Le Coran et le dernier Messager reprenaient tout ce qui avait été révélé à tous les Messagers précédents dans le passé. Contrairement aux Messagers et aux Livres précédents, le Prophète Mohammad, PSSL, a été envoyé à toute l'humanité, et il n'y aura pas de Messager ou de Prophète après lui, ni de Livre après le Coran, dans la mesure où tous deux sont destinés à être suivis par tous les peuples, et non pas seulement par un groupe particulier de personnes ou une période particulière ; tous deux doivent être suivis par tout le monde jusqu'à la fin des temps.

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    "My Baby's First Religious Words" is an ideal way to introduce your child to God and important religious concepts! This beautiful 26-page ABC book is filled with colorful illustrations that take your child on a fun and engaging journey through the alphabet. Each letter represents a different religious word or concept, from A to Z, that will help your child understand and appreciate God. With captivating and vibrant illustrations on every page, this book is sure to capture your little one's attention, stimulate their brain, and foster a love for learning about God. It is a valuable addition to your family's bookshelf.

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    Discover the essentials of submitting to your Creator and converting to Islam in this short, concise, and easy-to-understand guide. This book will teach you what you need to know, believe, and practice to become a Muslim. From the basic Islamic beliefs and your life's purpose to what you must do after your conversion, this book will help you understand the faith and how to live as a faithful follower of Islam. Whether you're curious about Islam, ready to convert, or have converted already this guide will provide the knowledge and guidance you need to take the next step on your spiritual journey.

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    Discover the many proofs and evidence of Islam and the Holy Quran that attest to their Divine origin and absolute truth. Discover these irrefutable proofs for yourself. In this short book, you'll discover the miraculous quality and eloquence of the Holy Quran, the scientific miracles the book contains, the prophecies and predictions it makes, and its many mathematical wonders - all of which combine to prove the point that the Holy Quran could have come only from our All-Wise Creator. Through examination of the evidence, this book will demonstrate why Islam is the true religion of God and why the Holy Quran is the true speech of God. This book makes a great resource for sincere seekers of the truth.

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    Our children are precious gifts given to us by God. He entrusts us with their care and upbringing. An essential part of our responsibility as parents is to teach our children good manners and character. God strongly emphasizes them as integral to faith. Just as children should be taught ritual acts of worship to God, they should also be taught good manners and etiquette at an early age until it becomes second nature. Learning manners should be taught even before learning other forms of knowledge. Every household should set aside time to build and grow their children's manners and etiquette. A fun way to teach our children good manners is by reading about how to obtain good manners. ¿¿¿¿ My Parents Taught Me My Good Manners ¿¿¿¿ children's book teaches your children twenty-two good behavior practices to start implementing. Every page of this cute and educational book introduces a good behavioral practice with delightful, colorful illustrations that your children will understand and appreciate! This kid's book on manners includes the following good character practices:Treating others the way you want to be treatedObeying and helping parentsBeing kind to animalsForgiving others and not holding grudgesSpeaking kindly and using their indoor voicesKeeping promises and not breaking them.Being patient and not losing their cool and getting angryGiving and sharing with others, especially those in needBeing honest and never cheatingAlways being grateful and thanking others and Godand more! While The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic organization, this book speaks to kids and families of all faiths, including Christians, Catholics, Muslims, and Jews, as it teaches manners that people follow, regardless of their religion.

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    Our children are precious gifts given to us by Allah. He entrusts us with their care and upbringing. An essential part of our responsibility as parents is to teach our children good manners and character. Islam strongly emphasizes them as integral to the faith. Just as a Muslim child should be taught ritual acts of worship to Allah, they should also be taught good manners and etiquette at an early age until it becomes second nature. Learning manners should be taught even before learning other forms of knowledge. Every household should set aside time to build and grow their children's manners and etiquette. Our Prophet Muhammad PBUH stated: The most complete of the believers in faith is the one with the best character among them.A fun way to teach children good manners is by reading about how to obtain them. ¿¿¿¿ MyIslam Taught Me My Good Manners ¿¿¿¿ children's book teaches your children twenty-three good behavior practices from the teachings of the Holy Quran and Hadith. Every page of this cute and educational book introduces a good behavioral practice with delightful, colorful illustrations that your children will understand and appreciate! This kid's book on manners includes the following good character practices:Treating others the way you want to be treatedObeying and helping parentsBeing kind to animalsForgiving others and not holding grudgesSpeaking kindly and using their indoor voiceKeeping promises and not breaking them.Being patient and not losing their cool and getting angryGiving and sharing with others, especially those in needBeing honest and never cheatingAlways being grateful to Allah and thanking Him and othersand more!

