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Bøker utgitt av Taschen GmbH

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  • av John Waters & Camille Paglia

    In 1998, Taschen introduced the world to the masterful art of Touko Laaksonen with "The Art of Pleasure". This title showcases the range of Tom's talent, from sensitive portraits to frank sexual pleasure to tender expressions of love to his haunting tributes to young men struck down by the AIDS epidemic.

  • av Rainer Zerbst
    344 - 706,-

    Antoni Gaudi merged Orientalism, natural forms, and new materials into a unique Modernista aesthetic that put Barcelona on the global architecture map. With brand-new photography, plans and drawings by Gaudi himself, as well as an extensive appendix of all his works including furniture and unfinished projects, this XL book takes us through the...

  • av Philip Jodidio

    Indulge your inner hermit and check out this gorgeous collection of rustic cabins around the world. From an artist studio on the Suffolk coast in England to eco-home huts in the Western Ghats region of India, this is a showcase of architectural and eco-friendly innovation and endless inspiration for peaceful, low-impact living.

  • av Christoph Heinrich

    Claude Monet (1840-1926) was the most typical and the most individual Impressionist painter. His long life he dedicated to a pictorial exploration of the sensations which reality, and in particular landscape, offer the human eye. This basic art album presents his work.


    Take a trip through three centuries of trend. In this spectacular collection from the Kyoto Costume Institute, one of the world's most extensive clothing collections, the smartest minds and sharpest eyes in fashion studies walk us through the outer- and underwear, shoes, and accessories that have defined people around the world.

  • av Kyoto Costume Institute

    Take an excursion through the last three centuries of trend. This spectacular collection from the Kyoto Costume Institute, one of the world's most extensive clothing collections, features the outerwear, underwear, footwear, and accessories that have defined self across time and geography.

  • av Barbara Hess

    From vast, splattered canvases to quiet pools of color, enter the world of Abstract Expressionism, the movement which put feelings into paint and turned New York into the global center for contemporary art. This book features works from 20 key artists, including Jackson Pollock, Philip Guston, Robert Motherwell, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning.

  • av Henk Schiffmacher

    In den letzten vierzig Jahren hat der legendäre Tätowierkünstler und Historiker Henk Schiffmacher all sein Herzblut in diese Sammlung gesteckt und Originalzeichnungen (in der Branche als Flash bekannt), Lithographien, Radierungen, Tätowierinstrumente, Gemälde, Fotos, Poster, Ladenschilder, Designs und sonstige Artefakte aus aller Welt zusammengetragen - darunter extrem seltene Vintage-Flash-Blätter von bedeutenden Meistern der frühen westlichen Tätowierung. Dieser Band dokumentiert in fünf Kapiteln Schiffmachers Lebenswerk und die weltweite Verbreitung und Vielfalt dieser besonderen Kunstform - darunter Tätowierungen der Maori und der Inselbewohner des Südpazifiks, der alten Traditionen Asiens und der Ursprünge der alten westlichen Schule in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten. Das Buch, zugleich Geschichtsbuch, Kunstbuch und faszinierendes Memoir, bewegt sich durch über 200 Jahre Tätowiergeschichte von den 1730er bis in die 1970er Jahre und zeigt intime Einblicke in das Leben der Tattoo-Künstler, deren persönliche Kämpfe und Triumphe, ihre beruflichen Risiken und den kreativen Mut, die ihre Geschichte prägten. Abgerundet wird der Band durch ein Dutzend von Schiffmachers Originalillustrationen in seinem unnachahmlichen Stil und eine persönliche Einführung. In diesen privaten Reflexionen beschreibt er seinen Werdegang als Künstler und Sammler sowie die eigene faszinierende Sicht auf den Weg dieser Kunst vom Underground zum Mainstream. Zugleich erfährt man die abenteuerlichen Geschichten rund um die Entstehung seiner Sammlung - einer der größten Tätowierungskollektionen der Welt - aus der Perspektive eines Kenners und Autodidakten, der diese Kunst und ihre Innovatoren wie kaum ein anderer liebt und verehrt. Über die Reihe TASCHEN ist 40! Seit wir im Jahr 1980 unsere Arbeit als kulturelle Schatzgräber aufgenommen haben, steht TASCHEN für erschwingliche, hochwertige und mitunter tollkühne Publikationen. Ob Kunst oder Körperkult - wir machen's möglich, dass sich Buchwürmer auf der ganzen Welt zu unschlagbaren Preisen ihre eigenen Bibliotheken zusammenstellen. Heute feiern wir unseren 40. Geburtstag und bleiben unserem Motto treu: Die 40th Anniversary Edition versammelt einige der Toptitel unseres Programms in smarten Ausgaben - handliches Format, freundlicher Preis und wie immer mit großer Hingabe produziert.

