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  • av Sanjeev Sareen

    God exists. He is all around us, inside us, and we are inside Him; Just like the seed is there inside the fruit and fruit is there inside the seed. Just like the fish, which is made from water, born in water, inside the water, and water is inside it, is not experiencing anything other than the water only. Still, the fish, if its consciousness gets evolved enough, can have the question, what is the water? How to respond to this query? In the same way, we, despite being made of God, by God, are inside the God, God is within, and God is all around, ironically are still looking for God. It's like God, seeking God in the human form, which has forgotten its true identity. But we are not fish. The solution to any problem cannot be had from the same level of consciousness in which the problem is perceived. We look for evidence because we want to see Him and feel Him the way we see and perceive other things. Which is not possible. It is because we perceive things with the faculties like Mind and Wisdom which are limited and thus not capable to perceive the infinite. They all are objects, creations like us, and are under certain laws, etc. Whereas He is the Creator, the Subject, the One who framed all those laws, and the One who is experiencing the whole thing. He is beyond the reach of mind and wisdom. But He can surely be directly experienced at the level of intuition. And Meditation is the way to awaken the intuition faculty- majorly lying dormant within us. The way is, going inside. All the Masters, through whom came various scriptures, got the knowledge not just simple ideas and concepts, but by experiencing the same. They even demonstrated the same. What more evidence is required? Still, science has given us several theories, that validate the existence of God, very convincingly. This book details several scientific theories and concepts in which each chapter is structured along Science and Spiritual lines. This book has the potential to transform our lives, by establishing the faith in the existence of God and inspiring us to seek Him now with full faith. The journey becomes easier thus.

  • av Sanjeev Sareen

    There is a real need for a guru if we are undertaking a spiritual journey. But before embarking on a spiritual path, we must honestly determine whether we are ready and whether our need for a guru is genuine, as opposed to just an emotional outburst. Ask yourselves this question: "Am I committed, or am I just involved?" We do not need a guru if we do not want God.The complications in life are so great that the poor mind is unable to handle them. When we are moving blindly through the valley of life, stumbling in darkness, we need the help of someone who has eyes, who has been on the path, who has followed it to the end, and who can tell us the right way to go.God sends the seeker indirect guidance at first, through books and lesser teachers. When the desire for Him is very strong, He sends the help of a Self-realized guru. Many are trying to lead others, but they have no right to do so. No one can take you to God unless he himself has found God. The blind can't lead the blind. There is also a difference between a Guru and a spiritual teacher. A teacher is one who has some experience, who can guide you to a certain point, and who is perhaps capable of transmitting some spiritual power, but he would not be a guru. That does not mean that spiritual teachers are bad, but they must recognize their limitations. They must see that they do not have all the answers.There is a need to exercise some prudence to distinguish a true guru from a sea of self-styled leaders. The fake gurus are all over the place, and they can hide themselves very well. It is thus difficult to differentiate between a fly-by-night Baba and a truly evolved Guru.Each one of us is susceptible to exhibiting docile "cult-follower" behavior in the right/wrong circumstances. People believe that "it can never happen to them" because they want to believe they are stronger and better than the millions who have fallen victim to alleged cult mind control. Mind control is alive and well and in many varied forms across many countries.A so-called cult will generally target the most educated, active, and capable people it can find. Such beliefs as "others could be made to do that but not me" and "others could be swayed by speeches but not me" are dangerous. The ease with which this happens is important for both scientific understanding and real-world problems ranging from friends and family in cults to extremist movements. The research by Stanford University, reproduced here, very well proves the same.But there is a great deal we can do to stay safe, sane, and whole and to help the people we care about.Spiritual search is indeed the inborn divine right of every human being. Knowledge and education are the birthrights of every human being. Do whatever we want; spirituality is our inner force, which has a constant pull. This pull becomes very strong at times. So strong that man has no choice. But he will have to make the right decision.This book can be referred to as a spiritual journey book, advising on how do you go on a spiritual journey and safeguarding against cults and extreme beliefs.God help you.