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    This book was written for the benefit of three categories of people: those close to converting to Islam but who have doubts, those who struggle with the whispers of Satan, causing them to doubt Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam to get closer to God and invite others to the faith.It's natural to have doubts and to question your beliefs about God and Islam. Islam encourages the one with doubts to seek knowledge and understanding to cope with these feelings. Neglecting your doubts can cause confusion and great damage to your spiritual health. Yet embarking upon a journey of understanding, dealing with your doubts, and not allowing Satan's whispers to lead you astray will clear your understanding so that you can get closer to your Creator.Due to certain misconceptions about Islam, as spread through existing anti-Islamic websites, you may have been fed some concepts that make you question whether Islam is a religion of and from God. This book addresses the top misconceptions and misunderstandings about Islamic concepts. They include Aisha's age when she married Prophet Muhammad PBUH, evolution, why God created evil, why Caliph Uthman burned the Holy Quran, whether the sword spread Islam, the question of whether women are oppressed in Islam, the concept of Jihad, Jizya, different sects of Islam, female inheritance, the punishment for Apostasy, hand cutting, lashing, the question of whether Prophet Muhammad PBUH or Satan could have written the Holy Quran, and much more!Topics in this book include:The Young Age of Aisha When She Married Prophet Muhammad PBUHIf God Exists, Why Does He Allow Evil, Pain, Suffering, and Sickness?If God Preordained Everything, Why Should I be held Accountable?Does Islam Believe in Evolution?What is the Concept of Hell? Can Hell be Justified?Why Did God Create Hell, Knowing that Some People Will Be Condemned?Could Prophet Muhammad PBUH have Copied its Text from Another Source?Could the Holy Quran Be Inspired by Satan?Why Did the Caliph Uthman Burn Different Versions of the Quran?Are Women Oppressed in Islam?Did Islam Start After Judaism and Christianity?Is Prophet Muhammad PBUH the Founder of Islam?Did Islam Spread by the Sword?How Did Islam Spread Throughout the World so Quickly?Does Islam Allow Men to Beat their Wives?Do Islamic Inheritance Laws Favor Men Over Women?Why Do Women Receive Half the Inheritance Share of a Man?Is a Women's Testimony Worth Half of That of a Man in Islam?Why Can Muslim Men Marry Up to Four WiveWhat is Sharia Law in Islam?Do Muslims Want to Spread Islamic Sharia Law to Non-Muslim Countries?Penal Codes in Islam; What's the Deal with Hand Cutting, Lashing, & Stoning?Jihad, Holy War and Terrorism in IslamUnderstanding Jizya, and is it a Non-Muslim Tax?Is the Punishment for Apostasy Death in Islam?Does Islam Allow Slavery?The Treatment of Female Prisoners of WarThe Verse of the SwordWhy are There Two Sects of Muslim?What is the Difference Between Sunni and Shia?What is the Concept of Atonement in Islam? Is it Similar to That of Christianity?How Does One Seek Salvation from Hellfire & Enter Paradise?The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic book publishing company and dawah organization calling people back to their Creator to fulfill their life purpose.The Sincere Seeker is designed for those who want to find their life's purpose, build a relationship with their Creator Allah (God), and gain a deeper understanding of the true Message, Wisdom, and religion of Islam so they can be guided in this world and earn Paradise in the hereafter.

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  • av The Sincere Seeker Collection

  • av The Sincere Seeker Collection

  • av The Sincere Seeker Collection

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