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  • av Willow Fox

    When Cali tosses her drink at the hot billionaire she doesn't expect him to throw her over his shoulder. As a vlogger, Cali Sinclair is sent to Blue Sky Resort, a ski lodge, to review the winter destination. She usually travels to warm, exotic locations, not the frigid mountains in the dead of winter.Billionaire and single dad, Logan Henderson, owns the ski resort in Breckenridge, Montana, and meets the cute but not quite so charming Cali at the gift shop. She's an unhappy customer, and he's miffed to take one more customer complaint.Logan's daughter, Julianna, recognizes Cali and is star-struck. The only thing worse than a persistent fifteen-year-old wanting to intern for Cali is the sassy vlogger constantly tripping all over the place. Logan doesn't want bad publicity or a lawsuit.When Cali gets distracted by a shirtless Logan, she trips and falls into his arms, but this time he doesn't let her go.Mountain Grump is a standalone romance with no cliffhanger, no cheating, and a happily ever after. It is a steamy slow burn romance with spice.

  • av Willow Fox

    Wir sind bekannt für unsere Grausamkeit.Wir regieren New York City. Wir kontrollieren jeden Zentimeter der Stadt und jeder, der sich uns in den Weg stellt, wird hingerichtet.Ich beschütze die Menschen vor Betrügern und Schlägern wie dem Kartell. Aber ich bin kein guter Kerl. Ich hasse es, mich als Selbstjustizler zu bezeichnen. Habe ich schon erwähnt, dass meine kleine Schwester versucht hat, mich hinter Gitter zu bringen?Als das Auto einer jungen Frau im Regen liegen bleibt, bin ich übermäßig großzügig.Ich erkenne sie, sie ist eine Krankenschwester vom Steele Concierge Medical, zumindest will sie mich das glauben lassen...Ich nehme sie mit auf mein Gelände, um sie während des Sturms zu schützen.Aber sie verrät mich.Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie vom FBI ist, undercover arbeitet und vorhat, die Bratva von innen heraus zu zerstören.Jetzt, da ich die Wahrheit kenne, wer wird sie vor mir beschützen?BRUTALER BOSS ist eine dampfende Feind-zu-Liebhaber-Romanze der russischen Mafia. Er kann als eigenständiger Roman gelesen werden. Die Bratva-Brüder wurden bereits in Rücksichtsloses Gelübde (Mafia-Ehen, Buch Fünf) vorgestellt. Es ist nicht erforderlich, dass du Rücksichtsloses Gelübde gelesen hast, bevor du eines der Bücher der Gebrüder Bratva-Reihe liest.Kein Schummeln. Kein Cliffhanger. Ein glückliches Ende.

  • av Willow Fox

    Un père célibataire grincheux cherche une nounou...Son père me dit qu'elle est muette. Sauf que je l'ai surprise en train de fredonner une berceuse.C'est un menteur. Ou elle a trompé tout le monde.Qu'est-ce qu'une enfant de 4 ans peut bien cacher ?J'aurais vraiment dû faire une vérification de ses antécédents. Imaginez ma surprise quand je découvre que mon patron grincheux travaille pour la mafia.Je veux partir, mais il ne me laisse pas faire. Je suis sa captive, obligée de suivre ses règles et de faire ce qu'il exige.Cette romance mafieuse à combustion lente est le deuxième livre de la série Mariages Mafieux. Vœu Captif peut être lu de façon autonome et se termine par un « happy ever after. » Il comprend également des apparitions camées de la série Aigle Tactique.

  • av Willow Fox

    Mir wurde befohlen, sie zu exekutieren...Ich hätte nie erwartet, sie wiederzusehen.Wir hatten vor einigen Jahren eine wilde Nacht miteinander verbracht.Sie hatte keine Ahnung, dass ich für die Mafia arbeite. Ich bin ein wilder, skrupelloser Killer, aber sie ist unschuldig.Sie rettet Leben.Ich nehme sie.Sie ist Krankenschwester in der Kinderonkologie.Könnte sie noch mehr eine Heilige sein?Sie hat das falsche Hotelzimmer betreten.Es darf keine Zeugen geben.Mein Chef will sie tot sehen.Ihr Leben liegt in meinen Händen.Ich habe vor, sie zu meiner Frau zu machen, um sie zu beschützen.Sie wird mich hassen, aber wenigstens kann ich sie in Sicherheit bringen. Diese geheime Mafia-Baby-Romanze handelt von einer arrangierten Ehe und ist das dritte Buch der Mafia-Ehen-Reihe. Dieses Buch kann als Einzelband gelesen werden und endet mit einem Happy End.

