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Bøker utgitt av The Old Paths Publications, Inc.

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  • av E. A. Johnston

    Dr. Johnston's new book, "Faith Lessons in a Dynamite God" emerges from a life of faith with daily "faith lessons" that will encourage and strengthen one's faith for a closer walk with God and further usefulness to God. If you long to go deeper with God, this book will challenge you.

  • av E. A. Johnston

    "Revival Triology" by E. A. Johnston is a compilation of classic revival quotes, rare revival stories, and practical advice on how to prepare one's heart and church for revival. The author has studied historical revival for over three decades and shares that experience with the reader. This volume comprises three books in one of Dr. Johnston's revival series: "Reality of Revival," "Call To Revival," and "The Church In Revival," with 'Forewords' by such eminent revival scholars as: Dr. Stephen F. Olford, Dr. Colin Peckham, and Richard Owen Roberts, plus dozens of pithy revival quotes (which alone are worth the price of the book) will be a "pastor's help" to preparing churches for revival.

  • av E. A. Johnston

    E. A. Johnston's new book on preaching is a must have for any serious pastor or evangelist who wants to sharpen their tools and preach with more purpose and power a God-centered gospel and the full counsel of God. Dr. Johnston's homiletical mentor, Dr. Stephen F. Olford trained him in preaching and revival, and he has over 2,000 sermons on Sermon Audio. Dr. Johnston has authored over 19 books on Revival. You will learn a lot from this book.

  • av Stephen F Olford

    "Olford On Scroggie" was Dr. Stephen Olford's last book and is the fruit of a sixty year ministry of training pastors how to preach expository sermons. Dr. Olford's homiletical mentor was Dr. Graham Scroggie, and what he learned from him is taught in this book for preachers and bible teachers.

  • av E. A. Johnston

    "Lectures On Revival For A Laodecian Church" is the culmination of four decades of revival study and is Dr. Johnston's magnum opus on the subject of revival. Learn how to prepare your heart and church for revival and how to discern a true revival from the false. The chapter entitled, "Preparing For Revival" is worth the price of the book! Read it for your profit and become a student of revival as well.

  • av Russell Kidman

    Pastor Mike Whitt said: "I was privileged to be one of the first to proof read this book on PTSD. I want to say that before reading this book I had very little knowledge on the subject, but as I read it I found myself weeping on numerous occasions, realizing the extent of what our men and women go through after their time of serving. I have experienced firsthand in our church the effects of PTSD with Brother Kidman and now I sympathize with him and others like him with full respect of what it takes to get through these difficult times. I want to say that I Highly recommend this book to all Veterans and those that are family, friends or caregivers for them. It will change your life and your perspective on PTSD." Pastor Mike Whitt, New Life Ind. Baptist Church, 2023.This book will be tremendously helpful for any who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), including veterans, policemen, firemen; doctors, nurses, or anyone exposed to the vulgarities and trauma of life. H. D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D.

  • av Luke S. Watkins

    THE BOOK OF HEBREWS is avoided by many and misinterpreted by most. The point of this commentary is to unfold the beautiful message of this rich book, as well as to bring light and clarity to its difficult passages. It will be seen throughout this study that the way to look at these passages is the same way that its original readers would have, and to be as careful in applying Old Testament typology as the original author was. The truths revealed thereby are encouraging, beautiful, and satisfying to those who are unsettled at best, and troubled at worst. The result is a treatment of the book that honors the Authorized text and avoids common theological blunders. BOOK OF HEBREWS IN MY LIBRARY, COUNTING THE SINGLE VOLUMES, PLUS COMMENTARIES. THIS WORK BY LUCAS WATKINS IS VALUED AMONG THE BEST OF THEM." DR. JAMES JONES, JR., PASTOR EMERITUS, HARRIMAN BAPTIST TABERNACLE, HARRIMAN, TENNESSEE

