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  • av Terri Cole

    Break Free From Over-Functioning, Over-Delivering, People-Pleasing, and Ignoring Your Own Needs So You Can Finally Live the Life You Deserve!Most of us were never taught how to effectively express our preferences, desires or deal-breakers. Instead, we hide our feelings behind passive-aggressive behavior, deny our own truths, or push our emotions down until we get depressed or so frustrated that we explode, potentially destroying hard-won trust and relationships.The most successful and satisfied people on the planet have one thing in common: the ability to create and communicate clear, healthy boundaries. This ability is, hands down, the biggest game changer when it comes to creating a healthy, happy, self-determined life.In Boundary Boss, psychotherapist Terri Cole reveals a specific set of skills that can help you stop abandoning yourself for the sake of others (without guilt or drama) and get empowered to consciously take control of every aspect of your emotional, spiritual, physical, personal, and professional life.Since becoming a Boundary Boss is a process, Cole also offers actionable strategies, scripts, and techniques that can be used in the moment, whenever you need them. You will learn:. How to recognize when your boundaries have been violated and what to do next. How your unique "Boundary Blueprint" is unconsciously driving your boundary behaviors, and strategies to redesign it. Powerful boundary scripts so in the moment you will know what to say. How to manage "Boundary Destroyers"-including emotional manipulators, narcissists, and other toxic personalities. Where you fall on the spectrum of codependency and how to create healthy, balanced relationshipsThis book is for women who are exhausted from over-giving, overdoing, and even over-feeling. If you're getting it all done but at the expense of yourself, give yourself the gift of Boundary Boss.

  • - Exploring Our Deepest Questions and Motivations
    av James Hollis

    A Masterful Author and Jungian Analyst Examines the Qualities that Bring Meaning to Our Human Journey What is it that brings meaning to your life? Our culture tells us to seek wealth, power, prestige, or even enrollment in someone else's idea of a worthy cause--yet where do we turn when these myths fail to fulfill our need for purpose? "When the old stories and beliefs that once defined us have played out and grown exhausted," teaches Dr. James Hollis, "our task is to access our inner compass, the promptings of the psyche that help us find our way through the complex thickets of choice." A Life of Meaning is a profound audio exploration of the nature of meaning and how we can orient toward it or away from it with the choices we make. Through examination of myth, literature, historical figures, and the wisdom of depth psychology, Hollis provides penetrating insight into the search for purpose. Here you'll explore: - How our story-seeking mind forms our sense of meaning from early experience - Why these early stories inevitably fail as we are called to our own path - Skillfully accessing the inner oracle of your dreams - Shadow work--where we fear to tread, yet where our greatest treasures may be found - Missing the mark--examining the archetype of the Seven Deadly Sins through a psychological lens - Dispelling the "ghosts" that haunt our memories and possess our psyche - Finding personal resilience in times of internal and external change - Living more fully in the presence of our mortality In A Life of Meaning, James Hollis offers no easy answers or feel-good certainties--instead, he shares his most valuable questions and reflections to help you find the courage, persistence, and inspiration to navigate your own odyssey. "It's humbling work, this process of getting our lives back," he teaches. "Yet I submit to you that's worth the price of the ticket, for in the journey our lives become ever more luminous."

  • av Lisa Marchiano

    A Jungian analyst and thought leader shares a call to action for women who dream of reuniting with their unique and independent nature.Within every woman lies a powerful force. Yet, somewhere along the line, the burdens of responsibility and desire to nurture the ones they love cause that fire to dim, and they lose their sense of self. The Vital Spark brings women on an immersive journey that reunites them with their innate humor, cunning, and assertiveness. Combining personal stories, intercultural fairy tales, and deep analysis, Lisa Marchiano shares resources that inspire women to break free from the conditioning that has kept them confined to rigid roles and muffled the sound of their soul. Here, she invites us to explore eight core aspects of ourselves: shrewdness, disagreeableness, desire, trickiness, sexuality, anger, authority, and ruthlessness. Each chapter reinforces the truth of our relentlessly human narrative in the truest sense-allowing for the retrieval of our "outlaw" energies and deepest parts of our authentic selves."For a woman to return to herself, she must be reunited with her own central fire," Marchiano says. "No longer does she need to feel obligated to set aside a part of herself to feel valued by society, betraying her essential nature in the interest of pleasing external forces." The Vital Spark offers a guide to recovering the fiercely brave spirit that lies within our original wholeness.

