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  • av Shawn Doyle Csp

    What is MO?The purpose of MO! is to help people get and stay motivated but with a very unique twist. See most people think that motivation for them is out of reach. They have an average job at an average company. This book is intended to give people hope by shining the light on people who are in average regular jobs but do amazing work and have fun doing it.In the book we offer inspiring profiles of Service Advisors, Hot Dog vendors, Airline Gate Agents, Seafood MarketOwners, Construction workers, Seamstresses, Fitness Trainers, and Taxi drivers who all have the magic MO! qualities. They are all normal people who work every day but their work isn't normal. At the end of each profile we provide a summation of the 3-4 special qualities that they have and our suggestions on how to incorporate it into the readers life and how they can get more MO!

  • av Mary C. Kelly

    Decrease the overwhelm in pursuing individual achievement and business success and take action with more confidence with Mary C. Kelly's weekly guided journal for busy professionals. Leaders and business professionals need quick solutions for common challenges--from boosting productivity, to improving sales and marketing, to enhancing strategic planning, to building stronger, more engaged teams. Better in 52 Weeks shares a year's worth of 5-Minute Business and Leadership Success Plans that will enable you to work smarter, plan better, and move your career or business forward and live a less stressful life! These 5-Minute Plans are the same ones that business coach and retired Navy commander Mary C. Kelly, PhD, CSP, uses with her executive clients to help their teams build a strong foundation for innovation, efficiency, and business growth. Now you, too, can benefit from the comprehensive, actionable plans and obtain results in all dimensions of your personal and professional life. In only five minutes each week, you'll learn to focus on, strengthen, and take action on the following areas: Business planningBusiness growthLeading peoplePersonal developmentProductivityTeamworkBy planning ahead, you can spend more time on the work that truly moves your life and business forward--creative thinking and personal and professional growth. Whether you're making a financial plan, or a plan to cultivate gratitude, or a plan to facilitate effective meetings, every exercise will take you one step closer to the success you envision. The combination of 5-Minute Plans and daily checklists will ensure your progress compounds. Included with the book is online access to fillable PDF versions of all 5-Minute Plans--with bonus plans added regularly.

  • av Napoleon Hill

    A GUIDED JOURNAL FOR ESTABLISHING EFFECTIVE MENTAL HABITS Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich has sold more than 80 million copies since it was published in 1937. His principles and insights have been tested and proven successful by millions of people worldwide. With this companion journal, you will discover a new way to implement the 17 success fundamentals that form Hill's philosophy of personal achievement. Each success principle is deconstructed into its component attributes so that you can focus on building one new habit each week. Action prompts, journaling activities, worksheets, and bonus resources will enable both new and longtime practitioners of Hill's Science of Personal Achievement to attain heightened levels of self-mastery and accomplish their biggest goals. Contents include: Journaling prompts for cultivating self-awareness, faith, and purposeGuidance for turning fear and failure into stepping-stones to successActivities for strengthening personal initiative, decisiveness, and accurate thinkingWorksheets for enhancing concentration, imagination, and a positive mindsetTemplates for budgeting time and moneyWith this powerful, practical new format, anyone can apply the 17 principles of individual achievement in their own life and enjoy the success, happiness, and peace of mind that result when you Think and Grow Rich!

  • av Meridith Elliott Powell Mba Csp

    Leaders leave. It's inevitable. It might even happen today. Are you prepared? Every organization needs a plan for leadership succession, but few leaders know how to start the process. WHO COMES NEXT? solves that problem and easily guides you through the steps of creating a viable succession plan. The book simplifies the process and gives you the tools you need to build and activate your leadership succession. Whether you are part of a small, family business or a Fortune 500 company, you need to start now by answering the question: WHO COMES NEXT? "This book is a comprehensive look at succession planning, but with a refreshing spin that favors the practical over the theoretical. It's applicable to any industry, and readers will benefit from action items, tools, and resources with every chapter. Succession planning has never been more critical, and this book is a must-read for any professional looking to answer the question, "Who Comes Next?" >"Meridith and Mary are my 'go to' experts for succession planning, and they've created the definitive guide for how to build a strong succession plan. In this book, they break it down, give you a strategy, and deliver everything you need to create leadership depth at every level of your organization." >"Succession planning goes way beyond the person at the head of the company. Depth on the bench is essential to ensure an organization's resiliency and contingency planning." --Eric Holloway, Captain, U.S. Navy (ret)