  • av William J. Finnigan

    Dr. Finnigan has written this little book to encourage and strengthen parents whose desire it is to have a Christ-honoring, Bible-based home. This book focuses on helping parents understand and "work through" their God-given challenge of child-rearing; yes, hopefully, without losing their spiritual sanity! It is in the midst of today's wicked, antichrist "atmosphere" that, by God's grace, Christian families must thrive. To say that we live in turbulent and challenging days is surely an understatement! This is especially true for those of us who desire to raise our children in a Christian environment. Particularly since the 1960s, the godless, satanic world system has progressively inundated our culture. Families have been "shattered" by divorce and rebellion, while churches suffer from spiritual lethargy and worldly intoxication. The influence of social media, smart phones, and the internet, which have subtly weakened the cohesiveness of family life. There is an insidious evil attack on Christian homes in light of the spirit of rebellion. The words, "Unthankful, unholy, and disobedient to parents" are propheticallyintensified in the "last days. (2 Timothy 3:1f)

  • av Stephen R. Gentry
    273 - 467,-

  • av E. A. Johnston

    In the only authorized biography of Baxter's life, E. A. Johnston explores the legacy Baxter left etched upon modern Christianity and people of faith. Johnston looks at Baxter's writings, shines light on th strength and depth of Baxter's prayer life, and details Baxter's international preaching ministry. With exclusive photographs and recollections from those touched by Baxter's ministry, this compelling story portrays a person whose heart was awakened by the most compelling story of all.

  • av E. A. Johnston

    This is the definitive biography on the great British evangelist, George Whitefield, Volumes 1 and 2 combined, and has much valuable information on his life and ministry not covered by Dallimore and previous biographers. With endorsements by some of the top scholars in Whitefieldian literature, this massive biography is a "must have" for anyone interested in preaching, revival, and the souls of men as well as the period known as "The Great Awakening."

  • av E. A. Johnston

    A definitive look at the epoch in America known as "The Second Great Awakening" that balances its two figureheads, Asahel Nettleton and Charles Finney, in their proper historical perspective. The author is a research scholar who unravels the downgrade of New England Theology and the controversies of the "New Measures". Everyone who has an interest in evangelism and revival will benefit from this book. The "letters of Asahel Nettleton" in the Appendix, are worth the price of the book.

  • av D. A. Jr. Waite

    4,114 Definitions From The Defined King James Bible. Definitions of uncommon words found in the King James Bible such as Anon, Bewray, Caul, Chapmen, Choler, Descry, Durst, Fens, Gainsay, Hosen, Kine, Matrix, Nitre, Polled, Quaternions, Sith, Surfeiting and etc.

  • av E. A. Johnston

    This new biography on the evangelist Sam Jones is the most detailed account of his life and ministry and re-establishes him in his rightful place of prominence among evangelists of the nineteenth century. Like George Whitefield before him, he is largely forgotten today among evangelicals. But also, like the British evangelist Whitefield, Sam Jones spoke to more people than any other preacher of his generation. This new definitive look at his life includes rare and historical photos never before published.

  • av Thomas M. Strouse

    An exegetical commentary on the Masoretic Text of the Book of Isaiah in the King James Bible. It contains 742 footnotes, idioms, grammar, and context, based on the author's years of teaching the seminary course on Isaiah.

  • av Thomas M. Strouse

    Following are two of the reasons Dr. Strouse wrote this book. (1) He says, "Since the authority and message of the Bible is under attack, many men seem to have great reserve about entering the ministry of the Word." (2) He also says, "Over the years some of my seminary and Bible students have challenged me to put my course syllabi into book form for publishing." "I would like to respond to these factors by producing a book which defends the authority and message of the Bible for both fundamental Baptist laymen and seminary students to comprehend and utilize. Some of the items addressed are the Revelation, Inspiration, Inerrancy, Canonicity, Illumination, Interpretation, and Perfections of Scripture. "The student of the Bible must recognize that the Bible's underlying texts are extremely important. ... The student of the Word should use the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew OT because it is the standardized and traditional text of the OT, and the student should use the Received Text of the Greek NT because it is superior to the Critical Text and Majority Text textually, historically, and Christologically. Not only is the text of the Bible important, but so is the translation of the Bible. Since the Masoretic and Received Texts are superior, it follows that their resultant translation, the KJV, is superior. THE KJV IS THE WORD OF GOD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. It has no errors in it because it carefully reflects the original language texts closest to the autographs. The AV, like all translations, has 'language limitations,' but these are not errors."