  • av Sanjeev Sareen

    Retirement, like any major transition in life, comes with a whole array of emotions and worries. By thoughtfully planning in advance, both financially and emotionally, we can help ease the overwhelming emotions of this significant life transition and spend more time enjoying our new life to the fullest. This book guides us on how to have a rewarding and dynamic life. It teaches us how to bring transformation from loss of identity, which comes with retirement, to a sense of purpose. It tells us that we are not done yet and that the retirement stage is a new dawn. Society views us that way and makes us believe, after a certain stage of retirement, that we are useless. And unfortunately, it sinks within many of us. We don't have to allow that. This book inspires us and tells us how to take retirement as a stage to grow, not stop. People in the retirement stage are too young to be old. It has nothing to do with aging. This book is not only for those in the retirement stage but also for everyone facing challenges in life and finding life boring and lonely. This book is a must-read for anyone struggling to find happiness in daily life and wanting to avoid living out a retired life of mediocrity. We have the potential for happy retirement but for that, we have to plan and make it happen. Since nothing will happen automatically, this book will be of help. The book will bring up the awareness of the various challenges, the retirees are likely to face, and show the ways to handle them for a beautiful life ahead.

  • av Sanjeev Sareen

    This volume of questions and answers is for all those who have ever faced sorrow, pain, or disappointment in life. This is for those who seek to understand the whole drama of life and are seeking answers to so many important questions about life. This book is for those who are carrying within their hearts a desire to seek God.This book is expected to bring inspiration and act as a ray of divine light on their path. This is a book about knowing the self, having a fulfilled life, and addressing the eternal quest.For quick reference and ease in studying, the works are written in a question-and-answer format, which follows some logical progression so that those reading will receive a greater appreciation of the topic and issues involved.This book explores how to improve our knowledge and inner realization, and have intuitive guidance. The book imparts knowledge and shows how to apply the knowledge, be happy, and live a meaningful life.

  • av Sanjeev Sareen

    Life's most basic questions and also one of the most difficult to answer, are: who am I, who is God, why God created the universe, what is my relationship with God, why I am here, etc. These questions we try to avoid. But deep down, we are never satisfied. We have had many births, with many more to go. In almost every incarnation, life had been more or less the same-pain and pleasures, suffering, etc. The questions of life remain unanswered when they leave it. Our struggle to understand our identity never goes away. We look for something to hold on to. In the process, we end up forming many false egoistic identifications, which, being momentary, temporary, and false, fail to give us permanent happiness. 'Journey to God', is the title given to a set of questions and answers bearing on self-inquiry. This book has the potential to revolutionize your life. It will answer these questions and give you your true identity, a vital revelation that is paramount to the fulfillment of purpose and gaining meaning in life. The journey through this book will transform you from a limited I to an infinite Self. You are already that. The book is structured in a way to bring to your conscious awareness the things you already knew deep within but have forgotten now. It is just a matter of understanding and realizing the same. The realization only will lead to freedom from suffering and sorrow.

