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  • - Paranormal Romance
    av Harper a Brooks & Mila Young

    The devils aren''t in the details. They''re in my bed...When my warlock foster father trades me to demons for his outstanding debts, I find myself in Hell on Earth. I''m thrust into a supernatural underground crime ring I can''t get out of, eternally bound in a contract I never made.Three hot-as-hell demons stand in between me and my freedom.A tattooed, brutish Hellhound shifter. An incubus with the power to bend wills on command. And the heir to Lucifer''s throne-the original sin demon, Pride, himself. I have to find a way out of the deal before they devour me, body and soul.But I''m no angel. There''s something inside me, something that craves the chaotic darkness these demons possess.Escaping may mean giving in to Hell''s more sinful temptations. But playing with fire only hurts if you get burned...

  • av Mila Young

    Der Monsterkönig will spielen ...Es ist 1097 Tage und 14 Stunden her, dass ich an diesem Ort eingesperrt war.Und sie sind jede Nacht zu mir gekommen.Die Monster in meinen Träumen beten meinen Körper an.Und wenn ich aufwache, sehne ich mich nach mehr ...Aber sie sind nie da, um mich zu erledigen.Dr. Adams sagt, dass ich die Anstalt verlassen kann, wenn ich anfange, meine Medikamente zu nehmen. Ich habe es immer gehasst, wie ich mich durch sie fühle und ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich ihnen zustimme, dass ich tatsächlich verrückt bin.Weil Träume einen nicht verrückt machen, richtig?Irgendwann muss ich aber anfangen zu leben. Also wage ich endlich den Schritt und gehorche, damit ich aussteigen kann.Meine Träume hören auf, und die Monster verschwinden. Ich beginne endlich ein neues Leben.Und dann kommt er, der Monsterkönig.Offensichtlich waren meine kleinen Träume nicht nur Träume. Er und seine Dämonenhorde ernährten sich von meiner Lust.Ihre glühenden Augen, ihre scharfen Zähne und großen ...Sie sind alle echt.Der Monsterkönig will mich zurück. Ich bin schließlich sein Lieblingsspielzeug.Und vielleicht will ich ja auch spielen.

  • av Mila Young

    Ich bin gezeichnet, aber ich lasse mich nicht zähmen.Der Verlust hat mein Leben gezeichnet. Ich habe unermüdlich trainiert, unvorstellbare Schmerzen für ein einziges Ziel ertragen - mich der Bestie zu stellen, die mich beobachtet hat, die hinter mir her war. Aber stattdessen nahm sie mir meine Familie.Es gibt nichts, was ich nicht tun würde, um Rache zu üben.Bis mich drei sündige und verstörte Monster finden, die mit scharfen Zähnen und Krallen aus den Schatten treten, die mein Leben so leicht zerreißen könnten wie die Knöpfe von meinem Kleid.Sie denken, sie können mich brechen ... absurd.Ich bin gefangen in ihrem verdrehten Krieg in einer Welt, die in Trümmern liegt und an den Rändern ausfranst. Sie lassen mich nicht in Ruhe und bestehen darauf, dass ich ihnen gehöre, dass sie mich unwiderruflich zu ihrem Eigentum machen werden.Es wird von Tag zu Tag schwieriger, den Fantasien zu widerstehen, die sie versprechen, und es erschreckt mich, wie leicht ich angefangen habe, sie als meine eigenen Monster zu betrachten.Aber ich erinnere mich daran, dass ich niemandem gehorche. Vor allem, wenn ich vermute, dass sie etwas mit dem Tod meiner Familie zu tun haben.Sie sind nicht die ersten Monster, denen ich begegnet bin. Sie werden ganz sicher auch nicht die Letzten sein ...

  • av Mila Young

    I'm marked...but I won't be tamed.Loss has scarred my life. I've trained relentlessly, endured unimaginable pain for one goal-to face the beast who watched me, who came for me. But took my family instead.There's nothing I won't do for vengeance.Until three sinful and unhinged monsters find me, emerging from the shadows with sharp teeth, and with claws that could pull apart my life as easily as they do the buttons on my dress.They think they can break me... Absurd.Yet I'm caught in their twisted war in a world in ruins and fraying at the edges. They won't leave me alone, insisting I belong to them. That they'll make me irrevocably theirs.Resisting the fantasies they promise grows harder with every passing day, and it scares me how easily I've started thinking of them as my own monsters.But I remind myself I obey no one. Especially when I'm starting to suspect that they had a hand to play in my family's death.They aren't the first monsters I've faced. They'll most certainly be the last...

