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  • av Marcel Proust
    370 - 444

  • av Kahlil Gibran

    And don't imagine you can control the course of love; love, if it thinks you worthy, will guide you. Kahlil Gibran's poems, parables, aphorisms, and stories cover a wide range of topics, from social issues to human concerns; from the tragedy and power of love to the soul's longings; from good and evil to crime and punishment; from happiness and sorrow to life and death; from inner beauty to dreams and mysticism; and from good and evil to crime and punishment. The Deluxe Edition is a collectible hardbound book that has been carefully produced and designed. It's ideal for both gifting and keeping. A valuable addition to any library's collection. The Prophet, The Wanderer, The Madman, and The Broken Wings are just a few of the works included in this unique collection.

  • av William Shakespeare

    This volume captures the best of the Shakespearean comedy universe, which is full with funny misunderstandings, deception, and disguises, with men and women switching sexual identities, and where mishaps and errors strangely lead to comical and ultimately happy outcomes. A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice, The Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night, and As You Like It? are five of Shakespeare's best comedies collected in this magnificent book. This deluxe edition is priceless, encased in a magnificent leather-bound edition with gilded edges and stunning endpapers.

  • av Jack London

    The most well-known book by Jack London is The Call of the Wild. Huge Saint Bernard Buck is followed as he is taken from his cushy existence in California and sent to the Klondike Gold Rush in this film. His kidnappers offer him for sale so that miners in the North might use him as a sledge dog. As the harsh realities of life on the route gradually destroy his civilised upbringing, he slowly discovers his ancient roots. London created a genuine adventure by drawing on his experiences in the Yukon.

  • av G. K. Chesterton

    Heretics, Orthodoxy, and The Everlasting Man are all three of G. K. Chesterton's Chesterton Apologetics collected in one volume.Heretics - In his defence of God, Chesterton addresses views from his time by H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Kipling, and others.It features wonderful ideas from the 1905 British edition, such these:There are many men in the current world who adhere to dogmas despite being completely unaware of them.Orthodoxy - Organized around a conundrum and its solution, it describes how Chesterton transformed from a pagan to a devout Christian. from the British Edition of 1908In The Everlasting Man, Chesterton successfully refutes the notion that Jesus Christ was merely a human being and that man is merely another animal that has evolved. It was the most effective popular defence of the complete Christian stance, according to C. S. Lewis.It contains wonderful ideas from the 1925 British Edition, including the following:According to our understanding, even the story of God can be described as an adventure story.Atheists may still fight Christianity, but it will be on a par with their battles against other aspects of nature, such as the sky and the environment.This classic book should not be missed by any student of thinking since it is witty, insightful, and genuinely enjoyable. This edition is offered in a compact book with the entire text at a reasonable price.

  • av Jonathan Edwards

    Has God the right to exercise our "free will"? Are we in charge if God rules over human free will? What exactly is morality like? What exactly is sin? Jonathan Edwards answers important philosophical queries about God's sovereignty, free will, God's knowledge, determinism, moral agency, desire, choice, good, and evil in this timeless classic. Every Christian can benefit from reading "Freedom of the Will" because it serves as a useful tool for understanding the magnitude of Christ's love in overcoming our minds and emotions and genuinely loving us. Every Christian family's library ought to contain this.

  • av Swami Divyananda

    The Holy Vedas are oldest and most respected scriptural Hindu writings. They were passed down orally for generations before being written in Sanskrit in 1500 BCE.This book contains the English translation of all four Vedas: Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda, and Sam Veda. These collections feature poetry, hymns, prayers and religious thought.The hymns impart a deep understanding into Indian mythology and culture, and are thus an enchanting introduction to Hinduism. The Rig Veda provides a detailed description of the Indian gods.Friedrich Max Müller was a founding figure of Vedic studies in Europe. He believed that a study of the records of Vedic civilisation was essential to understand the development of European faiths. To accomplish this, he studied and translated the Rig Veda to English in order to preserve the spirit of the original Sanskrit mantras.

  • av Snorri Sturluson

    The Prose Edda, also known as the Younger Edda, Snorri's Edda, and simply Edda, was written in Old Norse during the thirteenth century in Iceland. Snorri Sturluson, a distinguished poet, legislator, and frequent visitor to Norway's royal court, determined in 1220 to assemble Norse mythology's narratives and poetic practises before they faded under the influence of Christianity and European poem forms. The Prose Edda is the result, a rare peek into early Norse mythology.