  • av Willow Fox

    Lucy QuinnJ'ai pris quelques mauvaises décisions dans ma vie. En haut de la liste, tenter de voler la Bratva russe. Je ne savais pas qui je volais ou dans quoi je m'impliquais jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trop tard.Les gardes armés à l'entrée auraient dû m'inciter à repartir.Mais maintenant je ne peux pas partir.Je suis coincée avec la Bratva, forcée de travailler pour eux, sous les ordres de Nikita Krylova.Nikita KrylovaCette petite tête brûlée pensait qu'elle pouvait me voler, nous voler aveuglément, et ne pas être punie.Heureusement pour moi, le pakhan, Mikhail Barinov, m'a laissé choisir comment gérer notre petit problème d'un mètre soixante, aux cheveux bruns et aux yeux verts.Elle est fougueuse, insolente, et effrontée.Je suis l'homme idéal pour la dompter.Et la faire mienne.Boss Possessif est le troisième livre de la série des Frères Bratva. Il peut être lu seul et ne contient aucune tromperie, aucun cliffhanger et une fin heureuse.

  • av Willow Fox

    Nous sommes connus pour notre sauvagerie.Nous dirigeons la ville de New York. Nous en contrôlons chaque centimètre et quiconque se met en travers de notre chemin est exécuté.Je protège les gens des arnaqueurs et des voyous comme le cartel. Mais je ne suis pas un bon gars. Je déteste penser à moi comme un justicier. Et ai-je mentionné que ma petite sœur a essayé de me faire incarcérer ?Quand la voiture d'une jeune femme tombe en panne sous la pluie, je me sens très généreux.Je la reconnais, c'est une infirmière du Steele Concierge Medical, du moins c'est ce qu'elle veut me faire croire...Je la ramène dans ma propriété pour lui offrir un abri pendant la tempête.Mais elle me trahit.Il s'avère qu'elle travaille sous couverture pour le FBI et qu'elle a l'intention de détruire la Bratva de l'intérieur.Maintenant que je connais la vérité, qui la protégera de moi ?BOSS BRUTAL est une romance torride type « ennemis à amants » sur la mafia russe. Ce roman peut être lu indépendamment des autres. Les frères Bratva ont été présentés dans le roman Vœu Impitoyable (Mariages mafieux, tome 5). Il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir lu Vœu Impitoyable avant de lire l'un des livres de la série des Frères Bratva.Pas de tromperie. Pas de cliffhanger. Fin heureuse.

  • av Willow Fox

    Elle veut sa liberté et tout ce que je veux, c'est elle...Nicole DeLuca est la fille du plus grand patron du crime de la côte ouest. Ai-je mentionné que son père, Gino DeLuca, est mon ennemi ?J'ai couché avec Nikki et je n'arrive absolument pas à l'oublier. J'ai gardé un œil sur elle, pour m'assurer qu'aucun autre homme ne l'approche.Je les chasserai comme la bête que je suis pour la protéger.Comme un oiseau en cage, elle cherche désespérément la liberté. Nikki fait le mur, mais se fait enlever et vendre comme épouse.Même dans la pièce la plus sombre, le coin le plus sale du monde, je la reconnais. C'est ma petite colombe.Je l'achète. La possède. La sauve.Sauf qu'elle ne le voit pas de cette façon...Elle veut sa liberté et tout ce que je veux, c'est elle et ce bébé.Cette sombre romance mafieuse est la première de la série Mariages Mafieux et peut être lue seule.

  • av Willow Fox

    I'm ordered to execute her… I never expected to see her again.We shared one wild night several years ago.She had no idea that I work for the mafia.I'm a savage, ruthless killer, but she's innocent.She saves lives.I take them. She's a pediatric oncology nurse.Could she be any more of a saint? She entered the wrong hotel room. There can't be any witnesses.My boss wants her dead.Her life is in my hands. I intend to make her my wife to protect her.She'll hate me but at least I can keep her safe.This secret mafia baby romance features an arranged marriage and is the third book in the Mafia Marriages series. This book is a standalone and ends with a happily ever after.