  • av Thomas Hübl

    A road map to harness the power of our collective human consciousness as a source for healing our traumatized worldWe are all interconnected-and dependent on each other to shape the world in which we live. Yet even though technology has allowed us to digitally share our lives with more people than ever, the result has been a growing pattern of personal isolation, alienation, and division. Why is this? "We are seeing the manifestation of collective trauma," says luminary Thomas Hübl, who has reached thousands of people around the world through his teachings on mysticism and healing. "The profoundly complex challenges we face demand a new level of human collaboration." In Attuned, Hübl, together with writer Julie Jordan Avritt, shares a visionary guide for individuals, therapists, and other professionals committed to healing our struggling world. Attuning to a person, group, or organization means coming into resonance by listening mindfully to the inner sensations, feelings, images, and information that arise. At the core of the book is the "relational field"-a vast matrix of energy through which information is shared within, around, and between us. In each chapter, you'll find insights and practices for perceiving and tuning in to oneself and others, and ultimately contributing to the healing of this field, including:. The mystical and evolutionary principles behind human development and connection. Resources for embodying resilience, processing toxic stress, and regulating our individual and collective nervous systems. Attunement practices for working with the effects of trauma in yourself and across communities. Transparent communication-a practice of relating through authentic awareness and vulnerability. Guidance for group facilitators, healing ancestral trauma, and moreBy embracing our interdependence, we can activate what is needed to respond to and evolve through the challenges of our age. "It may take only a small number of us," explains Hübl, "to establish a new level of collective coherence-to share our light, heal our wounds, and realize the unawakened potential of our world."

  • av Donna Eden

    From the founders of Eden Energy Medicine comes a unique guide to one of the most powerful and well-researched tools for personal evolution.Tapping is an authoritative new work that offers a vibrant answer to the psychological and spiritual challenges presented by a world in unprecedented distress. Tapping energy points on the skin while bringing problems and goals to mind changes the brain in ways that help to overcome those challenges and support those aspirations. This stimulating practice places an astonishingly effective tool into your hands, quite literally. The approach is as deceptively simple as it is potently effective.Emerging from the field of energy psychology, the procedure signals your nervous system to reduce fear, anger, stress, and grief while activating brain regions involved with problem-solving and managing emotions-to help you find inner balance and take charge of the internal models that govern your life. As cultural historian Dr. Jean Houston shares in her foreword, this "is a stunning call to action at a time of desperate personal and collective need."Through their extensive research and field-tested refinements on this method, Donna Eden and Dr. David Feinstein have emerged as the top experts on this approach for self-development-combining the verified effectiveness of tapping with the best practices of psychotherapy. Created for popular and professional audiences alike, here is an unprecedented resource for self-care and personal growth.

  • av James Mccrae

    From conscious creativity leader James McCrae comes a guide to reclaim creativity as a sacred path to healing, awaken your sense of wonder, execute your craft, and reclaim the artist within.Whether an accountant or a writer, you are an artist whether you realize it or not. You create your life in each passing moment. The question is, are you creating with conscious intention or creating by default? Creativity is our true magic. To be alive is to be in a state of constant co-creation with the universe, and the ability to convert our thoughts into reality is a defining characteristic of being human. But it also requires courage and commitment-especially in a culture that values conformity, trends, and marketability above authentic expression. For anyone who has hit a creative wall and wants to reignite their imagination and passion, author and poet James McCrae's The Art of You is a powerful resource to help you access your inner magic and spark your joy in creativity.Presented in his signature creative style, The Art of You helps you dissolve blockages and jump-start your imagination. Awaken your sense of wonder, your childlike curiosity, and your ability to create something uniquely you out of nothing. Here you'll find a flexible set of tools, exercises, rituals, and insights to help you address the most common impediments to the creative process, including: . Visual inspirations . Opportunities for creative play . Setting intentions . Cultivating intuition. Addressing emotion and your inner critic. Developing your own style. Creating with consistency. Art as service to the world "Art matters," says McCrae. "Art gives us comfort, opens our minds to new perspectives, and leaves us awestruck. Art is medicine-for ourselves, others, and the world." Here is an indispensable resource to awaken the creative power of your soul-whether you're a writer, painter, dancer, singer, or someone who wants to express your unique truth in work, life, and love.

  • av Fleet Maull Ph.D.

    An Invitation to Discover Personal Freedom, Authentic Relationships, and Limitless Possibility What is the greatest obstacle to your fulfillment, success, and happiness? "It's the belief," teaches Fleet Maull, "that your current situation, whatever it is, has the power to determine your future." Before he was a revered meditation teacher, Fleet Maull served 14 years in prison for drug trafficking. And during that time, he embarked on a path of transformation and service that today has helped tens of thousands-from inmates to hospice patients to top-level business leaders. With Radical Responsibility, he invites us to experience for ourselves the life-changing journey from victim to co-creator. Here, he guides us step-by-step to shift our fear-based conditioning into the habits of courage, compassion, and positive change. Join him to delve deeply into: . The complete Radical Responsibility® method for breaking free of your learned limitations and accessing limitless possibility . Discovering basic goodness- your indestructible inner resource for happiness, connection, and strength . Fleet Maull's mindfulness-based emotional intelligence (MBEI) model-neuroscience-informed principles and tools for shedding shame and blame and embracing self-awareness, resilience, and freedom from our self-created suffering . Getting off the Drama Triangle and into the Empowerment Zone-profound practices to transform interpersonal conflicts . Creating your life plan-a clear and achievable map for living your highest purpose, and many other chapters of real-world-tested insights and strategies If you would like to take your life to the next level and truly optimize your health, relationships, career, and other life pursuits, Radical Responsibility will give you the expert guidance to move beyond the inner walls of your beliefs and realize your full potential.This book includes access to guided audio sessions for many of the exercises, available online.