  • av Ray Hull

    The ability to manage stress and anxiety so you can live with more joy and success is not just a's an art! You can't craft a life of purpose and fulfillment if you're constantly stressed out. Yet in a world where we are always plugged in and burned out, it can be difficult to remember that you don't have to be ruled by anxiety and burnout--nor do you have to live in a state of overwhelm to achieve success in your personal and professional life. In The Art of De-Stressing, Ray Hull, PhD walks you through practical life lessons that will teach you how to manage anxiety, build confidence, and cope with stress. You will learn expert tools and strategies that will help you: Handle everyday stress with poiseTame anxiety and take back control of your lifeMaximize productivity and achieve more resultsIncrease self-confidence and self-esteemAvoid burnout so you can actually enjoy your workYour toxic relationship with stress is bringing down your productivity at work, your happiness in life, and your overall self-worth. Don't lose another day to the internal pressure that limits your potential and strains your relationships. A stress-free life is possible! Choose to practice mindfulness, eliminate overwhelm, and increase your confidence by finally learning The Art of Destressing!

  • av Don Green & Napoleon Hill Foundation

    Puedes crear riqueza y alcanzar la seguridad financiera; pero primero, debes aprender a pensar como un millonario. Los millonarios no se hacen por casualidad; acumular riquezas requiere planificación rigurosa y acción decisiva. Pero los principios monetarios usados por la élite financiera no están fuera del alcance de la persona promedio; ¡cualquier persona de verdad puede pensar y hacerse rico! Este libro te enseña tanto los cambios de mentalidad así como los hábitos financieros necesarios para lograr la seguridad financiera. Don Green, director ejecutivo y presidente de la Fundación Napoleon Hill, aprovecha su amplia experiencia en las inversiones personales y en el sector bancario para compartir los secretos de por qué algunas personas obtienen el éxito financiero mientras que otras siguen endeudadas, dependen de un sueldo que solo cubre sus necesidades básicas, o no logran acumular suficiente riqueza para vivir cómodamente en la jubilación. Las historias que él comparte ilustran los métodos exactos que las personas han utilizado para crear sus fortunas: gastar sabiamente, ahorrar consistentemente, invertir inteligentemente, aumentar sus ingresos y servir a otros. Green se basa en los principios atemporales de éxito de Napoleon Hill para presentar una fórmula sencilla para crear riquezas; desde transformar tu mentalidad para el éxito hasta comprender y utilizar los diferentes instrumentos de ahorro e inversión. Cada capítulo incluye sencillos pasos de acción para crear tu plan maestro para llegar a ser millonario. >

  • av Napoleon Hill

    El Lenguaje del Pensamiento de Napoleon Hill es tu guía para entender, generar y dirigir pensamientos más poderosos para que puedas vivir y trabajar con más intención, gozo y éxito. La herramienta más poderosa que está al alcance de los seres humanos no es el dinero, la fuerza física, la influencia o una red de contactos; es la mente. Nuestras mentes determinan nuestros resultados en la vida, así como nuestra habilidad de disfrutar de la travesía. A fin de aprovechar nuestros pensamientos para crear el éxito material, no requerimos ventajas personales como la riqueza, las conexiones o la educación. Simplemente necesitamos utilizar las recursos mentales que ya poseemos, por medio de cultivar una comprensión profunda del funcionamiento de la mente y de la manera en que los pensamientos se pueden transformar en sus contrapartes físicas. A fin de crear cambios positivos en nuestras vidas, debemos aprender a hablar el lenguaje del pensamiento, el cual tiene su propia fórmula. Este libro contiene las mejores lecciones de Napoleon Hill acerca de los componentes que constituyen el lenguaje del pensamiento, así como instrucciones modernizadas y fáciles de seguir sobre cómo aprovechar estos elementos para generar más pensamientos poderosos. En particular, descubrirás cómo: Magnetizar tus impulsos de pensamiento con el deseoRefinar tus pensamientos con definitividad de propósitoControlar y dirigir tus emociones hacia fines productivosApoyar tus metas con una estructura de motivos convincentesCrear hábitos de pensamiento positivo por medio de la concentración y la repeticiónProteger tu mente de las influencias externas negativasEntre más practiques los principios delineados en este libro, más fluidez adquirirás en el lenguaje del pensamiento. A medida que tu facilidad para este lenguaje se desarrolle, experimentarás mayor control sobre tus pensamientos y emociones, lo cual te permitirá disfrutar de más éxito en tu búsqueda de tu objetivo principal definitivo. No existen limitaciones para la mente acondicionada para el logro. ¿Estás listo para escribir tu historia de éxito con un lenguaje más poderoso? > Napoleon Hill's The Language of Thought is your guide to understanding, generating, and directing more powerful thoughts so that you can live and work with more intention, joy, and success. The single most powerful tool available to human beings is not money, physical strength, influence, or a network; it is the mind. Our thoughts determine our outcomes in life, as well as our ability to enjoy the journey. In order to harness our thoughts to create material success, we do not require any personal advantage such as wealth, connections, or education. We simply need to utilize the mental resources already within our possession by cultivating a thorough understanding of the workings of the mind and the manner in which thoughts may be transformed into their physical counterparts. In order to create positive change in our lives, we must learn to speak the language of thought, which has its own unique formula. This book contains Napoleon Hill's best lessons on the components that make up the language of thought, as well as easy-to-follow, modernized instructions on how to leverage these elements to generate more powerful thoughts. In particular, you will discover how to: Magnetize your thought impulses with desireRefine your thoughts with definiteness of purposeControl and direct your emotions to productive endsSupport your goals with a compelling network of motivesCreate positive thought habits through concentration and repetitionProtect your mind from negative external influencesThe more you practice the principles outlined in this book, the more fluency you will gain in the language of thought. As your facility for this language develops, you will experience greater control over your thoughts and emotions, which will enable you to enjoy more success in the pursuit of your definite major purpose. There are no limitations to the mind conditioned for achievement. Are you ready to write your success story with more powerful language? "You will attract to you...the very things, or the very station in life, that you create in your thoughts." --Napoleon Hill