  • av Caleb Sinclair

    Anything short of complete devotion to Christ is inadequate and must end in futility and loss.- A. W. TozerThere is no receiving Christ without the Cross, no receiving Christianity without surrender, no receiving God without full obedience.Christianity has been watered down a cheap, inferior substitute of what God means for it to be. The idea of 'accepting' Jesus has shifted from revolutionary attachment to an impulsive decision, painless and without cost-and with no concept of discipleship.The choice for anyone who claims to be a Christian is simple. Actually, there is no choice, says Tozer in True Discipleship. A Christian follows Christ. There is no alternative.The purpose of redemption was to restore mankind to its former closeness with God. The goal of every Christian must be an increasingly intimate acquaintance with Him.We must recapture the hope of His returning, and that hope must lift our lives beyond the earthly. With God as our refuge and the source of our strength, and with our eyes on our heavenly future and the promise of Christ's coming, we must yearn to please our Savior and Lord.

  • av Friedrich Nietzsche

    This collection contains the most famous novels written by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for Everyone and No One, Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Anti-Christ: A Criticism of Christianity, and The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs. This collection of five novels contains the most important thoughts and philosophies evoked by Nietzsche.Regarded as one of the most profound German philosophers, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is popularly considered a cultural critic and philologist whose work exerted a scholarly influence on modern intellectual history. His intellectual works focus on widespread themes such as religion, morality, philosophy, and science. Prominent elements of his philosophy include his radical critique of truth, a genealogical criticism of religion, and Christian morality. His body of work touched a wide range of topics, including art, philology, history, music, tragedy, and culture, most of which drew inspiration from Greek tragedy.

  • av Fanny Crosby

    "Fanny Crosby: An Autobiography" unfolds the remarkable life story of the beloved hymn writer, Fanny Crosby. Despite being blind from infancy, Fanny's unwavering faith in God and her profound musical talent paved the way for a life filled with inspirational hymns that continue to resonate with believers worldwide.In this autobiography, Fanny Crosby shares her captivating journey of trusting God's plan, experiencing His redemption, and being a powerful witness of God's grace. Her music ministry has touched countless hearts, and her legacy of faith continues to inspire generations."Fanny Crosby: An Autobiography" is a testament to the transformative power of God's love and the impact one life can make when surrendered to His divine purpose.

  • av Oscar Wilde

    Oscar Wilde wrote a lot, from criticism, articles, and reviews to novels, poetry, short tales, plays, and even children's writing. Among them are two of his masterworks, masterpieces that won him awards and cemented his reputation as a writer. The Importance of Being Earnest, a play that has been revived many times and adapted for radio, television, film, operas, and musicals, and The Picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde's only novel that became his most-read and well-known work, are both contained in this beautiful hardbound edition with gilded edges and beautiful endpapers.

  • av B. B. Warfield
    112 - 202,-

  • av Thomas Wolfe
    356 - 444

  • av Caleb Sinclair

    "Sin is never a thing to be proud of. No act is wise that ignores remote consequences, and sin always does. How wise is the man who has made the God of Jacob his hope and has taken refuge in the Rock of Ages!" - A. W. TozerObedience. The word we don't want to hear, and we'd much rather not talk about.And yet, it is the heart of the Christian life.Salvation and obedience, Saviour and Lord-two sides of the same coin. To receive Christ as Saviour is to submit to Him without regard of the consequences.The world would call it foolishness. Tozer, however, thinks it the greatest wisdom of all.If all of eternity exists before us, and our singular earthly life determines the nature of our life in the next, what grave danger are we win, if we persist in digging, shovelling, working, so hard, to get a reward that will surely burn when Christ comes?In Obedience to Christ, Tozer attempts to breathe heaven into our lungs.

  • av Thomas Aquinas

    Embark on an intellectual journey of unparalleled magnitude with "The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas" - a monumental work that remains a cornerstone of Western philosophy and theology. Spanning five volumes, this magnum opus offers a comprehensive exploration of Christian doctrine and moral philosophy, as Aquinas grapples with the deepest questions of existence and God's nature. With extraordinary erudition and logic, he examines matters of faith, ethics, and the human condition, bridging the gap between faith and reason. A pinnacle of medieval thought, Aquinas's Summa continues to inspire scholars and seekers of truth alike, as a profound testament to the unyielding pursuit of knowledge and understanding the divine.