  • av Mila Young

    Three sexy Alphas want to claim me, but will they be able to tame the monster inside me?To survive, I had to pretend to be something I'm not-normal.Only someone strong enough to fight the darkness inside me and savage enough to stay will be able to tame my beast.The Ash pack Alphas claim I'm their fated mate and promise to help me, but these three ruthless wolf shifters are strong, powerful, and fiercely possessive.Being submissive to them might be impossible, but I can't deny how their touch ignites a fire within me, how I burn to be with them in every way possible.But will they still want me when they find out the truth of what I really am?

  • av Mila Young

    Their forbidden love will bring war to their doorsteps.Daciana never expected to fall in love with a human. Hell, she never imagined that she'd abandon her pack and break the worst rule possible. But she did. But a rogue werewolf is killing Daciana's friends, and she'll do whatever it takes to stop the beast. The police and her boyfriend, Inspector Connell Lonescu, are starting to question her involvement in the murders and when the pack alpha kidnaps Connell. Daciana must choose between saving the man she loves and saving her pack family from certain death.This is a standalone story and each story will follow the tale of a different couple set in the same world.

  • av Mila Young

    He's her enemy, her fated mate, her darkest desire, and her only savior from the encroaching danger.Death has followed Alena Novac's circus family for years. When the police arrest her brother for a murder he didn't commit, she has only a week to rescue him before he transforms into his wolf form in prison and exposes their wulfkin existence to the world.Enre Ulf, a former member of the Varlac, the fearsome ruling wulfkin clan, plans to infiltrate Alena's circus clan and take out their treacherous alpha to save his home in Transylvania. Except he never expected his wolf to claim Alena as his mate, or feel compelled to save her brother to help protect the secrets of the wulfkin. Now he must overcome his pasts and convince Alena to do the same to save their packs' futures

  • av Mila Young

    She's forced to marry the enemy... but he's the wolf shifter who broke her heart years ago.Selena Kurt agrees to an arranged wulfkin mating to protect her sister from a dangerous alpha wanting to claim her. To Selena's surprise, her match is Marcin Ulf, the next in line for the Hungarian throne...and the wulfkin who broke her heart years ago. He's seductive, dominant, and dangerous. She might give herself to the enemy, but he'll never own her heart.Taking the enemy's daughter will only be the beginning. Marcin knows the neighboring alpha comes with plans to start war, stopping at nothing until he destroys the Hungarian pack. But Marcin has every intention to take back what belongs to him. He'll stop at nothing to win over Selena.

  • av Mila Young

    I'll never fall to my knees... even if that's exactly where they want me.My life's never exactly been the easiest. Or the most godly. I've danced for powerful men. Deadly men. And when one wants to take things too far, I barely escape with my life. What I didn't know was that someone else was watching me from the shadows.Someone deadlier... Someone scarier.Now the Kings of Eden are after me.They say I have something they want, and because of it, they've made me their captive.Now, I'm swept up into their deadly world of gang wars and destructive magic. Dracon, Cassius, Knox - they're criminals, murderers, monsters... But I can't resist.The chaotic power inside me craves the chaos they give.But even with so much at stake, losing my heart scares me the most.

  • av Mila Young

    Torn by loyalty and the fiery desires of a conflicted heart, Veronica finds herself at a crossroads. What will she do if burning love turns into cold regret?This is your kind of book if you love kick-ass heroines with sass to match, scorching hot monsters who take what they want, and is perfect for devourers of enemies to lovers books. Expect steam, action, and a supernatural world filled with vampires, demons, shifters, angels... and unhinged alphas who will do anything to protect their woman. Lovers of Anita Blake and True Blood, this is your next addiction.Blood Kissed is the third book in the Chosen Vampire Slayer series.

  • av Mila Young

    We're going to spend the holidays getting me on Santa's Naughty List!I've always been on the 'Nice' list. Never been one to stray too far from the beaten path, and managed to make it to senior year without doing well... much of anything. Until I ended up stranded in Chicago during the worst snowstorm of the century, away from my family, and days before Christmas.And then I meet them.Two of the most insanely gorgeous guys I'd ever laid eyes on.Charismatic. Sexy. Daring.I've wanted to escape my life for Christmas for so long...and they offer me a chance I just can't pass up.What else is a girl going to do while stranded in a strange city on her own?They insist that they can get me into Santa's Naughty list in less than three days. So I accept the challenge.But that's if I can keep my heart... I mean head, in the game. Because losing my heart was never part of the rules...