  • av Sherianna Boyle

    A contemporary take on manifesting based on processing our emotions within the context of metaphysical truths to create a full lifeThe universe responds to our feelings. This idea is crucial in manifestation-but when we try to put it into practice, things fall flat and we feel stuck. We can become afraid of what our fear is manifesting or defeated when our feelings aren't positive enough. If your emotions aren't flowing and your manifestation practice just isn't working, Sherianna Boyle has good news: you can achieve a loving mastery of your emotions that will help you create the life you want. Energy in Action explores how emotions-when in flow-raise your vibration to cultivate an optimal inner state for successful manifestation. By applying her signature emotional detoxing and CLEANSE system, Sherianna helps you get to know the spiritual laws of the universe as a guidance system for energetic alignment. You'll learn to create from an inner space of discernment, insight, intuition, and levelheadedness. Here, you'll explore: . How the universe responds to your emotional states. Preparing to move energy with the CLEANSE system. How to overcome the most common blockages to manifestation. The spiritual laws of the universe beyond the law of attraction. Practical tools to align your emotional energy for each law"Emotional habits can seem tough to change," says Sherianna, "but as you follow this process, you'll discover that you're not alone-the laws of the universe are supporting you each step of the way. You can realize your most joyful and connected life."

  • av Karla McLaren

    Featuring significant updates, the new edition of this beloved book takes readers to the heart of each emotion's powerful gifts and messages.Every emotion-even shame, anger, and anxiety-brings us vital information and wisdom. Emotions-especially the unwanted and dishonored ones-hold a tremendous amount of energy. "Too often, we either repress our feelings or let them run wild," says researcher and educator Karla McLaren. "What many of us were never taught are the fundamental skills for honoring and understanding our profound, powerful emotions." In this new edition of The Language of Emotions, McLaren takes us much deeper than naming or managing our feelings-she teaches us to listen to the messages within each emotion, reflect on their questions, and incorporate their wisdom into our lives.Enhanced through more than a decade of research and teaching, this edition offers a time-tested emotional guidebook, including: . How to safely feel and identify emotions-especially the most intense ones. Practices for working with feelings-including setting boundaries, grounding, and the healing power of complaining consciously. Building your empathy-five key skills for awakening your emotional genius. The role of emotions in the resolution of trauma. Decoding the unique messages, gifts, and insights carried by each emotion. New to this edition: insights and practices on anxiety, an exploration of loneliness, and much more Learning the language of our emotions can deepen our self-understanding, improve our intuition, and enhance our relationships. "Emotions aren't problems to be solved," teaches McLaren. "If you learn their language, your emotions can become an indispensable source of vitality, personal growth, and profound healing."

  • av Shauna Shapiro

  • av MaryCatherine McDonald

    A profound new approach to healing trauma, grounded in a radical reframing of how we understand this nearly universal experienceFor centuries, we've been taught that being traumatized means we are somehow broken-and that trauma only happens to people who are too fragile or flawed to deal with hardship. But as a researcher, teacher, and survivor, Dr. MaryCatherine McDonald has learned that the only thing broken is our society's understanding of trauma. "The body's trauma response is designed to save our lives-and it does," she says. "It's not a sign of weakness, but of our function, strength, and amazing resilience."With Unbroken: The Trauma Response Is Never Wrong, Dr. McDonald overturns the misconceptions about trauma with the latest evidence from neuroscience and psychology-and shares tested practices and tools to help you work with your body's coping mechanisms to accelerate healing. Here, you'll explore: . What is trauma? The latest science that undoes the stigmas of shame, blame, and humiliation. Moral injury-having our basic sense of how the world should work overturned. The truth about triggers-what they really are and how they can guide the healing journey. Traumatic patterns-new findings to help break free from recurring habits and toxic dynamics. Why we can always rewrite our inner narratives, no matter how much time has passed . Finding a "relational home" for trauma-how we can help each other return to wholenessDr. McDonald's case studies reveal the many ways trauma can manifest and persist in our lives, yet there's one factor every case has in common: the trauma response itself reveals the path to healing. "Our traumatic experiences reveal that we can be bent, dented, or bruised," she says, "but we cannot be broken." For anyone who has gone through trauma or wants to help others who are struggling, here is an empowering resource for finding our way home to our bodies, rebuilding our relationships, and returning to full engagement with life.