  • av Phillip van Hooser & Alyson van Hooser

    Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to earn success in today's radically diverse, rapidly changing world with 30-Day Journey to Accelerate Your Success. This is more than a professional development book; it is a one-month journey to establishing a firm foundation in the principles that enhance performance and drive professional growth. If you commit to intentionally focusing on accelerating your success, over the course of 30 days you will master the then catalysts for high achievement and boost your momentum on your success journey. All you need is a burning desire and willingness to work toward getting better. With valuable insights from a boomer and a millennial leader, this book will show you exactly what it takes to succeed in a dynamic, multigenerational business world. Power-packed lessons include the following: How to eradicate negative tendencies and replace them with rewarding habitsThe best planning strategies to fuel professional growthWhy emotional intelligence will help you improve communication and strengthen relationshipsHow to ask for the opportunities you deserve--and then embrace themThe secrets of peak performersStrategies for achieving work-life balance so that you can stay grounded in the grindThe finishing touches required to achieve success might change, but the prerequisites never do. This 30-day success program offers a roadmap for elevating your professional game by explaining the critical qualities, behaviors, and actions you need to accelerate your success.

  • av Meridith Elliott Powell Mba Csp

    In only one month, you can acquire the skills, tools, and techniques that will help you turn more prospects into loyal customers, increase your sales, and derive greater enjoyment from the experience. Organized into daily lessons on critical sales strategies, 30 Days to Sales Success is your roadmap to making sales more comfortable, more fulfilling, and more rewarding. Regardless of what you are selling--a product, a service, an idea, or a new direction--you have to understand the value of your offering and share it in a way that convinces people to participate. However, much of the sales advice today centers on the salesperson, not the customer, and entails aggressive cold-calling and upselling techniques. It's no wonder so many people dislike selling...and why so many people dislike being sold to. Luckily, there is another way--a path to customer-oriented sales, with a focus on value, service, and long-term relationships. Named "One of the Top 20 Sales Experts to Follow" by LinkedIn, Meridith Elliott Powell will equip you with critical strategies for sustainable, relationship-oriented sales success. First, you will gain a solid foundation in approaching sales--from preparing to meet your prospect for the first time, to better defining your selling style, to more effectively articulating the value you and your product or service add. Next, you will develop expertise in the sales call, perfecting your message, delivery, and listening skills. Finally, you will master the art of the follow-up, ensuring your customer's satisfaction, earning more referrals, increasing your offerings, and continuing your discussions. By reading the lessons and completing the journaling prompts and action items each day, you will progressively improve your sales savvy so that by the end of the month, you will feel more confident in your abilities and your natural sales style, more passionate about your work, and more empowered to sell with intention and efficacy.