  • av Mila Young

    A vampire.A fallen angel.A demon.Me.I'm supposed to slay the monsters, not jump into bed with them. But that's exactly what happens when my work as a private investigator forces me to collaborate with three of the sexiest most deadly fiends I've ever set eyes on.And they do things to my body I've never felt before, but can I trust them with my life?...Or my heart?

  • av Mila Young

    Sie waren einst meine Feinde ... Jetzt werde ich die Welt niederbrennen, um sie zu retten. Es gab eine Zeit, in der ich glaubte, dass ich niemals Liebe finden würde. Dass Frauen wie ich nur für eine Sache gut sind. Immerhin hat mich mein Schicksalsgefährte zurückgewiesen und dann versucht, mich zu töten. Ich bin nicht mehr das verlorene Wolfsmädchen. Ich bin stärker und habe selbst ein paar Geheimnisse. Jetzt ist mein ehemaliger Gefährte zurückgekehrt und bereit, das Band zu zerstören, das ich mit meinen vier Wikinger-Alphas habe. Doch er hat keine Ahnung, wie weit ich gehen würde, um die zu schützen, die ich liebe ...

  • av Mila Young

    I am a Legend. Born to fight Death itself. Sworn to act as Zeus' thunderbolt against the darkness.And now I'm mortal. Despite having Apollo, Poseidon, and Ares by my side I lost. I don't have any second chances. Ares trained me to be a stronger warrior, Poseidon taught me to be the wisest leader, and Apollo showed me passion to be a glorious champion.Each of them has entrusted me with their hearts, and I have given them mine as well. And it's still not enough. I need to convince Hades, Ruler of the Underworld, to help me. With his aid we stand the smallest chance, the slimmest of hopes. He's one hot mess of a God and the closer we get the further he pulls away, and the more it tears me apart.But I need to win him to my side, to our side, and make this brooding loner deity a team player too.Can I even trust Hades with my heart, when I have already lost my soul to something darker?

  • av Mila Young

    I'm a Hero. Created to fight Chaos. Sworn to act as Zeus' spear to avenge Olympus.And I need to fight harder.When death comes for those I love, I fight.

  • av Mila Young

    I'm a champion. Bound to fight Titans. Sworn to act as Zeus' shield and defend the gods.And I'm in trouble.Apollo's bright love is consuming, and the dark god Hades fills my dreams with lust and desire. Even though I'm torn between them, the sea god, Poseidon, surfaces to calm the chaos, except I'm falling for him.I'm living my new life on a sword's edge, losing part of myself with each passing day. Trying to walk the fine line between my humanity and godhood is proving difficult.Heracles attempts to help me control my new power, and Ares insists I leap into the fight. All while the darkness is consuming souls with greater frequency. And I worry not even the gods can stop Death.I'm drowning in Poseidon's's either hold on tight...or be swept away. But either way, Poseidon is mine.

  • av Harper Brooks

    The dark secrets of my past might just be the end of us...For a long time, I thought I knew who I was, but I've never been more wrong in my life. My father, the Horseman of War, found me. He's a ruthless, bloodthirsty tyrant, and as far as he's concerned, the two of us can't be alive at the same time. So, guess who he's coming for?I'm running out of time.My Kings will fight with teeth and claws to protect me, but what if it's not enough? What if the men who gave me their hearts will perish because of me?I have no idea if any of us will survive...This final fight will be our sought-after salvation, or a savage end to the love I've finally found.

  • av Mila Young

    Alles, was man mir mein ganzes Leben lang beigebracht hat, war eine Lüge ... Hass ist ein grausames Wort ... aber herauszufinden, was meine Mutter getan hat ... was sie vor mir verborgen hat, ist unverzeihlich.Hinzu kommt, dass die vier Männer, die ich in mein Leben gelassen habe, auch Geheimnisse vor mir haben.Ich habe selbst ein paar Wahrheiten zu enthüllen, die alles zwischen uns verändern könnten.Mit der Bedrohung durch einen Krieg, der unsere Welt verdunkelt, und meinem ehemaligen Schicksalsgefährten auf den Fersen, weiß ich nicht, wie wir überleben können, wenn wir zulassen, dass die Vergangenheit uns auseinanderreißt.Kann ich einen Weg finden, ihnen zu verzeihen, bevor es zu spät ist und ich alles verliere?

