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Bøker utgitt av Romeo Romano

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  • av Tom James

  • av &1493, &1512, &1514, m.fl.

  • av &22823, 26149, &39321 & m.fl.

    コーヒーは、朝、主な食事の後、または軽食と一緒に、または単に睡眠や怠け心を防ぐために午後に最も一般的に消費される飲み物の1つです。 コーヒーは単なる朝の元気づけではありません。甘くておいしいさまざまなレシピに使用できる多用途の食材です。「コーヒーの芸術」では、100 の創造的でおいしいレシピとともに、コーヒーを使った料理やパン作りのさまざまな風味と可能性を発見できます。ラテやカプチーノなどの古典的なコーヒー飲料から、コーヒーでこすったステーキやコーヒーを入れたカクテルなどのユニークなレシピまで、この料理本はすべてのコーヒー愛好家に何かを提供します。コーヒーはおいしいだけでなく、炎症や病気と戦うのに役立つ抗酸化物質など、健康上の利点も満載です。「コーヒーの芸術」では、この多用途な食材のすべての利点を新しくてエキサイティングな方法で楽しむことができますさらに、この飲料のファンは、すべての種類の豆が甘い料理にもおいしい料理にも、幅広いレシピに使用できることを知ってうれしいでしょう。それを念頭に置いて、すぐに試していただける最高のコーヒーレシピのリストをまとめました。

  • av Judith M. Vander Wege

    This compilation includes stories and articles published through the years from 1980 to 2023 in various Christian periodicals across America. Judith's heart's desire has been to be an instrument God can use to convey his love to people...especially to those who are hurting. In spite of her own heartaches and trials, Judith has truly been blessed through the years by her loving and merciful God. Website: judithvanderwege.comEmail:

  • av Todd D. Bennett

    Leaving Babylon is a road map out of religion and onto the Covenant path that will lead you back to the Creator - back to the Garden.This book is a complement to the Walk in the Light series and stands alone as a guide for those seeking to leave man-made religions and traditions to follow the narrow path that leads to life through the Messiah.That path was actually blazed by a man named Abram who literally left Babylon thousands of years ago to follow the promises given to Him by Elohim. His life was a demonstration of the Covenant that provides redemption for mankind through the Promised Son - Yahushua the Messiah.Sadly, modern religion has changed His name to Jesus and completely distorted His words and His teachings. As a result, many people who think they are following Him will be told to depart, because He does not know them. (see Matthew 7:21-23) While they think they have a relationship with Him, He states that they do not.The simple truth is that many people have been misled by organized religion, and they are in trouble. We are living in a time of great deception and it is imperative that people wake up from their slumber and leave Babylon - symbolic of the false religions and hedonistic culture that typifies western civilization.Like Abram, who was transformed into Abraham, we must be ready to leave Babylon and follow the direction of the Creator. It is an ancient path that has been hidden and buried under centuries of false doctrine and tradition.This book is the culmination of over 23 years of research and 54 trips to the Covenant Land. It is a must read for anyone disillusioned with modern religion, looking for pure truth.Won't you join in on this quest for truth? It is sure to be the adventure of a lifetime!

  • av Catherine Czerkawska

  • av Amanda Lynch

    Combining adorable coloring pages with positive affirmations and activities, this wonderful activity book will help children of all ages explore their deepest feelings and foster personal growth with a selection of loving affirmations.

  • av Woodger Faugas

    In this work, peer-reviewed by a diverse and international team of practicing and licensed attorneys, I deal with the community reentry of young people of African-American origin who have experienced incarceration and are navigating sociophysiological challenges. In particular, I address some of the challenges that these youth have faced -by investigating an array of issues relating to their transitioning from youth correctional facilities back to general society. As a first step, I provide background information. As a second step, I accentuate transitional barriers, while offering systems-level solutions. As a third and final step, I argue in favor of select legal reforms. In writing this peer-reviewed book, I drew on information gathered through evidence-based research, case studies, and anecdotes stemming from my lived experiences working at an advocacy organization and mentoring African-American youth.