  • av James Allen

    There is a path to permanent prosperity and peace, free from worry and fear! And the best news is, you already have the tools at your disposal to access the true riches that await you. If you will commit to improving your inner life, you can create the outward life that you want. In The Path to Prosperity, James Allen, author of the bestselling personal development classic As a Man Thinketh, reveals the source of true and lasting prosperity--and the reasons why so many individuals who are chasing success are instead meeting with failure and misery. Most people are seeking self-serving ends--money, power, influence, importance--but by grasping for "more" they are left empty and dissatisfied. This book is for those who sense that real success is not a number or a title; it is a mental state. As you build your destiny, you will discover: How to remove the destructive forces in your life through the power of thoughtYour ability to attract positive people and circumstances into your lifeHow to overcome negative thinking and cultivate calmness and tranquilityWhy desire is actually holding you back from successHow to obtain prosperity through service and good stewardshipThis modernized version of The Path to Prosperity provides easily digestible lessons, followed by topics for further reflection and discussion questions that will help you individually or collectively work through life's biggest questions in a practical, energizing way. When you have gained the understanding that comes from learning and applying these lessons, you will be in a position to create your own life--your own circumstances. You will be able to change evil into good and write, with a master hand, the story of your destiny.

  • av James Allen

    Unleash the Power of Your Mind! James Allen the bestselling author of As Man Thinketh brings you this timeless, inspirational teaching to help you unlock the hidden power of your mind in pursuit of "The Truth". In the pages of this book, you will discover the power of positive thinking and how it manifests in your reality. Learn how to open your mind to a mindset of success to create wealth, and find happiness. In Freedom and Truth You will learn to: Access Timeless WisdomHarness the power of meditation to find your purposeUncover the secret to your successAnd much more! "All suffering ends in truth," - James Allen

  • av Don Green

    "You can build wealth and achieve financial security -- but first, you have to learn to think like a millionaire. Millionaires are not made by happenstance; amassing riches requires rigorous planning and decisive action. But the money principles used by the financial elite are not beyond the grasp of the average individual -- anyone truly can think and grow rich! This book teaches you both the mindset changes and the money habits required to achieve financial security. Don Green, executive director and CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, leverages his extensive experience in personal investment and the banking industry to share the secrets as to why some individuals succeed financially and others remain in debt, live paycheck to paycheck, or fail to build enough wealth to live comfortably in retirement. The stories he relates illustrate the exact methods individuals have used to build their fortunes by spending wisely, saving consistently, investing intelligently, boosting their income, and serving others. Green draws on Napoleon Hill's timeless success principles to present a simple formula for wealth-building -- from transforming your mindset for success to understanding and utilizing the different savings and investment vehicles. Each chapter includes simple action steps to take to create your millionaire master plan. This is the financial primer you need to take control of your money and make it serve your definite major purpose in life. When you learn to live by the principles in this book, you can join the ranks of individuals who build a lasting legacy of wealth and generosity"--Back cover.

  • av Napoleon Hill

    Napoleon Hill spent twenty years of his life interviewing the most successful men in America in order to write the first book on the science of personal achievement. In the course of his studies, he developed seventeen success principles. These teachings explain each of them, In order, they are Definiteness of Purpose, the Master Mind Alliance, Going the Extra Mile, Applied Faith, Self-Discipline and Cosmic Habit Force. Hill often referred to these as the most important of the success principles. Hill and his last wife, Annie Lou, established the Napoleon Hill Foundation 1962, and it continues today to publish his books, videos, audios and lectures. These six lectures were transcribed but never before published and only recently found by the Foundation. The Trustees of the Foundation have chosen the title "Napoleon Hill's Positive Influence" for this book because these lectures deal with many of the influences which help people to become successful, and which drove Hill to achieve his own successes. One of Hill's greatest influences was business tycoon Andrew Carnegie, who commissioned him in 1908 to undertake his twenty-year investigation. During his investigation, he discovered that important positive influences on successful people included having self-discipline, learning from adversity, working in harmony with others, selecting "pace makers", surrounding oneself with positive books and mottos, being guided by Faith and what Hill called "Infinite Intelligence", social and physical heredity, and the law of Cosmic Habit force, by which one's habits become ingrained in one's personality and character. All of these positive influences are covered in these lectures. In addition to Andrew Carnegie, a number of individuals were positive influences in Hill's life, and they too are discussed in the lectures. Those who he knew personally, and who are referenced in the lectures, include Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Franklin Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Elmer Gates, Alexander Graham Bell and Edwin Barnes. On a more personal level, he speaks fondly of his step-mother and his wives who helped him with his endeavors. We are fortunate to be able to present an Introduction to the book by Napoleon's grandson, J.B. Hill, and a Preface by Napoleon Hill Foundation Executive Director Don M. Green, both of which explain the important roles played by these women in bringing positive influences to bear on his life and work. We hope you will enjoy and benefit from this newly discovered treasure trove of "Napoleon Hill's Positive Influence".

