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Bøker utgitt av St. Augustine Academy Press

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  • av REV Henry S Spalding S J

    Young Raymond Bolt accidentally ends up in Kentucky after hiding in a freight car, and finds himself among the Bell family near Withrose Creek during Maple Sugaring season. He, Leo and Hunter spend a season together learning many new and unexpected ways to help the Bell family farm.

  • av REV Henry S Spalding S J

    When the doctor declares that Florian Bell's health is in serious danger, he is sent from his home in Milwaukee to stay with his cousins Hunter and Leo on the banks of Withrose Creek in Kentucky. There he learns how to fish, hunt, and lay snares…but the boys' favorite pastime is trying to unravel the mystery of the old mill...what will its secrets unfold? What is Bob Lindon hiding there? And will the mysterious night riders manage to make good their threats against the Bell farm? Only time will tell...

  • - Our Holy Faith Series
    av Sister Mary Ronald, Sister Mary Marcella & Sister Mary Roselyn
    224 - 368,-

  • av Madre Maria Loyola

    "C'era una volta un Re che viveva in una Terra sempra adorna dei più bei fiori. Il suo Palazzo era di avorio e si ergeva nel mezzo di una città attraverso la quale scorreva un fiume limpido come il cristallo."Inizia così questa amata favola di Madre Maria Loyola, che racconta della formazione morale di una giovane ragazza nella terra dell'esilio. Piena di preziosi consigli spirituali, questa storia ha superato la prova del tempo per il suo fascino per tutte le età.Inizialmente inteso ad aiutare con la preparazione di un bambino alla Prima Comunione, raccomandiamo vivamente di leggere questa storia una volta all'anno-anche per gli adulti!-specialmente durante le stagioni di Quaresima e Avvento. Condividendo le stesse sfide e le stesse pene, ognuno di noi può sperare di condividere gli stessi trionfi e la stessa ricompensa eterna.

  • - Our Holy Faith Series
    av Sister Mary Alphonsine & Sister Mary Marcella
    186 - 361,-

  • av Madre Maria Loyola

    "Había una vez un Rey que vivía en una tierra en la que siempre brotaban las más bellas flores. Su palacio de marfil se erguía en el centro de una ciudad por la cual fluía un río de aguas cristalinas..."Así comienza este amado cuento de la Madre Mary Loyola, que relata el entrenamiento moral de un joven en la tierra del exilio. Llena de una valiosa guía espiritual, esta historia ha resistido la prueba del tiempo por su atractivo para todas las edades.Aunque inicialmente tenía la intención de ayudar con la preparación de un niño para la Primera Comunión, recomendamos encarecidamente leer esta historia una vez al año - ¡incluso para adultos! - especialmente durante las temporadas de Cuaresma y Adviento. Al compartir los mismos desafíos y tristezas, cada uno de nosotros puede esperar compartir los mismos triunfos y la recompensa eterna.

  • av Rev Francis J Finn

    Michael Desmond is "That Office Boy" to Father Carney, president of St. Xavier's School in Cincinnati. When the Young Ladies' Sodality decides to enter a popularity contest with the local paper to win a piano, chaos ensues, and it is up to Michael and his friends to use their wits and creativity to carefully steer the boat off the shoals. Find out who wins and how!

  • av Rev Francis J Finn

    George Herbert leaves Campion College for a teaching job in Florida…but little does he know he is walking into a wasp's nest of anti-Catholic bigotry. How can he help his students and their parents to learn the truth about the Catholic Church, and restore love and joy to this little town?


    A Child's True Story of Jesus is more than just a coloring book-the lessons and activities found within are designed to help children learn their basic prayers and the Mysteries of the Rosary, all within the context of the Gospels and the Mass.First created in 1928 by Sister Mary Ambrose, a Dominican Sister who was a Demonstration Teacher at the Loyola University Model School in the 20's and 30s's, this workbook found its genesis in the Montessorian principle of learning by doing. Here, rather than merely hearing each lesson, the child is encouraged to reinforce what he or she has learned, first by using a picture to repeat the lesson in his or her own words, then by coloring the pictures, and by cutting and assembling the prayers to be pasted in the book.In this newly edited version, we have enhanced the activity portion of this book by adding cutting and pasting activities that help the child to learn each of the prayers, starting with the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be, before moving on to simplified versions of the Prayer Before a Crucifix, Spiritual Communion, and Acts of Faith, Hope and Love. These help the child to see that there are many ways of talking with God throughout each day, and by making prayer a habit, they can bring Him more closely into their lives.