  • av Willow Fox

    Grumpy single dad seeks Nanny...Her father tells me she's mute. Except I catch her humming a lullaby.He's a liar. Or she has everyone deceived.What possibly could a four-year-old be hiding?I really should have done a background check on him. Imagine my surprise when I discover my grumpy boss works for the mafia.I want to leave but he won't let me. I'm his captive, forced to follow his rules and do as he demands.This slow burn mafia romance is the second book in the Mafia Marriages series. Captive Vow can be read as a standalone and features a happily ever after. It also includes cameo appearances from the Eagle Tactical series.

  • av Willow Fox

    I am Levi Luxenberg. Forty-year-old billionaire. CEO of Luxenberg Enterprises. And apparently, father of one.A week ago, having kids wasn't even in my ten-year plan.Now, I have a five-year-old daughter who will hardly look in my direction.I am aware that Amelia is grieving her mother's death, and I swear I'm not a complete jerk, but I jumped on a private jet to Chicago at a moment's notice, and the kid won't even say a word to me.As if that wasn't bad enough, our pilot just got sick and I have to fly commercial for the first time in years.You'd think that would be the end of it, but no.The cherry on top?Amelia would rather interact with Clare, the divorced, jobless, tipsy woman sitting right in front of us, than me.She chats with her, she smiles at her-she even draws her a freaking picture.I would be really mad if I didn't actually need a nanny. Urgently.Since my assistant screwed my wanted ad over and made me look like a grumpy billionaire desperately looking for a wife, Clare suddenly seems perfect for the job.She has no place to live, no idea who I am, and no qualms about being my live-in nanny on a trial basis.The problem is, I think I might want to keep her around longer…

  • av Willow Fox

    My one-night stand just took my car. I guess I'll take her freedom in return… When I meet Nikki DeLuca in a half-lit bar, she has no idea who I am.She's hot, she's willing, and we both want exactly the same thing: quick, no-strings-attached "fun" in one of the back booths.Except the vixen stole my car keys before leaving, and now there are all kinds of strings…I am not "Daniel," and she is not just a random girl back in town after her college graduation.My name is Dante, and she is the daughter of Gino DeLuca.The biggest crime boss on the west coast. My sworn enemy. A monster of a father.But I can't really complain.Because when the old man puts his own daughter up for auction, I am first in line to buy her hand in marriage.I outbid everyone, I make a deal with the devil, and I take her home.To be honest, I only mean to teach her a lesson.But that's before I find out that she's pregnant with my baby.Now, I wouldn't give up her freedom if she begged. And she's not the begging type…Secret Vow is the first book in the Mafia Marriages Series but can be read as a standalone novel. This mafia age-gap romance ends with a happily ever after and features cameo appearances from the Eagle Tactical Series.

  • av Willow Fox

    A man ruined me once. I won't allow it to happen again.There's a reason I decided to move all the way to Breckenridge, Montana, and it's not because it's been on my bucket list.Neither is driving across the country in the dead of winter for that matter. Or having my car give up on me. Or getting frostbite as I trudge up a mountain in heels.But all of the above happens.And guess who saves the day.Jaxson.Former special forces. Single father of one. Professional background checker.I'm sure he means well-and I definitely need that generator he promised me to make my brand-new cabin livable-but that's all this is.He's just a friendly acquaintance. A polite neighbor. A nice man on the street.I'm not supposed to get close to him. I'm not supposed to meet his daughter. And I'm certainly not supposed to share with him anything about my recent past.What's buried there needs to stay buried.And I'll bury my feelings for Jaxson right next to it if I have to.Expose: Jaxson is book one of the Eagle Tactical series. Jaxson and Ariella's small town romance ends with a HFN (happily for now) and a guaranteed series HEA (happily ever after).

  • av Willow Fox

    I can't tell her she's under my protection…I've been employed as a bodyguard in the past with Eagle Tactical for celebrities, musicians, even billionaires. I've never had any of them evade my protection.The little Vixen that stormed into my life ended up as my responsibility.I've been hired to protect her…in secret.The studio contract is clear, I am not allowed to divulge to her that I'm her personal bodyguard when she leaves the set.She will find out the truth and when she does she will hate me.Conceal: Lincoln is book three in Eagle Tactical and features a hero that you already know and love from the series along with Ariella and Jaxson's story leading toward their HEA. It is highly recommended that you read the series in order.