  • av Mila Young

    Gibt es so etwas wie eine zweite Chance? Unsere Mission ist einfach: meine Mutter aufspüren und einen Weg finden, meine Schwester vor den Hexen zu retten. Das sollte leicht sein, aber in unserer Welt läuft nichts nach Plan, vor allem nicht, wenn man mit vier sexy Wikinger-Alphas unterwegs ist, die bereit sind, einen Krieg zu beginnen, um den wilden Sektor zu übernehmen ... und mich!Je mehr Zeit ich mit ihnen verbringe, desto mehr spüre ich, wie sich mein Geist, mein Körper und meine Seele ihrem Willen und ihren Wünschen beugen. Das verkompliziert die Dinge, vor allem, wenn meine Vergangenheit rachsüchtig zurückkehrt.Als ob das nicht schon schlimm genug wäre, sind die gefährlich bösen Alphas, denen ich nahestehe, auch noch dazu verflucht, an meiner Seite zu bleiben, ob sie wollen oder nicht, was es noch viel schwieriger macht, ihnen zu vertrauen.

  • av Mila Young

    Gibt es so etwas wie eine zweite Chance?Unsere Mission ist einfach: meine Mutter aufspüren und einen Weg finden, meine Schwester vor den Hexen zu retten. Das sollte leicht sein, aber in unserer Welt läuft nichts nach Plan, vor allem nicht, wenn man mit vier sexy Wikinger-Alphas unterwegs ist, die bereit sind, einen Krieg zu beginnen, um den wilden Sektor zu übernehmen ... und mich!Je mehr Zeit ich mit ihnen verbringe, desto mehr spüre ich, wie sich mein Geist, mein Körper und meine Seele ihrem Willen und ihren Wünschen beugen. Das verkompliziert die Dinge, vor allem, wenn meine Vergangenheit rachsüchtig zurückkehrt.Als ob das nicht schon schlimm genug wäre, sind die gefährlich bösen Alphas, denen ich nahestehe, auch noch dazu verflucht, an meiner Seite zu bleiben, ob sie wollen oder nicht, was es noch viel schwieriger macht, ihnen zu vertrauen.

  • av Mila Young

    Love is savage. Love is fierce. Love will stand beside you when the rest of the world turns their back. Love will claim its weapon of heart.There's a murderer on the loose...and mortals are calling for a name to bring to justice.A name that answers on behalf of the Ancient.My name...Morwenna Livingstone.My parents can't reach me.My best friend doesn't even know where I've gone.And as mortal deaths continue to plague Tricks City I'm called to stand before the tribunal of mortals and monsters and answer for the crime of conspiracy to murder.Because I know who the real killer has been all this time.I just couldn't bring myself to face him.The betrayal.The heartache...And the end.Prepare yourself for side-splitting hillariousness and super hot Wolf shifters in this slow-burn romance.

  • av Mila Young

    One man stands between the barbaric rule of Supernatural Council and the weakening line of the Ancients-my father, Dante Livingstone.The time for peace is over. Swords have been drawn, and we stand at the edge of war.I've fought Demons. I've battled lies. I survived with those I love standing beside me. But this time it's not enough. This time I'm up against a force not even Hekate can help me win.I'm falling on my knees, desperate to find a way out of the dark. I don't want to believe it's over...I can't...not until the very end.

  • av Mila Young

    As soon as his teeth sunk into my neck...I was lost.Just when I think I've found an answer to the hundreds of mysteries in my life, another appears.This time, in the form of a vampire who seems to know secrets from my past...and who is desperate for my body and my soul.My enemies are circling, looking for a way to break me apart and separate me from my two alphas. And their power seems to be growing.We're determined to keep them away, but fate may have other plans.My heart will always be Daxon and Wilder's, but what about my blood...I'll do anything to keep them after everything we've been through.But it's going to take a wild soul to do it.Real Wolves Bite SeriesWild MoonWild HeartWild GirlWild LoveWild SoulWild KissWild Forever

  • av Mila Young

    There's nothing like a witch storm to unearth a century of dark secrets...and there's nothing like a best friend with a flaming sword at your back to end them once and for all...The curse which infected those I love is over...and the woman in black is now gone. But Bestias Academy has changed since the Witch storm. Secrets have resurfaced and shadows consume the dorms. An old Principal haunts the hallways, leaving grave dirt in her wake.But that's not all that's surfaced. The fish in the pond are savaged and eaten....And one is mysteriously gone. A monstrous golden fish with bright yellow eyes, leaving behind human shaped footprints in its wake. Ava takes refuge with Chuck, leaving me to huddle with the Wolves. And as love and lust lunger on Judas' lips I find myself drawn into a battle like nothing before. Lions will come. Lies will be exposed. But will love conquer all? I guess I'm about to find out.