  • av G. K. Chesterton

    According to Chesterton, his goal in converting to Orthodoxy is to "attempt an explanation, not of whether the Christian faith can be believed, but of how he personally has come to believe it." Orthodoxy has developed into a staple of Christian defence.

  • av P. G. Wodehouse
    356 - 444

  • av Friedrich Nietzsche
    370 - 458

  • av Aristotle

    Greek philosopher and Plato disciple Aristotle (384-322 BCE) radically altered the direction of Western philosophy. He is remembered as one of the greatest philosophers in history. The Roman statesman and philosopher Cicero once referred to his writing style as "a river of gold," and because of the breadth of his ideas and their subsequent impact on the study of science, logic, philosophical argument, and theology, many people have come to refer to him as "The Philosopher."

  • av G. K. Chesterton

    Essayist G.K. Chesterton was a master. However, reading his essays is more than just an exercise in studying literature at its best; it is also a chance to come across universal truths that still ring true today.Chesterton's essays are only problematic in that there are much too many of them. five thousand plus! For the majority of GKC readers, it is impossible to even begin to approach them or know where to start.Therefore, the "best" Chesterton articles have been chosen by Dale Ahlquist, Joseph Pearce, and Aidan Mackey, three of the world's foremost Chesterton experts. This collection will be enjoyed by both beginning and advanced Chesterton students.Astonishingly diverse topics include gargoyles, judges, architects, mystics, ghosts, pyrotechnics, rain, and many others. Along with a study at the Bible, Shakespeare, Dickens, Jane Austen, George MacDonald, and T.S. Eliot. All in GKC's distinctive, powerful, but always quotable style. The consistency of Chesterton's thinking that unites everything is even more amazing than the variety. a true feast for the heart and mind.While some of the articles in this collection might be well-known, many of them are being collected here for the first time in well over a century.

  • av Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Emerson's language is his greatest achievement in terms of eloquence and understanding. It is consistent with everything else in the language after Shakespeare.Richard Bloom Here are some of Ralph Waldo Emerson's most famous pieces, including the call to "Self-Reliance," the thorny realisations of "Circles" and "Experience," and the revolutionary accomplishment of "Nature." Emerson, who has been our nation's most persuasive advocate for individualism, also admits the forces that American society exerts against individualism. While praising what he refers to as "the great and crescive self," he dramatises and documents its vicissitudes. His numerous essays on history, art, politics, friendship, love, and other topics are also included here.

  • av Thomas A Kempis

    Remembering our own mortality is an invaluable practice that produces great spiritual reward. Such meditation prepares us for the ultimate event: our entrance into eternity."Remember, O mortal, that you are dust, and to dust, you shall return."Throughout history, many souls, upon meditating on their mortality, have forsaken the temporary pleasures of this world. Through contemplating death, numerous individuals have conquered the desires of the flesh. It is through the meditation on death that many have ascended the ladder of holiness.Keeping the reality of death constantly before our eyes is one of the greatest secrets to sanctity, as death is the only certainty in this existence. Those who daily ponder the approaching hour of their death will not be caught off guard when that moment arrives. Instead, they will have spent their entire lives in preparation, ready to meet their Creator."Meditations on Death" serves as a poignant reminder of the brevity of our earthly journey and the paramount importance of living with an eternal perspective. It invites readers to cultivate purity of mind, embrace the cross of Christ, and place their hope and trust in God alone. Through these meditations, Thomas à Kempis illuminates the path to preparing our souls for the eternity that awaits us.

  • av Franz Kafka

    As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning, fromrestless dreams he found himself recast in hisbed into a gigantic insect.He was laying on his hard, as it werearmour-plated, back and when he raised hishead a little he could see his domelike browntummy separated into stiff arched parts on topof which the bed quilt could barely keep in placeand was about to slide off entirely.His numerous legs, which were pitifully delicatecorresponded to the remainder of his bulk,waved helplessly before his eyes.With its stunning, eccentric, yet surprisinglyfunny first opening, Kafka begins hischef-d'oeuvre, The Metamorphosis.It is the story of a youthful man who, changedovernight into a giant beetle-like insect, evolvesan entity of disrepute to his family, a stranger inhis own home, a quintessentially alienated man.

  • av Rudyard Kipling

    Delve into the rich tapestry of Rudyard Kipling's literary legacy with "The Complete Works of Rudyard Kipling." This remarkable anthology gathers together all of Kipling's masterpieces, including his iconic novels, captivating short stories, stirring poetry, and insightful non-fiction. From the enthralling tales of the Indian subcontinent to the timeless explorations of colonialism and the human spirit, Kipling's writings are a testament to his unmatched storytelling prowess. Immerse yourself in his vivid descriptions, unforgettable characters, and thought-provoking themes as you embark on a journey through the remarkable works of one of the most celebrated writers in English literature.