  • - 8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers
    av Sah D'Simone
    206 - 274,-

    Transform your mind, open your heart, and help the world by uncovering and celebrating the authentic you! Wild dance parties, vegan cake, and meaningful spirituality. Stop trying to put yourself into a box of what spirituality "should" look like--because, honey, being yourself is spiritual. Spiritually Sassy is a guide for a generation that celebrates diversity, authenticity, and freedom both in life and on the spiritual path. Queer, brown, flamboyant, immigrant spiritual seeker Sah D'Simone is a voice for anyone who wants to grow in creative ways. To be of service and make an impact on the world. To embrace their fierce, funny, and fabulous selves--even the parts they might feel ashamed of or feel aren't "spiritual" enough. Sah distills the art of living well in our modern world into eight radical yet totally attainable steps. By incorporating scientifically backed principles of modern psychology with time-tested Buddhist techniques--and a heavy dose of sassy sauce--Sah will help you unblock your heart, befriend your mind, and live your truth out loud. In other words, he'll help you find your sass. You'll learn to: ? Clear out old ways of thinking to make room for a new story that reflects your fabulous heart--and quiets your inner critic? Overcome imposter syndrome and know you are worthy of love, abundance, and joy? Get out of your own way in a big way? Uncover your true self to become spiritual--and sassy? Get real about your dreams and goals, and learn powerful manifestation practices? Embrace your superpowers--the gifts and talents that help you live your purpose? Look beyond yourself to your community, your tribe, and how you give back? Plus--tons of practices for meditation, breathwork, mantra, movement, journaling, working with your mind, and more Spiritually Sassy isn't a quick fix, spiritual bypassing, or entitlement. It's a life-embracing path to awakening in modern times. Dive in to uncover your most radically authentic and spiritual self--and get sassy.

  • - Activate Your Full Human Potential
    av Wim Hof

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The only definitive work authored by Wim Hof on his powerful method for realizing our physical and spiritual potential. Narrated by Olympic and world champion short track speed skater Apolo Anton Ohno. "This method is very simple, very accessible, and endorsed by science. Anybody can do it, and there is no dogma, only acceptance. Only freedom." --Wim Hof Wim Hof has a message for each of us: "You can literally do the impossible. You can overcome disease, improve your mental health and physical performance, and even control your physiology so you can thrive in any stressful situation." With The Wim Hof Method, this trailblazer of human potential shares a method that anyone can use--young or old, sick or healthy--to supercharge their capacity for strength, vitality, and happiness. Wim has become known as "The Iceman" for his astounding physical feats, such as spending hours in freezing water and running barefoot marathons over deserts and ice fields. Yet his most remarkable achievement is not any record-breaking performance--it is the creation of a method that thousands of people have used to transform their lives. In his gripping and passionate style, Wim shares his story and the three pillars of his method: - Breath--His unique practices to change your body chemistry, infuse yourself with energy, and focus your mind- Cold--Safe, controlled, shock-free practices for using cold exposure to enhance your cardiovascular system and awaken your body's untapped strength- Mindset--Build your willpower, inner clarity, sensory awareness, and innate joyfulness in the miracle of living Wim Hof is a man on a mission: to transform the way we live by reminding us of our true power and purpose. "This is how we will change the world, one soul at a time," Wim says. "We alter the collective consciousness by awakening to our own boundless potential. We are limited only by the depth of our imagination and the strength of our conviction."

  • av Stan Tatkin

    Break the Cycle: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcome Chronic Relationship Struggles Few things are more frustrating than repeating the same fight with your partner. Playing out the same disagreement about money, parenting, sex, or household chores may leave you exhausted, cut off from the person you want to feel close to. While conflict in any relationship is inevitable, healing is possible. With In Each Other's Care, Stan Tatkin shares a hands-on repair manual that will help you discover how arguments get triggered, why they keep happening, and what you can do to get better at communicating what you want without the drama.Drawing on his vast experience as a couples therapist, Tatkin uses the concept of secure functioning-a two-person psychological system of teamwork, full collaboration, and cooperation based on fairness, justice, and mutual sensitivity. This form of unionizing "takes time to learn," Tatkin says. "And still, the rewards are awesome and make the effort worthwhile. Secure functioning benefits you, your partner, your family, your friends, everything, and everyone."Throughout In Each Other's Care, Tatkin offers targeted lessons, sample dialogues, and heartfelt wisdom. Through this life-changing practice, you will be able to:. Identify the source of unhappiness in your relationship. Learn techniques for preventing problems before they occur. Heal the emotional wounds of the past. Transform conflict and struggle into win-win outcomes. Renew broken connections and return to intimacyWhether you've been in a relationship for years or are just beginning the journey, In Each Other's Care is a wonderfully supportive guide that will show you how to work through even the most contentious topics with compassion and respect.

