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  • av Simon Mills

    In the story of Faust, the eponymous hero makes a so-called deal with the Devil. Frustrated and ambitious, Faust agrees to take the offer of unlimited power. In return, Faust's soul will be lost and damned. The imagery is clear of course. For immediate, albeit temporary power, Faust makes the choice to be doomed rather than continue living his bounded and limited life. The Devil's temptation was too strong, and Faust too shortsighted in his hubristic dreams. I open with this allegory for its imagery, an imagery that seemingly parallels our relationship with our modern technology. By its power we will acquire greater heights of knowledge, material progress, and ease of life. Bounds that may have once chained us have withered away due to the exponential boom of technological growth. Ill-content with anything less, humanity, and Westerners in particular, have thrown themselves behind the utopian dreams that infinite technological development seemingly offers.

  • av Jessica Murphy

    This dissertation is intended as a contribution to philosophical debates about the relationship between law and morality. My basic claim is that this relationship is importantly illuminated in various ways and at different levels by an understanding of the way in which a theory of law necessarily incorporates a metaphysics of human nature. As we will see, sometimes this incorporation is explicit, as when Jeremy Bentham's psychological hedonism gives rise to an understanding of law's bindingness as grounded in peoples' causal history with incentives. More contentiously, I argue that though contemporary positivists take their account of law to be metaphysically noncommittal, views of what it is to be human agent continue to motivate, if implicitly, their positions. This is the case, I suggest, with H. L. A. Hart's analysis. I argue that Hart, in his various engagements with rival jurisprudential theories, draws tacitly on an underlying ontology of human agency. Likewise, these rival accounts often have reasons for rejecting Hart's analysis that go deeper than can be addressed at the level of substantive theory. In order to properly understand these debates, I suggest, we must understand better the relationship between a theory of law and the conception of human agency that underlies it.

  • av Shaktiyanshi Raundeley

    In the present era psychological distress becomes a major problem for adolescence. It is important to emphasize that with the advancement of science and technology everyone wants to move forward and hit the height of their success, compete with others and lead a more luxurious life for which adolescents strive around the clock. As a result, they encountered high stress levels that may adversely affect their mental, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral state. Individuals want to grow or evolve and want to become better, set their future goals and face many challenges, such as academic, financial, interpersonal and parental pressure, etc. Therefore, there is a need to increase the level of self-efficacy, enhance work performance and develop positive attitudes for achieving the goal. If individuals fail to achieve their goals due to low self-efficacy, maladaptive perfectionism or depressive style of attribution, either curbed by family or society, they experience high levels of stress that contribute to psychological distress and play an important role in the development of various types of psychological disorders, such as anxiety, depression, mood disorders or various physical problems. In this context, the suicide rate is a critical indicator of the social and psychological condition. Consequently, suicide has always been a topic of considerable interest in different geographical areas of the world, because an analysis of the suicide rate of young adults worldwide may reveal something of their well-being. Suicide is such an enigma that it's unclear why so many teenagers and young adults choose to take their own lives. Thousand of books have tried to answer why people murder themselves. To sum up in three words: "to stop pain." As Shneidman (1998) had put it "the author of suicide is pain". Often, as in chronic or terminal illness, this pain is physical; more often, it is mental, triggered by a myriad of problems. In any case, suicide is not an accidental or pointless act, but an important, if extreme, solution. Suicide offers a permanent fix to a temporary problem. In the historical perspective, no human society or time in recorded history has undoubtedly existed in which the epidemic of 'suicidal act' was non-existent (Latha, Bhat & D'Souza, 1996).

  • av Rajat Grover

    In this very day and age, society is confronting amazingly extreme difficulties as an Earth-wide temperature boost, cataclysmic events, monetary retreat, extraordinary vagrancy, psychological oppression and the depleting continuation of war. With this misery and ghastliness, where on earth does a technology in light of testing joy, prosperity, self-improvement and' the great life' fit to the innovative motivation? Positive brain research targets positive encounters at 3 time focuses: (a) the past, centring on prosperity, happiness and fulfillment; (b) the current, which centers around ideas, as an example, joy and stream encounters; (c) the near future, with ideas comprising idealism and expectation

  • av Tizazu Mossie

    Sports Psychology is one of the new upcoming sciences at the present time. This practice focuses on training athletes to use their mental capacities along with their physical talent to reach what is known as peak performance. Athletes those are without having good sports psychological skills and having only physical talent means nothing at all. Psychological Skills are the mental qualities or abilities which are determinant for the purpose of enhancing performance, increasing enjoyment, or achieving greater sport and physical activity self-satisfaction in the competitive sports. PST program helps the athletes to have tremendous abilities to psych themselves up for competition to manage their stress; to concentrate intensely and to set challenging but realistic goals, to have the ability to visualize themselves being successful and then doing what they visualized as a part of training and to excel in the world of competitive sports (Murphy & Tammen, 1998). A great deal of research effort has concentrated on attempting to predict performance from psychological variables. Through evidence it has been proposed that sport psychologists can develop athletes' performances by enhancing their psychological skills sideways. Some of the most important mental skills are competition anxiety, motivation, goal setting, relaxation, visualization, self-talk , self-awareness and control, concentration and confidence (Robert S. Weinberg and Daniel Gould, 2003). Among these PSTs, we treated only competition anxiety and sport motivations.

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