  • av Soren Kierkegaard

    The first existentialist philosopher is generally regarded to have been Sren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic, and novelist. With a penchant for metaphor, sarcasm, and parables, he published critical works on organised religion, Christendom, morality, ethics, psychology, and the philosophy of religion. He emphasises the value of individual choice and dedication while placing a strong emphasis on how one should live as a "single individual" and prioritising tangible human experience above abstract thought.

  • av Karl Marx
    370 - 458

  • av Dante Alighieri

    The Inferno of Dante The reader is taken on an emotional journey through the deepest recesses of hell in this epic and brutal poem. As significant and enduring as the day it was composed more than 600 years ago. One of the greatest and most enduring works of Western civilization is Dante's Inferno. The eternal drama of a descent into Hell. The poetic masterpiece of Dante Alighieri, who is in the esteemed company of Homer, Virgil, Milton, and Shakespeare, is a stirring tale of human drama, an unforgettable visionary journey through the endless torment of Hell, the pinnacle of Middle Ages expression, a glorification of the ways of God, and a magnificent protest against the ways in which men have obstructed the divine plan.

  • av Neven Paar

    *Si prega di notare che la Standard Edition è in bianco e nero con un link alle immagini digitali a colori. L'Ebook è a colori. Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium è il risultato finale del mio viaggio di trasformazione Kundalini durato 17 anni, dopo un risveglio completo e prolungato nel 2004 che ha espanso in modo permanente la mia coscienza. Dopo aver sperimentato un completo aggiornamento visivo che mi permette di essere testimone della natura Olografica del mondo ogni giorno, sapevo che quello che mi era successo era unico. Così, per la parte successiva della mia vita, ho deciso di usare il mio dono e di dedicarmi all'apprendimento della scienza del mondo invisibile dell'energia con cui sono intimamente connesso, sviluppando al contempo le giuste competenze linguistiche per comunicare in modo esauriente le mie scoperte. Il Risveglio della Kundalini fa parte della missione della vostra Anima sulla Terra. Il suo scopo ultimo è quello di ottimizzare il vostro campo energetico toroidale (Merkaba) e trasformarvi in un Essere di Luce, consentendovi di viaggiare Interdimensionalmente attraverso la coscienza. Avere le conoscenze adeguate in questo campo può mettervi in grado di prendere il controllo della vostra Evoluzione Spirituale e di compiere il vostro destino in modo da poter continuare il vostro viaggio tra le Stelle nella prossima vita. Ecco perché ho scritto questo libro. Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium contiene tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul tema della Kundalini, compreso l'impatto del processo di Ascensione sull'anatomia umana e il ruolo del sistema nervoso, come sbloccare il pieno potenziale del vostro cervello e risvegliare il potere del vostro cuore, e come utilizzare modalità di Guarigione Spirituale come i Cristalli, i Diapason, l'Aromaterapia e i Tattva, per aumentare le vibrazioni dei vostri Chakra. Un'ampia parte del libro è dedicata alla filosofia e alla pratica dello Yoga (con l'Ayurveda), compreso un elenco di Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Mantra e meditazioni, con le relative istruzioni per l'uso. Discuto anche in dettaglio il processo di risveglio e trasformazione della Kundalini, compresi i risvegli permanenti e parziali, i Sogni Lucidi, i Siddhis (poteri psichici), le Esperienze Extra-Corporee, il ruolo del cibo, dell'acqua, delle sostanze nutritive e dell'energia sessuale durante l'integrazione e gli eventi di picco nel processo di trasfigurazione generale. Poiché sono stato scienziato e laboratorio in un'unica persona, questo libro contiene tutte le mie conoscenze ed esperienze acquisite nel mio viaggio Spirituale, comprese le meditazioni essenziali che ho sviluppato quando ho incontrato ristagni e blocchi di energia Kundalini. Infine, avendo aiutato negli anni molte persone risvegliate dalla Kundalini che "brancolavano nel buio" in cerca di risposte, ho incluso anche le loro domande e preoccupazioni più comuni. Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium è un'esposizione approfondita e avanzata sulla Kundalini che è una lettura obbligatoria per chiunque sia interessato all'argomento e alla propria crescita Spirituale.

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