  • av Stefanie Iris Weiss

    A shame-free, sex-positive, no-holds-barred guide to understanding our erotic selves-both gifts and challenges-through astrologyAstrology offers a potent portal to self-inquiry, including the deep terrain of our erotic landscapes. In Sex and Your Stars, clinical sexologist and astrologer Stefanie Iris Weiss invites us to explore our sexual selves-as complex, confounding, and fulfilling as we are-through the lens of astrology. "So much of what I see in my clinical practice can be addressed when we work through the shame we retain about our sexuality," Weiss explains. "Sex and Your Stars will help you dissolve the shame you're holding on to, no matter where you are in your sexual journey." Weiss introduces us to each sign, illuminating its core gifts and common challenges. With keen insight, she reveals the many ways we relate to each sign-including as a Sun sign and as a season during the year. Subsequent chapters look at Venus and Mars, as well as explore how to discuss sex, intimacy, and creativity in astrology readings. Weiss supports us in navigating sensitive topics-including libido, sexual function, religious conditioning, and what turns us on. Somatic practices and meditations help us investigate and embody what we learn. This guide to the elemental, archetypal sexual self can help us understand our erotic desires and relationships in ways we may never have allowed ourselves to consider.

  • av Lane Smith

    A guide to reading tarot not only as a tool for personal reflection but also as an invitation to community engagement and social changeWhile many think of tarot as a personal tool for self-reflection, there's a broader, more social history behind these indelible cards of divination-a hidden source of inspiration and power that can speak directly to the collective yearning for change so many of us feel. In Seventy-Eight Acts of Liberation, tarot reader and activist Lane Smith offers a guide to using the cards with an eye toward collective justice and liberation.Smith invites us to explore power through the lens of tarot-both our own ability to create change and power dynamics in the world. They reveal the little-known history of tarot and the way the deck and readings have changed over time, encouraging us to explore the archetypes in new ways. Each card offers a question for not only individual reflection but also social consideration. Throughout, Smith shares examples from social movements-from the Indigenous Water Protectors to #MeToo-that illustrate how we can put the power of these timeless archetypes into action.The tarot deck offers seventy-eight invitations for reflection and change-not only in our inner world, but beyond-change that can feel joyful, hopeful, freeing, and empowering. As Smith explains, "Truth alone will not set us free. We have to act on it." This guide offers inspiration for action.

  • av Anna Goldfarb

    A step-by-step guide to understanding why your friendships are floundering and what you can do to find steadier (and happier) groundWith all the social tools for keeping in touch with each other, this should be the "age of friendship"-so why has the US Surgeon General warned we are living in an "epidemic of loneliness"? Although the accelerated pace of modern life, a more diverse society, and the rapid spread of new technologies have made it more complicated than ever to have meaningful friendships, journalist Anna Goldfarb has a smart, sensible solution. Now the New York Times "friendship correspondent" shares a step-by-step guide for nurturing the mutually supportive relationships that are vital to us.In Modern Friendships, Anna offers a framework she calls Wholehearted Friendship for embodying devoted, committed, and enthusiastic connections. Weaving together cutting-edge social research with real-life examples, she reveals the essential ingredients of healthy friendships, diagnoses the factors that lead us to drift apart, and provides practical tools for nurturing your high-quality friendships through the different seasons of your life-including actionable guidance for helping friends in distress; tips for open, authentic communication; a 14-Day Wholehearted Friendship Cleanse; and more. "As we've learned in these past few years of isolation, life is more meaningful (and manageable) with cherished friends by your side," says Anna. "We all deserve that happiness-let me show you how to find it."

  • av Chianti Lomax

    A Black woman's modern guide to authentic happiness, healing, and radical transformation to foster a life of unapologetic self-expression"If you asked my grandmother what self-care was," says Chianti Lomax, "I'm pretty sure her response would be: 'Self-care? That's for rich white women!'" Our mothers and grandmothers were too busy fighting for the future of their families to even consider their own wellness and happiness-and now, as the inheritors of their mighty labors, we have the opportunity to do more than simply survive. So how do we thrive? How do Black women grow, transform, and make good use of the power we have?In Evolving While Black, Lomax-renowned life coach and "Chief Happiness Curator"-shares a guide to help Black women achieve authentic happiness and liberation on their own terms. By shifting the culturally constrained language and perspective from which mindfulness and self-care practices are normally presented, she breaks down barriers and invites us to bring the power of these evidence-based teachings into our lives, families, and communities. This joyous guide paves the way for personal growth with Lomax's "Black, Blessed, and Highly Favored" approach-presenting bite-sized actions that lead to healing, confidence, self-efficacy, and, most importantly, true self-love.With no-bull bravery, honesty, and warmth, Evolving While Black bridges the gap between transformational practices and Black culture-welcoming us into a flourishing space of growth and self-discovery.