  • - First Reader

    The Magnificat Readers are a collection of excerpts from nearly a dozen vintage Catholic school readers, dating from the late 1800s to the early 1930s. For the most part, the selections found within are those prescribed by the Religion in Life Curriculum, created by the Marquette University Institute of Catechetical Research in the 1930s. We have carefully assembled as many of the suggested readings from this curriculum as were still findable, and have augmented these with illustrations, as well as additional stories and poems of interest, found in those same readers. The result might fairly be considered a compendium of the best material published for Catholic school children over a period of nearly fifty years. And so we have given these readers the name Magnificat, in honor of Our Lady and her song of praise and thanksgiving to Him that "hath done great things to me...and holy is His Name."This first reader corresponds to the first year of studies in the Religion in Life Curriculum and the First Grade text in the Highway to Heaven series, The Book of the Holy Child.Please note: while most readers are intended as reading practice for younger children, this reader contains some material that is meant to be read to the student with the help of a parent or other more proficient reader.

  • - And True Stories for First Communicants
    av Sr Julie Du St Esprit

    All children love stories...and what better way to prepare their hearts and minds for the coming of their Lord in First Communion, than to read these stories with them! In this single volume are combined two beloved collections of such stories by a Sister of Notre Dame: True Stories for First Communicants and First Communion Days. This lovingly restored edition even includes the original illustrations by Wilfrid Pippet!

  • - Our Holy Faith Series
    av Sister Mary Naomi & Sister Mary Florentine
    186 - 361,-

  • - A Collection of Short Works
    av Mother Mary Loyola

    It is said that when Mozart died at the age of 35, he had written over 600 complete pieces of music, and left several more unfinished. And while Mother Mary Loyola had considerably more years than this in which to work, when we take the number of her published works and add it to those which were never published, including a Church History, several papers on education, journal articles, and the mountains of correspondence which she is said to have carried on right up until her last days, it seems as if she must have been continuously writing from the time she began in the late 1880s until her death in 1930. This despite her duties as the Mistress of Novices for the Bar Convent during those same years.Twenty full-length books were published in her name during this span of years, and to the extent of our knowledge, another 14 shorter works were printed by such apostolates as the Catholic Truth Society, the Catholic Evidence Guild, The Convert's Aid Society and others. Many of these publications included no author's name, nor has any record of their authorship survived to this day, and thus there may be numerous works penned by her which we will never know.Thirteen of those fourteen known shorter works are contained in this volume, making this the first and most complete collection of Mother Loyola's briefer writings. As these ephemeral booklets disappear more and more quickly from collections around the world, it is our fond hope that by assembling them here, they may be preserved to future generations.

  • av Mere Marie Loyola

    "Il était une fois un Roi qui habitait un pays où s'épanouissaient toujour les plus belles fleurs. Son Palais d'ivoir s'élevait au milieu d'une Cité à travers laquelle coulait une rivière aussi limpide que le cristal."Ainsi commence ce récit bien-aimé de Mère Marie-Loyola, qui relate la formation morale d'un jeune au pays de l'exil. Remplie de conseils spirituels inestimables, cette histoire a résisté à l'épreuve du temps pour son attrait pour tous les âges.Bien que destiné initialement à aider les enfants à se préparer à la première communion, nous vous recommandons vivement de lire cette histoire une fois par an - même pour les adultes!-en particulier pendant les saisons du Carême et de l'Avent. En partageant les mêmes défis et chagrins, chacun de nous peut espérer partager les mêmes triomphes et la même récompense éternelle.

  • - A Life of our Blessed Lord in Verse for Young Children
    av Sister Mary Gertrude

    This Benziger Brothers classic from 1925 is a delightful collection of rhymes, each beginning with a successive letter of the alphabet, which tell the story of the Alpha and Omega from A to Z. Full of color illustrations and designed for young readers, this book is the perfect gift for little Catholics!