  • av Sanjeev Sareen

    Most of us take for granted the extreme role food has in our health. We eat habitually and not intentionally.Unfortunately, the media, government, and large corporations have sent so many mixed messages regarding diet and nutrition, that most people are confused about the truth. Our selection of food may often be far from the best.As a culture, we tend to generally accept that some foods are good and some are bad for us but beyond this level of understanding, there is no deeper meaning behind the way we eat. This may not be the correct approach.The concept of humans eating is largely limited to tastes, which can be developed and thus not necessarily the truth. Sicknesses are on the increase. Ignorance towards what goes in the digestion process and the lack of will to change affects our health. Once food is ingested, we have little control over it thereafter. It must follow through prescribed process and deliver the outcome, under the control of nerves.A more reasonable approach to determining the true dietary nature of humans is to study human anatomy and physiology. By studying human physiological nature, certain characteristics of the proper diet can be deduced that are in accordance with the inherent nature and anatomical makeup of humankind. Human physical capabilities and predispositions are the chief factors in determining true dietary needs.Obviously, anything in the world can be put into the stomach and probably has. If you name a thing, people in some parts of the world are likely to be eating that. But that does not mean we are supposed to eat anything, in any way, in any quantity we like. After all, the human digestion system is the same with all, and every system is designed in a certain way. The physiology of the digestion system is such that only foods in compatible combinations can be effectively digested.Our health is strongly within our own power to control. You cannot reverse the aging process or prevent death, but you can prevent premature death and maintain a high quality of life and health well into the twilight years by adhering to the advice in this book.I hope to convince you, to eat more nutrient-dense, health-promoting foods, and less other foods. And that, enough good options are available. Life is all about balance.The efforts in this book are to present what is best for you, in a very simple and structured way; not just saying do this and don't do that, but explaining things scientifically and logically.And, if you think we eat solely to feed your physical body, you are wrong: you also eat to nourish your heart, mind, soul, and spirit.You eat some fruit, and once this food has been digested and assimilated it helps to keep your whole body in good working order. Now, what is this Intelligence capable of bringing each organ in our body what it needs to keep us alive? How can we not be overcome with admiration for this Intelligence? Why not give it more thought and show it gratitude?The most important thing about food is not the substance of the food itself but the energy it contains, the quintessence locked inside it, for that is where life is to be found. The substance is only a medium; through it, we must try to reach the quintessence, in order to also nourish our subtle bodies.Unfortunately, we have somehow come to a point in the human experience, where we no longer intuitively know what is correct for us to eat. Let that sink in for a moment. This is spiritual disconnection.

  • av Sanjeev Sareen

    "Out of thousand people, one seeks me to know the truth behind the strange phenomenon of life. Out of a thousand such seekers, perhaps only one goes all the way to the end and knows me, the infinite.". Lord Krishna. And you could be that person.The ancient spiritual practice of yoga promises that God exists and that finding God and having God-realization through self-realization is possible. It is a science. The step-by-step method is revealed here.Many reach the level of understanding about the self, God. But that is not enough. You have to realize Him and till then, the sufferings of life will not go. And for the realization, the way out is meditation, practiced scientifically.All saints who have ever found God practiced some form of meditation to rediscover the real Self. No matter what your faith is, or what your belief is, this is the scientific highway to the infinite for anyone who practices it.Various paths of spirituality have been explained with their strengths and issues, and then the best - the royal path, has been covered in detail. Learn the fundamentals and techniques of the science of all science-Kriyayoga. It is a science that is eternal and precedes all religions.You are born again and again for God's realization only. Here is an opportunity. Go for it, try it out.

  • av Sanjeev Sareen

    Life is full of suffering; the challenges are inevitable, but there are big differences in how we deal with them and how we grieve. We have to be grieving the right way.We must understand that we are not insane and that grieving is "normal." Grieving is loving. It's OK that we're not OK. And we must also realize that we're required to recover from it. We have the power to overcome our suffering.Life-changing crises can produce a transformation of similar depth. When we accept death, transform our attitude towards life, and discover the fundamental connection between life and death, a dramatic possibility for healing can occur. The pain reshapes our world. But all we have to do is try to survive.Learning that others have had similar reactions can help to normalize the reader's sense of hopelessness and helplessness. This can encourage them to see that, with time and support, they too may become hopeful again. It may give a bit of hope to the bereaved that if others have gotten through the dark times and regained meaning and purpose in their lives, it is also possible for them.If we're having a bad day, we might be wondering what we did to deserve it. Why do even good people suffer? Once we find meaning in our suffering, it almost ceases to be suffering. There are universal reasons for the tragedies in our lives. It's painful to live without knowing why we lost the love of our lives. In its broadest sense, spirituality is a search for meaning, purpose, and connection. This subject is covered extensively in this book, citing quotes from the realized masters.We don't have to accept the unfortunate situations we may be in as part of our destiny. We should rather make efforts to come out of them. And yes, we can, when we understand the larger picture behind all happenings and that there is indeed a reason behind everything. We will see how in this book.It is necessary to engage with questions as they arise. After all, our world has been rocked, and when that happens, the foundation on which it is built needs to be investigated and cracks filled.Where is God in grief? is one of the most disquieting symptoms. Why did He create such an imperfect world and an imperfect body for man? This helplessness during death is mistakenly supposed by some to be a punishment from God.If we've lost someone close to us, believing in a pain-free existence after death may ease the burden of grief. This book's selected questions and answers will help the readers in that regard.We will surely miss them badly, and at times the emotions will be very intense. Working with grief takes time. Far longer than anybody would like it to be. It will be like bearing the unbearable. You aren't ready to say goodbye.But we need to realize that our loved ones who have gone want us to be happy too, even though they are no longer with us. Life does not end with death.If we are sad and grieving for a person who is dead, we may keep him earthbound. That attitude is selfish. When our loved ones are reborn on earth, if our love for them is strong, they will be brought back to us. We will see how in this book. Instead of weeping and feeling a sense of loss after the death of those who are dear to us, always send them our love. By doing so, we can help the progress of their souls, and they can help us. Just say to them, "I love you." Dare to let go. Know that there is a life beyond this world and that all of our loved ones do, indeed, continue to live on, though they have shed their physical bodies.This book will be a spiritual healing journey.