  • av Andrew Holecek

    Discover what comes after mindfulness-an expansive guide to the limitless possibilities of meditative practice.Mindfulness is everywhere-touted as an essential part of a healthy lifestyle like exercise, diet, and good sleep. Yet many of us who practice mindfulness wonder: "Now what?" For anyone who has sensed the potential for something much deeper and more profound than stress relief within the stillness of the present moment, expert teacher Andrew Holecek presents an essential guidebook on what is possible in the vast, transformative world of meditation beyond mindfulness.With I'm Mindful, Now What?, Holecek reveals how the form of mindfulness many of us know is merely one thread in a much older, greater tapestry of contemplative practice. Here he presents an encompassing survey of the many dimensions of meditation-including paths for opening your heart, nurturing compassion, connecting with your body, expanding your dreaming life, and investigating the fundamental nature of reality. In accessible language, he shares insights and tools to help you develop your practice, navigate the limits and pitfalls of mindfulness, use "meditation snacks" to explore new directions, and much more.Meditation can be so much more than 20 minutes of tranquility each day. As Holecek says: "With some initial practice, you'll bring a mind that is more present, open, sensitive, kind, and aware into every facet of life. Wherever you go, your wondrous mind will go with you."

  • av Christina Rasmussen

    A road map to recognize and heal the unspoken, often-misunderstood experience of everyday loss-and finally move into living a full life "Compared to most, my problems are small." "I should be happy with what I've got." We have an inner judge that tells us grief is "allowed" for big losses, but that we should be able to tough it out through everyday heartbreak-like financial worries, isolation, prejudice and bigotry, or our sense of helplessness in a troubled world. "These are losses society doesn't recognize, mirror back to us, or validate," says acclaimed grief educator Christina Rasmussen. "As a result, we don't recognize or validate them either."In Invisible Loss, Rasmussen shines a light on this unrecognized form of grief. Because we avoid invisible loss, we don't process it; instead, we seek the protection of an endless "waiting room" in the hope that time will heal our wounds. Here, Rasmussen helps you meet your loss with grace, free from shame or guilt. Then she shares a powerful five-step process called the Life Reentry® Model to help you cleanse stagnant emotions and habits, build your capacity for reflection and acceptance, and reclaim control of your life."The entire world is silently grieving, attempting to process a form of heartbreak unlike anything we've ever experienced. We need a new language and road map for our invisible losses," says Rasmussen. This book gives you the tools you need in order to heal, move forward, and embrace the life you were meant to lead.

  • av Sarah Durham Wilson

    A richly rewarding guide for women stepping into their full feminine powerPre-patriarchal cultures revered the passage from youth to maturity as a part of nature's cycle. Yet, today's society has largely severed women from this connection, asking them to remain young, pretty, and disconnected from their inner sacredness. Maiden to Mother offers a desperately needed pathway out of infantilization and disempowerment and into soul-sourced sovereign wholeness. Through story, ritual, and teaching, Wilson ushers women through the ancient passage of the immature "Maiden" phase of life and guides us through the crucial initiation into the archetypal Mother-the powerful, safe, compassionate, full-bloom feminine life force that exists within all of us. The Mother is every woman's birthright, regardless of whether or not she raises children. It is an embodiment of who we needed as a child, who we were meant to be in this life, and who the world needs us to be now.Here, we are invited to dismantle our internalized conditioning with its false, constricting standards for the feminine, so that we may live with authenticity and feast on the richness of life. "Midlife is not, as our culture proposes, where a woman's power ends," says Wilson, "but where it really begins."

  • av Tammy Mastroberte

    Supercharge your manifestation practice with this practical guide for invoking the help and guidance of the Universe."Why can't I make manifestation work?" Many people struggle with this question in their practice-and the answer, says expert teacher Tammy Mastroberte, is they're trying to do it alone. "The key," she says, "is to put down the stressful burden of changing your reality by yourself, and place the Universe in charge."In The Higher Help Method, Mastroberte affirms the Universe will support you to create what you want-or something even more incredible. To access the full potential of manifestation, you must learn to invoke the aid and wisdom of the divine with confidence, receptivity, and trust. Here, she shares her tried-and-true system for framing your intentions with clarity, calling in specialized higher help, recognizing guidance as it appears around you, and following the Universe's lead. Then she dives deeper with specific tools such as custom prayers, exercises, crystals, and rituals for manifesting in seven key areas: money and abundance, health and healing, emotional well-being, relationships, career, parenting, and spiritual connection."The Universe always responds when you ask for help," says Mastroberte. "When you learn to trust it as a partner, creating positive change becomes easier, more effective, and much more fun." Here is an indispensable guide for becoming a cocreator of your reality, supported by divine forces to consciously create a life you love.