  • av Mila Young

    Tangles of death, danger, and monsters. Elliana and her sexy shifters must escape a witch's vengeance.At the age of eight, Elliana lost her father, her future, and her freedom in exchange for eternal captivity. Not to mention unimaginably long hair.Trapped in a tower by a magical gargoyle, Elliana chances a few daring and ill-fated escapes in search of a powerful, hidden weapon, which could free her and kill the stone creature once and for all. But to do that, she must summon a sly dragon shifter, a ferocious lion shifter with way too much baggage, and a devious tiger shifter. But the witch who hexed her is returning to finish Elliana. Can she save herself and the heroic three shifters she's slowly losing her heart to before they all die?Dragons, lions, magical hair and love merge in this heart-wrenching tale that finds its own, unique, 'Happily Ever After.'

  • av Mila Young

    Academy life isn't what I expected. Fangs, fur...demonic bunnies everywhere we turn. Oh, and the Wolves. Three gorgeous Wolves who make my dead heart come to life.Judas, Bond...and Nero. Add in a sexy new Vamp teacher and my new role as Understudy to the most Ancient and powerful of our kind, and you've got one hot and conflicted class schedule.¿But as classes begin, yet another creature stumbles into my room in the dead of night. And he leaves behind a bag filled with diamonds. Only they're not like any diamonds I've ever seen before. Darkness moves through the halls at Bestias Academy. A new threat makes itself known.¿And it's got its sight set on me.¿My world becomes three things. Diamonds, Demons and death...

  • av Mila Young

    Bee and the Four Beasts. A Deadly Curse. A Fallen Kingdom.With magic banned in the human realm, Bee, a powerful witch, has had to offer her services in secret.When a request to break a curse comes from the dangerous mountains and royal bear shifters, Bee is hesitant, but winter is coming and funds are tight. At the castle, Bee finds things are not quite what she was led to believe.The curse Bee is meant to break has reached its zenith, siphoning off the Prince's life while preventing him from controlling his shifting abilities. He is volatile, angry, and far stronger than she had imagined. His brothers, who commissioned her, present her with a challenge - fix it, or lose everything.Soon the curse is spreading throughout the castle, taking brother alike. It's a race against the clock, buffeted by dark magic, intrigue, and a strange attraction that has her looking at the four brothers in a new light.¿Haven Realm SeriesHuntedCursedEntangled

  • av Mila Young

    I never considered myself special... far from it. But when my father told me I'm marrying a demon, I did the next best thing.I opted to attend a supernatural academy to escape. Next thing I know, I'm whisked away to a place filled with shifters and vampires.There is no welcome committee with my father being the Master Vampire in town. Instead, I'm an outcast and on everyone's hit list.When I find a dead body in my room, I definitely know I'm in over my head. It seems everyone is set to remind me of my place... including the three devastatingly handsome wolf shifters who are paying me too much attention.And falling for them is asking for trouble when they are my family's direct enemy. I know I should escape, but that's not an option with what is waiting for me beyond the academy walls, so I have to fight for what I want.Fate has a crappy sense of humor, way worse than mine, and it seems my destiny is filled with danger and temptations.Prepare yourself for side-splitting hillariousness and super hot Wolf shifters in this slow-burn romance.The completed Beautiful Beasts seriesManicures and MayhemDiamonds and DemonsHexes and HoundsSecrets and ShadowsPassions and ProtectorsAncients and AnarchyTricks or Temptations

  • av Mila Young

    Falling in love can be Hell...As the danger increases around me, Sayah's darkness grows inside me.Scariest of all... I'm starting to like it.My sin demons will risk it all to save me from eternal damnation. But my biggest enemy may not be Lucifer.It may be the monster that lurks inside me.And when we meet the devil at the gates of Hell, will I be strong enough to make the ultimate sacrifice to save us all? Or will I lose everyone I love to the fire?

  • av Mila Young

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