  • av Angelika Taschen, Barbara Stoeltie & Rene Stoeltie

  • av Paul Duncan

    "Bond, James Bond." Seit Sean Connery 1962 diese unsterblichen Worte äußerte, hat der schneidigste Geheimagent der Kinogeschichte Zuschauer in aller Welt erobert und begeistert. Der von Autor Ian Fleming erfundene, unverwüstliche aber stets gentlemanlike-stilvolle britische Charakter wurde in 25 von EON produzierten Filmen über die Jahrzehnte von sechs verschiedenen Darstellern gespielt.Für unseren Herausgeber Paul Duncan öffnete die Produktionsfirma EON ihre Archive voller Fotos, Entwürfe, Storyboards und weiterer Materialien. Zwei Jahre lang wühlte er sich durch eine Million Bilder und hundert Schränke voller Akten. Herausgekommen ist das umfassendste Making-of sämtlicher, jemals gedrehter James-Bond-Filme, von James Bond jagt Dr. No (1962) bis zu Keine Zeit zu sterben, der 2021 in die Kinos kam, inklusive der Parodie Casino Royale (1967) und Sag niemals nie (1983), die beide nicht von EON produziert wurden.Die unzähligen, bislang unveröffentlichten Fotos, Bühnenbilder, Storyboards und Produktionsmemos werden abgerundet durch eine Oral History, in der 150 Schauspieler und Crew-Mitglieder, von Produzenten und Regisseuren über Ausstatter und Tricktechniker bis hin zu Stuntmen, die wahren Insider-Geschichten der Bond-Filme erzählen - ein einmaliger Blick hinter die Kulissen des erfolgreichsten und am längsten laufenden Franchise der Filmgeschichte und eine würdige Hommage an den smartesten Geheimagenten, Weltenretter, Playboy und Sprücheklopfer der Filmgeschichte.Diese aktualisierte Ausgabe enthält exklusive Fotos und brandneue Interviews mit Daniel Craig, Regisseur Cary Fukunaga, den Produzenten Michael G. Wilson und Barbara Broccoli sowie vielen anderen und enthüllt die ganze Wahrheit hinter der emotional aufgeladenen Entstehung von No Time To Die (Keine Zeit zu sterben). Die in Wort und Bild erzählte Geschichte der erfolgreichsten und langlebigsten Filmreihe der Kinogeschichte, erstellt mit uneingeschränktem Zugang zu den Bond-Archiven Über 1.007 Abbildungen, darunter zahlreiche bislang unveröffentlichte Stand- und Set-Fotos, geheime Aktennotizen, Dokumente, Storyboards, Modelle und Plakate sowie nicht realisierte Ideen und Alternativentwürfe Hintergrund-Stories von Menschen, die dabei waren: Produzenten, Regisseure, Schauspieler, Drehbuchautoren, Ausstatter, Tricktechniker, Stuntmen und andere Crewmitglieder Mit allen jemals gedrehten Bond-Filmen, von James Bond jagt Dr. No (1962) bis Keine Zeit zu sterben (2021)

  • av Dian Hanson

    The female butt, tush, culo, or derriere has always inspired awe, fantasy, and slavish devotion, and now TASCHEN offers a more portable, affordable alter to this beloved body part with The Little Big Butt Book. Enjoy over 400 photos from 1900 to the present day.

  • av Irmgard Musch

    Exotic plants, corals and crocodiles, birds and butterflies. Albertus Seba's extraordinary catalog of natural specimens is not only one of the 18th century's greatest natural history achievements but also one of the most prized natural history books of all time. It is a beautiful tribute to the abundance and diversity of Earth's creatures,...

  • av David Batterham
    224 - 809,-

    Teeming with tapestries, manuscript illuminations, carpets, and tiles, this far-reaching compendium brings together the two greatest 19th-century catalogues of ornament into one indispensable reference book. Encompassing designs from medieval times through to the 19th century, in styles as diverse as Egyptian, Etruscan, or Middle Eastern, this...

  • av Melanie Trede & Lorenz Bichler
    294 - 710,-

    From verdant panoramas to decadent pleasure quarters: Utagawa Hiroshige's final masterpiece, One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, is a woodblock journey through 19th-century Tokyo and a jewel in the ukiyo-e tradition. This reprint is bound in the traditional Japanese fashion and reproduces one of the finest complete original sets belonging to the...