  • av Charles M. Schwab

    Timeless Business Strategies that will help you to build your successful business and life plan. The secrets to how to be successful in business are in these pages. Charles Schwab invested his life to create one of the biggest manufacturers in the world under Andrew Carnegie's guidance. Dive into Charles Schwab's guide to finances and business to learn how to change your mindset, gain wealth, and succeed in business. This classic text is essential reading if you want to learn how to get promoted, how to be a better leader and excel at your chosen profession. Apply the lessons to build you successful business and life plan! In these pages are the essentials for how to become a successful entrepreneur or businessman like John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Thomas Edison. Get an exclusive look at their success habits, methods and business strategies that made them the most successful business professionals in modern history.

  • av Napoleon Hill

    ¡Napoleon Hill en las noticias! Es una publicación de trabajos no recopilados previamente, que fueron publicados a lo largo de la vida del Dr. Hill en periódicos y revistas de números especiales. Estos artículos publicados por reporteros y el Dr. Hill nos dan una idea de la popularidad del autor y su atractivo estilo como escritor y orador motivacional. Me parece que se puede encontrar un verdadero tesoro en la serie Science of Success, que incluye 35 artículos del Miami Herald y 18 ensayos adicionales en profundidad que detallan los principios del éxito, un concepto a la vez. Como estudiante, instructor y director del Centro Mundial de Enseñanza de Napoleon Hill, que difunde la filosofía del éxito del Dr. Hill, siempre tengo el deseo de encontrar escritos adicionales que el Doctor haya escrito. Al leer estas columnas de periódicos, el Dr. Hill usa los mismos conceptos pero con diferentes ilustraciones para transmitir sus conceptos al lector y hacerlos comprensibles para cualquiera. > Judith Williamson Director, Centro de Educación Mundial de Napleon Hill

  • av Earl Nightingale

    It's time for you to rediscover your passion for living and thrive within this ever-changing world! Have you lost the gusto that once characterized your thoughts and actions? Sometimes all you need to regain your enthusiasm for life, work, and relationships is a pointed, friendly reminder of the details you are overlooking and the capabilities you may be neglecting. Successful Living in a Changing World collects the best of Earl Nightingale's timeless lessons on how to enjoy more of the good things in life. With his signature wit and wisdom, Nightingale shares enduring principles that are the bedrock of success in a world that is continuously in flux. Who among us would not benefit from insight, enlivened with anecdotes and aphorisms, on the following subjects: Enriching oneself through creation rather than competitionAdvancing one's career and building security by anticipating change in industryUsing creative thinking to achieve success in any endeavor, regardless of circumstancesBuilding healthier friendships, marriages, and work relationships through improved communicationReaching one's potential by developing self-confidence, self-control, persistence, initiative, gratitude, generosity, and other crucial qualities. Reading these messages takes us on what Nightingale calls the most profound and interesting journey of our lives--that of self-discovery. As you encounter their truths, you can access untapped reservoirs of power deep within yourself and cultivate resilience and lasting fulfillment in your changing world. Known as the "Dean of Personal Development," Earl Nightingale broadcast his radio programs for more than three decades on over 1,000 radio stations in twelve countries around the world, making him one of the most listened-to broadcasters in history. An inductee into both the Radio Hall of Fame and the International Speakers Hall of Fame and a winner of the prestigious Golden Gavel Award, he dedicated his life to helping others achieve personal success, co-founding Nightingale-Conant, a world leader in personal development. Combining his personal insight with wisdom from the greatest minds in history--from the ancient Greek philosophers to contemporary thought leaders--he provides original and creative commentaries on life and the ways of successful living.

  • av Napoleon Hill

  • av Sam Silverstein

    Do you ever find yourself questioning what you believe around issues that impact your life and business? Do you ever feel lost in your decisions? Are you ever frustrated in your lack of ability to take your life or business exactly where you know you want to go? Non-Negotiable is all about understanding what you believe, what you can control, what your mission is and ultimately taking your convictions to the level of Non-Negotiable. Based on the real life story of J. Pat Hickman, a man with a purpose, and the bank he leads, Happy State Bank, you will see firsthand what success looks like. Sam Silverstein, champion of accountability, presents the inspiring story of how J. Pat Hickman transformed a sleepy small town bank from one location and $10 million in assets into 34 locations and over $2.5 billion in assets by knowing what he believes and not negotiating on what he holds dear. In the process, he assembled a team of leaders that understand what great culture looks like and a bank full of motivated people who love what they do. Read this book to: Discover and define your own Non-NegotiablesEnergize your ability to avoid distractions and make important decisionsEstablish a culture that promotes personal and organizational accountabilityUnderstand the power of true accountabilityUnleash the power of knowing what it is you truly believe