  • av Alfred W Pollard

    A few years ago, I constructed a document about the history of the King James Bible. It was not published because so many excellent books have been written and published on the subject. One of the books which added great information to the endeavor was Alfred W. Pollard's Records of the English Bible, Relating to the Translation and Publication of the Bible in English, 1525-1611. It was published by Oxford University Press in 1911. Dr. Pollard made many comments such as: "To the reasons I have given in my Introduction for believing that after a few years of grace, recourse was had to the methods of Archbishop Parker to support the version of 1611 as against that of Geneva...The leaders of the two great parties in the Church had loyally cooperated in making it, and after the experience of the third of a century it was recognized as the Bible of the whole Church and Nation." And so, I present a reprint of this great work by Dr. Pollard to you for your research and to place in your library. It will contain some markings which were made by previous readers of this manuscript that do not interfere with the reading of it. H. D. Williams, President The Old Paths Publications.

  • av Lance T. Ketchum

    The word election in the Bible is NEVER used in the context of God choosing someone to be saved - not even once! In the day and age of milk and cookies theology, there is seldom much hunger for the meat of God's Word. However, true theology is a line upon line, precept upon precept work. This detailed research is not for the milk and cookies crowd. "Rightly dividing the Word of Truth" requires careful and meticulous examination of the Biblical data of all that God has said about a topic from cover to cover, and in minute detail (inductive methodology). In Dr. Ketchum's new book The Poison TULIP, he applies a Biblical Hermeneutic to the doctrine of Election dismantling the presuppositions and eisegesis of Calvinism to discover simply what God's Word teaches. The Poison TULIP does not get involved in the endless arguments of Proof Text Theology that have been mainstay of the deductive hermeneutics of faulty theologies for centuries. From cover to cover, The Poison TULIP is simply solid inductive Hermeneutics of Sola Scriptura.

  • av Dean Burgon Society

    We have long awaited the appearance of such a King lames Bible that would easily inform the reader of meanings of words which, though excellent in 1611, have changed slightly through the years by the use of footnotes. There are two portions of Scripture that come to mind concerning the understanding of the Words of God. The first portion is in Nehemiah. Nehemiah 8:8 states: "So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading." This is what The Defined King James Bible has done. It will cause those who read the King James Bible to know "the sense" and "to understand the reading." They do not need to go to one of the modern versions which have inferior Hebrew and Greek texts, inferior translators, inferior translation technique, and inferior theology. A second portion of Scripture is found in Acts. Acts 8:30 states that Philip, when he met the Ethiopian Eunuch, "ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?" The Eunuch's reply in the next verse was: "How can I, except some man should guide me?" The footnotes in The Defined King James Bible will act as a "guide" so that you, too, might understand "what thou readest." You will notice that there has been no change whatsoever in the Authorized King James Bible. It has been kept as the standard which has united English speaking people throughout the world. There have been only clarifying footnotes based upon sound English dictionaries and, where needed, the original Hebrew and Greek languages. This Bible is not only a teaching tool, but also a devotional blessing. To help those who may not be as familiar with many details of the Bible, we have included a Synopsis of the Books of the Bible.

  • av Jack A. Moorman

    The material given in these twenty-one "biggest problem passages" is by no means complete or exhaustive. Others will be able to add further light.But the above demonstrates how foolish and unfair it is to criticize passages such as these without taking the time to see If there is a reasonable explanation. Some years ago, a NASA space probe gave the world its first close-up of the rings of Saturn. Prior to this the nature and structure of these rings were thought to be fairly straightforward. In fact, it was shown to be quite the opposite! Not only did the rings orbit Saturn, but the rings themselves contained orbiting "rings." They displayed a previously unimagined complexity. So it is with our English Bible. From a distance misapprehension are possible. But the closer one looks, the more it reveals the hand of God. It bears witness to the fact that indeed it is the fulfillment of God's promise to preserve His original work of inspiration. Far from Its "problem passages" revealing any deficiency; under scrutiny, these reveal "dust of gold" (Job 28:6). And what is more, they test the heart and motives of all who come to its pages: Concerning thy testimonies, have known of old that thou has founded them forever. Psalms 119:152

  • av Dan R. Nelson

    Dan Nelson is clear and direct in his desire for everyone to know what Baptists believe and how they have survived their struggle to be the force they are today. Each chapter contains ten descriptions of certain beliefs and practices amplified by Baptists in their churches and history. Eight appendices serve as a teaching guide for the information condensed into helpful instruction. Nelson's writing is unique since he uses history to describe Baptist beliefs. His writing and research indicate how Baptists differ from other groups. Surprising facts and encouraging stories shared as illustrations reveal these truths. Dan has taught Church History and is a Baptist historian specializing in writing about continuous Baptist history throughout the history of Christianity.