  • - Instructions in Story Form for Use in the Primary Grades
    av REV William R Kelly

    Follow Tom and Ann as they learn about the Sacraments from their Uncle John. What is grace, and how do we get it? And how do the Sacraments help us? What are the outward signs of each Sacrament? Find the answers to these questions and more in Our Sacraments.

  • av Sister Anna Louise

    Given the superabundance of poetry collections available, one might justly ask, "why another?"Yet this volume has such an excellent selection of classic poems--with study questions for each--and for the Catholic student, there is the benefit of knowing that this collection was assembled by Sister Anna Louise of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth in 1929, and received an imprimatur. From Father Tabb, Francis Thompson and John Henry Newman to Shakespeare, Longfellow and Wordsworth, this is a collection worth making room for on your shelf!

  • - Priest to the Pimas
    av Ann Nolan Clark

    Among the many brave Jesuit missionaries who explored the early American Southwest, one star shines brightly: Padre Eusebio Franciso Kino, a native of the Italian Tiröl. Though he dreamed of following St. Francis Xavier to China, obedience led him instead to Mexico, and his patience and kindness led him to be beloved by all. Here is his story, written by Ann Nolan Clark in 1963 for the Vision Series.

  • - Guidance Book
    av Mother Margaret Bolton

    God's Hour in the Nursery is a pair of books for teacher and student that are designed to introduce the youngest children to the first lessons of the Baltimore Catechism--namely, those related to creation and the life of the soul.  Through a series of stories and rhymes interspersed with coloring pages, the child learns to recognize the difference between plant life and animal life, and the difference between animal life and human life.  Along the way, he also begins to gain an understanding of God, the Church, The Commandments, the Sacraments and Prayer.Please note: This Guidance Book contains all the instruction material for God's Hour in the Nursery; however, an Activity Book (sold separately) is needed for each student.

  • - Activity Book
    av Mother Margaret Bolton

    God's Hour in the Nursery is a pair of books for teacher and student that are designed to introduce the youngest children to the first lessons of the Baltimore Catechism--namely, those related to creation and the life of the soul. Through a series of stories and rhymes interspersed with coloring pages, the child learns to recognize the difference between plant life and animal life, and the difference between animal life and human life. Along the way, he also begins to gain an understanding of God, the Church, The Commandments, the Sacraments and Prayer.Please note: This Activity Book contains only the student's portion of the lessons. The Guidance Book contains all the instruction material and is required in order to use this Activity Book.

  • av Sister Mary Fidelis & Sister Mary Charitas

    This pocket-size volume contains a wealth of spiritual guidance through daily devotions to the saint or feast of the day. Originally written in 1931 for upper grade school children by a pair of Notre Dame School Sisters, this book was later updated to align with the General Roman Calendar of 1954. Beginning with a brief introduction to the saint of the day, augmented by excerpts from the Imitation of Christ and from the Mass for the day, as well as an ideal to ponder and an "action item", this is a wonderful way to focus on the virtues of each of the saints, and thereby to make our lives an imitation of theirs.


    A Child's True Story of Jesus is not merely a coloring book, or the usual activity book with mazes, word searches and other puzzles. This is an activity book in the truest sense of the word.First created in 1928 by Sister Mary Ambrose, a Dominican Sister who was a Demonstration Teacher at the Loyola University Model School in the 20's and 30s's, this workbook found its genesis in the Montessorian principle of learning by doing. Here, rather than merely hearing each lesson, the child is encouraged to reinforce what he or she has learned, first by using a picture to repeat the lesson in his or her own words, then by coloring, cutting and assembling the lesson to be finally pasted in the book.In this newly edited version, we have enhanced the activity portion of this book with lesson material for the teacher which the original lacked. Text supplied for the 57 lessons within has been adapted from works by Mother Mary Loyola (author of The King of the Golden City) and Rev. Joseph A. Dunney. These begin with the Life of Christ and His Sacrifice on Calvary, then proceed to Confession and Communion, and finally cover the parts of the Mass. All of these attributes make A Child's True Story of Jesus an ideal resource in preparation for the sacraments of First Confession and First Communion.