  • av Zig Ziglar

    "Through this book, we at Nightingale-Conant invite you to join Zig to learn, from the master himself, the secrets of cultivating a successful self-image. As he puts it, "The elements usually conducive to high self-esteem are good family relationships, good moral standards, religion, close friends, financial well-being, hobbies, and status. "It all begins when you start believing in you and having faith in your abilities. It culminates when you realize that you can have anything you want if you help enough people get what they want. Motivation and positive thinking won't work for the individual who does not believe that they themselves are capable of doing anything"--

  • av Phillip van Hooser

    A book unlike any other customer service guide, Willie's Way translates Willie's common-sense wisdom into simple, practical applications. Each chapter looks at one of the six service secrets and explains how and why it works. From listening to customers, to offering them special favors, to making every customer connection memorable, these proven strategies will impress, entice and win new customers with every interaction. As a successful speaker and author who travels constantly, Phillip Van Hooser has been in and out of his fair share of cabs. But only one cabbie ever taught him anything about customer service. That cabbie is Willie, and the common-sense wisdom he imparted has become known as Willie's Way. In Willie's Way, you too will learn Willie's unique brand of personalized service: How to woo customers so they come back again and againHow to wow customers so they tell their friends about youHow to win customers' long-term business by exceeding their expectationsHow to apply Willie's techniques to your own enterprises to build long-term customer loyalty "Willie's Way is a fascinating compilation of real-life customer service stories that actually make a difference. It's about building your brand one customer at a time. Read how enthusiasm, confidence and sincerity can impact your customers, grow revenues and impact your bottom line. This is the best book I've read on customer service in a long time." -Joe Scarlett, Chairman of the Board, Tractor Supply Company "Van Hooser absolutely hit the bulls-eye with an outstanding instruction manual about the keys to extraordinary customer service. I have no doubt that companies and customer service professionals across virtually every industry will find value and fresh insights in the pages of this brilliantly written gem." -Richard G. Kelley, Director of Sales Training, North America Axcan Pharma, Inc.

  • av Jan Yager

    Dr. Jan Yager helps you to become more efficient in a work world that is more demanding and 24/7 than ever before. You will learn: The #1 factor you can control to revolutionize your time management; How to deal with distractions and fragmentation; Coping with time wasters like over-scheduling, inadequate pacing, poor planning, procrastination, or perfection; How to master office relationships and politics to save time; Cultural considerations; And lots more.

  • av Evelyn Watkins

    Your Next Chapter is a personal development resource which provides its readers with a comprehensive guide to pick up the broken pieces of their life and start anew. Whether working through a failed relationship, job loss or bankruptcy, this practical resource offers step-by-step instructions to assure the reader's success. This book is written by a personal life coach and as such, coaches the reader through their reinvention. Beginning with an assessment of the reader's crisis, then analyzing the reader's present value and subsequently developing a strategy that will guarantee the readers success again and again. The chapters are brief summations of more sophisticated strategic lessons readers can easily digest and execute. Building on small accomplishments, by the books end, the reader will have undoubtedly achieved dormant goals or surrendered milestones.

  • av Sam Silverstein

    E=mc2 You may think you know what this familiar formula means, but until you read Sam Silverstein's breakthrough book, you will not know its true power or its potential. This is the Accountability Formula(TM), and it forms the heart of the Theory of Accountability(TM). Silverstein's Theory of Accountability has nothing to do with physics, the speed of light, or the relationship between space and time. It has everything to do with personal and organizational growth, and with establishing the kind of leadership in your own life that makes excuses a thing of the past...and inspires true commitment from others. The Theory of Accountability states: Our lived EXPERIENCE is the direct result of our MINDSET and our COMMITMENT SQUARED. Silverstein's new book examines each of these critical elements in depth, and shows you how to leverage the power of accountability to create a sustainable high-performance life and organization. E stands for Experience. Our experience is the results: the outcomes we achieve in our life, in our business, and everywhere else. It is what we produce. Our experience impacts the lives of everyone we come in contact with. The problem is, all too often, our experience is erratic, random, unplanned, and dysfunctional--with results to match. M stands for Mindset. The accountable mindset is based on a conscious decision to embrace possibility rather than fear. When decisions are driven by fear, our experience and the experience of everyone we come in contact with suffers. On the other hand, when decisions are driven by a set of beliefs that are based on valuing people, and on a foundation of abundance rather than scarcity, our experience improves. C2 stands for Commitment Squared. How do we ensure that our mindset is driven by possibility and abundance, rather than by fear and scarcity? By focusing on our ability to make, keep, and expand specific commitments. There is truly awesome power in commitment. The quality of the results you achieve is always based on two things: how committed you are to people, and how committed you are to your mindset and your core beliefs. These are the two commitments of the accountable person. When both kinds of commitments are in full play, when you are all in, you are living to your full potential. Such commitments are like compound interest, because they produce increasingly greater results over time. Sam's latest book offers leaders a proven system for taking control of your life and transforming yourself and your harnessing the awesome power of accountability.