  • av Willow Fox

    He wasn't the bad guy, just the bad boy...and I fell for him, hard. JaydenMy niece has been missing for months and I've spent every waking hour tracking her down. I need a partner in crime, a woman on the inside that can help me gather intelligence. Skylar is cute, snarky, and Jaxson's younger sister. She's completely off-limits and when my former military brother discovers that I've hired her in secret, he's going to kill me. SkylarDesperate for cash, I agree to an undercover operation with Jayden Scott. For two grand a week, I have to be his fake fiancé. There's more to the job, he wants me to sneak around inside his boss's house and find everything I can on his niece's whereabouts.The plan goes south fast and I'm given an ultimatum: kidnap three girls by midnight or be sold at auction. Covert: Jayden is the fourth book in the Eagle Tactical series. It is recommended that you read this series in order. Covert ends with a happily ever after.

  • av Willow Fox

  • av Willow Fox

    Los hombres dicen que me criaron con los rusos, que debería ser parte de la bratva. Tengo fama de ser el italiano más despiadado del mundo. No se equivocan. Asesiné a mi jefe y robé su trono. Me convirtió en la bestia que soy y le hice pagar el precio. Pero hay una chica que quiero a mi lado mientras gobierno la ciudad. El único problema es que es rusa y la hermana menor de mi enemigo. Es inocente, ingenua y no tiene ni idea de lo que pienso hacerle a su familia. Estamos en guerra con la bratva... Han amenazado a nuestras mujeres, a nuestros hijos y han intentado quemar nuestras casas hasta los cimientos. Han venido a por nuestra organización, han robado nuestros envíos y nos han forzado. Los dones y nuestros hombres de mayor confianza deben unirse para destruir a la bratva. Esta novela de secretos, de vapor y suspenso romántico a fuego lento, es el quinto libro de la serie Matrimonios de la Mafia. Aunque es independiente, cuenta con los hombres de la mafia de los libros anteriores y lo disfrutarás aún más si te has leído toda la serie.

  • av Willow Fox

  • av Willow Fox

  • av Willow Fox

    Jayden non era una persona malvagia, solo il classico bad boy, e mi ero innamorata di lui, perdutamente. JaydenMia nipote è scomparsa da mesi e ho passato ogni ora di veglia a rintracciarla. Ho bisogno di una partner nel crimine, una donna all'interno che possa aiutarmi a raccogliere informazioni.Skylar è carina, snob e la sorella minore di Jaxson. È completamente off-limits e quando il mio ex fratello militare scoprirà che l'ho assunta in segreto, mi ucciderà. SkylarAlla disperata ricerca di denaro, accetto un'operazione sotto copertura con Jayden Scott. Per duemila dollari a settimana, devo essere la sua finta fidanzata. C'è dell'altro: lui vuole che mi intrufoli nella casa del suo capo e che trovi tutto quello che posso su dove si trova sua nipote.Il piano va a rotoli e mi viene dato un ultimatum: rapire tre ragazze entro mezzanotte o essere venduta all'asta.

  • av Willow Fox

    We're known for our savagery.We run New York City. We control every inch of it and anyone that gets in our way is executed.I protect the people from con artists and thugs like the cartel. But I'm not a good guy. I loathe thinking of myself as a vigilante. And did I mention that my little sister tried to put me behind bars?When a young woman's car breaks down in the rain, I'm feeling overly generous.I recognize her, she's a nurse from Steele Concierge Medical, at least that's what she wants me to believe…I bring her into my compound to protect her during the storm.But she betrays me.Turns out that she's FBI, working undercover, and intends on destroying the Bratva from the inside.Now that I know the truth, who will protect her from me?BRUTAL BOSS is a steamy enemies to lovers Russian Mafia romance. It can be read as a standalone novel. The Bratva Brothers were previously introduced in Ruthless Vow (Mafia Marriages Book Five). It is not required that you have read Ruthless Vow before reading any of the Bratva Brothers series books.No cheating. No cliffhanger. Happily Ever After ending.

  • av Fox Willow Fox

  • av Willow Fox

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