  • av Mariam Gates

    Olive feels conflicting emotions. As she sorts through her feelings, she learns it's OK to feel lots of ways-all at once. In this illustrated picture book, Olive experiences contradictory emotions. The first day of school is exciting but also scary. When she attends a friend's birthday party, she is both delighted for him but also disappointed that the presents aren't for her. And when she thinks about her little sister, she's both glad and mad-for lots of reasons!In Olive All at Once, our title character helps young readers explore the sometimes-contradictory ways they feel about various events in their lives, both big and small. Building social-emotional intelligence in children helps them to allow all of their emotions to coexist inside them. It's part of being human to feel many different ways-all at the same time-and it's totally OK.

  • av Alexandra Roxo

    Explore the language of openhearted feeling to live as your full embodied self and access the most powerful parts of your life."Most of us weren't taught how to feel-in fact, we were taught not to feel," says author and spiritual teacher Alexandra Roxo. "The more we try to control or retreat from feeling, the more we shrink away from some of the greatest parts of being a human: crying, laughing, creating, taking risks, and loving."Dare to Feel explores the language of feeling and heart-opening as a transformational path, showing you that the key to connecting with yourself, others, and the world is turning toward feelings you once avoided. Through personal stories, poems, rituals, and reflective exercises, Alexandra explains how to start tapping into your spectrum of feeling in a safe and loving way. You'll learn how you were conditioned to close down in the first place and why you continue. Then you'll go on a journey of opening and feeling exploration-and discover how to engage with tough emotions like shame, pity, grief, and regret. As you see how the loving threads of your life intertwine, your heart will expand in ways you haven't known since childhood. It takes courage to shed our armor-to stop checking out, overthinking, grabbing for phones, or running for the door. Yet the effort is worth it. "It is when you dare to feel, even when it hurts, that you open the heart and soul," says Alexandra. "You become the sculptor of your reality and free yourself to experience all your life can be."

  • av Nate Klemp

    Can we shift our habit of withdrawing from life to avoid suffering? A New York Times bestselling author shares a powerful new approach.With the avalanche of information we get every day, closing down our minds and hearts seems to be the only way to survive. We close to ourselves by compulsively checking our devices. We close to each other by getting caught in echo chambers of outrage. But what if there's another way? What if being more open to life is actually what brings us sanity and happiness? In this climate of distraction and division, Nate Klemp's Open offers a path back to a way of living that is expansive, creative, and filled with wonder.Drawing on personal stories, scientific findings, and traditional wisdom, Klemp explores why we close down when faced with stressors or threats-then reveals why training ourselves to fully engage even with discomfort, pain, and sadness leads to greater well-being in the long run. Here, you'll explore the many approaches to opening (such as psychedelic-assisted therapy, open meditation, and letting go), guidance for maintaining healthy boundaries while opening, antidotes to the social pressures that cause us to dehumanize others, practical tools for choosing to welcome any experience in the moment, and much more."We've made the path to a happier life overly complicated," says Klemp. "Yet each time we choose to engage instead of avoid, our mind expands. We find we can hold it all-anxiety, bliss, outrage, and feelings of genuine kindness. This is the magic of opening."

  • av Robert Peng

    Qigong master Robert Peng returns with daily meditations to empower your organs-and tap into the limitless wisdom contained in your body."Peace on earth mirrors peace within," says Robert Peng. Yet when we bring energies of disharmony into our lives-like stress, anxiety, trauma, and discord-those energies take up residence in our bodies and minds. Fortunately, the antidote for healing the buildup of inner toxicity is all around us in the form of life-giving qi. With The Way of Virtue, this renowned teacher presents a guide to Qigong meditations that will direct cleansing energy directly to the parts of yourself where it is most needed-and make room for the abundant virtues that naturally arise from a healthy and balanced body. Through Peng's lucid descriptions, along with illustrations and downloadable audio guidance, The Way of Virtue presents Qigong meditations focused on the internal organs. Here you'll learn which emotions are stored in specific organs, along with practices to draw in qi to awaken, purify, and empower your tissues. As you engage in these daily practices, you'll unleash the virtuous qualities of every organ: peace, resilience, forgiveness, creativity, and much more. When suffused with qi, every cell becomes charged with vitality and benevolence-and you will radiate this nourishing energy wherever you go. "Our bodies contain the virtues that our world needs," shares Robert Peng. "Each of us can become a living blessing to enshrine peace and serenity in our imperfect world."

  • av Kamilah Majied

    Liberating meditation practices designed to invoke profound compassion for humanity and the struggles that divide us.Many of us have been conditioned to think about justice as something to be sought only externally, a cause to fight for in the world. But what if instead of looking outside ourselves, we start within? With Joyfully Just, we are invited on a transformative journey that brings our inner world into liberating reflection and radically reframes the way we think about privilege, oppression, and equality.With her empowering new book, Dr. Kamilah Majied shares many of the insights and experiences that gave rise to her leadership as a joyful champion of contemplative approaches to mental health and social justice. Joyfully Just offers Dr. Majied's inspiring and unique approach to facing injustice by embodying joy and allowing playful curiosity to guide us. Readers are enveloped in an intimate experience where they are encouraged to play with ways of being just towards themselves and extend that playful engagement to friends, family, social settings, and the natural environment. Woven with threads of timeless wisdom, Joyfully Just illustrates a profound vision of what is possible. "We are all learners and teachers," Dr. Majied says, "and by engaging with these practices, we are able to access the freedom that comes with tearing off the restrictive garments of privilege and internalized oppression as we allow our hearts, minds, and souls to be liberated and unafraid in the world."