  • av Gilles Neret

    Gustav Klimt's art expresses the apocalyptic atmosphere of Vienna's upper middle-class society - a society devoted to the cultivation of aesthetic awareness and the cult of pleasure. His fame, however, rests on his reputation as one of the greatest erotic painters and graphic artists of his time.

  • av Klaus Ulrich Leistikow

    A painstaking facsimile reproducing all specimen pages from the original volumes of Romeyn Beck Hough's American Woods, an indispensable reference work of breathtaking beauty that has set the standard for the study of trees and wood. In this luxurious gold edition, each specimen is broken down in three cross-section cuts, revealing its unique...

  • av James Steele

    Meet Rudolph Michael Schindler, the Austrian-born architect who combined Cubism, the International Style, and Californian Modernism into "space architecture." Unnoticed for decades, his structures are today hailed as landmarks of the Modernist movement. This collection presents Schindler's most important projects through crisp photography,...

  • av Charlotte Cotton
    1 319,-

    Jump into the megawatt world of Mert and Marcus, the creative tour de force who have styled and shot some of the most powerful brands and personalities of our time, from Miu Miu to Angelina Jolie, Givenchy to Gisele Bundchen. Sourced from our best-selling Collector's Edition, some 300 pictures illuminate the hyper-glamorous, hyper-glossy...

  • av Steve Barilotti

    A fresh re-edition of LeRoy Grannis's sold-out Collector's Edition, this collection gathers his most vibrant surf photography-from the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu's famed North Shore. One of the key image-makers in surfing history, Grannis also covers the emerging surf lifestyle, from "surfer stomps" and hordes of...

  • av Joachim E. Berendt

    Take a jazz trip like no other with William Claxton's legendary photographic journey across the concert halls, side streets, and big bands of 1960s America. From coast to coast, Claxton's tribute is a living, breathing, beating picture of the genre that enraptured America across social, economic, and racial lines.

  • av Philip Jodidio

    Discover the audacious futurism of Zaha Hadid. As the first woman to win both the Pritzker Prize for architecture and the RIBA Royal Gold Medal, Hadid broke the rules and re-defined the game, despite some saying her designs were unbuildable. At the time of her unexpected death in 2016, she was firmly established as the first great architect of...

  • av UNKNOWN

    From impossible staircases to tesselated birds, explore the graphic genius of M.C. Escher, master of quirky vantage points, mathematical puzzles, and the transition from paper flatness to illusory volume. This essential introduction presents key Escher works, exploring the evolution of a unique pictorial style that has captivated scientists and...

  • av Arnt Cobbers

    A defining form-giver of the 20th century, Marcel Breuer is a modernist locus classicus. From his landmark tubular furniture to "binuclear" housing, his projects across Europe and the United States are case studies in the balance of texture, color, and form, and the elegant symbiosis of local and global, big and small, rough and smooth.

  • av Bernd Growe

    Discover the oeuvre of French painter and sculptor Edgar Degas, whose obsession with movement saw him create over 1,500 images of ballerinas. From still lifes to cabarets, horse racing to noisy streets, Degas left no corner of the bustling Parisian entertainments untouched. Resisting categorization, his exploration of physicality inspired,...

  • av Klaus Honnef

    Peaking in the 1960s, Pop Art began as a revolt against mainstream approaches to art and culture and evolved into a wholesale interrogation of modern society, consumerism, the role of the artist, and of what constituted an artwork. Epitomized by Warhol's Campbell's soup cans, Pop Art drew on mass-market sources and products as well as the banal...

  • av Tomoko Sato

    With graceful lines and floral details, Alphonse Mucha gave the Belle Epoque its visual character. His work permeated illustration and advertising of the day, most famously in striking posters of star actress Sarah Bernhardt. Compiled in association with the Mucha Foundation, this book introduces the full reach of his work, from patterned...

  • av Hajo Duchting

    Throughout his artistic career, Wassily Kandinsky transformed not only his own practice, but the course of art history itself. This essential guide traces Kandinsky's rich repertoire to present the painter, engraver, teacher, and theorist credited with the first modern abstract painting and with one of the keenest theoretical minds of 20th-...


    An unrivalled record of one of the 20th century's touchstone beauties, Bob Willoughby's tender Hepburn portfolio is now available in a new format and with a softer price tag. At once an enraptured admirer and trusted friend of the starlet, Willougby captured Hepburn's elegance on and off set, from her Oscar-winning debut in Roman Holiday to the...


    Brutal beauty dominates in Frederic Chaubin's images of extreme Soviet architecture from the final years of the USSR. In these photographs, we explore the disappearing world of totalitarian structures, originally designed to dominate and exert omniscient power over civilians through both spectacular forms and austere aesthetics.

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