  • av Sam Silverstein

    Accountability is not a way of doing. Accountability is a way of thinking. Those who achieve greatness know true accountability makes all the difference between success and failure. Based on extensive interviews with accountable leaders--from Fortune 500 CEOs to Hall of Fame athletes--No More Excuses identifies the five accountabilities of successful people and organizations. These tenets encourage accountability in others and performance at the highest level. When you willingly accept and embrace the five accountabilities, you encourage accountability in others and empower your teams to achieve at the highest level. The result is an organization focused on its fundamental values and committed, at the individual level, to achieving critical strategic goals. Whether you are a business owner, a top executive, or a team leader, accountability starts with you and trickles down to everyone else. If you want to build an organization that achieves its goals and beats the competition it is time for No More Excuses.

  • av Napoleon Hill

    From the Napoleon Hill Foundation comes a collection of never-before-published writings from Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich and Outwitting the Devil, on obtaining the greatest of all the riches available to human beings--peace of mind. Although Napoleon is famous for his insight on building financial wealth, he ultimately believed that the greatest success in life was not monetary and that true riches came from the peace of mind one achieves by helping others. The writings contained in this book will guide you toward this priceless asset so you can enjoy: Mastery over all forms of worryFreedom from fear and self-doubtControl over one's thoughtsThe ability to close the door on the sorrows of the pastThe magic power of beliefAnd much more!Included is a manuscript that was discovered by J. B. Hill, Napoleon's grandson and a trustee of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, that had been given to his father in the 1950s. Titled "How to Get Peace of Mind," it was intended to be released as a series of newspaper columns but for reasons unknown was never published. It is presented here for the first time, along with a previously unpublished excerpt from an unfinished autobiographical work by Napoleon written in 1947 and several editorial essays written by Napoleon and published in 1919 and 1920 in his magazine, Hill's Golden Rule. All explore the subject of attaining peace of mind. The final chapter in the book features a previously unpublished transcript of a 1948 radio program in which Napoleon disclosed what single ability is essential to achieving success and happiness. There is no greater freedom than that which peace of mind brings. Chart your own course to a serene mindset with help from Napoleon Hill's Pathways to Peace of Mind.

  • av Steve Rizzo

    "Motivate This explores how a positive attitude can influence and improve your life. By realigning your motivation and focusing your energy into making a successful life, Motivate This helps those who wish to improve their lives"--

  • av Napoleon Hill

    Napoleon Hill on two occasions wrote extensive memoirs about his life, starting with his youth in Wise County, Virginia, and ending, apparently, during World War II. I say "apparently" because the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation contain these two manuscripts, but they are obviously incomplete and end in the 1940s. Mr. Hill died in 1970. His last book, Grow Rich with Peace of Mind, was written in 1967 and sheds some light on his later years; but his own journals and memoirs of those years, if they ever existed, have not yet been found. The two memoirs were titled by Mr. Hill, Wheel of Fortune and Hand of Destiny. They contain details of his life, including his four marriages, two divorces and one annulment, which we at the Foundation have not seen in any of his other writings or speeches. They also contain many details about his successes and failures in business and there were more failures than successes, as he readily admits. The memoirs contain thoughtful insights into the state of mind of this great thinker--how he dealt with failure, profited from defeat, turned adversity into advantage, and ultimately achieved happiness with his last wife, Annie Lou, happiness which had eluded him for most of his life. Mr. Hill has said that the Master Mind principle, in which two or more minds work harmoniously to achieve a common goal, is the most important of the seventeen principles of success he studied during his decades of research into how people attain happy and successful lives. One of the many interesting stories in the memoirs is about how he and his third wife, Rosa Lee, used the Master Mind principle to discover the only one of the seventeen principles that no one had understood or realized before, Cosmic Habitforce. The Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation have combined the two memoirs into one, editing out repetition and putting events in chronological order where it made sense to do so. They chose to title the combined memoirs Master Mind, in recognition of the importance this principle played in his philosophy and life, and as a tribute to the mental giant who was the greatest thinker and writer ever in the fields of personal achievement and self-improvement.