  • av Giovanni Dienstmann

    Experience Life Beyond Fear and Self-Doubt Self-confidence is a theme of universal appeal-and for a good reason. When you have genuine confidence, you take action on your goals, have empowered relationships, and feel better about yourself. Others see you as more competent, likeable, and trustable, and this opens many doors in life.In Wise Confidence, Giovanni Dienstmann brings a refreshing approach to the topic, teaching us a how to transform the core of self-doubt into self-belief, so that our confidence becomes stronger and more unshakable. Rather than rely on quick fixes and motivational platitudes, this comprehensive book brings together lessons from psychology, philosophy, spirituality, and mindfulness into a practical framework of self-empowerment. Wise Confidence is an invitation for you to develop confidence from the inside out. It is confidence without the shadows of conceit, arrogance, and toxicity. Dienstmann guides us through dozens of exercises and meditations targeted at developing the five elements of self-confidence: self-belief, courage, optimism, integrity, and determination. You will also learn how to break free from past conditioning, find your core strengths, develop willpower, face fear, set boundaries, and effectively manage negative emotions.

  • av Acharya Shunya

    Unshackle your mind and claim your spiritual birthright of freedom, wholeness, and joy through the perennial wisdom of ancient yogaThere's a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000-year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass-they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty. With Sovereign Self, Acharya Shunya shares a groundbreaking guide to the wisdom of these classic texts so that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature-that which is always whole, joyful, and free. As the first female lineage holder in a 2,000-year-old line of spiritual teachers, Shunya provides a rare opportunity to receive these authentic teachings from a genuine Vedic master-one with a distinctly down-to-earth, feminine flavor who never lets us forget that our humanity is to be embodied and enjoyed. Throughout Sovereign Self, Shunya adeptly guides us through the core concepts and practices of the Vedas, demystifying and contextualizing sacred concepts for modern life. In this masterful guide, you'll explore:. Beginning the journey to radical self-acceptance-recognize your innate worth and wholeness . How we create our own prisons of shame, compulsion, blame, and obsession-and how you can begin to break free . Learning to embody personal autonomy in your life and relationships . Clear advice from a Vedic master for avoiding countless obstacles on the path to liberation-from spiritual bypassing to the true meaning of guru . Original meditations and contemplative practices taken directly from Shunya's 2000-year-old lineage . How to wake up from being a "sleepwalker" and find authentic freedom, everlasting joy, and unshakable sovereignty Filled with hidden insights and engaging guidance, Sovereign Self will help you awaken and recognize your potential to be joyful, resourceful, abundant, limitlessly expansive, and sovereign.

  • av Apolo Ohno

    Apolo Ohno shares his most valuable lessons for overcoming challenges with resilience, creativity, and purpose.In speed skating, a hard pivot is an aggressive shift of direction that requires courage, practice, and split-second timing. For Apolo Ohno, the most frightening hard pivot of his life didn't happen on the ice-but rather, when he had to hang up his skates for good. "After my final Olympics, I felt confused, vulnerable, and adrift without purpose," he says. "Yet that's when I realized my experiences had given me something much more valuable than medals and memories. I had tools I could use to shift my life in a new direction-and most importantly, these were tools anyone could benefit from."With Hard Pivot, Apolo combines practical guidance, personal stories, and deep insights from the psychology of success into a resource to help you through challenging times. Here he shares his most valuable lessons and tools, condensed into the Five Golden Principles:. Gratitude: A daily practice to help you maintain perspective, cultivate empathy, and alleviate stress. Giving: How to elevate your life's purpose by offering your time, attention, and resources to others. Grit: Exercises to build mental stamina, resilience, and toughness to persevere through hard times. Gearing Up: Ways to prepare yourself to meet the unknown with flexibility and grace. Go: Develop the courage to take risks, learn from success and failure, and come back strongerWhen life drastically changes-whether by choice or circumstance-the hardest part is often letting go of what was familiar and stable. Yet in Hard Pivot, Apolo provides the tools and inspiration to create a new life filled with greater purpose, wisdom, and joy. "You can trust yourself," he writes. "You can lean into the curve, pick up momentum, and speed down the track to success. In that pivotal moment, you might even find that you're having the most fun you've ever had. You're in flow. You're enjoying your precious life. And you're winning."

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