  • av REV Patrick Henry Matimore

    This first volume in the Madonna Series of study readers was intended for the third grade. Here we find stories from the early portions of the Old and New Testaments, beginning with Genesis and Exodus, and continuing through the Birth of Jesus to his early days of preaching. The volume closes with a selection of stories about the saints. In the second volume in the Madonna Series, Wonder Stories of God's People, the stories of the Old and New Testament are carried on with Jacob, Joseph, Samson and David, and the Miracles, Passion and Death of Our Lord, finishing once again with select stories of the saints. Then in the last of the three volumes, Heroes of God's Church, are found exclusively stories of the saints.

  • av REV Patrick Henry Matimore

    This fifth grade volume in the Madonna Series is intended as a study in virtue using the stories of the Saints. Each one is presented, not merely as a two-dimensional figure for admiration, or a miracle worker, but as a real human in real-world situations, having to make tough decisions in order to become the Heroes of God's Church.

  • - Second Reader

    The Magnificat Readers are a collection of excerpts from nearly a dozen vintage Catholic school readers, dating from the late 1800s to the early 1930s. For the most part, the selections found within are those prescribed by the Religion in Life Curriculum, created by the Marquette University Institute of Catechetical Research in the 1930s. We have carefully assembled as many of the suggested readings from this curriculum as were still findable, and have augmented these with illustrations, as well as additional stories and poems of interest, found in those same readers. The result might fairly be considered a compendium of the best material published for Catholic school children over a period of nearly fifty years. And so we have given these readers the name Magnificat, in honor of Our Lady and her song of praise and thanksgiving to Him that "hath done great things to me...and holy is His Name."This second reader corresponds to the second year of studies in the Religion in Life Curriculum and the Second Grade text in the Highway to Heaven series, The Life of My Savior.

  • - A Textbook in Biographical Form for Use of the Lower Grades of Catholic Schools
    av REV George Johnson

    The Bible Story is the first in a trilogy of books written for Benziger Brothers by the team of Rev. George Johnson, Rev. Jerome Hannan and Sister Mary Dominica--the other two being the well-loved Bible History and The Story of the Church. While these others are respectively intended for the intermediate and upper grades, this little volume seeks to introduce younger students to the "greatest book in all the world." Using the best pedagogical methods of the time, they sought to center the narrative on the characters themselves, as a way of drawing in the attention of little ones who love stories. And yet to the extent possible, the phraseology of scripture is used. Study questions and suggested activities for learning reinforcement are also provided at the back of the book. Best of all, dozens of beautiful, full-color illustrations help cement the reality and beauty of the message of salvation in the young mind.

  • - A Handbook of Material and Teaching Devices for Use in the Lower Grades of Parochial Schools
    av Sister Mary Aurelia & REV Felix M Kirsch

    Imagine going back in time and asking a group of the best Catholic Teachers for some of their most successful methods for teaching the Faith to little ones...This is just what the authors of this book have in effect done! In the late 1920's, Father Felix Kirsch was among the leaders of a renewal in Catholic education, prompted by new pedagogical methods such as those pioneered by Maria Montessori. He and Sister Mary Aurelia sent questionnaires to many of the most successful teachers in the Catholic world, asking "what methods or devices work best for you?" They then compiled the answers they received into the present volume.Inside you will find these gems divided into two sections: Morning Exercises, with stories, talks and suggestions for how to help children practice the virtues; and Classroom Projects, which include classroom calendars for keeping track of the Feasts of the Church, Sand Table Projects, Sections on Dramatizations and Music, and various crafts to keep little hands busy.

  • - A Cycle of the Year for Young People
    av Mother Mary Salome

    Mother Mary Salome wrote a volume of meditations called The Feasts of Mother Church in 1904, covering many of the most important feasts of the Liturgical Year. In 1913, she followed up with Saints and Festivals, adapting portions of her earlier work for a younger audience. In addition to Christmas, Easter and the stories of well-beloved saints, children will also discover the stories of lesser-known heroes of the Church such as St. Chad, St. Serapion, St. John the Dwarf and St. Hilda of Whitby. Even St. John Cantius finds a home in these pages. Peppered throughout with the imaginative illustrations of Gabriel Pippet, this volume makes a wonderful resource for children to take part in the yearly cycle of the Church.

  • av Rev Francis J Finn

  • av Rev Francis J Finn

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