  • av Kenneth Shirkey

    This book, "Fearlessly Devoted, A Devotional for Soldiers of the King of Kings," is 40 days of soul stirring devotions to encourage, challenge, and assure disciples of the King. The author, Ken Shirkey, is married to Martha and is the grandfather of sixteen wonderful grandchildren who know and love the Lord. Ken received a midlife call to mission in 1985. Two things burned in his heart: nations and leaders. This call was not to a specific nation or people, but to see every tongue, tribe, people, and nation alive with Christ. Leaders were the key to see viable church movements and the cry for oh leaders was always among the top five needs listed in every targeted people. Ken entered full-time mission service in 1989 working with the U.S. Center for World Mission to mobilize churches for mission especially to unreached peoples. In 2002 Ken and Martha formed the Gateway Center for World Mission with the expressed purpose of training leaders in the nations. Since then the Lord has opened the door to impact leaders in fourteen nations.Paul writes in 2 Tim. 2:2:And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. The Lord showed him a key principle in training leaders is the reality that "You Replicate Who You Are." There has been an abundance of teaching from the western church, but many have settled for being students of knowledge instead of living disciples.

  • av Steve Combs

    Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls ... (Jeremiah 6:16)This is the second book written in a series on Bible translating. The first was A Practical Theology of Bible Translating. This second book adds to the theology, but focuses more on the practical aspects of starting, conducting, and finishing a translation project. A book like this is extremely important. We live in an age when the old paths have been all but forgotten when it comes to Bible translating. Many have forgotten the importance of the actual words God inspired. They think the only thing that matters is to carry the meaning or message into the translation. Meaning is important, but I argue that the meaning is imbedded in the inspired words, and that it is those words with the proper meaning that are to be translated. Translation projects and local situations differ greatly. So, there is no one standard plan or pattern that fits all projects. There are six categories in this book about translating: 1. Convictions that are absolutely necessary to be a good translator: the inspiration, preservation, and sufficiency of the Word of God. 2. Basic principles of Bible translation. 3. Organizing and operating the translation team and project.4. The theology and practice of the work of translating5. Techniques to check and test the translation.6. Printing and distributing the translation.It is our prayer that this guide will result in many new translation projects and further spread the preaching of the precious Word of God.

  • av Dennis D. Helton

    Preachers don't preach about Hell. Many professing Christians do not believe Hell is literal place. New versions dilute what the Lord said about Hell. What do YOU know about Hell? One very popular preacher and evangelist said:"I think that Hell essentially is separation from God forever. I think the fire that is mentioned in the Bible is a burning thirst for God that can never be quenched. The only thing I could say for sure is that Hell means separation from God. We are separated from His light, from His fellowship. That is going to be Hell. When it comes to a literal fire, I don't preach it because I'm not sure about it. When the Scripture uses fire concerning Hell, that is possibly an illustration of how terrible it's going to be-not fire but something worse, a thirst for God that cannot be quenched"IS THIS TRUE COMPARED TO WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS?The topics covered in this book by Dennis D. Helton are:Hell, an Everlasting Fire; What did Jesus say about Hell; The Sting of Death; What the Secular World Says About Hell; Who Will be in Hell; Has Hell Gotten Larger; What is the Worm?; The Sting of Death; Is Hell a Literal Place; Where is Hell Located?; What is the Purpose for Hell?; Does the Bible Teach Soul Annihilation?; Can you Escape God's Judgment?

  • av Stephen R. Gentry
    250 - 445,-

  • av Dennis H. Helton

  • av Robert D Patton

  • av Dennis H. Helton

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