  • av Earl Nightingale

    Do you feel like you're merely surviving each day, doing everything you can just to make it through your daily routine? In Transformational Living, Earl Nightingale will help you go from the modern limbo of "survival" to exuberant living by teaching you the cognitive reframing techniques necessary to approach life with positivity, curiosity, and gratitude. Once you overhaul your mindset by discovering how to remain excited about all your endeavors, you will realize that there is no such thing as an unsurmountable obstacle and no reason to be negative or downtrodden when you encounter what you perceive as failure. You'll see that your opportunities are often in exact proportion to your problems--you simply have to transform your outlook to identify the conditions for success already present in your life. This collection contains some of the greatest messages ever delivered on the subject of success psychology. Having spent decades studying what separates high achievers from the rest of the population, Nightingale understood the crucial role that self-actualization plays in an individual's ability to attain goals, form relationships, build wealth, and find lasting happiness. In this life-changing volume, you'll learn how to: Harness the power of language to change your outlook;Use visualization techniques to enlarge your self-image;Regain enthusiasm through learning and goal-setting;Overcome two of the most destructive forces in life--fear and worry;Embrace the therapeutic effect of daydreaming and laughter;Make friends and be an impactful leader;And much more. Return the luster to your life with Transformational Living!

  • av Mark Victor Hansen

    Right now, imagine your life exactly as you want it to be. What will it take to make you ecstatically happy, totally fulfilled, and 100 percent elated to be alive? In Dreams Don't Have Deadlines, you will learn the principles and strategies to live the life you know you were meant to live--including: How you can start living your dreams today.What wealth really means.The importance of fun while activating your dreams.How to get and stay connected with people who can help you succeed.Basic components of good health--physical, financial, mental, and relationship.Why mentoring and having a mentor is important at every age.The power of forming a mastermind group.How to make the rest of your life the best of your life. No one knows more about making dreams come true than Mark Victor Hansen. He is the co-creator of the hugely successful Chicken Soup for the Soul series that has sold more than 500 million books worldwide. Mark achieved his success when he was well into his 40s--knowing that dreams don't have deadlines. After reading this exciting and inspiring book, you'll know it too! Numerous real-life success stories reflect the reality of his approach to dreams, learning, and accomplishments. Everyone starts out with big dreams, imagining great things to accomplish for ourselves and for the world. But the demands of life cause us to turn aside from our youthful ambitions--and too often dreams are forgotten. With the wisdom of Dreams Don't Have Deadlines, today your dreams can be resurrected, revitalized, and realized! Mark Victor Hansen is a prolific writer with many popular books such as the Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, Dare to Win, and One Minute Millionaire. He is also known as a passionate philanthropist and humanitarian, working tirelessly for organizations including Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, and Childhelp USA. Mark serves as CEO of M.V. Hansen & Associates, Inc.; cofounder of Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises, Inc.; president of One Minute Millionaire, LLC; and co-owner and founder of Natural Power Concepts.

  • av Kay Miller

    Make more sales, grow your network, and become a top earner! Uncopyable Sales Secrets teaches a foolproof system for creating an Uncopyable Attachment with your prospects and clients so that you can fill your sales pipeline, close more deals, and build a loyal customer base. Sales success isn't the result of being good at selling a product or comes from being good at selling yourself. That's right--you, not your product or service, are the most valuable asset to the customer. To become a master salesperson, you have to make the relationship with the buyer uniquely valuable. You have to make yourself invaluable and irreplaceable. In short, you have to make yourself and the partnership you're pitching Uncopyable. Learn how to reach buyers before your competition--and become their personal and professional ally--in this breakthrough book on high-performance selling. Kay Miller, a powerhouse sales guru who began her career as one of the first women hired by an industry leader in hardware and went on to become the No. 1 muffler salesperson in the world, shares the proven principles responsible for her sales success. Kay calls it the Uncopyable Sales Strategy, and it involves: Creating a win-win outlook for both you and your customersStepping beyond fear to consistently expand your comfort zoneGetting in the door by making an Uncopyable first impressionTrading negotiation and persuasion for mutually profitable relationship-buildingLeveraging multiple contact platforms to maximize communication effectivenessSecuring the order by asking the right questions, listening, and following upAnd more!Uncopyable Sales Secrets equips you with the techniques you need to enhance your prospecting skills, make more sales, grow your network, and become a top earner in your organization. When you execute this process, your customers will see you not only as delivering a superior product or service, but also as part of a high-value relationship they simply cannot get anywhere else. Read this book...before your competition does!

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