  • av Sanjeev Sareen

    We perceive and interact with the outside world, but only in the context of how our minds and intellects interpret it. Only through our minds can the outer world reach us and cause us to smile in happiness or cry in sadness. Our emotions, interpersonal interactions, and decision-making are all impacted by our mental health, which affects how we think, feel, and act. Stress management, resilience building, and overcoming obstacles in life are all facilitated by good mental health.The world is, as our mind is. Therefore, mental development and control are of utmost importance.Finding a mind that is unaffected by its interaction with fluctuation is truly unusual. like heat, which cannot exist without fire. But most people let their minds wander and follow their own sweet wills and desires. It wanders and is erratic like a poorly trained animal or a spoiled child who receives excessive indulgence from their parents.But there is nothing to feel any guilt sort of thing because it is normal. It is the very nature of the mind; everyone is facing the mind like that only. But, yes, it is not good a thing to be led by it compulsively. It unnecessarily creates lot of mental stress and mental health problems. It doesn't necessarily have to be like that only. We can make conscious efforts to understand the mind, establish some control over it, and bring some order into it for a better life. And the good thing is, it is possible, the nature of the mind can be changed.It's crucial to understand that mindsets have a crucial role in behavior and health, rather than being merely incidental. Real happiness is not found in positions of power or material wealth. Happiness is the result of a pure, peaceful, and controlled mind. It is the mind which is the source of both our pleasure and misery.Although these are common occurrences for us, we don't classify them as significant. We frequently overlook the reality that our thoughts, mindsets, and aspirations are influencing our lives.Every human action can be explained in terms of the 'mind' that causes it. Every action that results from the mind, has at least two components-the physical and the mental. We have to strive to keep a balance between the two to act effectively. When the mind and body cooperate without overwhelming one another, it becomes "spiritual" in the process.The nature of the human mind is a bit challenging to comprehend because it is hidden and nuanced. But if you make an effort to know about the mind and how to manipulate it, you can shape it in whatever way you like. Even science validates the possibility of rewiring the brain. It is plastic and incredibly malleable.Understandably, every study ought to contain both a theoretical and a practical component. The intellect tries to settle for the theory alone, but the actual perception of the truth that the theory contains is bigger and more magnificent. Success comes from applying the sermons, not just hearing them.This book covers the psychological, philosophical, and Spiritual aspects of Mind management. This is a guidebook containing techniques and practical exercises. Working on these guidelines, you will learn how to have mind control for a growth mindset, and peace of mind, control negative thoughts, and master your emotions. It is basically all about mental health and improving the state of mind. This book contains the Universal Secrets that govern every area of life.Remember, one who conquers the mind conquers the world. So, let's make the best use of the opportunity here to understand various aspects of the mind, its mind, the need, and the way to harness it.

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