  • av Angela K. Lee


    -------------------TESTO AGGIORNATO AL 31° DICEMBRE 2023: Recepisce, anche nelle annotazioni. le modifiche introdotte dai DL n. 51/2023; DL 57/2023; DL 61/2023; DL 124/2023; DL 132/2023; Regolamenti UE n. 2495/2023, 2496/2023 e 2497/2023. Recepisce inoltre i Provvedimenti attuativi ed le principali pronunce dei Giudici Amministrativi e pareri ANAC/MIT.Con il presente lavoro si intende fornire uno strumento operativo, utile agli Uffici Gare & Appalti degli Operatori Economici e delle Stazioni Appaltanti, con l'obiettivo di agevolare l'approfondimento e l'applicazione della nuova disciplina degli appalti pubblici introdotta con il D. Lgs. 36/2023 ("Codice dei Contratti Pubblici"), in vigore dal 1° aprile 2023, ma efficace dal 1° luglio 2023 (fanno eccezione le disposizioni sulla "pubblicità" e sulla "digitalizzazione", la cui efficacia è rinviata al 1° dicembre 2024).Ogni articolo del presente testo è stato annotato con: RELAZIONE una sintesi della relazione accompagnatoria, elaborata dalla Commissione speciale del Consiglio di Stato, tratta dal Dossier ufficiale del Centro Studi del Senato, che ha commentato il testo durante la fase di approvazione dello schema da parte delle Commissioni Parlamentari.NOVITÀ abbiamo completato l'esame di molti articoli con una sintesi delle principali novitàCONSIGLI UTILI un focus contenente alcuni suggerimenti di carattere estremamente operativo, distinti per Operatori (OE) e per Stazioni Appaltanti (SA).Vicino alla rubrica di ogni articolo, abbiamo inoltre aggiunto: QR CODE un qr code per collegarsi online alla versione aggiornata disponibile su;DATA EFFICACIA la data di efficacia di ogni articoloNORME PREVIGENTI le corrispondenti norme previgenti sostituite dalle nuove disposizioni;NORME COLLEGATE l'elencazione delle altre norme collegate, PROVVEDIMENTI ATTUATIVI l'elencazione dei provvedimenti attuativi emanati fino alla data di pubblicazione del volume)DISPOSIZIONI TRANSITORIE. l'elencazione delle disposizioni che entrano in vigore in momenti successiviNelle ultime pagine abbiamo inserito una innovativaTABELLA DI CONFRONTO, sia in relazione alle norme "interne" al codice, indicando gli articoli applicabili ai Settori Speciali e alle Concessioni, sia rispetto a norme "esterne", indicando i corrispondenti articoli del "vecchio" Codice (D. Lgs. 50/2016) e quelli destinati ad operare per gli appalti finanziati del PNRR e PNC, oltre alla data di efficacia di ogni articolo.AGGIORNAMENTI: Il presente testo, pubblicato su Amazon, viene aggiornato ogni mese cosi da mantenere sempre attuale il prodotto editoriale. L'autore Alessandro BosoStudio ALBONET- Specialisti dei contratti pubblici dal 1999 -Certificati ISO 9001 per la consulenza e formazione sugli - www.CodiceAppalti.ittel 0424066355 -

  • av Rick McGrath
    401 - 513,-

  • av Scriptural Research Institute

  • av Bob Mumford

    It is exceedingly critical for God's people, both corporately and individually, to understand where God intends to take us. If you have ever done a jigsaw puzzle you know it is wise to first find the border pieces and set them in place. The borders give us reference and boundaries, and the picture guides us toward our goal. The Father has called us toward goals that He is instituting through Christ. Though we yield, cooperate, and obey, these are his handiwork. They are apprehended over the course of a lifetime. His itinerary is customized for us individually. Like it or not, we are all in the arena of truth: a symbol of a certain amount of conflict. As we begin to comprehend and embrace truth, we begin to flow, cooperate, and enjoy the journey.

  • av George Broderick

    The Ballad Of The Lavender Dot is a tale of mystery, intrigue, action and a heaping helping of Iambic Pentameter! So, remember... don't do the crime if you can't stand the rhyme! The Ballad Of The Lavender Dot is the latest storybook from "one of the most beloved characters in American folklore", George Broderick, Jr.

  • av Ferne Bowe

    A practical companion book to the Ferne Bowe's "Life Skills for Tweens" is accessible to help tweens acquire the life skills necessary to succeed as intelligent teenagers.To help teens develop such skills and help them put those skills into practice, this workbook is filled with more than 80 activities, worksheets, illustrations, and examples. This book has activities to cover every topic, from budgeting and meal preparation to staying happy and making friends.Ferne has included more than 80 activities in the Life Skills for Tweens Workbook to encourage: Forming relationships and friendshipsDealing with intense feelingsBeing secure onlineSpending money sensibly and sticking to a budgetUsing a compass and going on excursionsMany more applicable abilitiesThe Life Skills for Tweens Workbook is a great resource if you're looking for hands-on exercises to help tweens build the skills they need to grow into self-assured, autonomous teenagers. The ideal companion book for Life Skills for Tweens.

  • av John Taylor

    Travelogue by John Taylor, the Water Poet, describing his journey through the coast of Wales in 1652.

  • av &945, &955, &917, m.fl.
    499 - 537,-

  • av &1497, &1500, &1504, m.fl.

  • av &959, &961, &957, m.fl.
    473 - 499,-

  • av 1040, &1089, &1091, m.fl.

  • av &1497, &1488, &1491, m.fl.

  • av &945, &963, &957, m.fl.
    486 - 537,-

  • av &1575, &1605, &15, m.fl.

  • av &1089, &1086, &107, m.fl.

  • av &1080, &1072, &1085, m.fl.
    486 - 524,-

  • av G. C. McRae

    This Fumbled Kiss is a collection of G.C. McRae's sensually rich micro-poems. In it, he takes on topics like first dumb love, the existential rollercoaster of fatherhood and insights from funerals with equal enthusiasm. Known for his humorous picture books and timeless fairy tales, McRae here turns the focus on his own life, where he finds that

  • av Alphonso Williams

    Our lives are nothing more than a complication of events. Every moment, every action, and every decision, all add up to form who we are and how we lived. But some moments are more important than others. Moments like the death of a loved one, the decision to go after their killer, and what you do when you finally hunt him down, all come together to define who we are.In this epic saga, Thaddeus tries to define who he is as he goes through pivotal moments of his life. Would he remain the same or would he change? And if he does, what would he become? Determined to step out of the path that his father had followed, Thaddeus tries to find his own path in the dark cold world that snatched his sister's life.

  • av Fauzia Najm

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